Mixed Feelings

I could feel the warmth of her cheeks, looking around frantically.

" Akabe... "

She was lost in thought, biting her lips.

I was charmed by her soft lips only inch away but I hesitated.

She holds my hand which is on her cheeks.

I thought that she was going to remove it but she gave it a squeeze.

It made my heart to skip a beat.

Both of us were blushing hard but she was subtle, continuing to give me mixed signals.

" Huu... i'm gonna go crazy. " she murmurs.

" I won't leave, you shouldn't cry about that. " only this is the thing I could do for her right now.

When she heard only a sheepish smile appears on her face.

She seems to be a bit okay with this.

Her eyes was searching for something which was my eyes.

Finally our eyes met once again.


I could feel my heart aching, ready to burst out.

This sudden stream of emotion is overpowering me.

I was holding the face of beautiful girl who's not even my girlfriend.

A complete level-up, I haven't even reached hand holding yet!

I who's completely troubled was very different from Yuki, in fact it's like she was captivated by it.

With the distance between our faces slowly fades away, she closed her eyes.

I asked myself, " Isn't this too fast? But then again... isn't this what I wanted? "

I tried my best to fight over it but I failed, the moment I glance at her lips was my death.

It was too much to endure, worse to say no to.

I slowly drag my face closer to her, and our lips...

The image of me kissing Yuki, became a fantasy as it was interrupted by a loud bang.

The door slid before us while we're busy on ourselves.

I was startled and quickly let go of my hand on Yuki's face and looked on who it was.

Yuki softly groan and open her eyes slowly.

A girl who's looking at us with a death glare was no other than...

" Enju?! " I frozed up seeing her standing by the door.

" How will you explain this? "

Explain what?

" How dare you. "

Huh? Her face is full of contempt.

Is she...

" You damn womanizer virgin, Akabe!! "

" W-wait... let me explai– "


I was knocked out.

A complete K.O

If I die here, I want my next life to have a harem.

But I was woken up by this damned world, not letting me go.

So it was just a nightmare, huh?

That's way too realistic, considering that something down in me is very stiff.

I rose up from the bed and goes into the living room to take a breather.

" It's about time that you finally decided to open your damn eyes." I looked to find out on where it was and it was from Enju who was sitting on the chair.

Her face is filled with contempt once again.

I could even feel a trace of murderous vibe from her.

" What are you doing at here, Enju? "

But she completely ignores me and closed her eyes while looking away.

" Hmph. " she said.

That was cute and rude at the same time.

" Enju, I'm asking you! Can you atleast answer? You're trespassing! "

Enju laughed at those words, as if mocking it.

" A best girl like me? Doing such an inappropriate thing, you're being delusional. Even if you asked them, i'm sure they will agree with me. Why? Because i'm beautiful. "

Her overflowing confidence is one thing but she the right to back it up so I can't deny that.

" And let me correct you, if you were to report this. I think you'll be more likely to be accused more than me. "

So cold, if she hate me that much why is she even here?

" Cut me some slack, Enju. I'm really stressed because of the club. "

" Club? "

" Yeah? What about it? "

" How many people are in that club? "

" Well there's five of them, make it six if you include me. "

Her eyebrow raised, " And? "

I could sense some threat with her words.

" What? Is there still something to share? "

She slammed the table which scared me a bit.

" So that's where you're spending most of your time, that's why you're always late to go home. " she nods.

" Who's in that club? "

" Do I really have t-- " her eyebrows starts to bent from my complains.

" Okay, for starters there is Yuki the club's president. Rika, Eri, Chiharu and Sophie. "

I finished my words but Enju seems to be waiting for more.

" That's it. "

" What do you mean " that's it. " do you seriously thought that I would believe such lies? " she stated.

" I'm serious, why would I lie about that? There's nothing to gain from it. "

She can't seems to process it as she continued to press me.

" How about the guys? "

" I don't know but base on what Yuki, i'm the only one. "

I heard something break as Enju stood up.

She starts walking but that's towards the door.

She walked past me.

What's her deal?

" Don't. I don't want to hear your voice. " there's a hint of emotions in her words.

By how she says it, I could feel that she's bothered.

But there's no way to tell, she's way past me and she's facing the other way.

" Akabe, I... "

I could only look at her back, waiting for another words.

But she never finished it.

She rushed outside and left me.

" Enju... "

I dropped a huge sigh.

These past few days is going on a very weird route for me, I wish I could get a break from these.

" Yuki and now Enju! This girls are driving me crazy. "

" Tommorow, i'm gonna do my best and avoid any troublesome matters! "

That's what I promised to myself.

A carefree tommorow.

Which I thought would happen.

But once I open the club's door, I saw two girls arguing at something.

" You have to listen to me. I'm going to be the new leader here from now on. " the first girl demanded.

And internal arguement? No.

" That's an absurd request, not only that I don't support this but I also hate people like you. " the second girl objects.

Then is it a couple's argument? Unlikely.

It's more than that.

Chiharu, Rika and Eri was just watching it unfolds.

They don't even give a damn about it.

My appearance however breaks the ice as both of them stopped nagging at each other.

" Akabe! " both of them shouted.

" Can you please tell your puny leader right here that what i'm saying make sense? " Enju ordered.

" Ha? Can you stop being unreasonable? Your demands are not beneficial at all. " Yuki replied.

" I just arrived... what does it have to do with me? " I tried to dodge their question but it backfires at me.

" Gosh, you're so useless. " Enju exclaimed.

But that's when the real mediator appeared.

A wild Sophie appeared!

" How about this then? Have a contest. " Sophie entered the room proposing a solution.

" A contest? What kind of contest? " I asked her.

" Since you two are so worked up, how about an acting contest? " she smirked.

" That's not bad idea, You guys should do it! " Rika clapped her hand, delighted about the brilliant plan Sophie made.

Enju nodded, " That's not a bad proposal. "

It seems that the girls liked the idea.

Great save, Sophie!

But isn't Yuki in a disadvantage here? I asked myself.

I gave Yuki a look and she crossed her arms.

" Sure, I'll accept that. This way I can prove it that i'm better. " she said confidently.

It's good that she trust her own abilities.

Enju on the other hand smiled in amusement.

" It doesn't matter, it's a sure win for me. " Enju brags.

This turns into an interesting battle between the girls.

I wonder who would win?

" If I win, you'll let me join this club. I'll also be the leader. "

" And what if you lose? " Yuki pressed her further but Enju replied fast enough, showing her dominance.

" Lose? That's not in my vocabulary but sure since you're so hopeful that you'll win. I'll never bother you again. "

That's an uneven bet, what does Yuki think about this.

" Deal. " she accepted despite of being in a disadvantage.

I said this because I know that Enju is a good actor.

But then again, I don't have full knowledge on Yuki's skill.

And so, the contest began.

When Enju left, Yuki asked me to accompany her to buy materials at the mall.

" Yuki, are you sure about this? The contest? " I asked her.

" It's nothing, don't think too much about it. " she's way more relaxed than I thought.

She might really win this.

But why did Enju suddenly barged in into our club?

There must be a reason.

Could it be that? No, probably not.

Yuki looked at me for a second, when I looked back she quickly looked away.

Which flashed me back to what happened between us yesterday.

" Yuki, about yesterda-- " my words were stopped by Yuki's head swaying.

" N-no! Forget about that! " Oh.

When we arrived at the clothing shop, Yuki quickly dashed in.

" Are you going for the casual ones? " I followed her as she eagerly look for something.

" No, i'm probably gonna choose formal ones since it needs to be presentable. "

She couldn't forget the fact that Enju's a woman as well.

I waited for her to finish on picking, that's when Yuki called me out.

" Can you come here? I need your help with something. " I quickly checked to see if she was okay.

" Is there something wrong? "

The dressing room's curtain suddenly moves slightly.

" I want your honest opinion on this... " she swayed the curtain exposing her in a beautiful dress. "

She was so alluring.

" Wow... " I said, captivated by her beauty.

She realized that I was staring at her and push the curtain back.

" So? " I could only hear her voice as she curtain hides her.

" It's hot. " I said.

The thoughts of seeing Yuki in that dress turns me on.

" I'll wait for you outside–okay? "

" No! " I tried to get away but I stopped.

" Please, Stay here. "

What a selfish request, I allowed it and stand by the curtain waiting for her to say a word.

" Akabe... what do you think of me? "

I was surprised by her question. In fact, I didn't expect that she would ask me this type of question.

The string of fate is messing my heart real bad, I'm squished by mixed feelings.

On the other hand this is so cliche.

" You're cute, Yuki. "

I could her giggle behind the curtain.

She's so adorable.

Now i'm conflicted between love and sexual satisfaction.

" Then look only at me for now–okay? " she slowly pull the curtain away revealing her sweet smile.

I could felt my heart skip a beat when she said that.

Today, Yuki... was very attractive.

" Enough of that already! If you're finished buying go out. " I tried to brush off my embarassment by scolding her but she didn't budge.

" Sure, I don't want to keep troubling you. "


The scanner sounds after the dress was purchased.

" Oh, about the contest, any updates? "

Yuki placed her finger on her lips, thinking.

" That Enju girl contacted me soon after she left, I was really surprised on how she knows my number. But base on what she said it will be held on the school's theater. "

" Plus she said that there will be judges. "

" So? Is it a solo performance? "

Yuki gave me a puzzled look.

" I think i'll be doing something big. "

" You'll be included. "

Huh? Did I hear that right?

" Hold on, what does this have to do with me? "

" It's a secret. "

Being a part of the performance yet I don't know what will I be playing at.

Guess i'll be a tree.

" I only thought of this right now but i'm now decided that I want you to help me win. "

I don't really have the nerve to turn her down.

And here I promise not to intrude in someone's business.

" There's no out of this? "

" Nothing, you were caught up in this mess the moment you entered the room. "

Is she implying that it's my fault? I'm totally unrelated here! I'm just added in the cease fire.

" Fine. "

Our coversation continues as we head out of the store, soon after we seperated.

What should I do now? I guess going home would be my best option since it's not like I have a date to attend.

While I was busy deciding on what to do to easen my bordem, I heard a familiar voice near me.

" Will you please stop bothering me? You're creeping me out. "

" Oh come on, we can have some fun. "

" I already told you, right? I don't want to. "

" Don't be a bitch now and come with us! "

I looked on where it was and saw a girl that's being cornered by two men.

I gave it a closer look to confirm my suspicion.

" Chiharu? " I called her as the two men turned around and looked at me.

When Chiharu saw me, her frightened look disappears as she rushed towards me and gave me a hug.

Because it was so sudden, I almost fell.

" Where have you been? I've told you to pick me up early. " she brushed her face on my chest.

Chiharu? Is she making up an excuse.

I gave the two men a glance and then back to Chiharu.

It looks like she was really uncomfortable with them, her hug begans to tighten.

" Hey, brat. Get out of here, she's ours. So Capiche! "

What the hell is this guy saying? He probably have some screw loose.

" Yeah! Trying to steal out girl in front of us. You got a lot of nerve. "

" How about this, fool. Let us use her first once we're done we'll return her back. How's that? " The guy laughed.

" Are you dumb? " I asked the guy and he grit his teeth at me.

" What did you say? I'm gonna beat you up! "

Although I don't have much experience at fighting, I got an extreme urge to punch this guy out.

First you disrespect Chiharu and now you're threatening me.

I could feel my veins popping out in my face as I bit my lip down, surpressing my anger.

Calm yourself down, Akabe. There's two of them, if you act recklessly then Chiharu might get hurt.

Chiharu removes her hand at me and faced them.

" Listen, this guy is my boyfriend so can you please go away now? "

" Boyfriend? This wimp? I can satisfy you more than this fucker. " one of them brags.

" Chiharu? "

" Hmm? "

" We don't believe you! We need some proof. "

" Yeah! Show us proof! "

The two of them continue to pressure Chiharu but she simply slid her hands on mine and hold it.

She then raised it while smiling showing it to them, " How's this? "

I could see the redness in her cheeks as she do this.

God, if she keep this up i'll probably lose it.

She really knows how to use her charm.

" Hand holding? What are you a kid? You're not convincing anyone here. " said the guy in front.

" Yeah, even I can do that. "

This guys are really desperate on getting a piece of her.

" Uhm? Let's see. " Chiharu slightly panicked and looked at me.

Running out of choices, Chiharu pulled me closer.

I was unsure on what's going to happen but she moved her head closer to me.

Sinking her lips on mine.

That was my first kiss... was stolen.