
The next day, in the sales department.

Jesse Yue and Jim came in one after another, only to find that Ralph had been waiting for them. After seeing her, he no longer hid the passion in his eyes.

Tonight, the beautiful, tall and sexy woman in front of him was his woman!

“Humph! Such a beauty was defeated by a loser! What bad luck! If she is still a virgin, tut... "

Thinking of this, William Jia felt hot all over his body as if the wonderful scene of him having sex with Jesse had appeared in his mind.

After taking a look at William Jia, with a frown, she walked aside and didn't go back to her office.

Although she didn't believe that Jim could really sell one hundred apartments, she didn't know why, and there was a faint trace of expectation in her heart.

Maybe Jim, a loser, would really create a miracle?

“Bah! What are you thinking about? I won't believe a loser like him? 'what's wrong with me? I'd better think about how to deal with William Jia tonight.'“

Though she was thinking about it, she still checked her watch from time to time. As long as it was not nine o'clock as agreed with the manager Mike yesterday, she would not give up completely.

“Hey! That loser, come over”

William Jia waved at Jim King, but the latter glanced at him and didn't move. Seeing this, Mike scolded him immediately. When William Jia was about to pull him over, he waved his hand and walked over.

“'loser, I've heard that you always sleep on the floor at home? Hey, haven't you touched her yet”

“Don't worry. As long as your wife is good enough in bed tonight and I am comfortable with her, you can get your lifetime salary here in vain”

“Ha ha”

Jim King's face darkened. He clenched his fists and looked at the cheeky smile on William's face. He really wanted to slap him to death.

At this moment, someone shouted, "It's eight fifty! TSK, TSK, there are only ten minutes left. Even if he can sell ten sets, let alone one hundred, I will live broadcast eating shit”

“Count me in”

“Let's go together”

Many saleswomen began to cheer, and the pretty face of Jesse became paler and paler.

She was cheated again

Just when she was about to give up completely, a middle-aged man with a beer belly suddenly followed by four bodyguards and rushed in.

“Somebody, get me a hundred suites, right now”


The crowd burst into an uproar.

All the employees looked at the middle-aged man in astonishment, but no one answered. They all thought that they had misheard just now?

Although he looked like a rich man from the way he dressed, no matter how rich he was, he wouldn't book one hundred suits at a time?

That was a house of about one million dollars, not cabbages!

“Didn't you hear what I said just now? I want to book one hundred apartments, right now! You must finish it before nine o'clock”

Walnut Zheng said with a frown. But when he took a glance at Jim King, he found that he was also here. Then he looked at Jim, who was dressed like a sales woman, and was in a daze for a moment.

When did he become a real estate seller? Are you kidding me?

“Mr.Zheng, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you here in the early morning”

Jim, who didn't want to expose his identity too early, interrupted Walnut Zheng and winked at him while joking.

Who is Walnut Zheng? He has been in the business for decades? She immediately came to her senses and smiled helplessly in her heart. She thought that Mr. king really liked to play role play!

he used to be a househusband, but now he was a sales woman!

But since master liked to play, as his subordinate, he had no choice but to cooperate.

“Ah, Jim, there was a traffic jam on the way here, so I came a little late”

Hearing that Walnut Zheng was polite to Jim, everyone was shocked again. Jesse stared at Jim King's back in a daze, and her mind went blank.

He was the leader of the Chang River business field and the boss of the Fu Tian Group! How could he talk to a loser like Jim King?

Besides, she had heard clearly that Walnut Zheng had to go through all the formalities before nine o'clock! What a coincidence?

Soon, a voice in her heart told her that Walnut Zheng might really be found by Jim King! Although she didn't know what tricks Jim had used!

“If so, you really gave me a... Surprise today”

William Jia felt something was wrong, so he winked at Mike. Mike knew what to do, and a smile immediately appeared on his stiff face. He walked quickly towards Walnut Zheng.

“It was Mr. Zheng! Ha ha, it's really a sin that we haven't welcomed you far away”

“You said you wanted to order one hundred houses here”

“Well, won’t you have enough”

Edward nodded: " Yes, there are! You can buy it at any time! There are still more than 200 apartments that are not sold yet. Let me take you to choose”

Walnut Zheng impatiently waved his hand: " Any one hundred suits are okay. Now there are eight minutes left before nine o'clock. Go through the formality immediately”