
'Why is that person here? He shouldn't be here or did he as well... No, it's impossible. The butler never mention that or did he forget, again?' The image of the butler appeared in her mind who paid no attention to what he told whether it was anything important or not. It pissed her off. 'I need to find it myself but if he was really Yeong-Su. I am so gonna skin that butler alive.'

"My lady?"

Her thoughts were interrupted when she was about to question herself.


"If you are not feeling well, should I call the carriage, My Lady?"

The maid asked in concern who stood beside her. They were out of the store for her next shopping but her mind was completely stuck on the portraits she saw at the store.

", I'm fine now." Lucien gave a reassuring look. She didn't want to spoil the day after finally managing to asked the Duke, her father permission to go shopping with her maid. "I rather walk and look around."


'I should forget about the modern world for now and he isn't here. He is different.' She assures herself, calming her mind. "Now, where is the store you told me about earlier?"

The street was lively, not too crowded which could be difficult to walk in pairs. It was bustling, filled with busy people from different backgrounds. It didn't matter who they are, as long as they buy and sell.









The day finally arrived for Lucien to leave for the imperial palace. The chariot appeared as it was told in the letter, not even a second delay.

Everything she needed was packed and all she had to do was gather up her strength to face the king of the devil.

"My lady,"

Lucien's blank thoughts were interrupted.

"If you are hungry let me know. I've packed your lunch."

She was really glad that they could bring their personal maid with them even if it was just for a day. She breathed in relief, "why do you've to pack our lunch, it's not like we are going on a long trip?"

Lucien's hair cascaded down to her shoulder; that winter Tangerine was a symbol of the Valentius lineage. What makes them special was that their hair changes from darker to lighter shade throughout the season and it was a beauty to behold.

It just happened to be in mid-summer and the shade was burnt orange on the inner while on the utmost, it was a shiny salamander. Every time the rays touches, it was as though it was gleaming.

Catherine, her personal maid couldn't help but admire her beauty. "I was told that it would be a long trip so, I assumed I rather pack some lunch." She responded, happy to be tagged along.

Lucien sighs with a smile. "It doesn't matter, do what you please." And turns her attention back to the view she had been watching. The sound of the horse stomping its hooves against the hard ground, the carriage wheels spinning heavily, and the sound of the packed luggage moving around by the little bump of the rocks was what she could hear.

The view was truly mesmerizing. Though it was covered with pines and maple, she could notice the far green valley and the snow-capped mountain which was hardly visible. She wouldn't mind watching it all day. It felt too surreal.

- 7 hours later-

"Aren't we there yet?"

Lucien finally questioned unable to sit for too long, her butt felt numb to her thigh. 'Ahh~My back,' her back was killing her as well. She couldn't find any other accurate position to feel comfortable at all.

The maid turned towards her with a concerned look, "my lady, as I said, it was going to be a long journey and we will be there by sunrise."


"Yes, in 3 days."


'Should I introduce an automobile? I'm sure with my average IQ I might be able to get a grip of the basic (art graduate student, no knowledge about mechanicals but only knows how to drive) I'm pretty sure the inventor wouldn't mind if I steal his ideas and maybe later, if I survive I'll put all the credit in his name and–'

"M-my lady?"

The low mumbling of Lucien was frightening the lady beside her. "If you are tired, you could take a break for tea?"

"Please do."

She didn't hesitate to agree at all.





Finally, after 3 days, they arrived at the Galatians empire. The walls were wide and tall, it was endless as though it touches the end of the mountain. Towers were built between 6 meters away from each other however, there was no one around except for two soldiers guarding the enormous Golden Gate.

One of the footmen gets down and gives the invitation letter which they let them pass through.


It was an excitement that she didn't have to ride anymore. However, as they passed through, something felt strange.

"Why is this place far away Catherine?" She couldn't help but questioned. Something was strange.

"My lady, are you not aware of what happened 2 months back?"

'Um...I just arrived from another world a week ago.'

Lucien was silent and only blankly stare.

"Ah, my lady," the maid, Catherine sighs in concerned. "You were so crazy about the new emperor and to be the empress."


"You would be in your room all day, books all piled up. You hardly make any debut in a social gathering." The maid continues. "And, you don't speak more than five sentences at home. You were hardly close with your family."

'How much is this girl introverted?'

"But you never forget to smile. We were so happy that our lady is finally going to show us all the things she had worked on. ~the head maid was so proud~ my lady, we–"

"Catherine, that would be enough. Stick to the topic."

She wasn't ready to be hit by any unfamiliar emotions in this new world and, in this new body.

"Oh, I apologize, my lady, about what you've asked. I heard that the new emperor moved its entire empire to the South a year back."


"Yes, and, I heard a rumor..." Catherine lowered her voice to a whisper. "That the previous emperor, his emperor's father wasn't dead, he is still alive but wasn't in good health."


Lucien's mind went blank. 'What the...The novel never mentions the emperor's father faking death and,' she pulled her attention away to the window. All she sees were woods in each corner. 'The Galantines Empire never moves to the South until the end of the chapter. What is going on?'

"Catherine, if this rumor were true, don't you think it's implied to be kept secret?"


"If the Imperial family found out somebody spreading this news which was meant to be kept secret for a reason," Lucien leans her elbow near the window with her chin on her palm. "Do you think they would spare their lives?"

Catherine's face went pale as though she had seen a ghost. It only made Lucien laugh in delight.

"M-my lady, d-don't frighten me like that."

"Still then," Lucien held her laughter. "It would be better if you don't speak anymore about these rumors."

"I apologize, my lady," she bowed a bit in guilt. "I would not. It's simply that I only heard when some soldiers were whispering when they came to deliver the letter."

"Is that so?"

'The plot is changing even before it started. Is it alright?' She thought. 'But the butler did say I don't need to follow the plot.' She was still annoyed, the butler didn't give any clear reason why she doesn't need to follow the plot. She did try to ignore the plot of not accepting the invitation however, it failed.

"Even so, was it even possible to move the entire empire? If he does, shouldn't it take forever to get to the capital during an unknown situation?"

"The thing is my lady," Catherine raises her head. "The emperor is not to be underestimated with his mana; with the flow of pure royal blood, they are 100 times no thousand times stronger than any high magician, so are you, my lady."


"And they could easily use teleporting skills to transport to any of their capital in a second. They could–"

"Wait, repeat again what you said." Lucien quickly interrupted with a wide eye.

"Umm! They are hundreds of times more stronger than any other–"


The maid thought for a second and continued,

"Umm.. they could easily use teleportation skills to transport?"

"Yes, that one." Lucien pointed her fingers toward her. "Teleportation skill."

The maid was confused by her sudden outburst. "Catherine, is teleportation applicable to the noble family?"

"Of course, my lady." Catherine smiles in return. "It required large mana but it's nothing to the Valentius family. They can go anywhere they want and–"

"Then why are we traveling if teleportation is acceptable?" She couldn't think why she had to travel for 3 days in suffering. Why was she never told about this?

"I apologize, My Lady." Catherine bowed again lightly. The journey wasn't smooth and she could tell her lady never felt comfortable. "The emperor didn't approve to used teleportation."


"We need approval and they didn't send their seal of permit."

Lucien smacks her forehead. 'Of course, what was I expecting? Hospitality? I'm the villain here and He is the male lead, the re-born male lead. Why didn't I think of that?'

Lucien almost forgot that the male lead despises the villain from the beginning. Which means this was just the beginning of the nightmare. She could feel chills in her body.

"I wonder what holds more at the door." She mumbled herself, every piece of her body was fleeing away into thin air, and she let herself drift into a deep slumber.

Lucien was already asleep and when she woke up, they were still riding in the carriage.

"Why are we still in the carriage? Are we going back?" As soon as she sits up, she questioned. She was sure they passed the gate and they should be there long back. How did she know? They arrived at the sun rising on the east of the mountain and now, the sun was above.

"Oh, My Lady, I guess you weren't aware." The maid spoke in confusion. "It takes hours to reach the main palace."

"What the ha–... Why is this so far?"

"Well, from what I've heard that it was to delay any intruder who would ambush and even make its escape difficult. Once you enter the Imperial ground, black magic is forbidden and one cannot use any spell without consent. There is a barrier around the entire palace till the end of the mountain. " Those mountains were too remote to run their way there. Forget about escaping here, she had to strike off the first plan A, to escape from this place has turned impossible and, it's never going to happened.

"We are finally here, my lady, look."

The maid points out to the window in excitement. Lucien could finally get a glimpse of the palace which was getting closer.

It almost felt like a fairy tale when the background of the palace was surrounded by snow-capped mountains with lots of trees in and around it. She gulped, gripping her gown tight.

'Here we go.'