Chapter Twenty Seven

"You must stay awake, Phoenix." Arthur tapped my face lightly as my vision started to fade. Last night Arthur brought me out of the land where the Sellors were stationed, and we were currently in some kind of forest. My wound wasn't getting any better, and I felt cold. I tried hard to fight the sleep, but I didn't want to stay awake anymore. "Please, awaken." He pulled my arms and propped me against a tree.

"I... am trying." I moaned.

"We must wash your wound." Arthur raised my shirt. Earlier he had given me a cloth to press against the cut. He told me it wasn't deep, but I had to keep it wrapped and take slow movements so it would heal. But riding on the back of a Parrottle, hundreds of feet through the air did not help me.

Arthur took the bloodied cloth and went to a nearby pond, before sloshing it around.