It's my turn!

" And there he saw me~☆ "

Turns out it was not a radio singing, but a lady in a good mood.

Yuki was reaching out at her back, putting her bra.

" Whaa--?! " She let out a scream when she saw me.

" I--I gotta turn around, right? " I even asked myself an obvious question before turning around.

" Sorry! I didn't know! "

" It's okay... "

" I was knocking but no one replied. "

" I was too busy... "

We both awkwardly laugh.

" You can turn around now. "

When I looked back, I saw Yuki back at her uniform.

It was a bit messy.

I entered the club fully and closed the door.

" No one's present? "

" No... I mean they went to grab something... "

" Right, so we're here alone? "

Way to make it more awkward, Akabe.

She nodded quickly.

" What were you doing earlier? "

" I was practicing. " She reached up for the plastic bag and handed it to me.

" You can eat some. "

I looked at the bag to see what's inside.

" Buns. "

" Yeah, there's really not much to pick. "

" How's the practice? "

I grabbed up my phone and started scrolling.

" Well it's okay, not that much. "

She doesn't seem to be problematic at all.

" Do you still need my help? "

She sat beside me.

Our shoulder's touching.

She didn't seem to mind as she grab a bun inside the bag.

" What are you checking? " She seems interested on what I doing.

" Ahh, she smells good. " I said.

I looked at Yuki who suddenly stopped talking, I saw her stucked on the bun.

It was just in her mouth, ready to bite.

Wait... Could it be?

" Thank you... hehe... " She was very happy as she took a bite on her bread.

I thought I said it to myself but it looks like I said it carelessly.

" So, what do you need my help for? "

I'm sure that i've already finished helping her on the costume.

So the next should probably be...

" Dancing. "

" Dancing? " I raised my eyebrow, intently waiting to hear the rest of her requedt.

" We'll go to a ballroom! " She raised her fist.

Not a bad idea.

But why with me?

If it's a solo performance then.

" It's a solo performance but going alone to rent is pretty expensive. If two were to go, the price would be half and will get a discount. "

Great plan.

" Sure, that's smart thinking of you. " Yuki placed her finger on her nose, proud of her choice.

" Of course! "

" So when? "

" I just needed to tell you this today, but our meeting at the mall should be tommorow. "

" What time then? "

" 9 AM sharp. "

" We could be even more early but this would be perfect if we want to avoid traffic. "

Her plan should work out since the ballroom opens at 8:30 prior to our assigned meeting.

While we were busy planning on our tommorow's schedule, two girls entered the club.

" Oh, you two. " One of them noticed us.

It was Rika and Chiharu.

" Akabe! " Chiharu took a seat next to mine while Rika chose the front seat.

" Is that buns? I want one! " She leans in, closening our gap.

Her bust touching me.

" Cough. I'll do it for you. " I looked at Yuki who's a bit annoyed by this and gave a bun to Chiharu.

" Thank you, Yuki. " Chiharu smiled sweetly as she nommed on the bread.

" What were you two talking about? " Chiharu chose to dive in.

" Nothing, really. " Yuki pulled me in, squeezing me with hers.

" W-whaa--? " I looked at Yuki, puzzled.

" Because if prez's not gonna need him, i'll borrow him. " Chiharu pulled back, making my shoulder sink in her mountains.


I feel fullfiled.

I couldn't help but to feel embarassed as both of them pulled me, left to right.

The door opens once again and two girls entered.

This time it was Eri and Sophie.

" What are you guys doing?! " Sophie's reaction was unexpected.

" What do you think, Sophie? " Chiharu happily looked as Sophie, squeezing me harder.


" This is where the main character have his cliche heaven! I'll help. " Eri looked motivated as she walked closer to us.

She goes behind me and gave me a hug.

" WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!! " I could feel the heavens, left to right but now at the back as well.

I was getting dizzy as I struggle breathing.

All I know is I was hard as steel, up and down.

It was like I was held hostage.

The type of situation i'll always like.

" Prez, you're squeezing him. How about you let him go? " Chiharu argued.

" What? I have a business to settle with him. "

" Enough, you guys. " Eri cutted them off as she lowers her hand on my chest.

" Stop! Stop! Stop! " I cried, trying to break free.

Both of the girls on my side were surprised when Eri took the intiative.

" To satisfy a man, you gotta help him down here. "

" I DON'T NEED THAT KIND OF HELP, LET ME GO! " I was dying in embarassment.

I wanted to escape, but the other side of me yells " Yes! More! "

The perverted mind overwhelmed me as they have their way at me.

Sophie snapped and slammed the desk.

" You disgusting bastards! "

The three of them were shocked.

One by one let go of their arms on me as I finally manage to breathe properly.

" Thank you, Sophi--! "

" You shut your mouth, womanizer! "

It looks like she was really at this time.

Rika who's busy fiddling her phone spoke up.

" She's just a maiden in love, jealous because she couldn't do what she wants. "

Rika poetically spoke.

Sophie's face changed completely and went blushing.

" Ha! You dare compare me to these girls? Oh please, i'm much much stronger to them. "

" There's no way i'll fell for him. " Sophie gave us a cheeky smile.

" Sure. " Rika smirked.

She sat down and reached for the buns.

But it was too far since it was placed in front of me.

She stood up from the seat but it was still unreacheable for her.

" Argh... " She tried her best but it wasn't enough.

I grab a bun and gave it to her.

" Here. " I smiled while reaching it to her.

She quickly grabbed it and looked away.

" Hmph! If you think i'll be happy for that, dream on! " She took a bite.

Chiharu then faced Yuki.

" Prez, the contest is almost near. Goodluck. "

" Yeah! We'll cheer for you. " Eri sat at the furthest and opened her laptop.

" Thanks guys... "

" But i'm not very confident. "

" You'll beat Enju! She doesn't look like much of a threat, I bet she's bad at acti-- " Before Chiharu finished her words, I cutted her off.

" No, you're wrong. "

Everyone looked at me, I wasn't against anybody.

I'm not on anyone sides either.

But that's not right.

" Enju's good, i've seen it. "

The room went silent.

" Y-yeah! Just like what he said. That's why I have to do my best. " Yuki, a bit down continued our conversation.

" Whatever happens, you'll always be our prez. " Chiharu gave Yuki a thumbs up.

Yuki who accepted the bet looked at the ceiling, is she contemplating? I don't know.

But from the looks of it, she'll face this challenge and will never run away from it.

That's the president that I know, if I dare say so myself.

I hope nothing bad happens.

Tommorow came and I arrived at the mall a bit early than our estimated meeting.

8:40 AM, I couldn't make her wait.

In fact it's better for me to wait and not her.

Minutes later she arrived too, surprised to see me here.

" You're a bit early. "

" I could say the same thing to you. " Her hair was straight out, along with her sleeveless shirt.

She has her yoga pants as well, I couldn't help but to steal a look at her a couple of times.

I didn't know she'll be this cute.

" Let's go? "

" Yeah, sure. "

We went inside the mall to kill some time.

I could see that almost every guy was looking at Yuki's beautiful build, can't blame them.

Having a girl like her beside you is a jackpot.

She smiled at me when she caught me looking at her which caused me to blush a bit.

I'm so lucky.

To be able to walk with her but to also meet other girls.

My life's way better compared before.

" Aha, there! " She grabbed my hand and points at one of the store.

I was pulled by her enthusiastic energy all the way to the store.

She opened the door for both of us, the cold air of the store welcomed us.

She shivered a bit.

" It's a bit cold. "

" It's because you wore this kind of clothes, it's a mall obviously it will be cold. "

Even at the store, almost everyone is looking at us.

Let me correct, at her.

She's like a celebrity in their eyes.

" Let's order, i'm freezing. " She rubbed her shoulders, urging me to order.

Fortunately, I was wearing a jacket.

I removed my jacket and gave it to her.

" Wear it. "

" Eh? "

She hesitated, not because of hating the idea but she was embarassed for some reason.

" Okay. " She said in a low voice.

Carefully putting my clothes in her, she hugged herself.

It almost like she's purring.

A cold breeze went passed us which caused me to feel extremely sensitive, I started shaking.

Fuck! It's so cold.

I waited in line, praying it finish up fast.

When the order came, we decided to take it out and head to the studio.

The empty room with glass on the side was the only thing present, Yuki was amazed as she looked around.

" This is amazing! "

She was delighted, couldn't contain her excitement.

I decided to place our food on the side.

Zip, locked?

" Kk... Haaa! "

" Help me! "

Yuki cried for help, I looked around to see that the jacket's zipper was stuck.

I rushed in to help her.

" Yuki, you should be careful. " Her eyes avoided me as I tried to unzip it.

" You're so careless. " I sighed, focused on removing it.

" Yeah, sorry. " Her apologetic tone didn't get through me.

" It's so close. "

" What? " I didn't know what she's trying to say.

I was busy on getting her out of this.

" I can't think properly. "

I looked at her for awhile and return my attention back at the stucked zipper.

Finally, I zip it all the way down freeing her.

" There we go! "

" Thank you " Her timid smile and squinted eyebrows was enough to make me weak.

She was so cute.

" You're so bold, I envy you. "

" I also envy Eri. "

Her sudden bringing of Eri's name made me a bit nervous.

" Do you like Eri? "

A question I wasn't prepared to answer, it was very pressuring.

She was waiting.

Hoping that the answer that will come out in my mouth will be different on what she thinks.

" Do you like Chiharu? "

Another question came up.

" How about Rika? "

" Sophie? "

Every question she adds, the heavier it is for me to speak up.

The higher courage it needs to answer it.

I don't have anything I can say.

To tell her the truth, i'm unsure.

Was it lust? No.

Love? That's not it either.

I feel like something is missing from within

" Or perhaps you like someone like Enju? "

Again, it didn't help as she added more pressure at me.

She holds my hand.

" Akabe. "

She called out my name.

But I couldn't dare to face her.

In the end, I was a coward.

Too scared to commit.

" Eri already stole you first kiss, am I right? " My eyes widen.

She saw it from my reaction.

And what I got from that was a bitter smile from her.

" So she really did. "

" That's why there's a drastic change from her. "

I was expecting her to slap me or walk out.

But she didn't, instead she looked at me intently.

" Akabe. "

She called out to me one more time.

This time, she placed her hands on my cheek.

I could feel the coldness in her hands, seeping on my cheeks.

" Ah! Cold. " I yelped.

Yuki laughed at me.

" Hahaha, you're so cute. "

" Damn, Eri. "

" I'm gonna say something so listen well. "

My anticipation couldn't go on any higher as I wait for her next word.

" I like you. " She closed her eyes and kissed me.

It was fast.

Although it was short, I could remember it so vividly.

The words that came in her mouth next.

The confident smile she let out.


" I'm not gonna lose to her, brace yourself. "