WebNovelTrap City16.67%

Episode 13- Bully Me

I had talked to Inko and helped her discover that she did in fact have powers. Once she left I sat down on my bed and got under the blanket. It was nighttime and I was really tired. I closed my eyes and was asleep before I knew it. I felt a strong wind coming from my window. I turned around and saw my window was opened. Cyberbully was sitting on the window sill, staring at me. I jumped up and moved back. "Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you James". "Why are you here"? "Can I not come to see my friend"? "it's the middle of the night, were you watching me sleep"? "Maybe, it doesn't matter", he said, walking into my room. I got up and put on a shirt.

"I wanted to warn you James, or at least try and help you". "Why do you need to help me"? "My sister wants to start our plan in about 1 month, that's when we'll take over". "Okay, and"? "I don't want you to become her slave, so leave Trap City". "What"? "or at least join our side, help us become the strongest army there is". :No cyber, I can't do that". "Then let me be your bodyguard". "Cyber, you sound crazy". "I'll follow you around and make sure you don't get hurt". "No, and leave I'm going back to bed".

"I'll stay here", he assured me. "No Cuber, go home", I said, getting back in bed. I lied down and got under my blanket. "I don't have a home", he told me, a voice filled with sadness. I felt bad. I heard a rustling noise in the corner of my room. Cyberbully had fallen asleep in my arm chair. I just sighed and went back to sleep. When I woke up he was gone, luckily. I brushed my teeth and got in the shower. When I got out I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed back to my room. "Hey James", a voice said. I turned around and it was Cyberbully. "Was the shower nice:? My towel dropped and I scrambled to pick it back up. "Wow, indecent exposure much"?

"Why the hell are you in my house"? "Do you want to know my real name"? I turned back and looked him in the eye. "What is it, and don't lie". "Kuzma... it means the universe". "Well that's a great name Kuzma, but I suggest you leave". "Remember what I told you last night, I'll be your bodyguard". "I don't need one, I can protect myself". "But can you do this", he said, picking up my cup. A sort of steam came from his hand and the cup was vaporized. "No, but I don't care". "C'mon, please James". I looked into his eyes. Although I couldn't see the bottom of his face, I could see he really wanted to be my bodyguard.

"Take off your mask". "What"? "You heard me, take off your mask. I'm sure you can". He let out a sigh and reached for the clamp on his mask. He pulled it off and a large amount of steam came out of it. He was beautiful. I have never seen a pretty boy before. "I've never seen a boy that I could call pretty", I smiled. "So you've never looked in a mirror", he laughed. "Okay fine... you can be my bodyguard or whatever". He smiled harder and put his mask back on. "But don't make this weird or anything". "It's fine, I won't". We walked outside and I saw Shagami. I froze and grabbed onto Kuzma's arm.

"What's going on Kuzma, you didn't come home last night". "One, that is not a home. And two, I was hanging out with James". "Why are you hanging out with livestock-"? "James isn't livestock, he's a person". "Come on, we're going home". "No". "Let's go Kuzma". "I'm just as grown up as you so stop treating me like a little kid". Shagami glared at me and walked away After that for about 3 weeks, Kuzma followed me around and became my bodyguard.