CHAPTER 6: Young Skywalker…

I had frequently jumped back and forth between worlds through the following 10 years. On the Irken side of things the days were passing steadily, I continued my little blackmarket service club, taking monies in exchange for a massage or food. A few of them tried acting all serious and high and mighty when they gave me the money, but one touch and their bodies jumped, not to mention seeing them bite down on their tongues to avoid moaning. It seemed pleasure was a huge irken weakness…

The bit of extra monies had me make another attempt at expanding my business, with me researching alien plants that colloquially had strange effects from energizing the body to healing or bettering sleep. My plants would arrive relatively quickly landing in small meteorites.

The irken galactic delivery system was truly a thing of beauty.

And after a significant amount of experimenting, sitting in my hand was a bottle of strange red liquid that almost seemed luminous, I shook it around. How crushing up some random green alien plant would turn it into a red liquid was beyond any type of scientific understanding i held but i just coughed it up to magic. Weirdly and perhaps because it was my creation, when I stared at it hard enough a stat window would pop up.

Minor Health Potion - 10% Health

This didn't seem to happen with other things. My co armory drone, a guy called Led, blushed when he saw me staring at him intently. That was a bit embarrassing…

But then I tried it on one of my cookies.

Cookie - Decreases Fatigue

I suppose it only works on system made goods. That effect is pretty useless for Irkens though considering we never sleep

For the Galaxy far far away however…Perhaps I hadn't thought through my decision…

The second the Jedi code began being repeatedly ingrained into my mind through classes I had begun second guessing my decision. 'There is no emotion, there is peace', I'm basically genetically engineered to feel no emotion toward anything and know this is a flawed philosophy for 'real' Jedi. Other than the constant nagging I disagreed with it had been a strenuous 10 years within the star wars galaxy. It seemed I had thrown myself into another highschool environment. The life of a youngling could be easily described as education, training, and indoctrination.

At first i was placed with younglings that ranged in ages 4-8 but 1 month after my joining when it became apparent that not only was i slightly more gifted with advanced techniques such as healing, but that i completely intellectually outclassed them i was put with older younglings, on the verge of becoming padawans ages ranging from 8-12.

This group also had Anakin in it. The smile he had when I joined his class was shocking to say the least. It seemed the young skywalker had been slightly outcast from the rest of the younglings. Which i hadn't noticed at first but after several weeks it became apparent why. Not only did he join into the order late meaning everyone else was the equivalent of family with one another except him, but his growth with the force was explosive, quickly catching up to our peers it left me insanely jealous! Training that would take others years to master anakin learned in less than half a fraction of the time!

In fact his growth was so outrageous I would travel back to my original universe and spend several weeks practicing on my own to catch up…

We were both just a pair of god dam cheaters. Anakin, the chosen one, strongest force user in existence. And myself the multiverse traveler, having essentially all the time i wished to train by myself. This unfortunately or fortunately, considering how much you want to make friends with damn kids, also led to me being mostly outcast, it became the two of us constantly being paired together for training. Something I actually enjoyed as Anakin became the best at everything he set out to do, proving to be a constant challenge in every confrontation. The little arrogant asshole was always amused at his stream of victories…

Saying things such as "maybe next time, shorty" with a grin while one of his hands would flatly lay in the air, a jab at my height!

I, in defense, constantly reminded him of my age, saying I'd best him if we were the same age or how im technically tall for my age.

However, even he had a disadvantage, I did not SLEEP! 8 hours to purely do anything my heart desired. Of course the masters had tried to convince me to go to sleep but when I explained it was physically unnecessary and I could in fact go my entire lifetime without it they had attempted to persuade me to do other activities in my room, such as meditation. But having a youngling meditate for 8 hours a day didn't sound right, and locking him in his room for several hours to do nothing sounded worse…

So they had made an exception for me and allowed me to do whatever it is i wished, such as training, meditating, studying, even eating. One thing I trained viciously was acid resistance, something I accidentally happened upon when I attempted to take my first shower. Irkens shower in a green cleaning goo that finishes the job almost instantly, and I had forgotten about my natural allergy to water…

I was able to muffle my horrendous screams of pain, imagine my surprise when a master knocked on my door. My emotions had apparently flooded outside. I of course explained that I was in fact okay…

Other than that my thirst for knowledge led me to mostly staying within the Jedi archive, which despite not having access to the holocrons was extremely beneficial. It had everything, EVERYTHING! MAPS, HISTORY, ENGINEERING, GEOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, BOTANY, even thousands of personal biographies from Jedi explaining the extent of their harder to master abilities. Biographies describing the usage of abilities ranging from time manipulation, pyromancy, dream walking, teleportation, the physical manifestation of the force which could only be described as sheer magic in itself.

Of course with almost all this knowledge being digital my PAK was able to download this knowledge and I became a walking Jedi Archive, promising to attempt to master these illustrious abilities one day.

One thing my mind couldn't grasp was the 'star wars logic' in the galaxy. Learning about different planets tended to involve learning about their way of life and knowing that farmers lived in the equivalent of huts without any proper plumbing while having actual droids to help them with farm work was a constant head scratcher. Like what the hell, why can't you at least make yourself a proper house!

In those 10 years the young skywalker had grown more and more attached to me. Early on it seemed Kenobi only trained him personally for a few hours a day, and was rather distant as a master. With not many friends he had dragged me along on many of his miscellaneous activities. Even taking me into the lower levels of Coruscant where he would buy parts for the droids he worked on as a hobby.

We would compete against one another at everything, the two of us even entering illegal pod races in the shadier areas of the lower levels. I had found myself even thinking of saving him from his fate as Darth Vader…

But the goal was still there, perhaps my friend would join me not as Anakin Skywalker but as Darth Vader…

Despite my thoughts, the young skywalker had finally begun regularly joining his master on tasks distributed by the council. I found myself lacking a proper sparring partner at my level within my clan. Despite all this time here I was still unfamiliar with the others as I saw no need to get to know these future Battle of Geonosis casualties…


Within a training room, a 8 foot tall 4 armed machine with four training lightsabers swung wildly toward myself. The entirety of the fight the droid had used its power and weight in an attempt to overwhelm my short being, and the fight itself had been entirely defensive in nature. Any ounce of offensive would be met swiftly by the droid's computers using merely one blade to block my strike, retaliating with 3 others toward me narrowing all windows of escape to a minimum. The only saving grace was using the force to enhance my movements and reactions, barely escaping the constant assault and narrowly managing to block one blade with the proper amount of power needed to keep the clash controlled.

The droid of course sees dozens of opportunities for attack and is absolutely ruthless, a swing at my antenna, an upward swing to throw me off my feet, a downward swing to keep me trapped while its other blades strike from the sides.

In an act of desperation I used the force to jump up escaping 3 blades, surprisingly the droid hunched down bringing its body extremely low and having all 4 of its training sabers pointed forward toward me, I began falling and the droid suddenly catapulted up with its legs. I placed my saber below me as i fell trying to block, it clashed with all 4 of the droids and the sudden strike threw me back upward



After hitting the ceiling my training saber deactivated and my body limply fell back toward the floor. I groaned softly as the pain in my head slowly faded away as the sound of 4 other sabers deactivating swooshed through the air as well.

"It's my victory once again master!"

It was a chirpy happy voice, clearly robotic and seemingly enthused to be put to work.

"Yes… I noticed that…"

From the view of an average citizen the droid was very very strangely designed, of course I had attempted to the best of my ability and Anakin's to replicate General Grievous. While the young skywalker was amused by my taste for 'training droids' he still helped me build the droid a few years prior. The droid was far from identical but atleast fitted the goal of the training near perfectly. Superior strength, reactions, and movements. It was the only opponent that truly treated me like a ragdoll in the entire temple. Constantly using its weight and strength to its advantage.

My poor superior irken body had left many dents and scratches across this poor training hall throughout the past year after this droid's creation….

This training room in particular had been slightly modified by myself, it had cameras acting as the droid's eyes, and a large machine in the corner was the droid's true brain, wirelessly connected to its body for control. This was done in order to maximize the challenge the droid could provide, it had near omnipotent knowledge of the entire room…

"Perhaps you are ready for another round master??"

"Perhaps NOOTTTT"

The droid's dutiful voice began annoying me, a part of me felt this droid was simply too eager to wack on one of its creators…

"Whatever the master desires…"


With that i stood up slowly and dusted off my robes. I used the force to put away my training saber and decided to look at my stats

Class - [Necromancer] - LVL 3/100

HP - 50/50

MP - 50/50

SP - 50*/50

STR - 10

END - 10

DEX - 10

INT - 30 (+ 50)

WIS - 10

CHA - 10

LCK - 10

Unallocated Stats: 0



[Raise Undead] - LVL 2/10, [Force Sight] LVL 5/10, [Force Telekinesis] - LVL 7/10,

[Force Imbue] - LVL 8/10, [Force Heal] - LVL 5/10, [Enhanced Senses] - LVL 5/10, [Enhanced Movement] - LVL 6/10, [Precognition] - LVL 3/10


[Force Sensitive] - LVL 7/10, [Force Meditation] - LVL 7/10, [Sprinting] - LVL 3/10, [Acrobatics] - LVL 2/10, [Climbing] - LVL 2/10, [Parkour] - LVL 3/10,

[Brawling] - LVL 3/10,

[Melee Weapons] - LVL 1/10 {Knives - LVL 2/10, Lightsaber - LVL 6/10},

[Anatomy] - LVL 3/10, [Butcher] - LVL 1/10, [Chemistry] - LVL 2/10, [Traps] - LVL 2/10,

[Stun Resistance] - LVL 4/10, [Driving] - 2/10, [Piloting] - 4/10, [Marksmanship] - LVL 4/10,

[Ranged Weapons] - LVL 3/10 {Small Arms - LVL 4/10, Explosive Ballistics - LVL 1/10},

[Mechanics] - LVL 9/10, [Computers] - LVL 6/10, [Advanced Weaponsmith] - LVL 9/10, [Masseuse] - LVL 8/10, [Cooking] - LVL 8/10, [Merchant] - LVL 7/10,

[Mana Manipulation] - LVL 1/10, [Force Veil] - LVL 4/10, [Acid Resistance] - LVL 5/10, [Alchemy] - LVL 4/10, [Herbalism] - LVL 3/10


[Mana gifted], [One with THE FORCE], [2nd Mind], [Robotic Stamina],

[Dimensional Traveler]

Despite 10 years having passed and access to a plethora of abilities I hadn't gained much. It seemed the system was extremely rigid with its desire for one to gain experience through practice. Under tallest Miyuki I haven't been afforded the opportunity to join a war due to constant peace, the Jedi themselves still saw me as a child barely nearing the age of 11 and did not yet wish to put me out on missions, so my experience had been stagnant.

Skills themselves were difficult to learn, Force abilities in particular were an incredibly difficult hurdle to face. I had wondered why Jedi were so limited in ability despite having access to valuable knowledge, it turned out to be near impossible to learn new abilities. I had attempted to learn how to manipulate time for several months before giving up and shifting to gravity, several more months and I gave up again and shifted to mind reading. It wasn't long after that I had given up again and tried to learn pyromancy, spending several years attempting to manipulate open flames with no success to show for it. Either the force itself kept me from accessing these new abilities or force wielders unconsciously bestowed their gifts to others, as I had gained the abilities the other students had in my classes. Perhaps some type of mixture of both as I had gained force healing myself…

I sighed after seeing no improvement in Precognition, the ability that allowed Jedi to sense future threats like blaster bolts, and began making my way to the training rooms exit.


And just as the doors slid apart before me, standing proudly was the infamous undying Jedi herself. Jedi Master Shaak Ti, my master…

As far as i can remember she had died several times throughout star wars with not a single death being canon, but perhaps she truly did finally die on Kamino as the Bad Batch hinted at…

"You shouldn't push yourself so hard young one" she gave a sympathetic look with a bit of scolding mixed into her voice.

"I will try Master"

I merely bowed my head and agreed knowing better than to get into a pointless battle of words with a Jedi Master. Perhaps sensing my lack of earnesty she humphed before turning around and walking slowly. I followed in pace

"Master Kenobi has been taken hostage…"

"Really?" i feigned ignorance

"Yes, on planet Geonosis, the council has deemed it safe enough for you to participate in his rescue, along with several dozen more padawans as there will be many masters to keep you safe"

"I've got a baaadddd feeling about this…"

She smirked at that statement, Shaak Ti had rarely seen me act childish in any capacity and had noticed my statement had a strange childish mirth to it. The compassionate master Jedi seemed to want me to act more my age at several points throughout her tutelage of me. Her lessons usually revolve around empathy and positive emotions.

"Just stay close to me and you'll be alright"

I just nodded, but knew for a fact that the mission would not go alright and would have an extremely high casualty rate. Hard to believe the clone wars was about to begin, I had attempted to prepare myself by training diligently, even attempting to Max out Mechanics, as I hoped it would prove useful against a droid army….

It was not long after when I was placed aboard a ship alongside plenty of other masters and padawans. The plan was simple, we would arrive a fair distance away from the coliseum and our sheer numbers would scare the enemy into submission.

If only it were so easy…


With the Ships landing, many Jedi begin pairing into groups to discreetly enter the coliseum. I of course grouped with my master alongside Master Luminara. Not one of the worst pairings considering both survive this battle in canon but shame she couldn't prevent her own padawan from falling to the dark side.

We entered the coliseum through a tunnel, trekking through it slowly. Master Shaak Ti glanced back at me.

"Feeling more confident?" she smirked, perhaps thinking that seeing such a large number of jedi on a single mission would ease my worries.

"No, in fact i'm preparing myself to let go of my attachments to everyone here"

It was a cruel response, but it was a jedi response, cold and emotionless. Shaak Ti seemed surprised with how callus my statement sounded, while Luminara seemed only slightly intrigued.

"Wise words padawan"

Luminara piped in, while master Ti gave her a quick glance

"Worry not young one, there should be no fighting"

We continued, eventually stopping at an opening to the coliseums arena. We hid cloaked in our robes against the walls. Doing our best to remain unnoticed. In any logical situation i would've been screaming bloody murder at what i felt was essentially sending me to be captured immediately, but hey if it worked once it'll work again.

All around the sound of beating wings and cheers spread throughout the coliseum, it seemed we had just barely missed the beginning of the 'entertainment' as the young skywalker was still trying to gain control of his opponent. I found myself smirking if only for a moment before realizing I had more important things to do.

I promptly summoned several dog sized spider droids. They appeared as essentially beach balls with 4 legs, a simplistic oval shaped red glowing eye, and a dark shade of purple for coloring. Can't go wrong with irken aesthetics

"What are you doing?!" Shaak Ti whispered harshly

"Creating a backup plan"

The jedi had already been aware of my ability to summon items at will, in fact there was a record of a jedi with a similar ability, but had to actually store the items somewhere and teleport them to himself whenever he desired.

I could feel Ti's anxiety rise slightly beside me as I used my PAK to send instructions to the droid's computers. The droids themselves were my own personal creation designed for this exact moment. They were mere suicide bombers designed to scale most types of walls and surfaces and explode when commanded.

If dozens of poorly disguised Jedi were failed to be noticed by the geonosians surely my droids would go unnoticed as well. After receiving their commands the droids steadily walked alongside the arena's wall, each heading toward an entrance that would allow the droids to flood into the battle later on. Not wishing to be overwhelmed, I decided to create this counter for this specific situation. Their creation had actually allowed me to level both mechanics and advanced weaponry.

Just as the droids began getting into position however, suddenly the sound of lightsabers igniting began echoing throughout the arena, not wanting to be left out I also ignited my own lightsaber, a blue blade swiftly appearing out of my pink metallic hilt.

Swarms of geonosians began flying away in fear, the sight of dozens of lightsabers igniting was quite the spectacle honestly. I almost found myself awed, but I was also nervous and urged my droids to quickly carry out their objectives.

From there of course the first blaster bolt flew at Mace Windu and the fight began. Dozens of jedi jumped into the arena and began fighting the swarming droid army. I myself began deflecting blaster bolts back onto the enemy. A swarm of emotions fazed through the air however.

Shock and surprise, many of the masters couldn't believe it. We were actually fighting for our very lives at this moment.


Finally the very first droid had reached the tunnel's entrance, exploding on its ceiling and causing it to collapse, crushing the marching droid army underneath. A few seconds more and…


Slowly but surely my droids began exploding in the arena's entrances. It wasn't soon enough to stop the flooding of droids but it did stop it from being so insanely overwhelming. And of course the small change in history didn't stop the death. Beside me several Jedi ate blaster fire before collapsing, breathing in their very last breaths.

The movie didn't do the carnage justice as I witnessed a geonosian sonic cannon invert a guy's body inside out, his internal organs flying everywhere as his body got split apart.

Several of the padawans witnessing that spectacle either froze up or began throwing up their stomachs contents, the droids nearby taking their lives as well.

I of course focused on my own life, there was no room to save anyone else, the tiniest distraction right now would mean ensured death. Soon only a single entrance remained where the droids entered from, i spotted 3-CPO marching in step alongside the droid army, barely making it into the arena before a sudden explosion occurred behind him


THAT WAS CLOSE! I almost killed 3-CPO.

Using my saber I continued bisecting B1s and B2s promptly storing them into my inventory, even managing to grab several dead geonosians. The real prize however was the now dead Jango Fett, it seemed my tiny meddling had not changed fate and his head was still off his shoulders in this life.


Slowly but surely the number of droids had begun dwindling and a significantly larger number of Jedi had survived than previously. But the droids had mostly likely taken alternate routes as they began flooding the stands and had us surrounded.

Silence suddenly descended upon us, the arena had become empty of active battle droids, the stands however were filled to the brim, all blasters aimed right at our group. THEY HAD THE HIGH GROUND!!!

Count Dooku of course began his speech asking for our surrender, and Mace Windu, the guy who apparently can't read a room, refused to surrender.


Several jedi grip their hilts tightly, I found my own fingers twitching slightly around my own saber. The silence was palpable as we stared down into the emotionless crowd of droids. Right before the droid army was about to completely wipe us out, several LAAT gunships descended, large green beams firing into the stands destroying all the droids.

Blaster bolts began firing into the air as entire crowds of droids were mowed down by the LAAT gunners. Despite having prior knowledge of the events, the relief that swept through my being felt amazing. A few of the gunships landed with clones climbing out.

Oh the beautiful white armor brought a special type of joy out of my heart, while admiring it I excitedly dived into a gunship. Making sure to board one with Master Ti as she was destined to survive this battle. Master Ti along with several other Jedi began discussing with a clone captain aboard about certain things. Seeing as I was a lowly padawan I thought I may have a moment to myself and decided to look at my stats.

Class - [Necromancer] - LVL 7/100

HP - 50/50

MP - 50/50

SP - 50*/50

STR - 10

END - 10

DEX - 10

INT - 30 (+ 50)

WIS - 10

CHA - 10

LCK - 10

Unallocated Stats: 40



[Raise Undead] - LVL 1/10, [Force Sight] LVL 5/10, [Force Telekinesis] - LVL 7/10,

[Force Imbue] - LVL 8/10, [Force Heal] - LVL 5/10, [Enhanced Senses] - LVL 5/10, [Enhanced Movement] - LVL 6/10, [Precognition] - LVL 3/10


[Force Sensitive] - LVL 7/10, [Force Meditation] - LVL 7/10, [Sprinting] - LVL 3/10, [Acrobatics] - LVL 2/10, [Climbing] - LVL 2/10, [Parkour] - LVL 3/10,

[Brawling] - LVL 3/10,

[Melee Weapons] - LVL 1/10 {Knives - LVL 2/10, Lightsaber - LVL 7/10},

[Anatomy] - LVL 3/10, [Butcher] - LVL 1/10, [Chemistry] - LVL 2/10, [Traps] - LVL 2/10,

[Stun Resistance] - LVL 4/10, [Driving] - 2/10, [Piloting] - 4/10, [Marksmanship] - LVL 4/10,

[Ranged Weapons] - LVL 3/10 {Small Arms - LVL 4/10, Explosive Ballistics - LVL 1/10},

[Mechanics] - LVL 9/10, [Computers] - LVL 6/10, [Advanced Weaponsmith] - LVL 9/10, [Masseuse] - LVL 8/10, [Cooking] - LVL 8/10, [Merchant] - LVL 7/10,

[Mana Manipulation] - LVL 1/10, [Force Veil] - LVL 4/10, [Acid Resistance] - LVL 5/10, [Alchemy] - LVL 4/10, [Herbalism] - LVL 3/10


[Mana gifted], [One with THE FORCE], [2nd Mind], [Robotic Stamina],

[Dimensional Traveler]

FOUR LEVELS!!! I had leveled more than I had leveled in the past decade!

"Padawan…what are you thinking of?"

"No..nothing master"

Ti gave me a confused look, the usually elegant woman looked disheveled and her breathing was rough, not to mention the loss of so many Jedi so swiftly must've badly affected her. She had most likely felt my pang of excitement and joy…

"I see…"

"General, we'll be landing soon"

A clone officer had taken Ti's attention away, looking outside i saw dozens of platoons of clones slowly condescending into a frontline, ATTEs being deployed all over the battlefield and gunships flying all over supporting the battle. I qucikyl place my newly acquired 40 stat points into STR, END, DEX, and INT equally.

The gunship slowly descended to the ground and when the doors opened we walked outside to have a clear view of the chaos. Red and blue plasma bolts exchanged fire, a line of white armored men formed the front of our assault pushing into an unending sea of droids. Rockets whizzed through the air before landing in an explosive flame.

A deep primal excitement was taking over my body, a strange compulsion to charge into battle was flooding into my nerves. THHHISSSS, THIS!!! This is what irkens were bred for! My legs began walking me toward the frontline, I almost got lost in the movement before I turned back to Ti.

She seemed to have also been lost in the carnage but in a vastly different way, she was shocked, appalled…the spectacle left the poor woman gobsmacked. It took a trooper jostling her for her to break out of her stupor, so I continued walking away. Something was calling me into the battle, something from the very back of my mind…

My legs began increasing speed slowly, jogging then sprinting. Several clones firing into the enemy gave me sideways glances, with some calling out for me. Training from the last decade would have had me pull out a lightsaber, but before even processing that thought i had summoned an irken heavy machine gun from my inventory

Rapid pink bolts blasted into the approaching droid army, screams of dying clones and blaster fire raged around me.

"Protect the general!"

Several clones had formed a line around me and were providing supporting fire, however they were still getting gun downed like headless chickens

Why the hell don't we have any cover!

I began summoning several repaired B1s from my inventory, the clones were briefly surprised before I yelled at them to continue firing at the enemy. The B1s were only receiving simple commands from my PAK and their khaki color contrasted heavily to the dessert red the enemy B1s had.

They also did not carry ordinary blasters, but had the equivalent or light machine guns, and began firing dozens of plasma bolts a second.

The support I conjured up didn't stop it though. The agony, the fear, chaos… The frontline was too long, there wasn't any type of cover except for destroyed vehicles. Rage was overwhelming me. Incompetence to the highest degree right before my very eyes. Such poor decision making would get one labeled defective and he would be promptly 'removed' from the Empire.

Clones continued walking forward toward certain death, I used the force to pull the nearest trooper toward me, bring his face before mine, forcing the poor man onto his knees.


"SPA..SI..SIR all forward units have been ordered to advance???" the clone sounded choked, i released my hold on him and he collapsed to the ground before grabbing his rifle


Several 'yes sirs' passed around the air with some poor clones using their dead brothers' corpses as cover; others looked around confused, nothing in reach to take proper cover.

I had let go of my machine gun, a deep frustrating rage had been building inside me. STUPID JEDI! Looking toward the droid army I brought my hands up in a fist, my claw tipped fingers digging into my palms as I gripped the ground itself, attempting to use the force to make cover.

The ground quaked slightly as I grit my teeth and kept trying to pull up, the screams and blaster fire continued sounding around me fueling my growing rage. The pointless death finally fueled a breaking point inside me and like a chain snapping my hands raised up, several meters ahead of me a short wall of earth appeared looking 4 feet tall and 2 feet thick.


The clones promptly lined up along the wall, their bodies now better defended behind the wall, not to mention their aim improved dramatically from having something to fire off of. My droids continued mindlessly advancing and I found myself catching my breath, before I could rejoin the battle my knees started buckling and I kneeled onto the ground catching myself with my hands. Two troopers grabbed my shoulders and carried me to the newly built wall, leaning my body against it.

"Are you alright, general?"

"Give..give me a moment…"

I was slightly shaken up, I mostly felt absolutely drained, all my pent up frustration and rage had left me like a dam collapsing. I decided to glance at my stats


[Summon Skeleton] - LVL 1/10

Use your own power to conjure undead servants


[Geomancy] - LVL 1/10

The earth itself can channel your power!

Class - [Necromancer] - LVL 15/100

HP - 49/50

MP - 50/50

SP - 50*/50

STR - 20

END - 20

DEX - 20

INT - 40 (+ 50)

WIS - 10

CHA - 10

LCK - 10

Unallocated Stats: 80



[Raise Undead] - LVL 2/10, [Force Sight] LVL 5/10, [Force Telekinesis] - LVL 8/10,

[Force Imbue] - LVL 8/10, [Force Heal] - LVL 5/10, [Enhanced Senses] - LVL 5/10, [Enhanced Movement] - LVL 6/10, [Precognition] - LVL 4/10,

[Summon Skeleton] - LVL 1/10, [Geomancy] - LVL 1/10


[Force Sensitive] - LVL 8/10, [Force Meditation] - LVL 7/10, [Sprinting] - LVL 3/10, [Acrobatics] - LVL 2/10, [Climbing] - LVL 2/10, [Parkour] - LVL 3/10,

[Brawling] - LVL 3/10,

[Melee Weapons] - LVL 1/10 {Knives - LVL 2/10, Lightsaber - LVL 8/10},

[Anatomy] - LVL 3/10, [Butcher] - LVL 1/10, [Chemistry] - LVL 2/10, [Traps] - LVL 2/10,

[Stun Resistance] - LVL 4/10, [Driving] - 2/10, [Piloting] - 4/10, [Marksmanship] - LVL 4/10,

[Ranged Weapons] - LVL 3/10 {Small Arms - LVL 4/10, Explosive Ballistics - LVL 1/10, Heavy Weapons - LVL 1/10},

[Mechanics] - LVL 9/10, [Computers] - LVL 6/10, [Advanced Weaponsmith] - LVL 9/10, [Masseuse] - LVL 8/10, [Cooking] - LVL 8/10, [Merchant] - LVL 7/10,

[Mana Manipulation] - LVL 1/10, [Force Veil] - LVL 4/10, [Acid Resistance] - LVL 5/10, [Alchemy] - LVL 4/10, [Herbalism] - LVL 3/10


[Mana gifted], [One with THE FORCE], [2nd Mind], [Robotic Stamina],

[Dimensional Traveler]

Great! I tried playing with fire only to end up playing with the mud. It seemed I had also gained a class ability most likely when I had reached level ten. Not wanting to waste too much time, I give every stat 10 points and distribute the rest to intelligence. Surprisingly my height grew by several inches in the next moment, a sight that had the 2 clones looking over me bamboozled.

HUH! I just grew taller!


A nearby explosion rocked me back to reality before my thoughts began to wander.

"Get back to the fight troopers!"

A pair of 'yes sirs' came out, I summoned an irken plasma rifle before realizing the wall I had made was slightly too tall for me to use. Grabbing onto the edge I lifted myself up and looked into the battlefield, my legs dangling off the ground.

It seemed I had miscalculated, the wall I made only provided cover for our tiny section of the frontline, the remaining frontline still blindly advanced forward and we were being left behind. In the far distance i saw Jedi blindly leading their troops, their men just standing around firing from the hip either mowing down the enemy or being mowed down themselves

Fucking dumbasses… I grit my teeth before running along the edge of my wall. I had decided the smartest thing to do at the moment was to expand the cover. With much less effort I created sections of earth wall parallel to the one I erected earlier. Usually long enough for a dozen troopers to use before continuing along the line and creating more.

Suddenly the earth quaked as a starship crashed down, a huge sandstorm washed the entire battlefield in seconds and it became too dangerous to continue along the line, risking friendly fire. I created a small section of cover for myself and began firing blindly into the sandstorm, red and blue bolts lighting up the sandy air.

The air vibrated with chaos, distant sounds of gunships, hellfire missiles, and advancing ATTEs. I tried focusing on the battle, my PAK calculating target locations in the haze. Then a purple glow flew through the air rapidly making strange movements.


Something from within was screaming at me! I went prone immediately when—-

