I almost screamed, my mouth gaped at the fathers uniform, recognizing it as the Royal Naboo Security Forces from the Prequels. I was in the prequels?! That's so awesome!! I feel my dark ambitions growing at this new revelation.

Dropping the photo, I grab a laser pistol from my PAK and head toward the nearest window. It appeared I was in some kind of neighborhood as there were a multitude of houses side by side, all in their beautiful nabooian architecture. The most eye catching thing was the street littered with several dozen damaged B1 battle droids and corpses. CORPSES!

Climbing out the window I did my best to act as stealthy as possible, kind of hard to do with glowing red eyes, eye-catching green skin, and a bright pink service uniform but oh well. After making sure no one was around I headed to the nearest body. A small pistol catches my eye and i shove it into my PAK for later study

I know the most important thing is secrecy so I grab onto the clothes of the body and attempt to drag it away when….

Place object within inventory?

Inventory!? Since when! I shake my head remembering what has priority right now. i think yes before the corpse disappears from existence. I run around like a headless chicken touching the damaged battle droids, blasters, and remaining corpses, thinking 'inventory' as they disappear to my touch. Clearing the street I ran back into the house, finding the bedroom.

Pausing while staring at the luxurious looking bed. Why not? I touch the bed before it disappears, going around the house and stealing anything I can. Couches, chairs, books, plates, candles, even took some blue milk from a fridge

Back in the now bare bedroom I summoned up the 7 corpses I managed to collect, I probably had nearly 50ish battle droids collected. Anyway the 7 corpses appear to be all male, with civilian attire, it appears they were completely civilian resistance. Makes sense with Queen Amadala being a pure pacifist at the moment.

Foolish naboo how would you hope to defend yourself without a military…feelings of disgust and contempt rose up, almost trying to force my mouth open with words of criticism. It felt slightly bizarre, this was a new experience to me. Is this how all irkens felt?

Getting back to the task at hand I face my palm toward one of the corpses "rise" I whisper out, feeling something fly out of the palm of my hand. The corpse's eyes turn from a dull dead look into an encompassing bright blue sheen. The new undead slowly turns over before standing

FINALLY! Over 5 months! And I haven't once used magic. Closing my eyes I try to focus on the sensation of magic leaving my body as I raise the remaining corpses, doing my best to manipulate the magic. Failing to do anything until the very last corpse, I manage to redirect the magic slightly, appearing to cause the spell to fail as I have to recast it. In total my mana decreased by 40, appearing to be 5 mana to cast the spell

HAHA look at me! 7 eternal slaves, a good start to the goal of a billion.

A bit of testing and I came across the very fact that these guys aren't very smart….

They could hold blasters, but are more likely to swing them like clubs before shooting them, they weren't skillful enough to run efficiently, doing more of a fast wobble towards targets. They also followed orders to the letter not really leaving much room to interpretation, but whatever! I had magic baby! Things would improve with time.

For the next few hours I went house to house, stealing everything. Finding small stashes of credits as well. Why the star wars universe didn't have some type of credit card i'll never know though it felt nice holding the silver and gold colored credits. I had my undead bringing in more droids, blasters, and corpses. This went on for a few hours. The day gradually turned to midnight when I suddenly heard blaster fire coming from outside.

Looking out the window I saw my undead get mowed down by an organized platoon of battle droids. The red beams of fire being the only source of illumination in the dark of night.

MY UNDEAD SLAVES!!! In anger I raised my irken laser pistol and began firing from the cover of the window. Pink beams of laser fire escaped from my building managing to down 4 droids, In response the battle droids broke formation and began taking cover.

FUCK! That's right! These B1s had a central control computer instructing their every move. I also had realized just how fucked I was, I didn't have one of those fancy invader PAKs with the spider legs, numerous munitions, and surveillance equipment, I had an ordinary soldiers PAK, some life saving equipment and a gun, that was about it.

Firing at the open B1s trying to run close to the house I manage to down a few of them. They had begun using buddy tactics, half of them firing behind cover while the other half rushed forward and finding cover.

WHAT THE FUCK! Where was this during the clone wars!!! The edges of the window started falling apart as blaster bolts pettered it. One of the shots grazed my antenna causing me to yelp in pain. I wasn't going to win this, so i did the smart thing and ran away, running into some kind of closet before jumping down into a meditative state

Oh please sweet force take me home, i promise to not abuse your power, please send me back!


My antennae catching the sounds of droids busting through the door, simultaneously i felt the force coalescing around me, the colors begin to fade before everything turns black

Ahhh! I yelp, as I face plant onto the floor. Appearing a few feet above the ground. Getting up and dusting myself off. I break into laughter when I realize I'm back in my room…

I dusted myself off

HAHA! What a rush! Exiting the room and heading back to the armory. I was gone for maybe 1 minute, it seems the time scaling between both universes isn't anywhere near close as i was gone for several hours more than that.

Class - [Necromancer] - LVL 2/100

HP - 47/50

MP - 50/50

SP - 50*/50

STR - 10

END - 10

DEX - 10

INT - 10 (+ 50)

WIS - 10

CHA - 10

LCK - 10

Unallocated Stats: 10



[Raise Undead] - LVL 2/10, [Force Sight] LVL 4/10, [Force Telekinesis] - LVL 2/10,

[Force Imbue] - LVL 3/10, [Force Heal] - LVL 2/10


[Force Sensitive] - LVL 4/10, [Force Meditation] - LVL 3/10, [Sprinting] - LVL 3/10, [Acrobatics] - LVL 2/10, [Climbing] - LVL 2/10, [Parkour] - LVL 3/10,

[Brawling] - LVL 3/10, [Melee Weapons] - LVL 1/10 {Knives - LVL 2/10},

[Anatomy] - LVL 2/10, [Butcher] - LVL 1/10, [Chemistry] - LVL 2/10, [Traps] - LVL 2/10,

[Stun Resistance] - LVL 1/10, [Driving] - 2/10, [Piloting] - 2/10, [Marksmanship] - LVL 3/10,

[Ranged Weapons] - LVL 3/10 {Small Arms - LVL 4/10}, [Mechanics] - LVL 3/10,

[Computers] - LVL 1/10, [Advanced Weaponsmith] - LVL 4/10, [Masseuse] - LVL 5/10, [Cooking] - LVL 5/10, [Merchant] - LVL 2/10, [Mana Manipulation] - LVL 1/10,


[Mana gifted], [One with THE FORCE], [2nd Mind], [Robotic Stamina],

[Dimensional Traveler]

I'd say the most significant gain would be mana manipulation, assuming it'll allow me access to more spells…

I gained 10 stat points from leveling up! Something I put aside for now. My mood was through the roof right now, my antenna ended up a little singed but nothing the force couldn't heal

Entering the armory, I got a few curious stares due to my ear to ear grin. Ear to ear? Guess that isn't suitable anymore. Anyway I head to my work bench and summon up a few of the droid blasters I picked up. Disassembling them I noticed the actual technology behind the blaster wasn't actually anything special, though the actual damage the blaster could deliver did modestly match an irken weapon of equivalent size.

With how stupidly advanced irken technology was it would be crazy easy to replace the blasters parts and upgrade it. One fascinating thing to note was the weapons small tibanna gas carthage, which powered the weapons actual ammunition. Tibanna gas was also used to power starships, allowing them to go into Hyperspace. Such a unique resource did not exist in this universe, and neither did Hyperspace travel. Instead the mighty irken empire had to do space travel the long way, going as fast as possible to reach your destination as soon as possible

If i had a ship with a hyperdrive in this universe…..i'd easily be the fastest ship in the galaxy. Unfortunately I don't have an actual Hyperdrive to reverse engineer but I could get one….

Taking all the collected blasters out I disassemble them, pocketing the Tibanna gas cartridges and scraping the rest of the weapon. Next I summon 3 B1 battle droids, which after being disassembled can only be described as absolute TRASSHHH!!! While the irken empire still mostly relied on manual labor for many duties, it was still extremely autonomous having a multitude of advanced machinery. There was no doubt that a SIR unit despite being significantly smaller than the 6ft 3in Battle droid was way more advanced. Having all round better technology

Realizing that was a bit disappointing, I had collected hundreds of damaged B1s only to realize the irken empire could do it better without any effort. At the very least repairing the droids could help me level my mechanic skill. Aside from that i got quite a bit of household items, not sure I'll ever actually use it but at least i could lay on a bed whenever i wanted.

I had mentally committed to going back and stealing more items as well as fighting more B1 battle droids. It seemed my class leveled not from using the class skill, but from actually defeating an opponent. If i remember correctly the actual occupation of naboo wasn't all that long, at least the movie made it seem like a few days at most, but travel through the star wars universe could take days, so i was completely lost on the actual timeline of events. Nonetheless i had to act with haste…

~a few hours later~

I had ended up rushing through my duties, making sure to pack 'ESSENTIALS' into my inventory from the armory before scurrying off into my room to teleport back onto Naboo. With the time difference between universes seemingly humongous, i was afraid weeks would pass in those few hours

A few of the massage addicts got a bit of an attitude in my rush, obviously i wasn't selling anything today. Not like they could do anything to me however, their bodies would unconsciously shudder when I waved my hands in their direction, as if remembering my touch. They could only grit their teeth in anger with narrowed eyes and hatred toward me. But it seemed to satisfy them slightly when I told them I was only taking a break for a short while and would continue eventually.

I had once again sat cross legged in my room and prepared for reentering the star wars galaxy. Like before the force coalesced around me before darkness overcame my senses. A nauseous feeling washed over me again and I heard blaster fire immediately.

Adrenaline spiking from the sound I begin trying to get my bearings. I noticed I'm once again in a bedroom but the noise was coming from outside. Taking a peek out I noticed that a platoon of battle droids were surrounding and searching the next building, there were 4 damaged battle droids outside…


It can't be…

I had been gone for a few hours but it seemed like no time had passed at all. Deciding against throwing myself at a platoon of battle droids I walked to the other side of the house and began jogging in the complete opposite direction. My mind was still racing with the insane realization that no time had passed in my absence.

If i could disappear at will and have no time loss whatsoever…perhaps i had a greater role to play in the galaxy far far away…

My ambitions were once again aflame for the first time in weeks!

I eyed the buildings I passed during my jog and eventually spotted some type of very aesthetically pleasing speeder design parked in a garage like area. Making my way over I hopped in, immediately realizing the controls were slightly alien to me. But that was nothing Irken technology couldn't overcome!

A cable wormed out of my PAK before adapting its end to interface in whatever port jacks the speeder had. If this was irken tech i was jacking into my PAK would immediately take note of the breach in security and eventually a control brain would need to analyze my intentions, but this was alien technology i was hacking into, as far as my PAK was concerned it assumed i was doing my duty to the empire

It took a few moments for my PAK to study the operating system. A simple speeder computer was no match and I was able to activate the speeder bike. Which also had an autopilot and a map of the local area for convenience.

Analyzing the map I noticed 2 things. I was outside the city of Theebs and the area I was in was pretty much entirely a suburb with a few schools, markets, and parks nearby but mostly homes.

What I needed most right now was a 'information center', looking through the navigation for the nearest library I found my target. Sending instructions to the speeders computer through my PAK it began slowly hovering along the road toward my destination

During the ride I noticed the roads littered with dozens of wrecked battle droids, several man made barricades and cover formed along the road at different places. Perhaps signifying that the Naboos resistance was quite effective against the battle droids, that or that the battle droids were collecting the dead and possibly incinerating them.

Eventually I arrived at a grand palace-like structure, boy did the naboo really kill it with aesthetic design, the library looked grand…

Making my way inside I came across a completely deserted building, shelves reaching high into the ceiling looking like monuments to knowledge, beautiful fluorescent lighting coming out of whatever information they housed on their shelves. I booked it toward a large ovular table that I imagined would be the station of some kind of librarian. It looked neat and tidy despite the invasion going on and it had a much needed terminal for use. I managed to hack into the library terminal, my PAK doing most of the work and providing me with history, knowledge, maps, and the necessary translations one would need to communicate with a variety of sentients. I stored as much library data as I could , a humongous amount of varying information on it, most of it useless but some practical.

Satisfied with my gains I decided it was high time I joined the plot. Heading back to the speeder, I inputted the city of Theed into the navigation.

It was time…to become a youngling

The trip did not take long, but something I had failed to account for is that the city itself was the main target of invasion. Something i realized when a loud PEW sound in the distan—-


The speeder had rocked violently from the explosion, we were nearly hit. In the distance an AAT was aiming directly at us. And it wasn't long before–



Another violent shake had shook the speeder, enraged I pulled an 'essential' out of my inventory, my small frame suddenly held a rocket launcher over my shoulder. My PAK connected to the weapon directly to help input targeting data and before the AAT could fire again a beautiful Pink missile escaped the weapons mouth, traveling in circles toward the target and hitting it directly.


The beautiful sight of pink flames came out of the blown AAT before they turned into normal orangey red flames



In response to my victorious cry, blaster fire started pettering through the air, a platoon of battle droids appeared around the destroyed AAT and began firing toward me. A few of the blaster bolts managing to hit the speeder absolutely destroying its glorious paint job

Anger, a fierce petty anger overcame me, storing away the rocket launcher i summoned an automatic plasma machine gun, mounting it along the edge of the speeder i began spraying and praying.

The contrasting Red blaster bolts vs my Pink plasma bolts was a glorious sight. The droids had begun taking cover as insane spray fire was hitting anything indiscriminately, meanwhile my speeder continued forward toward the Royal Palace.

The exchange of fire continued until the cover of buildings finally encased my speeder when it entered the city. The sight of several AATs and Hundreds of battle droids patrolling lining different streets entered and exited my view as we passed by intersecting roads.

It might be a good idea to walk from here…

Before I could finish the thought more blaster fire began pattering against the speeder from several directions all at once. Most likely the central computer timing the shots of its units together to catch me surprised.

One of the speeders 2 hover engines was hit leading to the speeder losing control and swerving wildly before crashing through the side of a building. Adrenaline kicked in. I jumped out of the wrecked speeder and began bolting toward a back exit, finding myself in some kind of back alley. My PAK had an updated map and pathed a route for me to reach my destination. I began sprinting through back alleys and markets. Getting closer and closer to the Palace.

And what do you know? I came across some destroyed battle droids, either meaning I'm too late or very very short on time. Hoping for the latter I continued my sprint toward the palace entering through its side.


My antennae picked up blaster fire in the distance as I continued sprinting through the palaces hallways. Running toward the source of the noise, confused Naboo pilots ran past me, some taking a second glance and probably confusing me for a child. A few call out to me but i easily sprint away before they can react and enter the Main Hangar watching as the famous legend himself Obi wan enters the ship and Qui-Gon puts away his lightsaber before noticing my figure sprinting into the room.

I run up to him, panting. And besides my heavy breathing an awkward silence descends on the two of us as i stare at him. Just as he was about to speak—

"Master Jedi! Please hurry!"

A voice escapes the ship causing him a bit of concern

"Please take me with you!" I begin pleading while staring into Liam Neeson eyes.

Just as he was about to speak again–

"Master! We're running out of time!"

He looks at the ship for a moment before gesturing for me to come along


I run inside behind him, passing several confused handmaidens

Of course the ship itself begins lifting off as soon as the doors behind us close. Qui-Gon quickly makes his way to the pilots with me in tow, realizing i followed him inside, he grabs my wrist and takes me out of the room

"Wait here young one"


Feeling slightly insulted I almost voice a complaint but keep it in when I truly notice how tall the man is. Well over 6ft and dwarfing me. He walks away as i grasp the true difference between our physiques i was still shorter than 4 feet, i had grown slightly during training and was considered average for my age group but the majority of irkens were still shorter than the average sentient in this galaxy

It didn't take long for the ship to begin getting fired upon by the Lucrehulk blockade, I could almost hear the music from the movie playing in my mind as the voices in the other room lined up with my memories.

I let fate take the wheel on this one, or I should say I let the force take the wheel and events played out identically to the movie, Qui-Gon even deciding to head toward Tatooine. When that conversation ended the Jedi duo came up to me, Obi-wan looking extremely perplexed at my being here.

"Mind explaining what you're doing here little one?"

Qui-Gon spoke gently, his eyes showing concern. Obi-wan in contrast looked slightly annoyed, probably assuming me to be another jar jar stow away.

I pause contemplating a response…

Deciding it may be best to pretend to be a child on this…

"I want to be a Jedi!"

I try to raise the pitch in my voice, and make the phrase itself sound more naive. This causes the two to raise their brows at my statement.

"What makes you so sure you can be a Jedi?"

"Because I can do this!"

I raise my hand and use the force to tug on Qui-Gon's lightsaber, the hilt flies into my palm. Shocking the pair slightly.

"That's a neat trick…"

Qui-Gon says casually before turning around to discuss something with Obi-wan who gaped at the spectacle. Listening carefully through my superior irken senses, they discussed the lack of knowledge on my species and what I was doing here, deciding to play it safe and not give their full trust to me but to take me to Coruscant for proper review.

The duo eventually turned back to me and I smiled innocently at them. Obi-Wan began walking away seemingly more annoyed than before. Can't really blame him todays been extremely eventful for the man.

"I don't believe i've seen your kind young one, wha…what are your people called"

"I! Am an irken!

I was guessing that the man was attempting to sense my thoughts and feelings, so I decided perhaps honesty was the best way to go on this one. Seeing my clear pride for my race he chuckled for a moment before smiling gently toward me

"And how old are you?"


That one stumped me for a moment, technically speaking I was less than a year old which is true, but as soon as I was ready for duty I was an adult by Irken standards. Still less than 1 year…i'm sure there has to be some other sentients in the galaxy with similar maturity rates…


"I'm…one year old…"

His eyes widened slightly, clearly surprised. After all while i was small i was at least quite big for a one year old not to mention that i was clearly much more intelligent than the average sentient one year old.

"I see…"


Our awkward conversation continued pretty casually, it seemed he caught how uncomfortable his questions were making me and decided to be more patient for the answer, but other than that it was time to play the waiting game. To let the events of the prequels proceed as they were meant to. After all, my favorite era was the imperial era, I couldn't do anything to jeopardize such an ideal eventuality…

Eventually the events on Tatooine had taken place, with me staying aboard the ship the entirety of the time. Of course Darth Maul had made an appearance at some point and young Anikan Skywalker had joined us aboard the ship. Seeing the young Lord Vader before me had almost broken my heart with how pitiful the future lord of the Sith currently was. Anakin himself was extremely overjoyed to see another boy 'his age' aboard the ship however and began trying to talk about things with me. I had to pretend to need to sleep to get this annoying thing away from me, using force sight to watch him talk with his future wife.

The wait to get to Coruscant was oh so painfully slow!!! But the plot continued nonetheless. I was currently standing outside the council's rooms while a young skywalker was being questioned. An unknown female Jedi master stood with me, keeping a stoic expression the entirety of the wait.


The doors to the council room slid open and Anakin's anxiety practically hit me like a wave, but a small bit of relief came over him when he saw me, probably assuming the same thing was going to happen to me and realizing that he wasn't alone.

"Good luck Dabo"

"...thanks Ani"

The word felt disgusting in my mouth, perhaps the Jedi took notice as she raised a brow at me for no particular reason.

"It's your turn now, little one"

She gently placed her hand on my shoulder and softly pushed me toward the door, I stepped steadily inside, the appearance of council began surrounding me. Looking exactly how they appeared in the movies. It was Nick Fury! My mind even began entertaining the thought of somehow getting into the Marvel universe and having the two of them meet.

Just as my mind was racing with ideas I felt a wave wash over it like a splash of water, a warning from deep within. As if the force was telling me to stop thinking. Panic set in. How was I going to keep my thoughts safe?! Some of the council members seemed to sense my thoughts racing, Windu himself began scowling at me. All this before a single word was said. My fear was building, I tried to focus on not thinking of my secrets but that in itself seemed to be giving me away. Then I felt it again. A wave of clarity rushing through my being once again. The force was trying to help me…It sent ideas into me when…


[Force Veil] - LVL 1/10

Keep your presence hidden, keep your thoughts to yourself…

Relief! Oh the sweet relief that washed over me. The council members seemed confused but before they could decide anything i decided to speak


A chorus of hums and seat adjustments took place, they were clearly perplexed, but Yoda Spoke first

"Your name?"

"Dabo, Master"

"Come before us, why have you?"

"I wish to learn the ways of the force and become a great warrior for my people"

"Your people, where are?"

"I don't know, but they're far far away…"

It seemed Mace Windu decided to take the lead.

"Your species is undocumented, Master Qui-Gon told us your Irken? Is that correct?"

"It is…"

"And what are Irkens?"

"We're just like everyone else…" that wasn't lie per se, we did the same things as other sentient races for certain however he didn't seem to like my response

"Hmmm, and how did you get to Naboo"

"Th..The Force took me there…" also not a lie but this one seemed to cause a bit more heads to turn before they could also for clarification i decided to continue

"I was on break from working when….when everything went black and i woke up in a city on Naboo…"

The Jedi seemed stumped on this information, Windu carefully considered his words for a moment before continuing.

"Working? Your people have you work?"

Fuck! Forgot I was a child for a second! Well… can't backstep that would look too bad. Honesty, something within was telling me i should be honest…

"Yes, from the moment we're born we begin working…" I looked around awkwardly.

The masters in the room didn't seem too surprised by that, perhaps there were other such species in the galaxy far far away. Maybe my insect features implied such a cultural thing…

"Mmm and what is that device on your back?"

My body stilled, it seemed like silence had suddenly overtaken the room…

It was so deafening you could hear a pin drop. I almost heard some nonexistent heartbeat within myself.

I turned my head and looked over my shoulder, looking at my PAK. I mean really looking. From my perspective it was a tool, but the average irken was quite literally their PAK, everything about them coming from their PAK. But it suddenly hit me that I'd die without one.

I took a long glance at my pack. An ovular backpack attached to my spine, 3 pink areas across its metallic surface. Faintly, listening very closely, one could hear the metallic whirring of its processes. Keeping my body alive, recording my memories, fighting infections, and so much more…


"That is…."

"That is the entirety of my life."

The room set in silence, the masters slightly glanced at one another. Considering my words perhaps.

"Can you explain?"

Explain…yes i suppose i had to explain more about the irken race in order to become a jedi…

"It's gonna take a while…"

"Plenty of time…we have"



It had taken well over an hour, long back and forth of me explaining everything. The PAK, the pinnacle of Irken Technology, my entire being, keeping me alive, housing my memories since birth! They had of course asked to analyze it but I had warned that if it was separated from my body I would begin dying, not to mention it would possibly self-destruct from any attempted probing. They surprisingly let go at the chance of studying it when they learned it would kill me.

What came next was me explaining the racial supremacy complex many irkens held, explaining their conquest of worlds and extreme militarization. That seemed to cause the most concern, but the empire couldn't touch them if they wanted to due to being in another universe entirely anyway. I had explained much of the education system that takes place shortly after birth, and they tried to pry for more before I explained I was only 6 months old and had only seen the smallest fraction of the empire.

After they were satisfied with their question they of course told me they had much to discuss and would inform me of their decisions. So I basically went back with Anakin and waited patiently for a verdict with him.

And like in the movie Qui-Gon had come to inform Anakin of the council's decision, but this time he wasn't alone. The same Female Jedi that had watched over me outside the council room had come along with her. Anakin was of course considered too old, too afraid, too attached to join the Jedi Order, I however was promptly given under the responsibility of this female master.

The more I stared at her, the more I realized I had absolutely no clue who she was, probably destined to be one of the many dead Jedi to fall at the battle of Geonosis. Her hands were beautifully tattooed in strange sky blue circular patterns with symbols around them. She appeared to be younger than 30 and had brown hair, but her face showed a hard stoicism reminding me of dooku. She appeared to be the all work and no play type of jedi…

I had eventually been taken to where the younglings typically lived. A corridor containing several rooms only double the size of what the irken empire was providing me. Great, I upgraded from broom closet to walk in closet…

"This will be your room, familiarize yourself with its location a droid shall bring you your robes shortly"

What had to be the blandest room in existence appeared before my eyes, at least pink and purple shade were interesting to look at, the all gray room was mind numbing even at a glance. Gray walls, gray chair, gray desk, why the hell so much gray!

With that said the Jedi turned around swiftly, quickly departing before giving me the chance to ask any questions.

Something tells me it's going to be a miserable few years…