WebNovelTrap City20.51%

Episode 16- Red of Smoke

"What's she gonna do now", I thought. She pulled me outside and smiled. "Close your eyes", she instructed. She grabbed both my hands. "Okay", I closed my eyes. "Now breathe slowly...take a minute to think about nothing". "You want me to think about not thinking"? "No, I want you to clear your mind, let it all go". I did what she said. "Now shove all that feeling to your heart and let it out". I felt some way of energy flowing through my arms and hands. Just then I felt Inko's arms and hands shaking. I opened my eyes and saw red smoke coming from my hands.

The smoke was traveling into Inko's hands and to her arms. "Inko, are you okay"! Her red eyes started to glow along with the scar on her head. "I'm fine, as long as you let go", she grunted. "You have to let go first, I'm trying". Red tentacles sprouted from her back and there was a small polling sound coming from somewhere. It was coming from her hands. "Inko, what's happening". "I don't know"! The popping sound got louder and louder. "Let me go or you'll get hurt", she grunted loudly. "I- I can't". An explosion came from her hand and a red bubble formed around me.

Inko fell backwards and so did I. "What just happened", asked. "You just activated my powers against my will". "You're powered", I asked. "Yeah, I am". "Why didn't you tell me"? "I didn't think it was something I had to include, didn't you figure it out already"? "I did wonder why you were more fast and stealthy than others, but you're still a bandit". "I thought the same thing as you. But there's something else I need to tell you". "What"? "Your hair and lips just turned red". "What"!

(Inko's P.O.V)

I took her inside and to the bathroom. Her ends and lips were the same shade of red. The same shade as my eyes. "What the hell"? "How'd this happen"? "I don't know, I thought all the powers had gone". "I did too, but I guess that's not the case". Then it was like something clicked. "What is it"? "I need to go, I might not be back for a while so try to stay in the house". I realized something while looking at Emily. My grandmother would always give me small bits about the history of RingTown and Trap City. She told me, I will give you the truth when you turn 18. Tell you why your mother and siblings have red eyes". Sadly, she died when I was 10. But I know someone else who knew what she would tell me, my mother. I haven't seen my mother in 10 years. There was a great chance her and my father were both dead. But their remains were never found.

I haven't seen them since. It was just now clicking that they might be out there somewhere. And that I should go and find them. There was a certain place my mother always talked about moving to. That place was Aztec. I hopped on a cargo ship labeled as "Aztec", and stayed there for almost a whole day. "Bring her down", someone shouted. When the box opened I stood up and looked around. "Who are you", the employee shouted. "Is this Aztec"? "Yeah, but who are-". "Thanks", I said, walking away. I walked around wondering what to do next. walked around the town square looking at everyone who passed by. "You darling", an elder woman stopped me. "Are you lost-". I turned to look at her. "My god- you're eyes". "No, I'm fine. These are their natural colors". "No, they're just like Georgia's. You two also look very similar".

"I knew it when I saw the long hair and scars. You're definitely her daughter. She knew you would come find her someday". "You know my mother"? She grabbed me and walked me around town before stopping at a small house on the outskirts. "She lives here, I hope you find whatever you need". She walked away and I walked up to the door. I knocked twice before waiting a bit, no one answered. I was going to knock again but the door opened. I looked at the woman's long, red, curly hair. Her deep red eyes and cocoa skin. I looked at the scars that covered it. "Mother"?