The Boy Part 1.

*14 years later*

In the city of Tokyo there was a boxing gym known for its brutal training regiments and even more brutal instructors. This boxing gym wasn't the type of gym people can go too casually this is the type of gym mostly made up of people who want too take boxing as a professional career and if some random person with no experience in any sport tried too train at this gym they must sign a waiver that makes the gym legally not responsible for any possible injuries they may get.

Another thing that makes this gym incredibly famous is its head coach a man by the name of Naoya Bishnu a legendary boxer who was once the heavyweight champion of the world 8 years ago and once ranked number 1 in the pound for pound in boxing and has a record of 53 wins no losses. However they lost there title too world renowned boxer Kaolan Wongsawat 8 years ago and by then they were too old too continue there boxing career and so they opened there own boxing gym and became a boxing instructor in the city of Tokyo. They also hired some of there old boxing friends who were also too old too continue boxing professionally as boxing instructors too help him run the boxing gym.

Thus there boxing gym has become one of the most popular in all of Japan.

However on this day Naoya had no idea they would run into a young boy who they would tell stories about for the rest of there life and would never forget until he dies even when he was at the old age of 90 when he was diagnosed with dementia. Even when his memory and mind deteriorated due too old age Naoya would never forget this young man even if he tried.

After all he would be the first person too ever make Naoya fear for there life in the ring.

*Naoya POV*





The sounds of people yelling and the sounds of punching bags getting punched can be heard even outside the boxing gym as gym instructors yelled and made there students do various forms of training from doing pushups too practicing combos on punching bags. While this happened other students had sparring matches against eachother. The gym was rather large being 2 stories tall and the floor was made of a blue carpet material and had 2 boxing rings in it and other equipment from punching bags pull up bars treadmills and dumbbell sets. And when someone walked into the gym the first thing they would see was a small table where a man sat as they stared at the screen of a computer in front of them.

The man was none other then Naoya former heavyweight champion of the world and one of the greatest Japanese boxers in history.

Naoya seemed too be in there late 40s and was clearly getting old with there short bushy hair that was mostly a grey color with only a handful of black hairs visible on there head and had pale almost zombie like skin. They had an average looking face except for there abnormally large and sharp eyebrows that were square shaped for some reason. They wore a black pair of jeans and a black muscle shirt that exposed the mans muscular body despite there old age and the mans eyes were a bright green color.

Naoya for some reason had an annoyed look on there face as they sat behind the front desk and surveyed there surroundings. As they looked at the students train and spar with one another he felt a slight frown crawl on his face. Unlike most boxers Naoya didn't just view boxing as a job and sport he had a quote-unquote "Warrior mentality" and as a result he loved the thrill of fighting in a boxing match. After he quit his boxing career he missed the thrill and rush he felt whenever he and an enemy fought and pounded eachother with there fists.

(That last part sounded wrong don't take it out of context)

As a result the only times he feels real and genuine thrill was when he watches other fight and display there skills the better a persons skill is the more entertaining he finds the person hes like a crazy MMA fan times 10. However as he looked around and saw the students try and show off there skills too the instructors all he felt was one thing.

Complete and utter cringe.

Its not that he hated the students as people he was actually pretty close friends with most of the students. Its just that as he watched and observed the skills of the students his mind couldn't help but notice the flaws of and weaknesses of the students and there stances.

"That one is far too slow and the one over there can barely guard properly. And that other ones jabs and punches are so sloppy I'm surprised there even hitting the punching bag!." Naoya thought too themselves as they saw the students around them. You may be asking yourself "Well if hes noticing so many flaws maybe hes just a bad teacher." Well its not that hes a bad teacher its just that almost all of the students except one refuse too be taught by him.

While the other instructors and there training regiments can be considered brutal too the students who all wish too box professionally they are somewhat manageable. However Naoya and there training regiment is just straight up ridiculous and nearly impossible too keep up and many students even received some form of injury in an attempt too keep up.

And its not as though most of the students are just bad at boxing most of them are actually very good at boxing its just that Naoya's standards are too high. Which is just one of the factors that make it difficult for would be students too keep up with there training. Now if you hear all this and think too yourself "Well then maybe hes just a bad teacher" You would be wrong. Out of all the many students who practice at the boxing gym the strongest out of all the students is the same student who trains under Naoya so while Naoya's training regiment may be brutal it is effective.

"Hhhmm while Stone has been improving a lot recently most of the other students seemed too have reached a roadblock in there progress. Maybe I should get some of the other instructors too make some of there training more intense." Naoya muttered too themselves as they continued working on there computer but stopped as they heard the doors too the gym as someone walked into the gym.

"Oh? This one is new. They seem young though there probably in there first year of highschool." Naoya thought too themselves as they looked up from there screen too see who had just walked in.

The person who walked in was a young man they couldn't have been older then 16 with pale skin that had a strange greyish complexion similar too that of a vampire and had short messy pitch black hair. One of the most noticeable features about the boys face were the strange colored eyes there eyes being a lightish blue color that stuck out from the boys bored looking but above average face. Despite the boys young age they were abnormally tall for there age being 182cm (6'0") in height. They wore a pair of dark blue and dirty jeans and worn out grey sneakers on there feet.

They wore a casual grey sweater that had some small rips on the front of it and had a lanky figure with not much noticeable muscle on there body. However there shoulders were slightly wider then average and there arms being abnormally long. As the boy walked into the gym they began checking there surroundings there bored and emotionless expression never changing and when they looked towards Naoya there eyes lit up for a split second before they began walking towards Naoya's table.

When the boy looked towards Naoya Naoya for some reason felt a chill run down there spine that nearly made Naoya start sweating nervously before the chill quickly disappeared. However that feeling Naoya felt in that split second caused there breath too quicken and before they had the time too question what had happened the young man began walking towards them.

"Wha-What was that feeling just then?. It wasn't normal fear or excitement it was strange....I think the only time I've ever felt like this was when I ran into "him"." Naoya thought too themselves as the memory of a younger version of them laying down on the ground face first seconds away from losing consciousness as a another mans brown eyes stared them down before they lost consciousness. Naoya quickly shook there head trying too forget the memory as they quickly regained there composure.

"No no it couldn't have been that!. This is different It was probably the cold air or something yeah!." Naoya reassured themself as the young man finally reached there table and Naoya didn't even have the time too introduce themselves as the young man spoke.

"What are your prices for a one month membership?." The young man spoke bluntly as Naoya just blinked blankly as they tried too process what happened. Anyone who knows about this gym knows about Naoya's reputation as a former world heavyweight champion in fact if you wanted too go this gym you'd be dumb not too and most people are able too recognize Naoya with just a glance. As a result most new students spoke too Naoya with nervousness or respect not wanting too offend them in anyway but the young man in front of them only seemed bored as they spoke too them in a blunt tone of voice.

Its not even a matter of respect its a matter of normal human interaction. Who just starts talking too another person they don't even know without even introducing themselves or letting the other person introduce themselves?.

*Ahem* "Excuse me young man but if you want a gym membership I must ask you some questions. Is that alright with you?." Naoya said clearing there throat in an attempt too seem professional as the young man in front of them just stared at them for a moment there eyes seemingly devoid of life before they nodded there head in agreement. For some reason something about this young mans presence unsettled Naoya.

"Well young man if you want a gym membership I need you too do this quick survey too make sure nothing bad will happen too you bye training here." Naoya said as they reached under there desk and pulled out a piece of paper that seemed too be some sort of survey as they pulled out a small pen. The young man just stared at them blankly before nodding there head.

"Hes not much of a talker." Naoya thought too themselves before they began the survey.

"Ok first question how old are you?." Naoya asked curiously.

"14 years old." The young man said bluntly.

"Do you have a general idea on how tall you are?. Your training regiment will depend on how tall you are." Naoya explained.

"I am 182cm (6'0")"

"Ok well how much do you weight?."

"I weight about 82kg (182 pounds)"

As the young man said this Naoya stopped writing as they stared at the young man in confusion. If someones weight and height are exactly the same that would mean they don't have any body fat and there body is made entirely of muscle. This is almost unheard of because even in Naoya's prime his body still had some body fat and so his weight and height were never the exact same.

"Y-Young man are you 100% sure you weight that much?." Naoya asked curiously. Naoya can always weight him properly like hes done before but he just wanted too ask him again.

"I'm 100% sure I even weighed myself before I came here. Why is something wrong?." The young man asked in a bored voice. Naoya couldn't help but notice that the young man in front of them hasn't blinked once since they've been here and its just one of the things that has unsettled Naoya since he's been here.

"I can just weight them later but what if there telling the truth?. I think I've only ever heard of one person whose height and weight are the exact same but if this boy and that man are the same then that could only mean...." As Naoya thought this too himself a memory of a blond haired man standing in front of a metal wall that had a large fist imprint on it popped up in his mind.

"No no there's no way this kid and that man are the same." Naoya muttered too themselves before they continued the survey.

"Now I don't know if you know but this boxing gym and its training is much more then other gyms. While there isn't any rules that says someone as young as you cant be here just like everyone here you have to sign a waiver that makes this gym legally not responsible for any injuries you may possibly get while here. Do you agree too sign this waiver?." Naoya said as they slid too the paper too the young man while offering the pen too them.

"Before I sign anything I just wanna ask something. How much does a membership for one month cost?." The young man said as they pushed the pen and paper away from them.

"Hmph well if you wanna know a gym membership for one month costs 7,507.91 yen a month." (Approximately 50 US dollars if I'm wrong feel free too correct me.)

"Hhhmm well I don't got that much I only got 3,692.38 yen (25 US dollars). Is there anyway we can negotiate prices?." The young man said as they reached into there jacket pockets and pulled out a bundle of paper bills and coins. Naoya let out an annoyed sigh as the young man said this.

"I don't know why but I had hoped this kid would've been a good student too teach but It turns out hes broke. I can't just give people special treatment because I think they would be a good student." Naoya thought too themselve as they let out an annoyed sigh.

"I'm sorry kid but I don't give anyone any special treatment If I lower the price for you then I'll have too lower the price for everyone." Naoya said as they prepared themselves for the young man in front of them too start throwing a tantrum.

"Oh I never said you had too lower the prices we could negotiate in other ways. How about we bet on your students skills?." The young man said in a calm tone of voice Naoya's eyes lit up when they said this as they leaned forward in anticipation. Naoya and this young mans conversation had caught the attention of the surrounding students and instructors who stopped training as they waited too see where this conversation was going.

"What do you mean when you say you want too bet on my students skills?." Naoya said curiously causing the young man in front of them too smirk for a split second for the first time since they've been here. For some reason Naoya felt is heart rate quicken as the young man in front of them focused there attention towards the surrounding students and instructors almost as though he was restraining himself from lunging towards them.

"Lets make a bet I bet that I can beat any student or instructor in this building in a sparring match and not only will I win I bet that I wont get hit once. Name any student or instructor in this building I'll win flawlessly you can even make me fight multiple of them at once I'll still win. And If I do win under these conditions you let me train here for a month." The young man said in a calm but serious tone of voice. As the young man said this Naoya couldn't help but feel a sudden rush of excitement and for some reason fear flood his body.

Naoya could feel the hairs on his neck stand up as another memory flooded his mind and the words of a man fill his head.

"You will not make it past round one."

As Naoya remembered these words the memory of a man standing in a boxing ring stared down a scared and younger Naoya who looked at the man with fear in there eyes. The man had light brown skin and long straight black hair tied into a ponytail that hanged over there left shoulder but the feature Naoya remembered the most about the mans appearance was there eyes.

The mans eyes were thin with brown pupils and just looking at the mans eyes Naoya could only see one thing. Naoya could clearly see how bored and confident the mans eyes were even as they stared down a younger Naoya who at the time was the heavyweight boxing champion of the world.

"I've seen many people who were overconfident in there abilities but this boy is different no those eyes are different. This boy has the same eyes as that man had back then those are the eyes of a man whose not only confident in there abilities but are so sure of the outcome they are bored. I must see if this boy and that man are the same!." Naoya excitedly thought as a wide smile crawled on there face.

"Hhmm Ok you've interested me in this little bet of yours but there is another condition I want too add. Not only do I get too choose who you fight if you get hit once in anyway you lose AND you only get too throw 10 punches. If you throw even one punch too many you immediately lose. Also you must win via knockout. If you don't agree with these conditions you can just leave my gym but if you do you'll never be allowed too come back." Naoya said in a confident tone of voice as they crossed there arms. Even after being told these ridiculous conditions the young man didn't even flinch as they simply nodded there head in agreement.

"I'll accept those conditions it sounds easy enough." The young man said calmly causing the surrounding instructors and students too stare at them with widened eyes.

"Is this guy insane?. Its impossible too win in any sort of boxing match with those types of requirements!."

"Hes only 14 and he thinks he can do something like that?. Hes clearly a novice when it comes too boxing."

"Hes just gonna end up embarrassing themself."

"Hehehe you are very confident in yourself boy. Tell me what is your name?." Naoya said chuckling a little as excitement flooded his body.

"....Suiryu....Suiryu Fengxian is my name." the young man named Suiryu said after hesitating for a moment.

"Fengxian huh is that last name Chinese?. If you don't mind me asking where are you from?." Naoya asked curiously.

"....From Tokyo my moms side of the family though is from Beijing though so I guess that's where my last name came from." Suiryu said but that only cause Naoya too narrow there eyes suspiciously.

"Hes clearly lying but its not any of my business. Instead I should be getting this guys sparring partner!." Naoya thought too themselves as they stood up and motioned for one of the nearby instructors too come too them.

"Hey I want you too set up a ring for a match and tell Stone too get ready for a match. I'm sure he'll be excited too meet this one!."

As Naoya said this the surrounding instructors and students faces paled as a look of worry and fear crawled on there faces.

"S-Sir are you sure you want "Him" too go up against the boy?. Isn't that a bit overkill?." The instructor said nervously but Naoya only let out a loud laugh as they said this.

"HAHAHA well wouldn't it be disrespectful if we made such a confident young man go up against anyone but our finest student?. Just get him down here already I'm tired of waiting!." Naoya said loudly causing the instructor too reluctantly nod his head as they quickly ran up the gyms second floor.

"Lets see how this Suiryu boy will respond when they face my greatest success!." Naoya thought too themself excitedly.


*??? POV*



A bald young man stood in the middle of a boxing ring and stood over the knocked out body of another student.

"So there is a new guy who wants too face me?. Well this is certainly interesting!." The bald headed man said as they turned around showing off the tattoos that covered there face.