WebNovelTrap City26.92%

Episode 21- Holding Power

"Run away with me", Kuzma asked. "What"? "I want you to run away with me, we can move to Babylon". "I'm not running away to Babylon with you Kuzma". "Please... I don't want you to get hurt". "Then fight with me, let's fight against it". "Against my sister, you don't know how powerful she is". "I have friends that can help us, Kuzma, trust me". "Okay, she's gonna hate me... just don't kill her okay". We went to Inko's house and decided to talk to her. She was sitting on the couch with Emily. "Hey Inko, how ya doing"? "I'm doing great, what about you", she asked standing up. "Not so good". "Uh-oh". "Cyber Bully's sister Shagami". "The one who wanted to control the bandits"? "Yet and now she wants goodies too. She wants to start the war in four days".

"What are you going to do"? "I was hoping you would help me take her down, no killing though". "So you want me to help take down a cyber chic with a robot arm"? "Yeah", I said. "Sure", she shrugged. "You down Emily"? "I guess". "Cool, and I'm sure none of the other bandits are going down without a fight". I left and went outside, Kuzma followed me. "See, and Inko is the strongest and best bandit in all of Trap City. We're gonna win this". He sighed and nodded his head. "Wait James, before you leave I need to catch you up on everything", Inko said yanking Kuzma and me inside. She told me about her visit with her mother and how she was the current ruler of Trap City. I sat there with my mouth wide open. "Do you get it", she asked. "Yeah, and it's crazy".

"Why do you wear that crazy mask", she asked Kuzma. "Oh, where I'm from it's really cold, so the warm air here overwhelms my nose". So it's not because you're ugly-". "Inko", I exclaimed. "You really shouldn't ask those questions", Emily said. "It's fine, I don't believe I'm ugly". "He's not", I told them. I cleared my throat and stood up. "Well come find me when you get rich", I left.

(Inko's P.O.V)

A bit after James left there was a knock at the door. I opened it and Liam was there. "Hurry up so I can get out of this shitty city", he said, handing me a box. Inside was a dress and food. "A dress"? "I figured you'd have a problem with that", he said handing me a bag. Inside was a tuxedo. "Why thank you, councilman, Liam". "Once you get dressed, everyone is waiting for you at the hall". "For what"? "To announce your ruling over Trap City". "I have to do that-, you know what, fine". I put on the tuxedo and took Emily home to get dressed nicely. I put my hair in a bun and my gun in my back pocket.

I put on my short black heel boots and went to the hall. "You ready", Emily asked. "Yeah, I'm sure I can focus in a room full of goodies". When we entered I could already hear whispers. "Good evening Duchess Inko", Silvia said. "Duchess Inko... sounds good, good evening Silvia". I stood at the front of my room with my arm locked around Emily's. "I'm sure you know why you are here today". "Yes, as if now I am the current ruler of Trap City". "What do you plan to do", Omari asked. "I'm going to try and clean up the streets, get these people into better homes, and make everyone happy". Liam laughed. "Is something funny, harlot"? "What did you just call me"? "Since you all deduct taxes from my people I advise you use it to help them".

"Trap City will no longer be a place where the people are called bandits", Emily added. I smiled and nodded my head. "How many houses do you want to be built in Trap City"? "I want 6 apartment complexes built, to hold a minimum of 50 to 70 residents". "That's going to take a long time", Silvia told me. "So I advise you to get to work then Silvia". "Councilwoman Silvia", she said, glaring at Emily. "I think we're better off calling you Silvia". "Dismissed", President Omari shouted. Before I left Liam wanted to talk to me. "What are your intentions with Emily"? "Whatever do you mean"? "What do you want from her, what's your relationship".

"She's my friend who's also very hot. Are you scared I'll date her and make her feel better than you ever have"? "You know what Inko... you're just some slut of a bandit who sleeps around, plays with feelings, and takes things that aren't yours". I was shocked and I was a bit angry. I cleared my throat, "Done"? "Yes, I am-". I pulled my arm back and swung it at him, punching him in the face. Yelling and gasps were coming from the crowd and officials. I pushed him to the ground and got on top of him. I punched him in the face over and over. "Inko"!