In a time before time, two lovers were torn apart by fate when a mythical beast attacked them by the campfire one night. Roderick fought the beast and killed it but his wife Reina on the other hand was dealt a mortal wound and died in his arms. As the beasts blood mixed with hers she was given the ability to reincarnate into a new life. Roderick's fury at his love dying attracts a creature with the curse of Immortality. This entity decides to pass the gift to Roderick for defeating his ancient enemy, the beast he defeated. Roderick walks through time unable to die and lost in his despair. His thirst forces him to feed on humans and since he waited so long to do it he flies into a rampage of violence. Swearing not to give into it again he leaves into the wilderness. Centuries pass and he is drawn back to human society only to find Reina again! Her appearance is different but he can see her original self. She does not remember him although something draws her attention fiercely to him. The two fall in love once again only to have it end in tragedy. Convinced he will find her again, Roderick carries on through many lives hoping to see her. From Egypt to Greece and even to the New World he searches and finds her. Losing her over and over begins to destroy his emotions and on a whim he decides to create another creature like him. This sets the three of them on a collision course that bleeds into modern day as we see his past and present unfold into a war of vampires and love!