
The carriage finally stops by another gate. It didn't have walls rather, a silver metallic pole on each side; with green vines climbing on each pole making it look elegant, not to forget the tiny pale flower blooming around till the very end.

The gates ultimately open and lets the carriage in. As it crossed by, Lucien scent a soothing fragrance. "Sky lily?"

Its fragrance was a mixture of honey, melon, and a slight citric. She doesn't know the flower nor she had ever seen or heard of it. It was the host's memory. They were delicate flowers that were likely to bloom with strong mana, especially around the beginning of summer.

"Oh! You knew."

Catherine brightens up adoring her young lady's intelligence. "You are right, this flower only blooms in the imperial palace of the Galatians empire and nowhere else. My lady is so bright~"


The carriage finally halts and the footmen who were riding at the front get down and opens the door for her. The footman raised his hand towards her.

Lucien accepts and carefully, she walks out of the carriage. She was met by a gentleman who was in his 60s wearing a black suit.

"Lady Lucien Valentius, I humbly welcome you to the Imperial Palace."

The gentleman who looks no other than a butler bowed along with some other maids and butlers who were at the back.

"I'm honored to be here." She slightly bowed as a courtesy.

"I hope your journey was pleasant, my lady," the butler spoke with a gentle countenance.

"The maids and butler here will take care of your luggage." He claps his hands, twice. All the maids and butler made their way to her carriage to his response.

"My lady," he bowed again. "Please let me guide you to your quarter." Lucien nods her head and the butler leads the way.

Truly, it was amazing and there were no words to put in to describe what she was seeing right now. Her countenance looked calm however, her mind was a chaotic mess.

'What the...? The author did say about this Galatians Empire filled with wealth and prosperity and nothing much about the palace but dame author, you extracted too much.'

Lucien couldn't help but move her eyes around wide in each and every corner. 'Is that a real gold statue?' 'Oh my! Are all those made of white marble? The floor is way too smooth, I can see my reflection, heck, I don't need a mirror. The servants are polishing too much.'

The hallway was wide, all Lucien could hear was the squelching of their footsteps against the floor. "Excuse me, Mr. Butler but, what is your name?"

"I go by the name Castor."

"And your last name?"

"I apologize, Lady Lucien, I do not have the last name."

'Oh, a commoner.' "That's alright." She wonders if the real Lucien would have looked down on him. "Castor, I've been meaning to ask when I entered this palace."

"If it would ease your weariness, feel unrestricted to inquire me anything," the butler calmly replies. He was aware as everyone he have escorted had asked the same question.

Lucien smiles, delighted by the butler's nature. "It seems that I have hardly come across any knights or soldiers around here." She was expecting more knights patrolling the palace in and out however, it turns out there were only some at the front door.

"Rest assured Lady Lucien, to provide some privacy for the ladies we've minimized the guards from the day and made them available at nightfall. However, to secure and protect this place, mages have been placed as per the order of his Majesty."


Her grips on the gown went tighter after hearing the name.

"His Majesty has made sure that the mages wouldn't cross the line and they wouldn't be able to." He consulted to ease the mood when he slightly notice the uneasiness in her.

"His Majesty seems very observant and cautious about his surroundings," Lucien replies calmly.

"He is."

Even though she couldn't see the butler, she could clearly hear the sound of pride and the warmth in his voice. It ticked her. 'The oh_so_ great Majesty you think of is not what you see, he is going to kill me in the future.' Just thinking about the plot where the emperor slowly and painfully kills her, it made her shiver. No matter what, she has to withstand this brutal war.

The way to her quarter took 5 minutes, which she wasn't expecting. On the way, the butler shows her around; the garden on the west, the library on the south, the dining hall on the west, the music room on the east....etc. 'How the hell am I supposed to remember everything? Give me a guidebook.' Some were intriguing while some sounded useless.

After passing a courtyard filled with grand fountains and never seen flowers, they finally arrived at the palace which look different than the rest. There were more places around, she couldn't see for it was surrounded by all those tall trees. It was endless.

"We are here, Lady Lucien." The butler opens that magnificent wooden door with a golden doorknob.

"Thank you, Castor." She bowed, happy that she was finally in her room.

"I apologize that your room was the farthest among all." He bowed with a little guilt. It wasn't a lie that it was far. "However, we made sure that everything you need is here and is comfortable enough to your liking."

"Don't worry, Castor." The butler lifts his head. "It should be more than enough." Just a slight glimpse inside the room was more than what she had expected. Maybe, too much.

"If you need anything, you may simply ring that little golden bell at the table." Lucien turns her attention back to the table on her left. "The maids and the butler will be there at your service."

"Thank you."

Before the butler left, he continued, "may I send your assigned maids or will you rather choose?"

Lucien thought for a moment, 'of course, I will be receiving a personal maid to look after. I should carefully choose who would suit my taste.'

"I would rather like to meet the head maid first, however, later," Lucien responded. "I'm somewhat tired now and wished to get some rest."

"I understood," the butler didn't question or hesitate. "I'll send her later. You may please take a rest." And walks out closing the door.


"I...I'mmm exhausted..."

Lucien spread herself on the soft bed as soon as she entered the bed chamber. Every inch of her body was releasing the fatigue, including her mind and soul.

"I don't understand why your room has to be the farthest."

She almost forgot that Catherine was with her in the room. Lucien sits up unwillingly. She could understand why she was complaining.

"It can't be helped," Lucien responded and stood up. "I'm the last person to arrive." She stretched her body with a yawn.

"My lady, you were the last person to arrive?"

Catherine was arranging her clothes for the bath. "But how did you know? I saw no one around."

She was about to open her mouth to explain but closed back immediately. It was no use in explaining. "Nevermind, is the bath ready?"

"Y-yes, I was told they have already prepared."

When the butler said about making sure the room has everything she needs, he means it. The room was too spacious for one person. The bedroom was separated including the bathroom. It even had a living room and a balcony with a view of the garden. If she compares this room to her room in the duke's place, it was much bigger and stunning; the delicate paintings on the wall and ceiling, the silky curtain hung around the window, paintings with exquisite frames, lamp on each corner that looks like a flower bud, soft delicate fragrant bed including the carpet and a smooth study table with books in the corner.

After her bath, tea was already prepared in the drawing room. Its aroma has already filled the entire room. Everything was different from the tea to the dessert to what she had in the duke's place. 'It seems like the chefs for the Imperial family are extraordinary.'

Every time, the Imperial palace hosted a ball or a banquet, it would be a thrill for anyone who could even sit at the dinner table or even could inhale the food which could not be found outside.

"My lady," Catherine interrupts her master's deep thoughts. "What were you chatting about with the Duke before you left?" She pours more tea into her empty cup, the color was reddish-orange with tiny violet petals.

"It was nothing much," she responded. Her father was going to play the biggest role, her escape from this palace but she wasn't going to sprout everything here. "I'll be leaving father for 2 years. So, I thought of having a daughter and father tea time."

~aww~ my lady~

Catherine was touched by Lucien's words and clamped her mouth in astonishment. Lucien didn't need to turn toward her, it was too much when somebody was extravagantly showing their emotions. She could never get used to this.

*knock* *knock*

A knock on the front door interrupted them. 'It must be her.' Lucien puts down her cup on the saucer.

"Come in."

The door opens and walks a lady in her mid-60s. Her grey hair was perfectly tied into a bun; a dark long sleeves grey gown and a tiny gold wing pin were attached to her chest. As soon as she closed the door, she turned toward the lady on the left.

"Greetings to Lady Lucien Valentius." The grey hair lady bowed, with both hands lightly pulling her gown to show her respect. "My name is Helen Adamos. I'm here at your request, Lady Lucien."

'Finally,' Lucien's mind echoed in delight with a smile on her lips. She stood up from her seat and made her way toward the lady.

"Thank you for coming at my request, head maid, Helen." Lucien as well slightly bowed to show her courtesy not out of an act but out of respect. Her actions took the head maid by surprise. Catherine as well noticed, however, she silently stood at the back of her. She was aware of her behavior even though she doesn't know her motive yet.

"How can I be your assist, Lady Lucien?" Helen gets straight to the point, even though it sounded strict, it reflected no expression but a smile.

"I need your help to assign me a maid."

Helen was highly respected among the maids and butlers, including the imperial family. It wasn't only because she was from a Noble family but rather, it was because how she maintained her well-mannered nature, nurtured new workers, and puts everything on right track. She was kind and thoughtful however, she wasn't someone who would get swayed away by honey words or any other bribery method. She rather has a straight conversation about what she wanted to hear and what others want to know. And Lucien was aware of this for she had already read the novel.

'I'm gonna use everything I know from the novel to my advantage. It feels like cheating but, my life is hanging on the thread. Forgive me, God.'


Helen was in paused. "I thought Castor has already assigned you or was there anyone not to your liking?" She was puzzled for a moment.

'It is but I'm not gonna say that.'

"I refused his proposal." Lucien had already thought about this. "I'll be here without my personal maid for 2 years." She made sure that her expression fits her words. Gently, she crossed her left arm against her chest while her other free arm lightly raised with her fingers holding her chin as though she was in deep thought, looking down at the floor.

"And," she raises her head. "I'll be here striving to live up to the emperor's expectations and I would need someone who would assist me with all my needs." And finally smiles at the end. Catherine may be standing behind her however, she felt chills. For a moment she felt as though Lucien was a different person.

"I understand." Helen smiles in delight, pleased with the answers. "Do you have any other suggestions?"

Lucien's face brightens up. She was finally able to get her attention. "If it's not too much of a bother, I'm rather a picky person and I usually prefer someone who has lots of stamina and physical strength and, is quick in works." That's all she needed to say to let Helen know whom she was describing.

'Come on Helen, think...think...think... You know whom I'm talking about. There is only one person here that fits those descriptions.'

And as Lucien chanted inside her head, Helen's face lighten up after a confused look. "I understood, Lady Lucien." She bows slightly. "I'll send your assigned maid." She was quick to buy in. "If you please excuse me, I'll take my leave. Have a good evening Lady Lucien." And she left, closing the door.

"~thank you~"

Lucien cheerfully waves her hand.

"Umm...My lady?"

Catherine calls who had been silent for the entire time. "Wouldn't you have just said that to the butler?"

"Catherine...Catherine...Catherine." She slumps down on the soft red embroidery couch, head resting on the armrest while one foot is on top of the other end of the armrest and the other foot on the floor. "Do you think I haven't thought about that?"

The maid was just about to open her mouth but closed back unable to give a response. "The Butler would have sent me the best maid but," she stretch her hand grabbing a mini tart from the plate. "Only the head maid knows who is the best of the best." And puts inside her mouth. It was delicious. She'll never get tired of eating desserts here.

In the novel, the butler showed some promising and the best maid. Lucien from the novel wasn't thrilled but choose someone who would work and support her for her future dream but, right now, that wasn't important. The maid she seek was someone the Butler didn't introduce and only the head maid could do that. That maid was her ticket, an escape plan from this hell. It was only revealed at some point in the chapter which didn't bought much attention to people around however, to Lucien, it was going to be her biggest strength.