
"Greetings, Lady Lucien. I, Rosetta will be attending to you as your personal maid."

Scarlet palace, the place where all the noble ladies have been gathered, where one will be chosen as the next Empress of the Galatians Empire. It was wide, covered with a greenhouse and gardens mostly, trees. This palace was mainly for the concubine of the ancestor which was now empty.

Lucien has already changed her gown after a few hours of sleep. As Helen told, the maid that was assigned was finally here.

"Rosetta, I like your name." She had placed the book beside the couch she was reading. "I'm pleased to have you as my maid."

"Thank you, Lady Lucien." She slightly bowed. "I'm more honored to be serving under you." There wasn't a smile on her face nor did her voice sound like she was delighted. But it didn't matter to Lucien, for she knows, this was how she was.

Mushroom silver hair with ruby eyes, and flawless skin at an average height.

Rose Flamingo was her real name. However, she never revealed her identity for personal reasons. Belonging to a fallen empire, she was able to escape from being captive except for her younger brother and that's what Lucien wanted to use to her advantage.

When everything was settled down, Lucien asked about the plan for tomorrow and how many nobles have arrived.


The sky was burning with reddish pink, it was normal to see that every evening when the yellow ball began to hide away. Its rays reflected across the room through the glass windows and the entire room was as though it was splashed with colors.

"I thought there were supposed to be around 50?" Lucien questioned in confusion, seated on the balcony. Catherine stood beside her and Rosetta was facing her.

"It is but, most of the noble daughters were under age while some were married off."

As Lucien thought, she realized that the original plot was supposed to start after 5 years and most of the girls will be in their adult stage. It was no surprise that they were still young. Some were yet to take their debutant.

"Thank you, Rosetta." There was no need to ask any more questions. She'll find out everything by tomorrow. "Can you prepare my dinner now?"

"Right away." She bowed and left for her dinner to be prepared.


"Yes, my lady?"

"Teach her about what you normally do later." She stood and walked her way inside.

"Yes, my lady." Catherine bowed. She still couldn't understand why she had to pick Rosetta as her maid. When she asked around, she found that Rosetta has been here for 7 years and wasn't very comfortable around other maids, and not only that, her qualities were not fit to be working here but she was incredibly helpful. Even if she did ask her lady, she might not say anything but just give a smile in return. Lucien was excited for her to be her maid. Catherine wonders about that.






The following day, they gradually got ready for they were asked to be in the main palace, the Platinum Palace. It was where the emperor resides.

Catherine has already left in the morning and now Lucien was walking her way to the Platinum Palace where she was guided by a knight. It was ten minutes away but it felt like it was just a few seconds for Lucien.

"We have arrived Lady Lucien."

The knight stood by a tall wooden door with a golden doorknob with some statues of a gold tiger.

'Are those gold?'

Her heart thumps and she gulps her saliva hard. Rosetta was calmly walking beside her. She was finally going to meet the other ladies and, the emperor. "T-thank you."

As the door opened, she was met by a wide red carpet; knights at each door along with some maid and butler. Each corner was either decorated with antique vases or sculptures and some fresh flowers around. The high ceiling with a crystal chandelier above. It did look like a huge ballroom but it wasn't. She made her way to the end of the other massive door.

Lucien walks in when the knight at the door opens it for her. She was not alone, all the other ladies has arrived and they were waiting for the emperor.

She didn't need to look around anymore, everything she see was either made of gold or any other rare materials. It was like what she used to see in those historical movies but she didn't think it would be too much excessiveness.

There was 5 empty throne at the top, the back was a thick curtain pulled apart in each corner, dyed in maroon blood with a golden rope tied around. At the top, there stood an emblem of the Galatians Empire. It was overwhelming no matter how much you stared at the emblem. A shield-like arrow pointed downwards with a space in between; two little white wings spread upward in the middle and in between those wings, 7 little stars circle, and finally, another two large wings in each corner of the shield, spread downwards as though it was protecting the shield.

'Freedom' was what it means. In other words, the emblem could also mean 'To protect.'

2 empty golden chairs with ruby cushions were in the middle. It was the emperor and the empress's throne.

Lucien was too busy admiring the extraordinary throne that she has forgotten her fear and nervousness to the point that she nearly started to drool. 'I wish I could snatch tiny pieces of those gold. I'm pretty sure no one would notice.'


A hard iron pole hitting against the floor bought back Lucian.

"His Majesty, Efthalia Elias of the Galatians Empire."

A loud voice echoed throughout the hall, and every lady flinched. They parted the way in the middle making a way for the emperor. All heads bowed with one arm across their chest as the emperor made his way to the throne.


A command which eased everyone and they lift their head to face the emperor.

Lucien's breath felt tight while her grip on her hand went tighter. It was no doubt that it really looked like him, 'Yeong-su'. Her lips mumbled under her breath.

That jack ebony hair with golden eyes and his sharp gaze would make anyone would shiver that makes it unable for anyone to make eye contact for too long. Lips were crimson blood with flawless skin. Broad shoulder with a slim yet masculine body.


Lucien's head echoed. However, no matter how he looks, he was still no different than Yeong-su in looks. He is seated in a way that looks way too comfortable for an emperor in front of his subject or his guest. His head leans, resting on top of his left fingers while his other hand taps on top of the golden armchair which had a head of a tiger sculpture. His left ankle rested on his right knee. It almost looks like a bored emperor who is wishing to flee from the chamber at any moment.

A knight stood beside him and he was as stunning as he looks. Neither the emperor nor the knight had a smile that was frightening.

And soon enough one after the other, ladies walk forward introducing themselves with respect. Lucien looks around those ladies. She remembered some while she couldn't remember the others as they were extra characters the author didn't introduced. Over some were side characters and they have their small roles to play as well.

'It's her,' Lucien's mind echoed again. That tall, slim fair lady with silky lemon blond hair that flows till her shoulder; light peach crystal eyes with plump pink lips. It was the female lead.

"Blessed and prosperity to the Galatians Empire." Her voice was soothing and gentle which could make anyone smile. She respectfully bowed. "I am your humble servant, Renee Nightingale. It's an honor to be here, Your Majesty."

Lucien wanted to clap her hands for that was by far the best formal greeting compared to the rest. It was better than reading the novel. For a moment Lucien notice a deep sorrow across those golden eyes but quickly disappeared. 'No wonder, he is still in love with her. Waiting for her every day in a continuous circle.'

Her heart softened with thoughts and imagination until somebody nudged her. A lady stood beside her, nudging her that it was her turn. And that's when she quickly collected herself and made her way.

"Blessing and prosperity to the Galantians Empire." She bowed, one arm across her chest while with her other arm, she lightly pulls her gown, bending a little. "I, Lucien Valentius humbly greet you and thank you for this opportunity." She raised but her head laid down refusing to be looked up.

As she was about to walk away, a cold voice halt her. "Why do you not raise your head?" Chills, everyone felt chills.

"I apologize, Your Majesty," she bowed again. "But, I'm just a lowly servant who does not fit to raise its head for someone mighty like you." Of course, she means that but she did not want to see the face of someone who looks so identical. Her emotion might burst out. "If this was felt as a discourtesy toward you, Your Majesty. I hope you'll forgive this servant."

The chamber was quiet, no one dares to question. Everyone waited for the emperor to react. The pressure she felt when the emperor was gazing at her couldn't be compared to anything she had faced so far.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor stood up from his throne, draws the sword from his knight's belt, and walks down towards Lucien who was still bowing.

"What if I could not approve your apology?" The cold voice was now much louder and clearer, only for Lucien. She did not know what was happening or when the emperor stood in front of her.

The voice wasn't the only thing that told her the emperor was standing in front of her rather, it was when she felt a cold iron against her neck, her body shivered at the touch. A sword was placed on her neck he shaded from his knight.

"If it's that so, Your Majesty," Lucien was now kneeling, lower than before. "You may take this lowly life if you feel it as a burden. I do not beg to be spared."

Everyone gaps by the boldness of Lucien who does not value her life. Before Emperor Efthalia moved his hand, the Knights standing beside him appeared and held his arms.

"Your Majesty."

Efthalia stared right through his knight. The entire room felt as though there was going to be another bloodshed, however, it didn't occur.

"We're leaving."

That was what all Efthalia spoke after handing him his sword back. Everyone breathes out in relief including those knights and servants.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The knight bowed and gestures toward the advisor who was standing in the corner.

As soon as they left, Lucien breathed out, 'I..I...I'm alive.' And finally stood up as though nothing has happened. She walked back to where she was standing, it wasn't over yet even though the Emperor has left.

"Before I start speaking about what is to take place, I'll announce a few rules." An old man who works under the emperor spoke with a stroll on his hand.

"Are you okay?"

A whisper was heard beside Lucien. She had chocolate-wavy hair, dark chocolate eyes, and red lips. The person who nudged her before.

"Y..yes, I'm alright. Thank you."

Lucien smiles gently before moving her attention toward the top.

"You were bold."

"I nearly escaped," Lucien responded making the two of them chuckle together.

"Now," the old man spread open the stroll. "As you know, you'll be here for 2 years and in between these months, you'll be going through some manners." This was something everyone was curious about as for the first time, the emperor was about to select one Noble lady instead of taking a concubine to be his empress and it was going to take 2 years.

"For six months, you'll be going through taking care of your health and your skin. Another six months, you'll be perfuming and preparing for beautifying."

'That long?' Lucien was in dazed. 'For 12 months?' No matter how much she think about it, it didn't make sense.

"The next six months, you'll be taught about etiquette for the royal ordinance, and then finally, the rest of six months you'll be put to test." Murmurs could be heard among them when they learn what it was about. Some of them were excited, giggling with each other.

"Your assigned maid will be helping you out with all the necessary work and another more will be added according to your needs."

As soon as the information was passed, the ladies left for their respective rooms for a later hour. Everything will be commencing from today, from pampering their skin and health to the tiniest. This includes applying herbs and consuming food that will only be adequate for their health.

"Rosetta," Lucien called on the way to their room. "Can you bring me something refreshing to drink?"

"Yes, my lady." And she left turning to the other side.

As soon as Lucien reaches her room, she quickly shuts the door and slumps down on the floor. Her body was trembling in fright with heavy breathing.

"He...he...he was going to kill me... That man."

She sat down pulling her knees against her chest, her hands wouldn't stop shivering. She just realized that no matter what she does, the emperor will take it to his advantage to kill her. Whether it be changing her villainess character or being kind or timid towards him. In the end, it didn't matter. She wanted to try other methods which were avoiding him and his gaze but it turns out to be more life-threatening.

No wonder all those girls that got transmitted to this world as a villain did not succeed. They were slain, some of them even begged for their life but were not spared, while some pleaded for forgiveness, being humble towards him, falling for him, avoiding him, or running away. They were killed either way.

"I want to go home."

She whispered as her head rested on top of her arms around her knees.








"Yes, Your Majesty."

Efthalia was in his working room looking through his paper on his huge smooth wooden desk. His knight who was standing beside him responded.

"Keep an eye on that wench."

"Pardon, Your Majesty?"

Efthalia's attention was on the paper he was jotting down with a quill.

"Valentious daughter."

His knight, Benjamin was surprised. He simply keeps on staring at his majesty hoping he'll provide a more reasonable answer but there was nothing more than a scribbling sound on the paper.

Before Benjamin could question, Efthalia continued, hand paused, "I couldn't read her mind."