Chapter 12

Jim King sneered at him.

However, Jesse ignored him and pulled him out.

Perly Wang knew her daughter very well. After thinking for a while, she decided to go out to have a look.

As soon as she went out, she saw a brand new BMW five series in front of her. Perly Wang was so shocked that she couldn't say anything.

Rubbing her eyes to make sure that she didn't see it wrong, Perly Wang stammered, ";Where... Where did you get this car”

“We bought it”

Seeing her mother like this, Jesse felt relieved and winked at Jim King: " Why are you standing still? Show driver's license to my mother now”

“Honey, what did you say last time? A couple? Hey, can you say it again”

Looking at Jim King's silly smile, Jesse rolled her eyes: " I'll ask you to show me your driving license! Do you hear me”

“Oh! All right”

As he spoke, Jim took out a new driving license from his pocket and handed it to Perly Wang.

At this time, hearing the noise outside, Randell and Tommy also came out. When he saw the white BMW five series, his eyes immediately lit up!

This was his ideal car! He had boasted to his girlfriend that he would definitely let her get on the BMW within three years after their marriage!

When he came to his senses, Tommy also hurried to check the driving license.

The driver was Jim.

“It was him”

Tommy Yue was stunned for a moment and then got angry: " 'Oh, my God! Are you crazy? How could you buy such a good car for such a waste? Look at him. Where does he deserve to drive such a good car! And where did you get the money? Over the years, most of your salary has been handed over to parents. You... "

“As I said, no matter how useless Jim is, he is better than you. Today, he sold one hundred apartments and received the sales commission. Immediately, he bought up a car I like”

“One hundred suite”

'shit luck! This loser is fucking lucky! '!

At the same time, the faces of Mr. and Mrs. Perly Wang, Mr. and Mrs. Wang, were also gloomy, as if they were slapped in the face, and it was " Clap! Clap! Clap” The sound was loud.

After packing up, regardless of the three people, Jesse, who was in a fit of anger, grabbed Jim King's hand and was about to get in the car and leave.


Tommy Yue couldn't hold it anymore. He ran up and grabbed Jim King's hand, you’re a gigolo, "" I've told you, you're a useless man. You don't deserve to drive such a good car! You've lived in our house for nothing these years, and you've even slept with my sister for three years. You should at least give me some compensation! You can leave, but you have to leave the car for me”

“Shame on you” Jesse Yue was so angry that she cursed, but Tommy made up his mind: " I just want a car.”

“Dad, mom, please help me! Think about it. If I really have a BMW, I will take you out to play with you in the future, won't you? Besides, if Alice's family knew it, they would definitely marry Alice immediately”

Hearing what he said, Randall and Perly Wang also began to plan in their hearts to let Tommy Yue marry as soon as possible, which was their biggest wish.

Although he ran a half dead company of the Yue clan, his monthly income was only five thousand or six thousand at the highest time..

As for this villa, no one in Yue family wanted it, so they gave it to him. Therefore, the two of them were unable to buy their son a BMW.

“Father, mother, you don't care about your son! What's the difference between him and robbing! She... "

Perly Wang nudged her and said: " Come on, Jesse, he is your brother. It's natural for you to help him”


A five series BMW worth four to five hundred thousand dollars was equal to the income of the whole family for two years? Can you be more overbearing?!

Just when Jesse was too angry to say a word, Randell said again.

“Just give the car to your brother. He has earned a lot of money. You can buy another one. You have grown up. It's time for you to make some contributions to this family”

“I haven't done enough in the past few years! He was not making contributions to his family, but to Tommy Yue alone”

Seeing that Jesse's face was red with anger, Jim took a deep breath and wanted to teach the three men a lesson. But as soon as he had this idea, he didn't expect that Perly Wang would kneel down directly!

“'Oh, my Jesse! Just send the car to your brother. I beg you”