
“Well, okay”

Realizing that he was rich, Mike pushed Jim King away: " Fuck off! You are just a loser. How dare you serve Mr. Zheng? Do you know how noble Mr.Zheng is? Why don't you pee and look at yourself! Do you really think you are lucky”

Jim King chuckled to himself.

Mike, who had been mocking him for three months, might come to an end.

“Humph! Let me tell you, the sales are not on your side! You... "

“Who do you think you are”

After Walnut Zheng cursed, " Slap” Mike was slapped hard on the face, which made him turn around in a circle!

How dare you insult my master in front of me? He was courting death!

Seeing the expression on Jim King's face, Walnut Zheng immediately understood what he meant. He wondered how this servant would bully his master!

With a wave of Walnut Zheng's hand, his voice instantly became louder: " Is there anyone else here? Who was the leader of this puppy? Come out”

Hearing this, everyone looked at William Jia.

At this moment, William Jia was also confused. Should he say that Jim King had a relationship with Walnut Zheng? He wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death! But the truth was right in front of her eyes.

William Jia walked over numbly. He smiled unnaturally when he faced Walnut Zheng, a business tycoon who even his father had to flatter him.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Zheng. I, I'm the young owner of the William group and I have the shares in my hands. I have the absolute right to speak here. Could you please... "

“Cut the crap. Ask someone to go through the purchase procedure for me now. I have brought the money. Besides, I don't want to see him again. Do you know what to do”

Mike's face turned pale in an instant and looked at William with expectation.


William Jia nodded his head without hesitation. He ordered all the employees present to go through the formalities for Walnut Zheng and waved at Mike.

“Let's go. You don't have to work anymore. You are fired”


" Thump! Thump” He knelt down and pleaded with William Jia. He had been promoted by flattering the young master all the way. How could he let him resign? Then how could he live in the future?

he would starve to death!

“Mr. Jia! I'm your man! You can't be so ungrateful! Please, please”


With a disdainful look on his face, William Jia bent down and patted Mike's face, saying, "" I'm a businessman. I only care about interests but not friendship. Do you think you are nothing compared to the interests of one hundred apartments”

“Besides, do you think I will offend Mr. Zheng for you? Mr.Zheng was right. You are just a stupid slave. Get out”

In the end, Mike was kicked away ruthlessly by William Jia. Then Walnut Zheng made a gesture to a bodyguard next to him. The bodyguard nodded with a smile, lifted Mike's ankle and pulled him out.

Soon, screams came from outside, and many employees in the hall sighed.

At eight fifty-nine.

With the joint efforts of many people, all the procedures of the one hundred suite were completed. Walnut Zheng asked his men to put it away without even looking at it.

“Do you know whose account the sales should be kept now”

Walnut Zheng looked at him with a straight face, and he nodded repeatedly. He was not that stupid. It was because of this that Mike was completely defeated before!

Although he was unwilling to give up, he smiled at Jim King: " Yes, yes! Of course, it was for Jim King”