
Seeing his angry face, Jim King felt complacent: " 'William, my wife doesn't need to take the silk stockings to have dinner with you tonight, does she”

Hearing the titters around him, William Jia's face turned red with anger. He stared at Jim King and shook his head, "" No, No. I was just kidding”

At this moment, Jesse also came over. She bit her teeth and looked at Jim with a complicated expression on her face.

“Humph! Jim has sold one hundred rooms to your family. You, the young master, should at least show your gratitude”

“Yes, Mr. Zheng. Don't worry. I'll send the sales commission to Jim now! Oh no! According to the Commission, one hundred and two percent should be paid”

Walnut Zheng gave the order in person. Soon, a message rang, and Jesse grabbed the phone from Jim and opened it. It was ten, a hundred, ten thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million!

Two million and two hundred thousand dollars!

Jesse was so excited that she covered her mouth tightly. It was the first time that she had made so much money at one time! Her useless husband was really amazing this time!

Looking at the excited look on his face, Jim King smiled. The thoughtful Walnut Zheng also noticed the doting smile on his face, which made him nervous.

“It seemed that Mr. King was not just playing with this woman. He really liked her! It seemed that she had to find a way to make friends with him in the future”

On second thought, the young man surnamed Jia had asked his hostess to bring her silk stockings with him. Walnut Zheng felt that he hadn't shown enough. He looked at him coldly and said, "" I don't think you have shown enough sincerity”

“Not enough! Mr.Zheng, i... "

“As for you, to express your thanks to Jim King, you should bow and apologize to him seriously”

“Bow and apologize”

William was shocked, and the others were also confused. They didn't expect that Walnut Zheng would go so far.

“Mr.Zheng, don't you think it's too much? I would rather not sell these one hundred apartments than bow to this loser and apologize”

William Jia said with a straight face.

“Was it impossible? All right”

With a slight nod, Walnut Zheng didn't say anything more. Instead, he asked someone to call Howell Jia.

Howell Jia was the boss of William group, the father of William Jia!

After Howell knew what had happened and promised Walnut Zheng, he immediately called William and scolded him.

“You bastard! You always make trouble outside! I warn you, do as Mr. Zheng said! Even if you kneel down and kowtow , you have to make a sound! Otherwise, you don't have to take your shares in the group”


After hanging up the phone, William Jia looked even more bitter. But he also understood Howell Jia. He didn't want to buy a room, but he couldn't hurt Walnut Zheng's face!


After taking a deep breath, William Jia decided to put up with it!

Gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, he bowed to Jim ninety times in front of everyone!

“Jim King! On behalf of the group, I would like to thank you for your outstanding contribution! I hope you can continue to stay here and create glory for the group”

he bent down and apologized!

The employees present didn't dare to, but the customers all picked up their mobile phones to take photos of this scene. Soon, almost all the hot messages such as wechat, micro-blog and so on were shown on the screen.

The young master of William group bowed to the sales man and apologized!

Seeing that William had stood up, Jim King took off his work card with a sneer and threw it in his face: " Sorry, your place is too small and the people inside are too shabby. I'm not interested in staying here any longer”

Looking at the indifferent expression on Jim's face, which seemed that he didn't take anyone here seriously, she was stunned again.

Now Jim gave her a feeling that he was really different from before.

Those who had stirred up trouble before all lowered their heads, not daring to say a word.

Jim King pinched her pretty face and smiled gently: " What about you? Do you want to go with me”

“Well... But... I still have some clients to deal with. I'll leave after that”

Jesse nodded subconsciously, but she thought that there were still some customers who needed to give an explanation, so she said slowly!

"Okay." Jim King nodded, "then I'll pick you up after work."


Jesse nodded subconsciously and looked at the back of Jim. He was firm and straight!

A moment later, Jesse quickly took out her mobile phone and opened the WeChat. She soon found a friend in it and sent a message with her trembling hands excitedly.

“He didn't lie to me this time! What's more, the surprise I got was too shocking and exciting”