“Yohan? That doesn’t sound like a local name to me. But I will not ask you too many difficult questions since I can see that you don’t want to answer them. I should also introduce myself, right?”
Now that there was a deal that had been signed between Yohan and this priest, he was no longer on edge. This human had no idea what a difficult situation he had placed himself into.
“My name is Bruce Y. Hanshew, 666th heir to the Temple of light’s crest. I hope we get along well in the future.”
The Head Priest gave a small bow. His wild black hair and acidic green eyes made his dark skin jump out and become striking. His energy flashed out toward Yohan all of a sudden but Yohan decided not to take a step back from him.
The Priest thought that Yohan was a creature of light and was there to help him. This minor discomfort of being stung by the light was worth it to maintain this illusion.