Meaning of Lust

Musturbation,a common word in the mouth of people,a word which is spoken by youths,elders,priest, government officials and also doctors has become burden not only to the youths but also to married couples.Many have started this act and are in sorrow ,misery and are living a dead live.No one speak loud about it and if you do you will bring shame to yourself,family and the entire people will know you are a masterbater.The act is considered solitary sex,self sex,self desire,rust and many names.In the year of 1700BC ,the act was not common to people but it was practiced like the secret world of worship.The hidden agenda is not recognized by people only few know and are willing to testify the bad emotional and fatal emotions of this act.In the year of 79CE,this act was known to exist but only who did it recognized themselves like a group.

In the year of 79CE,a particular insident happened in Italy a place called Pompeii,in that city,there was eruption of volcano and the volcano flowed to the city and it caused alot of burn and agony to people.Many people died and one occasion,there was a man who was seen in the video touching his organs,this made people assume he died masturbating but also there were also who had different views,they said because of the heat and high temperature of the lava the person was burning and he had alot of pain in his body which caused him to touch his private part to try to come down the pain, moreover I can conquer with this people and say it's true,when you are in pain mostly people try to touch their private part to cope with the pain,that occasion did not bring the case of this masturbation where it came from.

Thomas.W.Liquaur,a professor at University of California,a poet and a author wrote a book called" A culture history of musturbation"He explained some occasion on how it occured but it was not backed by many authors because it lacked evidence.He said "in the year of 1712," born of a tract that named a new disease and single handedly created a nearly universal engine of generating guilt,shame and anxiety but according to him before 1700 ,the act was not common and people did not forcused with the people who were doing it.In the 18 Century that when the act started proping and it became the talk of town.Europe,America,Asia are some if the continent where this incident were reported.According to a research done in America nearly 55%of boys masturbate and only 30%of girls do masturbate.An article in 2011 written by Cynthia .L.Robbins with other scholars likeVanessa Schick, PhD; Michael Reece, PhD, MPH; et alDebra Herbenick, PhD, MPH; Stephanie A. Sanders, PhD; Brian Dodge, PhD; J. Dennis Fortenberry, MD, MS,on "Prevalence, Frequency, and Associations of Masturbation With Partnered Sexual Behaviors Among US Adolescent"were as follows;

ResultsAcross age groups, more males (73.8%) reported masturbation than females (48.1%). Among males, masturbation occurrence increased with age: at age 14 years, 62.6% of males reported at least 1 prior occurrence, whereas 80% of 17-year-old males reported ever having masturbated. Recent masturbation also increased with age in males: 67.6% of 17-year-olds reported masturbation in the past month, compared with 42.9% of 14-year-olds. In females, prior masturbation increased with age (58% at age 17 years compared with 43.3% at age 14 years), but recent masturbation did not. Masturbation was associated with numerous partnered sexual behaviors in both males and females. In males, masturbation was associated with condom use, but in females it was not.

The incidence have been reported in day to day basis and many people are in pain not knowing how to end,as the saying goes 'whatever you don't know is like darkness".The figure continue rising as the days goes,the secret is practiced in schools where the doers lock themselves in washrooms and satisfies themselvesThis is done in darkness like how sex is done.Parents be aware your children are in this act and they cannot talk to you about it.If you parent find a teenager and does not like associating with people of opposite sex, question yourself and try to find out.Most children are busy battling their lives without their parents knowledge.Parents are busy looking for money and their children are busy experimenting themselves.This act is like drugs eg cocaine ,bhang if you don't use it you fell uncertified, unstable,you start shaking,having head aches,loss of strength,weak or fabal and loss of memory. A doer of the act name John said this" according to me this act left me with pain in my penis,guilt,it healed my headache,it gave me morale of facing the day and overall it weakened my immune system and I was gasping because of the lost enery which lend to my chest to start experiencing difficult in breathing and I had to stop.It was a difficult thing knowing I had alot that was happening in my life,I had one occasion I was out of control of my life and I cried alot, looking back the condition of my parents it made me cry even louder because I they were wrangling all day in the hottest sun and they did all this for me to have education, knowledge and everything I asked for they provided ,I wouldn't let it control myself because I had one goal in life to make sure my parents lived a happy life and they would rest and relax their because God and I were there to take care if then in their old age, it's an obligation that I had to achieve even if it costed my life I had to take that bullet to make sure I obeyed their moral practice and also the laws of God,that was what change my about and gave me the confidence that with God is possible and all what seemed hopeless it will be hope to a young man.I knew to leave it ,it would be difficult but when I saw my dad and mom it gave me only one thing to live a better life for them to be happy".There are many people who have testified that masturbation is a very fatal act and it is causing breakups in families and in famous people we know.

Did you know masturbation is demonic?did you know it started in Egypt?did you know it is slavery of mind?did you know it is broking you from achieving your dream?so many questions are asked without successive answer.Let have a case study of Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh."In Bangladesh, masturbation is considered an impious activity. It has been widely documented that free access to internet porn has led to high incidences of masturbation, especially among the youth. This study attempts to understand the prevalence and practice of masturbation among university students in Bangladesh. The methodology adopted was semi-structured interviews with 299 students from a private university in Khulna, west Bangladesh. The sample was selected using stratified sampling techniques from different academic departments (strata) of the university. Chi-square test and binary logistic regression were performed to examine the association between masturbation and access to online pornography. The prevalence of masturbation among the students was 33.00% and it was found to be significantly higher among male students (42.20%). Students who watched pornography at least once a week or once a month were more likely to masturbate, with OR 161.43 (OR: 161.43, CI=38.64-674.39) and 112.3 (OR: 112.30, CI=22.80-553.22). The study provides the foundation for understanding the practice of masturbation among students in Bangladesh, with the aim of normalizing this activity."

Some people have quoted a verse in the Holy Bible saying the act was what caused the act to continue flowing to people ,Genesis:38:8-10,"Then Judah said to Er's brother Onan,go and sleep with your brother's widow, fulfill your obligation to her as husband's brother,so that your brother may have descendants." But Onan knew that the children would not belong to him,so whenever he had intercourse with his brother's widow,he let the semen spill on the ground so that there would be no children for his brother.What he did displeased the lord,and the Lord killed him also.