First Kiss

I couldn't believe my first kiss was from Chiharu.

She pulled me much closer as she wraps her hand around my neck, sinking our lips together.

" Mhm, ahh. " she twitched as I kissed her back.

Woah, woah, this is becoming erotic.

She slowly pulled back after that while her eyes was focused on me.

I was beet red when she kissed me.

The two men couldn't believed what they saw and whailed.

" What the–she really kissed him! "

" Are they really couples? "

Chiharu now looked back at the two of them with confidence.

" Is that enough? If not then. " Chiharu grabbed my arm and placed it on her other shoulder.

She's so aggresive, she really knows how to play it well.

" I think i've showed you enough, so please go away now. If you're still gonna insist further then I will call the cops. " she threatened.

The other men clicked his tounge and left followed by the other.

Chiharu finally released a sigh of relief.

" That was close! "

She then looked at me.

" If you weren't here I would be in big trouble! "

True, if I wasn't here and those guys used force I don't think she'll be safe.

" Chiharu, was that your first kiss? " I blushef at my own question but so is Chiharu who recalled the scene earlier.

" No, I've kissed many guys before. " she said?

Oh, no wonder why she's good at kissing.

Somehow, I feel a bit of jealousu within me knowing that i'm not her first kiss.

" By the way, why are you at the mall alone? " I asked her.

" Oh me? I'm actually with Sophie but she forgot about something so she asked me to wait for her. "

" But when I did, this men suddenly showed up and tried to get my number. They were really stubborn. " she complained.

I can't blame them, Chiharu has a great frame.

A beautiful gal like Chiharu, I can't believe she was my first kiss.

" Do you like looking at my chest? " an unexpected question came which confused me but also added up to my embarassment.

" I've seen you many times stealing a peek, i'm not mad about it. "

" Since you save me, how about this? " Chiharu slowly pulled her shirt. Revealing a bit of her bust at me along with her bra.

" It was black. " I screamed inside.

" Chiharu-san, you don't have to do that! " she pulled it back up and giggles at my utterance.

" It's okay, it's your reward for saving me. " as our conversation stays out a bit longer than I expected.

A voice called out on Chiharu.

It was a girl wearing a very stylish clothes and a ribbon on the top of her head.

It was Sophie.

" Shit! I almost forgot about you. "

" Who's that guy with you-- urk! " she groaned when she saw my face.

" It's Akabe-kun, I just met him by coincidence. He actually saved me, he's really a nice guy. " Sophie's face couldn't be more disappointed despite of Chiharu doing her best.

It's okay, I have long accepted my fate.

" Is that so? Well thanks for doing that. Anyway, I got you some donuts to compensate. " she stretched her arms and give it to Chiharu who happily accepts her gift.

" Very much appreciated. " she grabs the bag.

" But there's too many of them! " Chiharu gasped when she opened the bag.

" Yeah! That store owner was so weird. He told me that he would give me free ones just for a picture with him. He said I was stunning. " Sophie shrugs while she brags.

" It can't be help. You're very beautiful, Sophie. " I said.

Sophie eyebrows twitched, she then placed her hand in both of her waist.

" O-of course! If you think i'm gonna feel happy because you compliment then you're gonna have some beating! "

" Go and take some if you want. " she laughed nerviously with her eyes closed trying to shift our conversation.

I looked at the bag to see a bunch of donuts.

There are original which are chocolate and strawberry flavour, there's also some twist.

I saw Chiharu who picked the chocolate one so I picked the same.

" Uwaaah, this is so sweet~♡ " she exclaimed.

" You're the best, Sophie! " Chiharu hugs her tightly almost squeezing with her bust.

Sophie was very annoyed to be burried by Chiharu's girly figure as she tried to tap out.

But Chiharu didn't budge and continued to squeeze her.

" Stop! Stop! You're killing me! " she whailed.

" You deserve it. " Chiharu happily squeezes her even tighter than before.

Seeing these two have some fun is enough to cheer me up. But I also had a mixed feelings within me.

" God, I wish that was me. " I murmur gently.

I went back home afterwards when Sophie insisted to Chiharu that she wants to go home.

Now i'm just resting on my bed thinking on where my life was drifting.

I thought about the girls for a while.

There's Enju, Yuki, Sophie and Chiharu. There'd also Rika and Eri.

Now that I think about I have less interaction with Rika and Eri.

That's probably because Rika has other duties on library and Eri usually is very busy with her eroge.

Speaking of which, I haven't played once in a while.

After getting myself included in their mess, I haven't really got much time to indulge myself.

I opened my phone to browse for some eroge's to play for a while and stumble upon a new game called " Library's Secret. "

Huh, how creative.

The rating of the game is very good too, I should give this one a try.

The story goes by a man who's catching up for his midterm and by some kind of fate. He met an extremely hot student who's also in the same situation as him.

I proceed to play the game until I reached some certain parts.

" I was busy searching for some books without looking on my way, that's when I bump into someone. "

" She has a very good body proportion, she has a good bust size and her thighs were also amazing to look on, however she's very timid. "

" Ha, i'm sorry. I was busy on looking for something. "

" The girl then bows at him and apologized continiously which worried the guy and so he reassured her that it's okay. "

Nice pacing, it's not all about sex. They build up some tension too.

" The girl then brushed the hair from ears and bit her lips down. "

Would you look at that? Is the girl feeling something else aside from being horny on the guy she randomly met?

The answer for that is no, that's unlikely to happen.

" Please be at ease, hey. How about this? Let's study together. " The guy proposed which made the girl very happy. "

" The girl nods excitedly and moves forward but she misplaced her footing and falls over to the guy. " Thud! Both of them collapsed onto the ground. "

" A soft body was resting on mine as I scratched my head, ouch! " I looked at her and she slowly lift her body which is on top of me. "

" I could feel my heart racing as I looked at her, she was so captivating but her body is also making me very stiff down there. "

" I'm sorry... uuuh... " the girl's cheek was flushed. " I was staying still trying not to touch her as it might anger her. I couldn't help to look at her chest. "

" I gulped as she tried to move slowly but her thighs made in contact with my pants which caused me to harden and blushed. " I.. uh.. i'm s-sorry! " The girl tried to move once again but her body was going weak. "

Goddamn, their just going at it.

I continued to play the game for more until it took me to realize that it's already night.

" Oh fuck. I was side tracked! "

I closed the game off and goes up on my bed to prepare for the night.

Next day arrives and I was rushing because I forgot to set my alarm yesterday.

" Damn it. I even planned everything perfectly yesterday! "

There's no helping it, instead of complaing it's way better to just get moving.

I arrived at the class just in time way exhausted more than I expected.

I was greeted by a judgeful gaze by my classmates.

I looked around to see Enju who's being circled by most of the class

She didn't looked at me so I simply ignored the others and sat at the back near the window.

" You were pretty late. "

" Yeah! Man, I forgot my alarm because I was side tracked a bit too much yesterday. " I let out an exasperated sigh.

Wait a minute? Who?

I looked at my side to see a girl who's busy playing on her phone.

" Eri?! " I shouted.

Everyone looked at me which caused me to be embarassed and apologetic.

" W-what are you doing here? " I asked her.

She looked at me and hands me a cookie.

" What the? " but it was continued by a " Have one. "

" Thanks? " is that a new way to avoid being asked.

I take a bite on the cookie she gave and moved my chair a bit closer to her.

" Oh? So you're also playing that game? I was playing that yesterday. "

" Is that why you're late? " she asked as she tapped on the screen a bit slower this time.

It looks like she's reading the dialogue a bit more eagerly this time.

" I've actually stopped at the first scene. But I got to say the girl is really hot. " I said.

" Do you like girls with big ones? " she asked as she grabbed some cookie and placed it on her mouth.

Her eyes was focused on the female lead's body.

" I like any sizes, what's important is what the woman feelings about me. " Akabe lies as he breathe.

I could see her smile slightly as she bite down on her cookie.

" I see... "

After our interactions, the class started by our professor announcing something.

" Listen class, to anyone who a club here that still hasn't presented any activities. They will be abolished at the end of this month. "

At the end of this month? That's only two weeks from now on!

But why did they just announced this now? Did Yuki knee about this? Yet she still accepted Enju's challenge?

This is starting to become more stressful that I thought.

How will Yuki handle this?

The first bell rang which is the recess and someone outside opens up the door.

Everyone looked at that person and they were shocked.

" W-who's that? She's cute. "

" Does she already have a boyfriend? "

" She's way more beautiful than Enju-- "

" Shut up! Enju will hear you. "

The girl smiled and called out for someone.

" There you are, Akabe! " she smiled.

Everyone goes " EHHH! " almost all of them couldn't believe that someone like Yuki is trying to find someone like me.

I noticed Enju looking at me so I rushed out and approached Yuki.

" Yuki? What are you doing here?! " I couldn't remove the uneasy feeling of being stared on by my classmates.

" There won't be any club meetings for today, I came her personally since neither Rika and Sophie would want to. "

" Thanks, Yuki. But can I ask why? " I was a bit saddened that I couldn't see them but mostly because of Yuki's situation.

Yuki smiled bitterly, " I–just need to do something. Yeah, something personal. "

I could feel the pain in her words.

I grabbed her shoulder gently and looked at her intently which caused her to blush along with her eyes that's confused.

" W-what is it? " she opened her mouth slightly out of shock.

" Listen, if you're having a hard time. I'm here. No, we're here for you. " she squeaked a bit and looked down on the floor while drumming her fingers.

" Yes, I know that. " she nods two times.

She touched my hand which was in her shoulder.

" Your hand is so comforting. " she shyly smile at me which made my heart to skip a beat.

She's so adorable!

" Look at you two, being lovey dovey. " an annoyed voice came out from behind and it was from Enju.

I could see everyone stood up and peeked at the window the moment she appears.

" You again? " Yuki goes in front of me facing Enju.

I thought their mess was already done but I guess I was wrong, it became even worse.

" You're always sticking wherever Akabe goes. Don't tell me you like him? " Enju pressed on her.

Yuki paused for a bit.

" No... But he's a very important member in my club so as the leader it's only normal for me to consult him. "

" Why does it matter if i'm here or not, aren't you doing the same? " she added.

" There's no way that i'll do something like that. " Enju strongly denied that idea.

The tension increases as more students in the hall starts to gather.

I pulled Yuki gently to get her attention but it was futile.

She was solely focused on Enju.

I could even see the spark between their eyes.

This two is just like a water and oil.

Truly a non-polar relationship.

" Oh, look at that. So this is the reason why there's a huge crowd. " a girl walked past Enju and goes in between.

It was no other than Sophie.

" You two, are you really going to start a mess in this place? Don't you have a contest to settle this on? " everyone started to gossip when they heard what Sophie said.

" Contest? Have you heard of it? "

" I'm not sure but there's been a rumor spreading that the theater is reserved for a day. "

Am I seeing this right? Is Sophie using the crowd as a leverage to stop them from clashing further? Not only that but she also exposed their secret contest.

Both of them were shocked by Sophie's action and looked at her.

Sophie simply gave them a cheeky smile.

" What? The more the merrier. "

It looks like there was no backing down on this.

Knowing these two, that's probably the last thing they would do.

" Sure, I don't mind. I'm not easily flustered by attention, in fact. I live with it. " Enju brags showing a confident smile.

Yuki on the other hand was a bit shy, " Yeah, it's okay. Let's do that. " her voice was a bit shaky.

" There you have it, now you guys should split up or else you'll attract more attention. Hey, everyone! The drama is over, go find something else to do! " Sophie clapped her hands telling everyone to stop the gossips.

The crowd soon disappears in the hallway.

" Since there's a matter at my club, can we hasten the due date for our contest? Let's use the end of this week. " Yuki took the intiative.

" It doesn't matter, I will win no matter what odds it may be. " Enju flipped her hair and walked away.

" That girl is so arrogant. " Yuki hissed.

" That's just jealousy. " Sophie commented which caught our attention.

" Jealous? Her? There's no way. " I strongly disagree but Sophie did not waver.

" You can't tell either way, it's a women intuition. You don't have that. " she taps on the side of her head.

" Are you implying that i'm dumb? " but all she did was to smirked at me.

So that's how they see me? Well, their not wrong but still.

" By the way, where's Chiharu? "

" At the classroom, I don't know. I'm not her parent. " Sophie simply walks away after the drama was over leaving me and Yuki alone.

" So... " I tried to take the intiative this time but...

" I-i'm gonna go too, see you tommorow! " Ah, there she goes.

I was now all alone at the hallway.

Waiting for something.

That's when a girl approached me.

" Hey, Akabe. " It was Eri who called me.

" What is it? " I asked her but she hesitates a bit.

" I need your help with something... "