
Randall Yue was the father of Jesse, who was also from the Yue clan, a large-scale commercial family in the provincial city. However, because of his weak ability, he was driven out ten years ago and ran a half dead company under the Yue clan in Chang River City.

But he was a man of power at home.


" Dad, are you kidding? Let us move out? Why”

“The owner of this suite is me”

Putting down his bowl and chopsticks, he looked at Jesse without joking, and then looked at Tommy Yue, who was gloating, and said: " It's not easy for your brother to get married and you also reached age of marriage”

“But there is one request from the woman. She doesn't like too many people. Except for the two of them and us, she doesn't want anyone else to live in her house”

“Dad! You... "

“Listen to me”

“I have thought about it carefully. Among the three children, Yilia is still in college and stays at school all year round. And you are doing well now. At least you can rent a two bedroom and a living room”

“Why should I rent an apartment”

Jesse threw the bowl on the table and got angry: " There are one hundred and eighty square meters in our house! Why can't we two stay here”

“That woman had so many requirements before she got married. How overbearing she was”

“Alas! Jesse, you are wrong”

Tommy Yue immediately refuted: " She is your future sister-in-law. Pay attention to your attitude! Besides, you are married. Although you married a loser, you can't let us raise him, right”

“You can support yourself if you like. We don't have to be wronged”

After saying that, Tommy Yue rolled his eyes and turned his head. No matter how loudly she quarreled, he didn't want to talk to her anymore.

At last, he slammed the table: " All right”

“That's it! Besides, your mother and I only have one son, and this house will be left to him in the future. What else can you fight for”

“Right! You have made a lot of money now. It's not that you can't support yourself” Perly Wang added.

“I fight? Dad, you are so unfair! I have paid for everything we have eaten and used in the past two years? What am I fighting for”

Seeing that Jesse was a little anxious, Jim pulled her secretly and persuaded her in a low voice, "" Jesse, don't talk too much. It's good for us to go out”

Tommy Yue cast a sensible look at Jim King. He had worried that Jim King would covet his money before.

“What the hell”

With a wave of her hand, she slapped on Jim King's face. Jim had no temper at all.

“Is this what you said that you don't want me to be bullied again? You are such a loser”

After throwing the chopsticks hard, Jesse left the table angrily and went back to her room. Seeing this, Jim hurriedly followed her back. Not long after, there was a burst of scolding from her in the room.


Tommy Yue curled his lips and didn't take it seriously. Seeing that both Perly Wang and Randall were sullen, he hurried to pick up some food to please them.

“Dad, mom, don't mind. Let's eat our food. Come on”

“TSK, TSK, TSK. Although Jim was a loser, he was good at cooking”

Late at night.

Jim King stealthily got up from the floor and came to the bedside. He felt a little distressed to see that even though he was asleep, his beautiful eyebrows were still slightly wrinkled and his face was still stained with tears.

Touching her hair gently, Jim King murmured, "" I don't think it's a pity for you to move out of here”

After saying that, Jim looked at her curvaceous figure for a long time and couldn't help swallowing. He had endured the pain for more than two years since he had been with such a beautiful woman but couldn't fuck her.

“I really don't know when this day will come to an end. Alas... "