
Realizing her gaffe, Jesse slightly pursed her lips and took a look at William, who was staring at her with a gloomy face.

He looked like a hungry wolf, watching a roasted sheep run away, full of unwillingness and anger.

After that, she turned around and left without saying a word. Obviously, the sales of the one hundred Suites made her much stronger.


William Jia was so angry that he almost went crazy. He smashed the cup and kettle on the tea table aside and left angrily.

He drove to a club. After entering a private room, William Jia ordered a lot of wine. As soon as he opened his mobile phone and logged in micro-blog, he saw all the information about his apology to Jim King in public!

Every time he read the comments below, he would gulp down a mouthful of wine. he didn't know how much he had drunk in the end. he was completely confused and was gloomy and frightening.

“Bastard! Bastard”

“You are such a loser! Do you really think you can really hook up with Walnut Zheng just because you are lucky? Bah! You wish! Wait and see! I said I wanted to sleep with your wife, so I must! There is no woman that I can't sleep with”

After a while, he gritted his teeth and dialed a number.

The phone was quickly connected. William cleared his throat and stood up, seeming to be very respectful to the person on the other end of the phone.

“Hello, are you three eyed? I'm William from the Jia group. I've had dinner with you before”

“'Oh? Mr. Jia, you are quite popular now. Ha ha”

Hearing the irony in the other party's words, William Jia didn't dare to lose his temper. After a long while, he went straight to the point: " I want you to help me deal with a woman”

“The price is negotiable. It's up to you! I will never bargain”

At the same time, in a rather high-end cafe.

Jim King took a sip of coffee and looked at Walnut Zheng, who was still standing beside him. He smiled helplessly, "" Mr.Zheng, take a seat. It's not convenient for me to talk to you even if you are standing”

“You can just call me by my name” Then Walnut Zheng sat opposite Jim King.

“Uncle Zheng, I don't want to expose my identity yet. Fu Tian, you're doing a good job. Just keep running”

“I understand, Mr. King. Don't worry. I will do whatever you ask me to do”

Jim King nodded, " There are three things you need to do now. First, arrange my wife to work in your company and protect her”

“No problem. I'll inform the personnel department immediately”

"Wait, don't make it too obvious. With her strength, she will definitely pass the normal interview."

"Yes, sir."

“Second, prepare a house of quality and luxury for me as soon as possible”

“Okay, Mr. King. I happen to have an apartment and I can transfer it to you right away. But it's being redecorated now and needs more than half a month. What do you think... "

“More than half a month”

Jim King frowned and thought for a while. He thought that he had to make a lot of preparations before the wedding, and he might not be able to do it in a short time, so he nodded and agreed.

“Okay, half a month. Just do it as soon as possible. As for the third thing, please prepare some money for me. ten million first”

In the past three years, Jim had deeply realized how hard it was for a man to live without money. In today's society, it was really difficult to move a single step without money!

“I've already prepared it for you”

Walnut Zheng smiled, took out a black card from his pocket and handed it to him: " Mr. King, there is one hundred million dollars in it. You can use it first. If it is not enough, you can ask me for it”

After surprised, Jim King took the card and thought he had underestimated the Fu Tian Group.

he just spent more than one hundred million buying a house, and now he gave him another hundred million casually. Well, well, it really deserved the title of the leader of the business circle.

“All right. Then I'll leave now. I'll contact you again if there's anything. Besides, when I go back, I'll say something nice to you to old master”

After saying that, Jim stood up and left, while Walnut Zheng cheered up instantly, followed by a wave of gratitude!

Back then, he was still a man of depression. It was because of the help of old master that he became what he was now! Therefore, he was very clear about the energy of old master and the whole family behind him.

The two words were too big to describe!