
Randell also snorted" Are you really going to cut off all relations with your family for this car”

Jesse was speechless. She bit her red lips and tried hard to hold back her tears. Although she hated Tommy Yue now and hated her parents, she still had filial piety.

She couldn't be cruel enough to cut off the family relationship for a car.

What's more, she couldn't bear the pressure of her parents, so she had to continue to endure it.

“Okay, okay! Just give it to him”

After kicking away the luggage, Jim King, who also had a long face and felt unhappy, left without looking back, which made Tommy Yue feel complacent.

“don't forget to sue me when you find a place! I'll give you a gift in person”

“Bastard! Bastard! Why do you treat me like this! I haven't covered the steering wheel with my hand yet, but it was sent out like this! Why! I'm so angry”

On the road, Jesse shouted all the way. She took a look at the innocent Jim next to her, gritted her teeth and began to vent her anger on him.

“Humph! I have a better impression of you, but I don't think you are still a loser! You didn't even say a word when I was bullied”

Jim King was wronged. He had prepared himself for the attack, but he didn't expect that Jesse would be softhearted in the end? What else could he say?

Of course, Jim didn't dare to say these words. He was very clear about his current position and just needed to be a mood outlet quietly.

After cursing him again, it seemed that Jesse also realized that Jim King was innocent. She snorted and didn't say anything more. She took out her mobile phone and began to make a phone call.

she called her dear, and the scale of their conversation was too big! In the end, she said thats he wanted to live in the other party's house! Jim's face turned green.

Was she really going to cheat on him?

After hanging up the phone, when Jim King was about to ask, Jesse showed him the call log. It turned out that she was calling her best friend, Sara Tang.

“Humph, look at your jealous face. Am I that kind of casual person”

Jim King hurriedly waved his hand, scratched his head and smiled: " No, of course not! In fact, I just want to ask if we should take a taxi "

Jesse didn't want to argue with him anymore. She hailed a taxi and told him the address of her home.

About half an hour later, Jim arrived at the destination. Dressed in a red silk nightdress and with a delicate face, Sara opened the door and saw that Jim was also there. She pursed her lips and showed a look of disgust.

“TSK, TSK, I heard from Jesse that you, a loser, have really sold one hundred suits? And even resigned? Idiot! Even if resigned, you had to make enough money! It was a great bargain for William Jia'”

Hearing what Sara said to him, Jim King just smiled without getting angry. He had known her since college, so he knew her well.

She was a typical soft hearted woman with a sharp tongue, but she was not bad. The most important thing was that she was really good to Jesse!

“Well, honey, don't blame him anymore” As she spoke, she kicked Jim King again: " Go and prepare something to eat. I didn't eat anything the whole night, but I was so angry”

“All right”

After saying yes, Jim began to work in the kitchen, while Jesse and Sara began to chat.

Soon, several steaming home cooking dishes were served as midnight snack.

After dinner, when Jim King was about to ask him which room he and Jesse would live in, Sara Tang put on airs again: " You can sleep in the room near the door. And I'll sleep in the same room with Jesse Yue”