
Next day came and Eri's seat was vacant.

The moments of yesterday was still fresh in my mind.

Her lips, eyes and body was the only thing i've been thinking for awhile.

Seeing that she didn't attend class only adds up to my anxiety, I was filled by too many emotions.

I could feel the sadness in my heart, wanting to see her again.

I was pre occupied the entire class trying to find the reason, but I couldn't find it.

I'm conflicted.

Thinking what I should've done.

Did I do it right?


Did I made her uncomfortable?

Those were just in hundreds of questions stuck in my head.

I was practically begging for something to happen.

" Akabe! "


A girl with a rough attitude approached me.

" This guy, this is the second time you've ignored me. You're starting to get on my nerves! "

I looked at her, considering if I should reply or not.

But today, I was not having it.

I chose to stand up which shocked her.

But all I did was leaving the class.

" Hey wai-- " Enju tried to stop me.

I couldn't hear any voices in my head as I was too focused on thinking about Eri.

I went out and bump into Chiharu.

" Oh, Akabe-kun. " She greeted me.

I replied with a bitter smile and turn on the other way trying to avoid any communication.

" What's this feeling? " I asked myself.

I realize that dwelling on this thought would only wound me.

Chiharu leaned on the side as she follows.

" Someone's a bit cloudy today, did you get dumped? " she teased.

" I'm sorry, I was just a bit messy today. " I laughed awkwardly trying to cover my pained expression.

Chiharu's eye narrowed, " I know that I don't have the right to intrude in someone's business but if you ever need some help, i'm here. "

Her words were comforting to say the least, but I don't want to rely on someone.

I felt bad on trying to ignore, i'm such a dick.

" How about we grab a bite? " I offered to easen the mood.

She nods eagerly accepting my offer, " Gladly. "

We arrived at the cafeteria and noticed that only few were dining in today.

A complete parallel to yesterday which is packed.

When we grabbed our trays, a girl waves her hand at us.

Not so fat but not so close.

" Here! " she called us.

It was Yuki, along with Sophie who's busy eating.

We sat beside them, I with Yuki and Chiharu with Sophie.

" Good timing, you two. We just started. "

As usual Yuki welcomed us with her friendly vibe.

I looked at Sophie who just recently ate a spoonful of soup.

She noticed me and gave me a pensive look.

" What? "

My plan to engage with her fails once again.

So unpredictable.

" Nothing. By the way is Rika not here? I rarely see her. "

I learned that Rika has another duty which is an assistant at the library.

She sure is a hard worker.

Being able to have a tight schedule and partake at the club is commendable.

I noticed that Chiharu and Sophie were looking at me.

Well more exactly at the top of my head.

I suddenly felt a soft and heavy object rest on my head.

" I'm here, cutie. " I froze up.

Realizing that it was Rika's chest that was on top of my head, I began to feel some sort of excitement.

" I--I... Your uh... Rika! " I wouldn't dare to move my head.

I just fell into the temptation and embraced the sensation.

Rika puts a bit more pressure on my head as she leaned down.

" You know, I saw Eri earlier at the library. "

" It's like she was going crazy. "

" She kept saying "

" Oh god, he's been on my mind since yesterday. I'm going insane! "

" She even got a warning from the librarian. "

Rika laughed.

" I wonder who made–her–act–like–that? " The way she deliver her words sends shiver into my spine.

" What's with the weird Haiku? Are you having a hard time talking? " Sophie disgruntled.

Does she know?

Am I in trouble?

" Akabe? " Yuki was looking at me with a troubled look.

" Are you okay? "

" He looks a bit sick. " Sophie added.

" It's nothing. " I felt a cold sweat fell on my cheeks.

There was suddenly a drop of silence.

I began to overthink but before I was drowned completely, someone tapped on my cheeks.

Turning my head slightly, the finger sank even deeper.

" Jeez, you're so out of yourself. " I looked at Yuki who's finger was in my cheeks.

Her head was titled from the side as she looked at me.

" Urgh, this two. Have some decency. " Sophie groaned while she eats.

" Eh? What's wrong with that. Are you jealous Sophie? " Chiharu poked Sophie's cheeks in return.

" Wha-- No! Absolutely not! " Sophie slammed the desk flustered.

Everyone looked at the cafeteria looked at her, startled. Which caused her to be more embarassed.

" Urgh! " She closed her eyes and sat on her chair, pissed.

" Hahaha, someone's mad. " Rika teased.

Sophie looked at Rika with teary eyes.

" S-shut up! You fat cow! All you eat just goes in your breast! " she shouted.

Rika suddenly feels attacked on what Sophie said.

" Y--You! How dare you! I'm blessed by the heavens! It's not my fault you're not the same case! "

Both of them started nagging at each other like cats while Chiharu was just laughing on the side.

Seeing them brings comfort in my heart, the darkness slowly disappears.

I suddenly laughed which shocked everyone.

" What? " I looked at them with confusion.

" You laughed. "

" Huh? "

" Someone's finally back. " Chiharu celebrated as Rika pinched both of my cheeks.

" Augh! It hurts, Rika! " I whailed.

" It's okay! " It's not okay!

It was clear that I was troubled by yesterday event but thanks to them, I manage to easen up even if it's only for a little bit.

I was very grateful.

I'll do my best to repay them back when I recovered.

" I have to go now, I still have to finish my duty. "

" The break is almost done anyway. " Rika give her goodbyes to us and leaves.

Next was Sophie who stood up, Chiharu followed.

Yuki was the only one left.

" Do you want to go for a walk? " She asked me.

All of a sudden? But by the way she said it.

This might be something I have to be at.

" Sure, sure. Let me just-- " I noticed that there was bread crumbs on my cheeks and searched for a tissue.

Before I could wipe it off, Yuki leaned closer and wipes the crumbs on my cheeks gently.

She was very careful not to spread it over me as she slowly removes it.

" There. " I touched my cheeks, blushing hard.

" What was that for? You even dirtied yours. " The grip on my spoon loosens as I remain embarassed, unable to look at her.

" Don't mind it, I have a spare. " She reached up from her pockets and showed it to me.

" That's not the point, Yuki. "

" You used that on your face, it's not even worth the trouble. " I kept on denying her kindness but she simply brushed it off by saying.

" You don't have to feel bad about it, I already said that it's okay. Aren't you being selfish for deciding if I should do it or not? "

That's her reason? That's not even selfish! That's what you call consent.

Not that i'm grateful to be serviced by a beautiful girl but what she feels inside is the most important thing for me.

So if I caused her some inconvinience or uncomfortable then... I might repeat the same mistake.

I was so engrossed by idea of Eri, completely forgetting about those who were around me.

It was just one moment, yet it feels like a century.

It was a thorn on my neck.

I want it gone.

But I can't.

Yuki stood up.

" You know what, forget about it. "

She never looked back as she storms off.

She left.

" What a way to go, Akabe. " I was disappointed at myself.

What a piece of shit I was.

I have reconsider my options on where to go next.

Sophie? Absolutely not, she'll be mad if I was there.

Enju? No, there's no reason to. I even ignored her earlier so if I showed up then she'll be more pissed.

How about Chiharu? She's nice, but if I keep on approaching her then she'll be mad at me.

Yuki was out of the option and so was Eri.

There's only one left to go, at the library.

I entered the silent room, full of patrons busy on their books.

I looked around to see if there's anything that might catch my interest.

I was even hoping on an adult boom section but that would be unlikely to happen.

School's a safe place after all.

But maybe I was a bit wrong on that statement, from one of the sections that I was browsing in.

I could hear someone making out, it was a very passionate session.

" Mhm. Aah. " It was very silent at the library so hearing things like this is not new.

I took a peak at one of the case to see it clearly.

Two students, having fun at the library.

It was not a well hidden spot seeing that i'm here.

Aren't these people afraid to get caught?

There's no way.

I tried to lower my head trying to see a bit more but one of the book fell on top of my head.

" Ouch! " I rubbed my head.

The two students were startled by my voice and turned around.

Fortunately, I was laying down so they didn't saw me.

" Who's there? " The guy shouted completely forgetting that he was in the library.

" Babe, don't shout. " The girl tried to calm the guy down but it was too late.

I heard a footstep coming from our direction.

I picked the book up and acted that I was picking to avoid confrontation.

The footsteps gets closer and closer until it stops.

I gulped and looked back to see no one.

" That was close. " I sighed in relief.

I slowly sneaks out but another voice reaches out in the same place where the two students was.

I was intrigued to stay and listen.

" You two got a lot of nerve to make out in this place. "

I looked again to see a voluptuous woman standing near the shelf's window.

Her bust was almost taking the entire space.

Luckily, there was another spot.

A bit lower this time.

I saw her standing on the other side.

" Hey, what about a threesom-- "


The woman didn't let the guy finished his word any further and struck her judgement.

" I'm gonna break your jaw, say it. "

" Hey, you. " the woman seems to imply something as I saw her points her head somewhere.

The other girl understood and leaves, leaving her lover alone.

" Not only that you're a pervert but you're also a scumbag. " She was very angry while the guy begs for mercy.

" She's ruthless, huh. " a voice lingers in my ears, I turn around to see a girl beside me watching the same thing I was on.

" Haa--! " I opened my mouth but my voice couldn't come out.

A girl was beside me, watching the scene unfolds.

" Shh! " she covered my mouth.

It was Rika.

" The librarian will give us her judgement too. Be quiet. "

it looks like she knows how the rule works here.

Being an assistant has its benefits after all.

She's totally right, I don't want a piece of the librarian's beating.

Even though she's a badie, I ain't into that.

" Let's go. " I insisted to no longer stays on this section with Rika.

We sat at the library corners to avoid the groups of serious patrons to have a proper conversation.

" So, what's your purpose here? " She went straight to the point.

I don't really have any reason aside hoping to meet Eri, which didn't happen.

" I want to read some books, to drift from my thoughts. " I said which is partially true.

" Books? I didn't know you're into books. " She was genuinely surprised.

Of course, no one would think so.

I'm mostly at my room playing games.

But I also tend to read some books when i'm tired playing.

" Hold up, i'll grab some good ones. "

After a few minutes, Rika arrived with a books full on her hand.


The stacks of books slammed into the table.

" That's a lot. " I gulped.

I could see Rika's genuine interest in books.

Looking at her build and personality, she's unlikely to like these kind of things.

But I guess I was wrong thinking that she was someone like Chiharu base on the way she looks.

I must've mistaken because Rika looks more composed and dignified compared to Chiharu who's an easygoing person.

But both of them have this playful side that I also enjoy.

Rika started to spread out the books on the table.

There are a lot of options, from thrilling stories to romance.

Pucci, Friends to Lovers.

Theo, Mistaken Fate.

Vicky, Thread.

There was a lot to cover, I was overwhelmed.

" For starters, read this. " Rika handed me a thin one.

" Apolo, Reconcile. " What? This looks like something I might be interested in.

Something I could relate with.

The start was slow pace but the more you read it, the more you get addicted to it. Like a poison, slow but deadly.

" It's well written, I like it. " From hearing my comment about the book, Rika eyes brighten.

She looks very happy.

" Really? I'm glad. " She smiled.

" I used to think that this book was lacking but hearing that from you meant a lot. " What does she mean by that? Is there something that she's hiding?

I used a wild guess.

" Are you a writer? "