
That lemon blond hair was no more and was replaced with a light winter Tangerine, her eyes were now crystal ocean that shimmered like a jewel, lips were as smooth as a peach.

She was different than what she had seen before in the mirror.

'Does that mean my choice to become a villain changed my appearance?'

The lady she saw before was the female protagonist, no wonder her beauty was incomparable with grace and a gentle aura.

'I guess I was supposed to be the female lead but since I change it, I seem to change it?'

"My lady,"

The maid who left for her breakfast comes back without any. "Your Father wishes to have your presence in the dining hall."


She nodded her head staring back at her through the mirror. 'My father, of course, how can I forget.'

"I'll be there Linzi." Good thing she remembers everything including their names and all those tiny details.

However, the maid refuses to move from her place, she only stares at her. "I–Is something wrong?"

"This morning, you seem different, my lady. Are you feeling not well? Should I inform your father?"

She forgot that the villain she chose was gentle, innocent and someone who always had a smile on her voice, Lucien Valentius; the only daughter of Grand Duke Ambros Valentius.

"It's okay Linzi, I was just thinking about a dream I had last night." She smiles like how the character was. Of course, she had never seen her smile, she only read how it was described but it was never mentioned in the book how she was like or what her behavior was.

The maid sigh in relief so does Lucien. 'I shouldn't forget I'm inside a stranger's body.' She needed to get a good grip on her character before she was called 'insane' or 'possessed' by outsiders. Rumors could spread faster than lightning.

The dining table was silent with a slight sound of clinking and clanking. Lucien was trying her best not to make any sound while she was having her breakfast, alone. Three maids were at the corner, one butler at the door while another one stood beside her so-called father who was busy going through letters. This was the most awkward breakfast she had ever had. No matter how delicious the breakfast was she couldn't feel the taste.

'Is this how the antagonist ate her daily breakfast with everyone around?'


Her mind was interrupted.



"I've been calling you."

Her father was just a few seats away, gave a confused and worried look.

"I...I'm sorry, Father, I was thinking something else."

The silver fork nearly fell off from her hand by the sudden call. It wasn't her fault, she was still new with the new name and not to forget the name 'Lucy' was only called by her family. She needs time.


He let it go. Before she walked down for breakfast, she realized that she was yet to meet the male lead and that the original plot would begin after 5 years. She was really grateful about it. She could take her time making strategy since the plot was unavoidable and it was bound to happened.

"We received a message from the imperial palace."

Her body froze with chills. The pancake she just ate even refuses to be swallowed down.

'No, it's too early for that. It can't be now yet. Stay calm. It's okay.' And eventually swallowed the chunk from her mouth.

"What for, Father?"

Since the book was only about the male and female lead, nothing was written about how Lucien's life or how she was in her household. The only thing the author wrote was that she was gentle, innocent, polite, a lady with pride, and whatnot. Well then, she had to use all of those to come out of her character.

Her father sighed in worried. "It's an invitation." Lucien followed her father's gaze and expression which was filled with worried and troubled.

"The Emperor recently passed away and now the new throne has been passed to his second son."

"I don't understand what you are trying to say, Father." She wipes her lips with the soft napkin when she was done. She remembered from the book that the male lead was the next line on the throne and was finally placed. Yaps! It was this time of the year. It took him 5 years to gather his strength and power in the Empire and when everything got settled, the journey for the new Empress began.

He sighed again. "Since the new emperor has been placed, there's a law that he must choose his empress to rule the country together." Of course, she knows but she only listens, staring at her father.

"And, all the ladies of the noble dukes were asked to represent their daughter for the Empress next week."

"I beg your pardon?"

The room was wide more like a hall, thrice bigger than her room. Everything around was unique and stunning; the paintings, the vase, the chair or table, the curtain even the window frame.

"Next week?" Her eyes widen. "Are you serious?"

"Of course," he nodded his head who was now smiling in delight. "Isn't it a wonderful opportunity for you?" That worried expression she notice was no more.


"Father, you are seriously not thinking of sending your 18-year-old daughter, right?"

"Do not trouble about that." Her father was slim and tall with a little orange mustache under his nose. "Age isn't a matter." His hair was the same as Lucien's but brighter and had a golden lens.

'It does for me.'

Her inner thoughts scream. 'I'm still in an illegal age. You could be sent to prison if this was the modern world.'

Maybe, if she was able to avoid this, she would be able to escape death. She could try and it was worth trying.

"Father," she called calmly. "I don't think I'm prepared for this and I think I should rather concentrate on my studies first." She had to have a reasonable answer to let her father believe. She wasn't a little girl who would throw tantrums around.

Her father stare at her daughter for a moment before he spoke. "But Lucy, weren't you dreaming about becoming an empress one day? You were doing all the extra studies and class for this and I don't ever think there would be this kind of opportunity again."

'I did?'

Even the person who stood beside her father gave a surprised look. 'Oh, there you go, me and my big mouth. I should have just shut it.'

"I know, Father, I still remember but I was still an ignorant child then but as I grew up, I began to see things differently. To be an empress takes a great challenge and I'm not ready for that, maybe next year or later."

She had to bring it out so that it came from her heart and not just a thought.

Her forefingers gently rub against the warm cup, it was designed uniquely, light red color with a little bit of gold. 'Is this gold?'

Her father smiled after a moment of silence. "I do not wish to force you to make a harsh decision if you are not happy with it. And I'm happy to know how you were thinking very clearly. I will assist you whichever path you choose."

Like a father who would always look out for her daughter, supporting her where she stands in an upright way and not with power or authority. She was very much impressed with this character's father. "However," he continued with a smile disappearing from his face. "This is an imperial letter with a seal and it is hereby ordered to all the noble ladies above 18 are asked to be presented and defying the order will bear consequences."

'You piece of a dirtbag.'

It seems like the reborn male lead was impatient to meet her lover or the villain again. 'Just how much do you hate her?'

"However," her father wasn't over yet. "If you wish it in this way. I'll gladly talk to the emperor to make you an exception." His gentle gaze was warming up Lucien with glowing eyes.

"Really, Fa–"

"Your Grace," the person who stood interrupted. "I know how dearly you love your daughter but please think about this carefully about yesterday's incident."

'What? What happened?'

"I am aware that I'm in no position to argue over it." He bowed. "And I hope that you'll forgive me but my lord, please think carefully. This is the new emperor we're talking about."

His father, the Grand Duke smiles. "I appreciate your concern Azar but this has nothing to do with the Julius family."

'Julius family?'

And she just remember what commotion was going on this morning among the maids.



"Did you hear the entire Julius family were banished from the kingdom and never to be set foot again for they defy the imperial order?"

She was on her way down to the dining hall when she heard those gossip among the maids.

"And the head of the family, the duke has been missing ever since he went to meet the emperor."

Chills, she felt chills. She doesn't need to think about it nor wanted to recall it. The Male lead would do anything not to let her leave even to the point of harming the person around her. The story of the plot was strong, it wouldn't let off easily and she had no choice. This father loves his daughter and he would go to the extent of sacrificing himself. This was more than enough to know how much his daughter meant to him.

"Father," she interrupts their conversation. "If it's an imperial order, I would have to accept it."

"But Lucy." He was concerned for her daughter who would be willing to give up her desire. "You–"

"Father," she interrupted again. This imperial order was not to be taken lightly. "I may not be the only lady who is defying his Majesty's order and everyone is willing to obey it. There will be many others who may appear more promising than me in beauty and intellect. Nonetheless, I wouldn't idly stand around even when my heart has already set somewhere. As the daughter of the Valentius family, I would not let the pride be taken away and I will hold my head high."

"My daughter," the duke was moved with tears filled with pride and happiness. "When did you grow up so much?" He felt as though he has seen a side of her mother in his daughter. Everybody was astonished by the words she said. Her character was someone who doesn't idly talk or give much thought to her family's status. But this change made them think otherwise.

"I've already been, Father."

She smiles again with those gentle aura. She was glad that this character and her might not so different and maybe if she tried, she might be able to pull it off.

The maid who was known as Linzi was as well astonished.

Now then, the plan should commence as she only had a week left. She had to get her ammo ready for the battle of survival. And she just happen to realized that she also held strong mana being the pure bloodline of a Noble.





Her maid walks with her through the stores in the capital. It was amazing, there were things she had never seen or never had, and things she never ate. It was truly bliss and worth experiencing, who knows this might be the last time she comes here. She hoped so not.

She walks into an antique store, looking for something which may be her greatest helper.

"Welcome, My lady, what can I be your help?"

An old man with a long grey beard tied at the end walks out the back door to the counter table.

Lucien walks forward, "I'm looking for a particular stone that could also work like a charm." As it's a magic world, so she expects magical items which could exist in this world.

"Sure, there are lots but in what way are you looking for?" The man pulls a quill from the inkpot and began to jot down on a piece of paper.

"Actually," she looks around making both the maid and the store owner give glances at her. She leans toward the old man and whispers something in his ears. It only made a maid of hers curious.

"Is it possible?"

She asked after a brief description.

The store owner stares down at the paper he wroted just now and quickly scribbled it away. "It's a strange request but it may be possible." He looks up at the lady. "But I need to check your mana. It can only work through one's mana, the stronger they are, the better it is."

"Yes, you may."

She smiles in delight. If this works she can be worried-free with no more anxieties. "And yes, another request."

The old man simply nodded his head, "anything?" And she whispers.


He thought for a moment brushing his beard with deep thought.

"I've never tried that before nor have people ever requested that but I could give it a try."

"Thank you, good sir." She beams in delight as the sun suddenly shows up on a gloomy day.

"I'll bring out the stones for you to choose. And let me know how many pieces you need." And the store owner walks back to the other room.

"What did you ask for, My lady?"

"Nothing important, Catherine." She happily walks away with a little hum not letting the maid ask any questions again.

Lucien walks around the store looking for anything that might catch her interest. As she walks to where lots of paintings were put, a particular painting made her freeze.

"What's the matter, my lady?"

Her maid asked who was as well following her from behind but stopped when she noticed Lucien refused to move ahead.

"Catherine," she called in a little dry voice.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Who is that?" She points towards the huge portrait sitting against the wall. Catherine walks forward and notices.

"Don't jest, my lady," the maid giggles. "Or did you forget that they are the Royal family, Elias."

Her body went cold, her fingers fidget as the maid continue. "The one who is sitting is the previous emperor who passed away months back. Those three are his sons." She points, to a man in his 70s with an aura of superiority but gentleness in his eyes. One son stood behind who seemed to be the eldest while the other two stood on both sides. Neither of them had a smile, one was filled with gentleness and warmth like his father, the other was cold with no serenity and finally, the other one was shallow with no soul. The longer you stare the longer it feels like it was staring back at your soul. The back of her hair across his neck stood up.

"W-where are they now?"

"The eldest one, David Elias refuses to take the throne, he is now somewhere traveling throughout the world, of course, his father didn't cut him off. He accepted his decision." She points at the man who stood behind the chair.

"The second eldest Efthalia Elias," Lucien gulped her saliva, handgrip tightly against her gown. "The new emperor, rulers of the Galatians Empire."

She carefully breathes out, gaze piercing through the portrait. "And finally, Calix Elias, the youngest who was able to live up to his name."

'This is impossible.'

Her mind was now echoing several words as though people were shouting inside her head.

'Why is he here?'

Her gaze meets the second Emperor, Efthalia whose gaze was as empty as a void, the more you stare, it felt like the void could swallowed it up anytime.

She couldn't still believe even though this was a fantasy world created by a book, how was it possible that the person looks so much like someone she is familiar with. The similarity was unmistakable. He was no other than her crush who asked her out for a dinner date and soon becomes her boyfriend in the future. She had seen and, not only that it was him who mess up her life 2 years after.

"Yeong-su." Her lips quivered against the name.