WebNovelTrap City21.79%

Episode 17- Backstory

"Mother"? She looked shocked, she just stared at me with her mouth open. A tear fell on her face as she hugged me. "Inko"! "I thought you were dead", I told her. "I did too". "So, you didn't leave us"? "Us... are Tayo and Shego alive too"? "Yeah mama, they're doing great", I cried. "Come in, come inside". As I walked into the room I saw my father. With his dark skin and even darker hair, he looked the same as when I last saw him. "Inko"? "Dad", I hugged him. "I thought you were gone". "No, I've been in Trap City the whole time". "Sit down baby, tell me what happened".

I sat down on the couch. "After the explosion, I woke up and saw Tayo and Shego there injured. I got them and took them a bit farther away from the rubble. But on the way back, I saved a little boy who got hurt during the accident. And when I got back, you guys were gone". My mother looked at my father with a shocked expression. "It's my fault... this is all my fault". "What do you mean mama, you didn't do any of this". "I looked for you guys in the area, I figured you didn't get far. When I didn't find you I thought you all were dead. No one would want to stay in the same city their children died in, so we left". "What"? "I was saving up to move us all to Aztec, but since I thought it was just your father and I, we had enough to go".

"This isn't your fault mama". "If only I would've stayed a bit longer". We talked a bit longer before I brought up what I came for. "Mom, I have a question, what was grandma supposed to tell me when I turned 18"? She looked at me and sighed. "I don't think-", my father was cut off. "There's more to RingTown and Trap City than you think Inko". "What does that mean"? "When it came to founding RingTown and Trap City, there weren't three rings... there were four". "Is there another founder of Trap City"? "Yes and she was... your fourth great grandmother. Inko... you're supposed to be the current ruler of Trap City". "That doesn't make sense, why aren't we living in RingTown". "Let me take you back to the beginning".

(478 Years ago)

Hi, I'm the very first Inko Petrov in existence. I grew up with my 3 friends, Emma, Levi, and Oscar. Everyone has powers, Emma can run fast, Levi is really strong, and Oscar can make the ringed bubble things. Then there's me, I'm fast, strong, and can cause explosions. I also have another power I don't want people to know about. It's kind of weird. I can grow two red tentacles out of my back. I also have these weird, deep, red eyes. My friends and I have always wanted to be kings and queens. What children don't? Emma has always been my best friend and we're close.

We do just about anything together. So when she told me she wanted to go on an adventure I said yes. "Isn't this for children", I asked. At the time we were only nine-teen. "Yeah, but we could find open land! We can rule it and be queens together". "Were you not going to include us", Levi asked, walking up behind us. "Right, I'd love to be a king", Omari mentioned. "Well why shouldn't we do it, we have the materials". "What will we call the place when we find it", Oscar asked. "The four rings", I told them.

"Cool, let's do it". The next day we grabbed all of our materials and left our homes in Mesopotamia . For days we stayed on water, looking for land everywhere. "Are you sure we're gonna be able to do this", I asked Emma. "Of course, why not"? "I don't know, we've been on the water for days". She grabbed my hand and leaned over to look me in the eyes, "We can do this Inko, I promise you". I looked into her bright blue eyes. her long blonde hair draped over her shoulders.

I kissed her and quickly leaned back. "I- I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that"! She looked at me, she seemed a bit angry. What have I done? She grabbed my face and kissed me back. "Don't be sorry, just kiss me more".