Ch 101: Deal with the devil

The head Priest took Yohan across the building, only to end up at the first corridor they had passed through.

Maybe the Head Preist thought that Yohan did not notice his deliberate actions but Yohan very much noticed. And it also pissed him off to be taken this lightly by a human who could not even look through his facade.

For some reason, it was easier for Yohan to use magic on the holy grounds than in the outside world. And he had a feeling that it had something to do with this ‘holy aura’ he was feeling all over the temple.

“*cough* Sorry for troubling you like this but you can come in now. Think of this place as your home and don’t be shy.”

The Head Priest gestured toward the inside of the room and Yohan slowly walked inside. He quickly took his offered seat and faced the Head Preist. He was not going to beat around the bush again.