
Silence…at least for the exact moment before my conscious started freaking out


I felt a horrendous pain on my left side, and as I tried opening my eyes to see the damage I quickly winced as dust and sand flew every which way and directly into my eyes, my skin slowly regaining enough feeling to feel the intense air pressure of the wind.

Slowly the noises began flooding in again, blaster fire with various yells spread around me. I had the painful urge to begin coughing but found my tiny body devoid of enough oxygen to do so. And it suddenly dawned on me that my PAK surely was attempting to repair the damage and probably had everything I needed to know within my own mind.

Consciously looking through my PAKs reports I saw that my left hand had been cleanly eviscerated off my body, along with several skin searing burns mostly along my left leg and torso. It seemed someone had also dragged my body to safety and had dispensed some form of bandaging in the moments I was out. I tapped into the force, quickly aiding in my body's natural healing processes before being pushed back into exhaustion. The pain had significantly lessened.

Taking a breath, I finally opened my eyes again to see myself laying behind a dirt wall, most likely the very same one I had erected earlier. My surroundings were nothing but a dust storm with faint blaster fire coming from every direction. I tried to use my good arm to support myself upward when a hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder

"Sir you've taken a bad hit, I'd recommend you end your participation in the battle"

I glanced crookedly at the trooper scowling at him, which seemed to have taken him back slightly

"Give me a status report trooper!"

"ye..YES SIR! After you had gotten incapacitated by a rocket, the front continued its advance, we managed to shoot one of their core ships out the sky, causing this huge dust storm sir."

I found my tongue rolling around in my mouth slightly, not sure if the information I had been told left me with a bad taste or if I just had remnant blood in my mouth. All I knew was I was slightly disappointed missing out on one of the battles spectacles.

Class - [Necromancer] - LVL 17/100

HP - 19/100

MP - 100/100

SP - 120*/150

STR - 30

END - 30

DEX - 30

INT - 60 (+ 50)

WIS - 20

CHA - 20

LCK - 20

Unallocated Stats: 20



[Raise Undead] - LVL 2/10, [Force Sight] LVL 5/10, [Force Telekinesis] - LVL 8/10,

[Force Imbue] - LVL 8/10, [Force Heal] - LVL 5/10, [Enhanced Senses] - LVL 5/10, [Enhanced Movement] - LVL 6/10, [Precognition] - LVL 4/10,

[Summon Skeleton] - LVL 1/10, [Geomancy] - LVL 1/10


[Force Sensitive] - LVL 8/10, [Force Meditation] - LVL 7/10, [Sprinting] - LVL 3/10, [Acrobatics] - LVL 2/10, [Climbing] - LVL 2/10, [Parkour] - LVL 3/10,

[Brawling] - LVL 3/10,

[Melee Weapons] - LVL 1/10 {Knives - LVL 2/10, Lightsaber - LVL 8/10},

[Anatomy] - LVL 3/10, [Butcher] - LVL 1/10, [Chemistry] - LVL 2/10, [Traps] - LVL 2/10,

[Stun Resistance] - LVL 5/10, [Driving] - 2/10, [Piloting] - 4/10, [Marksmanship] - LVL 4/10,

[Ranged Weapons] - LVL 4/10 {Small Arms - LVL 4/10, Explosive Ballistics - LVL 1/10, Heavy Weapons - LVL 2/10},

[Mechanics] - LVL 9/10, [Computers] - LVL 6/10, [Advanced Weaponsmith] - LVL 9/10, [Masseuse] - LVL 8/10, [Cooking] - LVL 8/10, [Merchant] - LVL 7/10,

[Mana Manipulation] - LVL 1/10, [Force Veil] - LVL 4/10, [Acid Resistance] - LVL 5/10, [Alchemy] - LVL 4/10, [Herbalism] - LVL 3/10


[Mana gifted], [One with THE FORCE], [2nd Mind], [Robotic Stamina],

[Dimensional Traveler]

Looking at my stats, I had leveled twice more bringing my mood slightly up. I noticed my stamina had seemingly for the first time ever actually dipped. My PAK almost always kept my stamina at max. My Health however was dangerously close to death but staring at it for a few moments and i noticed it slowly tick upward.

"Are you okay sir?"

The voice took me out of my thoughts and my status disappeared before I refocused on the troopers helm.

"I'm fine… help me up!"

The trooper slowly dropped his weapon before using his free hand to wrap around my waist and lift me into a standing position. I pushed him away as I tried to step, a painful bout of nerves searing through my left side, pain that was consciously suppressed by my PAK from that moment forward. I managed to hobble with a limp, taking an actual look at my hand. I found a stub wrapped with bandages along with what was left of my arm. I conjured a blaster from my inventory, a small pistol appearing in my right hand. My PAK attempts to ping all the B1s I had summoned earlier but they appear to have been entirely destroyed causing me to grimace even more.

Turning back to the trooper he had picked up his weapon and was just staring at me.

"Take me back to the battle soldier"

"Yes sir!"

He pops a salute before turning around, and slowly walking around our cover, the line had shifted so far forward the cover I erected had become useless. I hobbled behind him, a deep hunger for the fight keeping me walking forward. In the distance red and blue blaster fire flew through the storm, the silhouettes of clones and droids being made barely visible.


As I hobbled my way back to the battle I had taken the time to tap droid and clone bodies with my foot, storing them away in my inventory, my body's performance slowly returned, my left leg began walking smoothly, and the strength in my flesh seemed more normal and effortless. My left hand was still completely gone and would probably take several dozen hours to heal. But as long as I had my right hand I could continue gaining XP.

My precognition allowed me to barely dodge the red bolts that only passed me by chance and I had raised my right arm to blindly fire back, I absolutely refused to get out my lightsaber and attempt to block blaster bolts let alone reflect them. It was just absolutely impractical to get close enough to cut down dozens of droids. And clones that would follow me would be close enough to be gunned down themselves. I would've erected another wall but my will was absolutely drained, I barely had enough focus to fire into the crowds of droids. Without the small burst of XP I wouldn't even know I hit something.

Glancing around I noticed several clones had gone prone while firing, others at the very least staying crouched while firing sporadically. If only I was stronger in the force I would summon more cover directly. Cover..i needed cover…


Waving my hand, a bedframe suddenly popped into existence, before other items such as fridges, couches, nightstands, and dining tables appeared before me. While most of the furniture wouldn't do much to stop blaster fire it was better than nothing.

"Grab this shit and push forward!"

I yelled at the nearest clone who in his confusion just stared at the odd assortment of household items. It took a moment before troopers began grabbing items, a small group of 5 grabbed a luxurious couch, two of them pushing the couch forward while 3 fired from behind. Others slowly rolled a fridge taking shots before rolling it again.

I had a dining table on its side in front of me, my wrist resting on its edge as I steadily fired away. Several clones had joined me and the battle continued on.


I wish I could say I made a tremendous difference in the battle, that I had made some huge military decision that drastically shifted the outcome of the fight, but I hadn't. The battle of Geonosis largely continued the same way it did in the prequels. Of our force of 200,000 only 85,000 clones were still capable combatants. The separatist alliance managed to escape, Dooku escaped.

The only difference which I would learn soon after the battle had ended is that Skywalker had lost a hand, not an arm. A clean cut through his wrist, arguably worse than some random part of the forearm. As he was getting his hand replaced he had the audacity to even joke about how we're twins now, having both lost our hands. Unfortunately while he had gotten his hand replaced mine was still days away from regrowing my fingers nice and proper.

Master Ti had scolded me quite harshly after we had reorganized ourselves. She had apparently searched for me desperately once she had gained her bearings but had to focus on saving the men surrounding her.

A lot of talking, worrying, and mourning later and I found myself comfortably within a Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, currently tailing skywalker. I would have lost him in hyperspace, but when you know where a guys going you kinda don't really need to tail him. Borrowing a hyperdrive docking ring, I headed for planet Naboo.


Anakin had to promptly return and report to the Jedi council after 'escorting' Padme back to Naboo, this of course meant that it would only take a few short hours for the both of them to get everything ready in order to get married. I had decided to take part in the historic moment myself, secretly setting up a droid to record the event, and even going out of my way to make a proper wedding cake.

It was truly a tragic sight without the film's soundtrack, before my very eyes was a couple deeply in love kissing each other into marriage in silence, no family, no cheers, no joyous laughter. I may not be human but I could imagine my old self being slightly disappointed. As soon as the couple parted lips and they began staring at the gorgeous sunset in the distance I decided to make my presence known.

"Ani! How could you!!!"

I walk around the corner of pillar, a plainly white cake in hand. The look of utter shock on Skywalker's face made this moment absolutely worthwhile. Immediately I sense shock, surprise! Perhaps even slight joy, but it immediately gets replaced by despair, shame, embarrassment. And skywalker just stares at me slowly approaching the cake in hand. Padme has a similar reaction but her face flushes red in embarrassment.

Silence ensues and an ear to ear grin is spread across my face, finally 5 steps away from the pair i outstretch my hand and fingerless nub, offering the cake

"Congratulationssss" i draw out the word

With shaky hands skywalker takes the cake, he unconsciously swallows, and a bit of fear pervades the air.

"What..what are you doing here Dabo?"

"I lost my invitation in the mail but I couldn't miss my friend's wedding now could I! Look at this stunning wife you just got yourself big man"

I smile toward Padme, the fresh wife avoiding eye contact and awkwardly smiling. Perhaps she thought that since this was Jedi business Anakin should be the one to settle our conversation.

A small sphere shaped droid that looks nearly identical to jedi training droids flies over. A holographic appears directly below the droid showing the recording of the couple's marriage.

"Haha just wait till the council sees this!"

"Dabo! You can't!" he lets go of padme and takes a step toward me, the fear evident on his face now

"I'm just joking ani! But the look on your face is priceless!"

The spherical droid drops into my hand, and I pass it over to skywalker.

"Make sure you keep this safe, this is the happiest day of your life after all, anyway i'll stop being a party pooper and let the lovely couple get to their honeymoon" i smile at the pair one last time mischievously before turning around.

"DABO! We'll discuss this later!"

"Sure skyguy!".....