
(Authors note if you haven't read or watched Baki Kengan Ashura or Kengan Omega this story will contain spoilers for all these series and if you have read some or watched a bit of any of these series this also goes for you because I'm far ahead in all of these series and may spoil some things for you all.)

(Also in this story the Baki universe and Kengan universe are the same and connected and the MC is born 24 years before the events of the maximum tournament so while Baki will be 18 when he fights in the maximum tournament and the main events of baki the grappler takes place the MC will be 24 and will not participate in the maximum tournament. In fact he will not play a huge role in the events of baki the grappler so do not expect him too be fighting characters like Hanayama Baki Yujiro ect ect early on. That's pretty much all I wanted too say anyways on with the story!.)


"If one is born male at least once in his life he'll dream of becoming the strongest man in the world."

This is a widely accepted fact for many reasons. Any man who hears this and says something like "Oh I don't care about being the strongest man in the world" that's because they've probably forgotten about there dream. Maybe it was a short lived dream they had as a kid maybe it was a fantasy they had in there minds when they were in there teenage years so as a result they decided too start working out maybe they practiced a martial art or two. But maybe they ended up changing there mind when they reached adulthood and forgot all about it.

Sure you may be asking yourself "whats the big deal about being physically strong? Being strong cant be that useful". Well before you say something like that let me ask you something what is the purest form of strength?.

You might think its financial strength after all won't you feel secure knowing that you have an advantage over others because of whats in your bank account?. After all having enough money can allow someone too do nearly anything and fulfill there darkest desires so surely it must be the pure form of strength right?.

Well if you think that then you are WRONG!.

"Wealth may vanish in the blink of an eye, Gold is the falsest of friends."

This is true because even if someone spends a lifetime building there fortune they are always one mistake away from losing there fortune. Thus financial power is far from the purest form of strength.

Ok so if financial power isn't the purest form of strength maybe the purest form of strength is mental strength. Being smarter then those around gives you an advantage over others and gives you the ability too outwit those around you. And unlike financial strength ones intelligence cannot be taken from them so maybe mental strength is the purest form of strength.

Well if you think that again you are wrong. Ones intelligence is useless unless they have the proper resources too use there intelligence. And even though someones intelligence cannot be taken ones thoughts and ideas can easily be corrupted and influenced by emotions so thus mental strength is not the purest form of strength.

So is the purest form of strength political strength?. No politicians can be bribed and corrupted by outside forces.

Is the purest form of strength social influence?. No just like financial strength someone is always one mistake away from losing there influence.

So what is the purest form of strength?. Well the answer is obviously sheer raw physical strength. And ones combat ability.

In this day and age someone might think being a better fighter then others is useless. After all being stronger then others doesn't give people money or food or housing and while it may not be the most useful form of strength it is by far the purest form of strength.

After all being stronger then others and depending on ones strength grants people the ability too do whatever they want. And before you ask yourself "What if someone decides too kill a family with there superior strength?.". Well that still doesn't change the fact physical strength is the purest form of strength. If you give someone the change too do something even if it is morally wrong with there strength whatever they decide too do is there choice. It is just the person acting with there own free will so no matter how evil a persons actions are it is just them being there true selves. So as a result physical strength is the purest form of strength.

And as a result there is a select few of men and women who worked and trained too try and get the title of the strongest. Many have failed in there quest too become the strongest for many reasons. Injuries sicknesses old age or maybe they just gave up. But yet there is still a select few who still strive too become the strongest and take the title from the current strongest in the world.

And who is currently the strongest man in the world?.

The man goes by many titles. "The strongest creature on earth" "The ogre". A man whose fists are said too be deadlier then any weapon on earth.

And that mans name is Yujiro Hanma.

But Yujiro had no idea that he would be responsible for the creation of his greatest enemy.

*22 years ago*

In the country of Japan there exists an area of land located in the southwestern end of the Yamanashi Prefecture that covers an area of 48.77 square km and is rumored too have a population between 200'00 and 300,00. It was formed around 1868 and what makes this region special is the fact it has absolutely zero laws. Things such as murder r*** theft prostitution drug trafficking and violence are all common occurrences in this violent kill or be killed environment. The Japanese government gave up on recovering this region in 19XX and refers too it as the "Illegally Occupied Territories.". But the region is commonly referred too as "the inside".

The Japanese government purposely makes up propaganda about the inside saying that it is filled with a noxious gas where no one can survive in an attempt too hide the truth and avoid mass panic. Even the Japanese Yakuza who know the truth about the inside purposely avoid it wanting nothing too do with its inhabitants who fight too survive on a daily basis.

"Coo" *Gurgle* "Coo".

The date was September 6th 2000 when a baby boy was born in this hellhole of a region. They were raised by there mother and there father...Hes only heard stories about them.

And the baby was born weighing a whopping 8 pounds and in the future would change the world of martial arts and the criminal underworld world forever.