The Real You

Eri approached me while she holds her phone on her other hand.

" About what? " I asked her.

Now that I think about it, this is our first time together.

I better grab this chance because there might be no next time.

" I'm hungry, want to join me? I'll head to the cafeteria. "

I nodded at her and we walked together.

There was a barrier between us, just like with Yuki before.

But this time, I tried to break it.

" Is it okay if I asked something? " I used this chance to know more about Eri.

It would be hard to start a conversation since she was a meek.

" Do you usually eat alone? I noticed that you're not very close with our classmates. " I pointed out.

Eri, took a long guess but nothing came out from her mouth.

My hopes on being knowing more about Eri failed miserably, so I awkwardly sticked with her until we reached the cafeteria.

When we entered, a lot of students were dining in.

I looked around to see if there's someone we know but it was interrupted when Eri grabbed onto my shirt and starts pulling it.

She to get my attention in which she succeed on doing so.

When I looked at her, she a bit shaken so I was alarmed.

" Oh? the creel visited the cafeteria again. To make it worse, two creeps! " a girl standing before us mocked us which caused the people at the cafeteria to start laughing.

Eri suddenly feel embarassed and looked down to avoid the judgeful gazes of the other students.

" Hey, I'm talking to you. " the girl continue to get Eri's attention but Eri didn't comply which annoyed the girl.

" I said look at me when i'm talking to you! " the girl raised her hand and tried to hit Eri on the face.

I rotated my tilted my body sideway to avoid.

Eri was surprised by the sudden attack and my movements as she hold tight at me.

I grabbed the girl's hand before it could hit any of us.

" Argh! You're hurting me! Let go of me! " she tried to push my hand away but I was holding her hand tightly.

I could feel my anger pent inside ready to hurt this girl who picked on Eri.

" Akabe, don't. " Eri begged.

" Really? But this girl might hurt you again. " I reasoned to her but she shakes her head.

The girl on the other hand tried to pull her hand away a bit forceful this time.

I let go of her as she tripped and fall from behind.

" Next time you bully someone, think twice. " I said with a forceful tone as she looked me with contempt and ran away.

Despite of a lot of eyes peering at us, I was solely focused on Eri's feelings.

" Are you okay? " I looked at her but she avoid me eyes while her head still facing me.

" Mhm. " she said.

By looking at how awkward it was for Eri to stay here, I grabbed her hand and went out of the cafeteria.

" Wait... where are we going? " she said with a hint of surprise on her face.

" Do you still want to eat there after that? " she went silent after hearing my question.

" Don't worry, I know a better place. "

With a couple minutes of walking, we reached the rooftop.

" Eh? " Eri was surprised to be taken here.

" Here, no one will bother and judge you. Perfect for Eri, no? "

" But we don't have any food at all. "

" Don't worry about it. " I could see that Eri was still unsure about my plan.

" I'll go buy us some food, wait here. "

She nods and waits for me patiently as I got down at the stairs to quickly buy her some food.

" That would be ¥248 for this and ¥510 on the other one. "

I grab the food I bought which is placed on a plastic bag and rushed back to Eri.

But when I came back, she was no longer there.

Did she leave?

Could it be that the bully goes to pick on her?

What if something bad happens to her?

I couldn't be as optimistic as I could be as I searched for her.

I rushed back downstairs only to find someone who made a sharp turn and who's about to go up.

That person was busy idling on their phone and couldn't notice me.

I tried to shift my step to avoid them but I misplaced my footing and tripped.

My body launched itself in the air as I tried my best to get the person below me their attention.

" Ahh!! Dodge!! " I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.

" Waaaaah! " the person screamed.

I fell onto her along with my goods and we both hit the floor.


A loud noise was heard after our collision.

We're both stunned by the impact.

Somehow, my face didn't faceplant on the floor.

But from something... soft?

" Auuu... my body hurts... " the person whailed.

I feel a bit dizzy as I raise my head from this soft pillow?


" So that's why my face didn't hurt, it wasn't a floor it was a chest. " I told myself.

" Wait a chest?!! "

I was so ashamed but I was also very excited by this so called unfortunate event.

" I'm sorry! I'm very sorry! " I apologized very loudly as she continue to cry.

My head was still spinning as I tried to lift my head more, I rubbed my eyes to see who it was.

It was Eri.

Her shirt was completely wet as she cries from the pain.

I could see her bra's through her uniform which is drenched by the sweet smell of cola as her both hands were raised upwards.

Her position was very hot but also cute.

I couldn't help but to mesmerize on the sight bestowed by heavens.

Good lord.

Her tears fades as she wipes it off.

" Huuu... my head hurts... " she looked at me with a squinted eyes, not aware of her situation.

I couldn't open my mouth at all, I was just looking back at her.

I completely forgot that I was still on top of her.

" Eri " I called her name and our eyes locked onto each other.

" Help me... i'm gonna die... waaaa " she sniffed.

I stood up and helped her up.

" Ah... my uniform is a mess! This juice is so sticky. " she tried to wipe it off but the damage was already there.

Eri looked at me, stressed.

" How am I gonna attend the remaining classes now. " she looked at her uniform.

" I was worried. Why did suddenly disappear? " I gave her a pensive squint.

She scratched her cheek and laugh nerviously,

" Oh right, my bad. "

A cold breeze went past us and Eri started to shake like crazy.

" So cold! Achoo! " she already caught up a flu? That was so fast.

" This is your fault.. haaa! " she hugged herself while shivering.

I started to feel guilty for her so I pulled her close and gave her a hug.

" D-don't hug me all of a sudden! What is.. ahaaa... you're so warm. " she nugged her head at my chest.

" Let's find a room to dry you out. " I lookef around and remember a good one.

" Ah I know! The storage room, no one mostly go there so. "

" Is this where the a heroine like me gets a route? "

I lead her to the room as this was our only option.

Eri surely wouldn't like to walk on a long hallway with a drenched clothing.

No one would.

I shut the door behind us, I looked at Eri who went at sat at the side.

She starts rubbing her shoulders, trying to warm herself up.

I sat next to her.

" Akabe, you asked me earlier why I have no one to eat with, right? "

Oh? So she did hear what I said earlier.

Did she thought it was a bad time to reveal it? Now that it's just the two of us.

I assumed it was the right time for her.

She slowly opened her mouth, mustering her courage to speak.

" Well you see, i'm very awkward at talking to people. "

" Not to mention, I have this which cause some girls to envy me. " she refered to her chest.

She smiled bitterly, " Ever since that girl arrived they started calling me names which caused my reputation to get worse. From no friends to absolutely someone they hate. " she hid her face on her arms.

" I really don't know. But it's probably also when they discovered my eroge addiction and used it as a fuel. "

" They even started to call me a pervert but I guess that's not a lie? " she joked.

Trying her best to light up the mood it only made me more worried about her.

" I wish I could go back and be able to talk to others, I wish I can have good friends. " she said, her voice a little bit low.

I leaned in a little closer, to hear her voice more clearly.

Since the room was so small and tight, I could her faint breathing.

" But it's not all about sad memories, I met a lot of amazing people. Yuki, and the others. They appreciated me. " she looked up while she said this.

She must've been through a lot.

" I actually tried to end myself once. I don't know out of pressure and lack of motivation. I even questioned what's the point of living once. " the light problem of Eri became heavier the longer she talked.

I could feel pain everytime she opens her mouth.

Turns out the girl who loves eroge wasn't just a simple girl.

" I-- i'm so pathetic. " she shaked her head.

" Do you think the time will arrive where i'll have someone that will love me unconditionally? " she murmurs that it's almost became inaudible if it wasn't said in this room.

Her words bear weight heavier than before, in the end.

Eri was just a girl who wanted love and attention.

" Eri " I called her name.

She looked at me.

I could feel the strong desire to comfort her as I gently move my face close to her.

She blushed and stood up avoiding me.

" I-it looks like my shirt is dried up! let's go! " she quickly stand up panicking, she rushed at the door.

I followed her and waits for her as she grabbed on the door knob.

I felt a little bit of disappointment as she was ready to twist it but before she did she said something.

" Please forget about what happened today. Don't tell anyone about this. "

She twist the door knob but it didn't budge to her command.

" What? "

She tried to open it again but nothing happened.

In the end she became frustrated kicked the door.

" What the. Are we stucked? "

She groaned and went back to sit on the corner.

" I'm gonna call them. "

" Wait for a minute. " she picked up her phone but her face quickly changes and showed her phone to me.

" M-My phone's dead! " she shouted.

" What do we do? urgh... " she sulked.

" I'll check mine. " I grabbed my phone from my pocket only to see that it was also drained.

How convinient.

" Mine's dead too. " I sat beside her as we both wait for a miracle to happen.

They said that only miracle only happen once, we need it now!

We waited and waited but no one came.

That's when a cold wind blew past and Eri's body twitched from the cold.

" Hiyaaaaaah! So cold! " she curled up trying to lessen the breeze.

" This is so cliche. " I tried to joked about our current situation.

" Haha, yeah. " it went positively as she laughed.

I could feel the coldness too because I made a contact with Eri earlier and her drenched clothes got a bit on me.

" What should we do? " she said, desperate for something.

" Eri, come closer. " she furried her eyebrows when I told her what to do.

Whilst looking at me, my eyes laid upon her body once again.

I gulped wrapped my hands around her and embrace her soft body.

" Heeee?! " she squinted her eyes as our body touches.

" I-I said stop doing that... you-- " she was clearly embarassed by my sudden actions but if she really hated the idea she could've pushed me away.

My heartbeat penetrated through as we feel our bodies warmth.

" Hmm " she gently hummed.

" It's no so bad. " she said in a low voice.

She rest her head on my chest which startled me a bit.


My heartbeat raced ever higher when she did this.

" Ahaha, your so nervous. " she giggled.

Eri slowly lift her head upward and looked at me with such gentleness in her eyes.

She was a little bit confusion but it was clear.

It was this time that she tried to reach for me trying to lessen our gap.

She struggled a bit as she wiggle her body which made me laugh.

" W-what? I was trying to-- haaa. " she blushed.

" Ahaaa! Release me i'm dying from embarassment. Quick! " she burried her face at me.

" You're the first one to make me act this way. You're also making me feel these kind of weird things. This is your fault. "

I didn't know Eri has a side like this, it was so new to me.

I was happy that I was the first one she showed this side.

" Face me. " she demanded as she turn her face to me once again.

She closed her eyes and starts to pucker her lips.

Due to the tension build up between us, I was pulled forward and hesitated a bit.

Akabe! Isn't this what you wanted? go for it.

I surrendered to my urges and kissed her.

She was shocked at first and even made her release soft moan but she soon accepted it and we exchanged a bit more.

" Haaau.. your lips.. " she went for another round of our passionate kissing.

We were both breathing heavily at the end of it.

" Hehe.. I like it. " she gave me a smile as she lean over once again.

Our lips touched, again and again that i've lost count, with our bodies touching together.

I began to feel very stiff down there that it started to poke Eri's body.

Her eyes widen and her blush reaches her ears as she pulled back away from our kiss.

" Haa... haaa.. haaa.. that was too hot " she looked at me deeply, her hands on my chest.

" Your thing... it's poking me. " she mentioned it as she looked down at the buldge on my pants which caused me to be more embarassed than I ever was.

" E-Eri?! " my body starts to shiver in excitement as Eri slowly moves her hand up down to my lap.

Is this it? Is it finally happening?

I was lost in thought as I watch Eri have her way at me.

" Oh~♡ " I let out a moan which surprised Eri.

She gave me a cheeky smile in return.

" So you like that, huh? " there was a playful tone in her voice as she raised herself and sat on my lap.

I could really feel her body way better than before.

It was very soft, I might go wild if she let me.

" So this is what Saechi felt when Masaru touched her. " she refers to a game she played.

" I'm feeling fuzzy and so warm inside, your shaft is making me crazy. " she added.

We both breathed slowly as our eyes locked once again, I kissed her this time without any warning.

" Mhm! " she moaned as we began to continue our unfinished business.

" H-haaaa?! " I stopped kissing her and went to her neck.

She started to hug me tighter from behind as she moaned a bit louder.

" A-Akabe!! No... not there! " her voice was melting.

I couldn't hold back any further, so I grabbed up her waist and squeezes it continuing to kiss her neck.

She started to cry out of pleasure and even going far as grabbing my hair.

" Akabe! Ahh! Stop! You're gonna break me! " she cried.

She pushed herself away from me while staying in our perverted position.

She was panting heavily.

" Haaa... oh no... i'm about to go insane. Let's stop this. " she placed her hand on my shoulder and continue to breathe excessively.

" Let's stop. "

She slowly stood up with her legs shaking.

" I even wet myself.. hauh.. i'm gonna die in embarassment. " she covered her face.

I was just there, not moving an inch, staring at her.

I couldn't process what just happened.

" Akabe? " Eri noticed me who's still unable to move.

" He went crazy, gosh. " Eri slowly pulled her skirt down to fix it.

I looked at her as she turned around and unlocked the door.

Wasn't that locked before?

" He almost made me forget myself. This dangerous. " she holds her cheek and shakes her head to regain her composure.

She looked at me before leaving, I could see her flushed cheeks and wet lips.

Did I?

Did I almost had sex with Eri?

I couldn't believe it as I found myself struggling to stand up.

I walked out of the storage room drained as I try to forget what just happened.

But I couldn't.

There's only one thing in my head.

" I want to feel Eri again... "