
As he spoke, Jim took out his phone and dialed Walnut Zheng's number. He said in a firm tone, ordering Walnut Zheng to come to the hall on the second floor to see him in three minutes.

the two receptionists were stunned by Jim King's actions. They had an illusion that the young master of the group was inspecting the work.

But when they looked at Jim, who was dressed in the staff uniform, they all burst into laughter. This guy was really out of his mind.

“Ouch! No, no! It's so funny! If he didn't go to be an actress, it would be too humiliating”

Walden was also happy: " One hundred suits? If you can really sell it out, I'm willing to kneel down and lick your shoes in public”

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of security guards also responded to Miss Jesse Yue's call and rushed in. Seeing this, Walden was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Jim anymore. He impatiently waved his hand, "" Beat him up”

“Fuck! It's you again”

“Humph, you ran fast last time. Let's see how we will deal with you this time”

As the security guards spoke, they waved their batons and greeted Jim. Hearing the shrill sound of breaking through the air, Jim's face became colder and colder.


One of the security guards hit him, but he was dodged by Jim, smashing the tea table into pieces. He felt humiliated and wanted to fight again. But at this time, a middle-aged man with a beer belly trotted out of the elevator and shouted.

“Stop it”

The security guards also stopped and saluted when they saw the person.

“Nice to meet you, chairman”

“Mr. Zheng? Why are you downstairs? Just tell me if you need anything”

Seeing that Walnut Zheng was staring at Jim King, the receptionist was afraid that her bonus would be deducted because of this matter. he quickly winked at Jim and whispered, ""Jim! Why are you still standing there? Get out of here”

“That is, it's not too late for you to get out now. At least you can avoid a hard time”


Hearing this name, Walnut Zheng felt as if he had been struck by lightning. It was him, really him!

Looking at the broken glass table smashed by a stick and the young man in front of him who was fine, he was a little relieved and immediately exploded.

“Get out? It's you who should get out”

“A group of snobbish servants! Do you know who he is? He is... "

Jim King interrupted him immediately. He didn't want too many people to know his identity yet.

“President Zheng, right? I hope you can book one hundred rooms in the Sales Department of the house of Zac at nine o'clock tomorrow. Is there any problem”

Everyone was shocked. How dare this guy open his mouth? One hundred suits, about one million each, would cost at least one hundred million!

Are you crazy?

But what shocked everyone more was still behind.

Walnut Zheng nodded respectfully. As a shrewd man, he didn't even make a fuss about the cost of more than 100 million dollars!

“No problem, Mr. King! I will be there on time before nine o'clock tomorrow”

Crazy! The whole world was crazy!

This was what Walden, the two girls and the security guards were thinking at the moment!

Jim King took a look at Walden, who was in a daze. He stood up and patted him on the face two times: " Although you lost, you don't need to kneel down and lick my shoes. I think your mouth is too dirty and stinky”

he looked at her watch and found that it was almost six o'clock. She muttered and hurried out: " 'damn it! It's too late to go home and cook. '“

What? Cooking?

Walnut Zhengthought he had misheard. He was just a world-class man. Why did he have to go home and cook himself?

Are you kidding me? Or what role play was he playing?

Well, this game is indeed very popular in the adult circle.

“Mr. King”

Walnut Zheng wanted to say something more, but Jim King had already rode on the electric bicycle and left.

“President Zheng, are you sure? Jim King was just... "

Walnut Zheng turned around and gave him a cold look. He snorted, "" I think you are the one who made a mistake! You, go to the financial department to settle accounts later. You don't have to work tomorrow. That's it”

After saying that, Walnut Zheng left without looking back. How dare he keep a person who even Mr. King disliked?

The corners of Walden's mouth twitched wildly, and his face was pale. Seeing this, the two receptionists quickly tore down the black list, and their hearts were still fluttering with fear.

Who on earth was Jim?

As soon as Jim King entered the house, he heard a burst of complaints and abuse.

“When did you come back? You are making the whole family hungry on purpose. You are getting more and more shameless”

The one who spoke was Tommy Yue, the eldest brother of Jesse and Jim King's uncle.

Then, Perly Wang, who was busy in the kitchen, stuck outher head: " 'what a loser! Now you don't even cook? She wondered if she didn't want to stay in this house anymore”

“Mom, I have something to deal with. I... "

“What! As soon asd he came back, dhe closed the door. It seemed that he had cried. Did you bully him”


Jim King took a look at the closed door of the bedroom and pushed the door in after the dinner was ready, only to find that Jesse was lowering her head and tidying up her silk stockings

Thinking of what Ralf Jia had said before, Jim King got angry in an instant.

It was the first time that he had been angry since they got married!

“Jesse Yue! What... What do you want to do? Do you really want me to be cuckolded? You can think I'm a good for nothing, but what about yourself”

“How can you humiliate yourself like this? Are you really going to take these stockings to have dinner with the man surnamed Jia? Let him tear them apart one by one”

“Can you be more self righteous”