Apparently neither of us would be invading planets anytime soon because the Invader test only occurred once every 70 years, insignificant to the irken lifespan but still that was a lonngggg time and the next test wasn't for another few decades. It had already been 2 months since graduation.

It was almost hard to believe, about 6 months old and already assigned to duty to the irken empire. My low scores got me out of any significant, lax positions. My physical scores however brought me above several worse performing soldiers such as Scat. I ended up being the equivalent of an Armorer, my job having me repair and clean weapons all day every day in the armory. It got extremely tedious after a while, but I managed to level advanced weaponsmith significantly, any weapon I cleaned doing more damage than before, that was pretty broken.

Funnily enough Scat and I were placed in the same duty station, a junkyard planet constantly being flooded with outdated tech and broken electronics. The majority of soldiers assigned to this world were mostly breaking apart and recycling all the materials, using plasma cutters and welders to take apart whatever they came across.

It was official, we were failures…

But i found myself strangely happy

Scat would come to the armory occasionally and ask for me specifically. He would always come up with a big grin and try to hug me, a motion that got curious side glances from the other losers stuck in this trash ball of a planet. It was a bad habit that developed from my slight…overzealous.. cheers of victory during our training. I could feel his slight joy at seeing me, feeling hints of affection through the force, this idiot really turned into my best friend… how sad…

Class - [Necromancer] - LVL 1/100

HP - 50/50

MP - 50/50

SP - 50*/50

STR - 10

END - 10

DEX - 10

INT - 10 (+ 50)

WIS - 10

CHA - 10

LCK - 10



[Raise Undead] - LVL 1/10, [Force Sight] LVL 4/10, [Force Telekinesis] - LVL 2/10,

[Force Imbue] - LVL 3/10, [Force Heal] - LVL 2/10


[Force Sensitive] - LVL 4/10, [Force Meditation] - LVL 3/10, [Sprinting] - LVL 3/10, [Acrobatics] - LVL 2/10, [Climbing] - LVL 2/10, [Parkour] - LVL 3/10,

[Brawling] - LVL 3/10, [Melee Weapons] - LVL 1/10 {Knives - LVL 2/10},

[Anatomy] - LVL 2/10, [Butcher] - LVL 1/10, [Chemistry] - LVL 2/10, [Traps] - LVL 2/10,

[Stun Resistance] - LVL 1/10, [Driving] - 2/10, [Piloting] - 2/10, [Marksmanship] - LVL 3/10,

[Ranged Weapons] - LVL 3/10 {Small Arms - LVL 4/10}, [Mechanics] - LVL 3/10,

[Computers] - LVL 1/10, [Advanced Weaponsmith] - LVL 4/10, [Masseuse] - LVL 5/10, [Cooking] - LVL 5/10, [Merchant] - LVL 2/10


[Mana gifted], [One with THE FORCE], [2nd Mind], [Robotic Stamina]

The increase to my stats seemed to be due to natural growth and not new skills. The new skills themselves that I had obtained through training seemed to only boost the efficiency of my overall ability.

Since my first day of service I quickly realized one thing. MY JOB DIDN'T PAY MUCH MONIESSSS. I only make 10 monies every 2 years!

I WAS POOOR! The empire barely paying me enough to buy some nachos after 2 years! That wasn't enough! I'd seen all the cool things the irknet(irken version of the internet) had to offer. Private droids with a myriad of abilities, ships better armed and more luxurious than any military ship, badass blackmarket weapons, and so much more! The biggest problem being how outrageously expensive most of that crap was.

I ended up thinking of a way to make monies when an idea hit me, a long lost practice no modern irken puts into use anymore. MASSAGES! I first offered one to Scat managing to develop the skill through his participation. Also something I would slightly come to regret as it made him a bit more touchy with me…

Not long after i managed to convince the other irkens in the armory to try it out, quickly sealing their fate as massage addicts. When they came to ask me for more I knew it was time to ask for monies. Managing to get word to spread around, I a few curious irkens come with monies to try it out, first timers are given a significant discount. But once you've gone blac…i mean once you've got one of my massages you can't go back

I'd seen some of the irkens stiffen their limbs in pleasure, trying to control themselves as my massages sent them to high heaven. I'm pretty sure I developed some addicts… they'd probably hold me at gunpoint if i stop now.

When the massage business took off i got started on another side business, using the extra monies to buy ingredients i began baking my own sweets, cookies and cupcakes from a small oven i bought alongside the ingredients

At first they were free with any patron of my massage business, but eventually the taste became irresistible as well.

Now I had a properly developing black market economy on the base, brave irken soldiers asking to buy cookies while handing me their plasma cutters or welding tools for repairs. Some of my food even temporarily boosted my stats. Something I noticed when I saw I had +1 STR for 24 hours. I started cooking a bit more lackluster after that….

I'd actually been pretty depressed recently, despite the booming business my actual combat abilities were pretty stagnant. How would I become the conqueror of worlds while I was still so weak? I haven't even killed anything yet and the only corpse I had come across was a dissection on some aliens we had to perform during training.

I ended up gradually losing my ambitions to this mundane life of mine pretty much accepting my fate, afterall the Irken empire is currently in the middle of peace times, still allies with the vortians maybe not even having started construction on The Massive, that planet sized ship that could ram through planets

War would come eventually, but galactic conquest was still a few decades off. The Tallest was still female afterall.

Perhaps the force had sensed my worries, or my worsening mentality because it had scratched against my mind for the first time in months.

Quickly running to my private quarters, a room smaller than Harry Potter's first room underneath a staircase. The room itself only has a PAK dock that would update my PAK putting me in some form of 'sleep' during the maintenance. I locked the door behind, sitting cross legs before meditating

As soon as I sat down I felt the force begin spiraling around me , slowly condensing within and around my body. The purple interior of my room slowly fading out of existence before everything turns black. And suddenly I feel….i feel… like I need to throw up…


[Dimensional Traveler]

You've traveled through universes, you know a bit of something about space.

Increases efficiency of all space related abilities.

Feeling my world spin, having this disgusting feeling of bile rising in my throat, I sprawled across a floor trying to get my bearings. After a minute of keeping myself from throwing up i groan before starting to stand up

I'm inside some kind of living room, as I spot what's obviously a couch, tables, chairs, a wall of books, shelves with family photos.

Hmmm humans… a family of 4. Son, daughter, mother, and a father. I felt a strange sense of disgust for the first time, almost unconsciously muttering 'disgusting worms'. This would be my first real confrontation with anything outside of the empire. I was genuinely shocked with my own reaction, I was once human wasn't i? Taking the photo from its shelf to examine it further The family appeared to be wearing ordinary civilian clothes except for the father. wearing a uniform that I recognized instantly. NABOO!?