Her Hidden Side?

" Mhm. " Her lips met mine.

I couldn't escape her touch.

Because I didn't want to in the first place.

I accepted her love, kissing her back.

She was shocked, her eyes wide.

But it slowly lowers as we exchange for more.

I hold her in the waist.

My hands sank in her skin, it was so soft.

Compared to Eri, I could feel this kiss a bit more.

I wasn't overwhelmed by emotions this time.

I welcomed her with a kiss, again and again.

Our mouth was stuck together.

We couldn't let go of each other.

Enjoying this moment.

I decided to take this on another level and gave her lower lip a nibble.

She quickly pulled back and covered her mouth.

" W-what was that? " Her eyes deep, blushing hard.

Thinking what just happened.

" Sorry, couldn't help it. "

What I did was a wrong.

But, I didn't feel guilty about it.

She started this.

Teasing her is also fun.

Oh no, i'm gradually turning into a sadist.

She turned around and starts to change her hairstyle.

She coughed, " I already declared it. "

I could see the redness in her cheeks.

She was biting her lip down.

Was she turned on by that?

She turned her hair into a messy bun.

Honestly speaking, she killed that style.

Not only that but her body alone is already enough.

It's a deadly combo.

A man would go crazy just to get a touch of her.

And I manage to get a kiss from her.

What kind of luck is this.

" Watch me, okay? "

I sat on the corner, holding the bag of food.

Yuki went straight into stereo.

She started dancing.

" Love me~☆ "

The tune started playing.

Look on the left as she swayed her body, dancing amazingly well.

Syncing her movements to the beat.

She stopped.

" I like you~☆ " She looked at me.

Her dancing were so mesmerising that I almost fell in love.

It was surprising how well she can execute this.

The beat rises.

" Don't leave me! "

" Don't let me go~☆ "

She spins.

" Because for me, you're the only one~☆ " Her spinning gradually stops, placing her hand in the air.

Those hands was aimed towards at me at the end, it's like she was inviting me for a dance.

She was sweating lightly when she finished.

She went at me.

" How was it? " Her eagerness was unmatched.

" It was nice. "

" It was a scene from Romania's Princess, yes? "

" It's when Dahlia was expressing her love to Leo. "

Her choice in this acting competition is superb.

She played it out well.

" Yeah. "

What's the reason for her to choose this out of all of the other ones?

" It's a confession. " She murmured.

So in other words.

" This performance is for you, Akabe. "

My heart started to flutter, unable to absord her surprise attack.

" Are you really sure about this? "

She nods.

" Anyway, let's eat. "

" I'm hunrgy. " She sat beside me.

A burger and fries, but also chicken was the only thing inside the bag.

Good for two.

I gave her one of the meals and she started eating.

" Thank you for the food. "

She happily eats beside me.

Seeing her like this puts my heart at ease.

It's a moment I want to keep forever.

As I dig in on my food, I noticed Yuki who's looking at me.

It was bit uncomfortable.

I wiped my mouth and looked at her.

" Is there something wrong? "

" Yeah. " She gave me a cheeky laugh and grabs one of the fries.

" Say aaah! " She holds the fries close to my mouth.

" This is embarassing, Yuki. "

" Aaah? " She ignored me.

Alright, let's get this over with.

I awkwardly opened my mouth and she gave a peck on my cheeks.

I quickly pulled back and looked at her.

That was uncalled for.

" Yuki--! " I tried to scold her for being cheeky but she shove the fries on my mouth.

She placed her hand on her mouth, laughing.

" Hehe, I told you. "

What's with her sudden boost in confidence?

It's the same as Eri.

I coughed awkwardly.

" Aha! "

I smiled deviously.

I picked up a fries.

Yes, this is perfect.

It's not possible to lose confidence that easily.

There's no way!

I faced Yuki a bit flustered.

" Now, Yuki. "

" Say aaah for me. " She paused for a second and looked at me.


Bet you didn't expect for me to fight back.

I knew this plan would wor--?

She smiled?

Yuki slowly gets close into my hand that's holding a piece of fries.

I had a silly idea to get my revenge by sticking the fries on her mouth or giving her a kiss but I don't have the balls for that.

I wish I could.

Obviously on kissing her.

She brushed up her hair beside her ears and stick out her tounge.

Yuki bites the half of the fries in my hand and proceed to finish it all the way, reaching the tip of my fingers.

My body stiffens, seeing my finger in her mouth.

I could feel her tounge, licking the salt in my hands until she stops.

Yuki faded back and licks her mouth.

" That was very tasty, thank you. "

Can somebody explain to me what just happened?

I was shocked beyond belief.

Is this still the Yuki I used to know?

Is pres always this confident to an opposite gender?

I couldn't speak up.

If she keeps this up, I might not be able to hold it in.

The image of Yuki's purity was starting to form into another image in my mind.

Never expected such a girl like her to act like this.

It makes me doubt the other girls too.

But what's the thing that I want to.

I want to know them all.

While I was having a hard time eating due to that embarassing attempt, I noticed Yuki who's looking at my face once again.

" What? " I was a bit forceful this time, I couldn't help it.

Showing my weak side to her is killing me.

I have to find a way to fight back.

" Hehe, there's no need to be mad. "

As if that would make me feel better.

It only made me feel worse.

Just you wait, Yuki.

" I like this face of yours, does Eri this yet? "

I remained silent.

Yuki started poking on my cheeks, completely disregarding my space.

" Is someone mad? "

" Pinch, pinch. "

She continued to tease me.

Somehow, i'm thinking she's much more dangerous than Chiharu who's good at this.

Is she the final boss?

" Aha! I know. "

Suddenly a suggestion comes up.

" Will you be happy if I let you fondle mine? "

" What kind of question was that?! " I exclaimed.

Instead of being scared by me raising my voice, she instead smirked.

She's totally enjoying this!

Here I thought I was the sadist.

Guess it's true.

There's always a bigger fish in the pond.

But wait?

Isn't this a way to make her embarassed?

There's no way she'll let me fondle them!

I looked at her confidently as she was a bit startled by it.

Her eyes were wandering when I got close.

I knew it.

She's putting up an act.

I'll try to push a little bit more, i'm sure she'll give up.

As I leaned my body closer, she leaned back as well trying to escape me.

Her hands where behind her, resting on the floor.

" What's wrong, Yuki? " It almost looks like I was on top of her.

I extend my hand forward.

Yuki, instead of resisting completely gives up and looked away.

Is she?

Before I knew it, my hand landed on her chest.

It was stuck, not moving, not doing anything.

It was just there.

Waiting for something, a signal.

Yuki moaned.

" Nh.. " I stated to sweat profusely, panicking.

Should I let go?

Should I do more?

What should I do?

I could the softness of it, wanting to do more.

I looked at Yuki who's ignoring me.

Her breathing started to become shallow.

She looked at me.

Her eyes were... spinning?

" Huuu... "

She squinted her eyes.

" Don't hold them so tight... " She twitched from my touch.

I tried to remove my hand but I ended up pulling it a bit forward which causes her to let out a lewd sound once again.

" Hyaaa?! "

" Akabe... "

My mind wanders as I hold her.

Yuki spread her arms forward and hugged me all of a sudden.

She burried me in her chest.

" Ooh--? " I was pulled by her extreme force.

She squeezed me tightly, her body continues to shiver.

I couldn't see her face.

But mine landed on her chest, I could hear her heartbeat loud and clear.

It was very loud, about to explode.

I closed my eyes and rest.

Her breathing calmed down for a bit, her grip also loosens.

Did she?

It couldn't be...

" Don't say anything. " It was the first time I hear her voice became serious.

She's in the state of losing her mind, huh?

I wanted to tease her so badly but I don't want to die yet.

We hugged it out for a bit more, waiting for her to let go.

She pushed me away gently, keeping her hand on my shoulders.

" L-let's celebrate for my succesful practice, yeah? " She suggested while her face down.

I lift her face by her chin and I saw teary eyed face, her messy smile.

Her face was so lost within my touch.

I'm so tempted to make a move on her but hesitated.

" Yeah, let's. " I smiled.

We walked out of the studio, leaving the trace of our moments together.

While I was walking, I noticed Yuki to struggle to walk properly.

" Carry me. " She ordered.

We went for a piggy back ride, while we're at it.

I could see a lot of jealous stare from every guys we passed through.

Yuki's the ultimate charmer.

Her soft body melts at my back as I walk.

She rest her head as well.

" Mhm, it feels nice. " She muttered.

" Did you sprain yourself? " I asked her because I was genuinely worried.

" No, just tired. " That's better, it would be bad if she hurt herself.

The walk didn't took us long to reach a convinience store near my house.

8/12, a famous store that everyone knows.

Good choice for some good beer.

" Yeah, this is totally the right place. "

" You can put me down now. "

We both entered the store to buy our goods.

Luckily, the store even has some street food warmed.

Ready to serve.

We bought four beers and eight of those foods to make our celebration longer.

" This will do. " I payed for the entire purchase.

I looked around for Yuki but I couldn't find her.

That's when she tapped at my back.

" Oh, there you are. "

" Did you still want something else? "

She didn't respond, but instead she hugged me from the back.

I'm very sure this girl isn't drunk, yet she can do something like this without thinking.

I'm amazed at this point.

I could see the surprised face on the cashier.

In the cashier eyes were a question, " Is she your girlfriend. "

I replied, " Not for taking, already owned. " And gave them a smile, a threatening one.

I hold Yuki's hand as we got out of the store.

Her on my right and the bag on the left.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

A cute girl by the right and tasty meal on the left.

There's nothing a man could ask for more.

We arrived at my house soon after.

I opened the door slowly, Yuki quickly enters.

Her eyes were sparkling.

I thought my sister would be here but then I remembered that she's gonna stay at her friend's house.

" This is your house? It looks nice! "

" Spacious too! "

I placed the bag on the living room's table and sat on the couch.

I offered her to sit beside me and she jumps in happy about it.

" Are we gonna watch a movie? "

" You want too? Sure. " I opened up the television.

I intially choose a romantic one but Yuki angrily demanded an adult film.

Pretty strange choices but we all know where it leads to.

Surprisingly, we chose a drama.

The title was misleading but it certainly is an adult film.

" Waaah! " Yuki started crying all of a sudden.

" Wha--? Are you okay? "

" How can you be so calm! Her lover left her! " She grabbed on my collar, weeping.

I patted her head to calm her down.

" You're the one who chose this one, this is the punishment. " She pouted at my scolding and chugged down the beer.

" Phwaaaaa! " She was becoming more tipsy the further the movie goes.

She's a heavy drinker, sort of.

The movie ends and Yuki was almost knocked out.

" Yuki, do you have someone that will pick you up? "

" Yuki? " I looked at her who's half asleep.

" Goodness, this girl. " I sighed and picked her up.

As I carry her into my room, she giggled.

" Akabe... so strong... hehe... " Her adorable voice tickles my heart.

As I lay her on my bed, I sat beside her and checked her phone.

" Chiharu, offline. "

" All the way to Sophie, no one! "

I guess there's only one choice left.

She's gonna have to sleep here.

I suddenly felt someone pulling on my shirt.

It was Yuki who's woken up by my complaining.

" Akabe... "

" Come closer... " She asked in a soft voice.

I couldn't refuse at her request and did as what she instructed me to do.

Only inch a way in our faces, she stealed a kiss.

We exchanged a few more.

Yuki began to let out an erotic sounds.

" Akabe... I want you... " Wrapping her hand on my neck, I was trapped.

" This time... I want you to see the real me... " Yuki slowly pulled her shirt down.

" So... "

" Be gentle... "