
Jesse was stunned. She opened her mouth slightly and stared at Jim with her almond shaped eyes. This was the first time that Jim got angry with her in her memory.

Suddenly, a strong sense of grievance surged up in her heart.

“Jim King, are you still a man! How dare you yell at me now? Why didn't you get angry with that man surnamed Jia who molested your wife in front of you today! You really don't know why I did this, do you! If you are capable, I won't have to compromise like this?”

Jim King kept silent for a long time.

Indeed, in the past few years when he was a member of the family, he knew clearly how many contemptuous glances and how many stabs she had received in the back.

Hearing her sobbing, Jim's heart softened and his anger was all gone. He walked over and wanted to pat her on the shoulder to comfort her, but she pushed him away.

“Don't touch me”

With a disgusted look on her face: " I'm fed up with you! I'm tired after so many years! just do as my parents said. Divorce”

“No, I won't”

As usual, Jim King shook his head and refused. Seeing his refusal, Jesse Yue was so angry that she rolled her eyes.

In the past three years, Jim had never said no in front of her, except when it came to divorce.


Jim King's voice was much lower. He sat at the foot of the bed carefully to keep a certain distance from Jesse. After a silly smile, he said seriously, "" This time, can you trust me again”

“Trust you again”

Jesse Yue wanted to retort instinctively. She had heard these words countless times before, and she had believed in a truth.

What a liar!

But when she turned her head and saw Jim King's unprecedented serious look, she had already stopped talking for no reason.

She didn't know if it was her illusion or something. Now Jim gave her a feeling that he was very reliable.

Seeing that Jesse didn't say anything, Jim got closer to her and even held her cold hand: " Honey, do you still remember my promise to you”

“Anyway, I won't let you get hurt. Trust me for the last time, okay”

“And there would be a surprise tomorrow”

“Stop it”

Getting rid of Jim's hand, Jesse stood up with a snort and put all the silk stockings she had sorted out into a handbag.

“One hundred suite? You can't sell it even if I beat you to death”

“But I'm not that cheap. Even if I have to have dinner with Jia tomorrow, I'll at most let him take advantage of me. I won't let him do other things as he wish”

After saying that, she went out for dinner, leaving Jim sitting on the edge of the bed with a bitter smile.

His wife was so naive!

As long as Jesse went to the dinner tomorrow, she would be in danger! He believed that there were more than one hundred ways to sleep with her.

At the dinner table.

After everyone started to eat, Jim picked up the bowl and chopsticks, but before he could eat, Perly Wang began to scold him again.

He was still urging him to divorce with Jesse.

“Mr. King, I've set a deadline for you. But now, even you can't support yourself, you earn more than 1000 every month, let alone 10000”

“One thousand a month? It's not enough for me to smoke for a month”

With a look of disdain on his face, Tommy Yue didn't think that he was still sitting at home and living on old people. He idled around all day long, so he could only laugh at a person who was even worse than him to show his existence.

“Mom, brother, can you stop talking?”

“Do you want a peaceful life”

“Well, you can move out with this loser a few days later” As a man who seldom spoke, he said slowly without raising his head while eating.