The Boy Part 2.

*Suiryu POV*

*10 minutes later*

Most of the instructors and students formed a large crowd around a boxing ring Naoya in front of the crowd as they all looked at the two young men inside the ring. One of the men was the young man named Suiryu who stood in the left corner as they attempted too properly wrap a pair of boxing gloves on there hands but failed miserably in there attempts too do so and for some reason they were still wearing there jacket.

Suiryu was the main reason why almost the entire gym came too see this little match some heard rumors that the boy in front of them bet he could beat there opponent with near impossible requirements just so they could go too the gym for free. This obviously peaked the interest of many students and instructors and so they took time out of there training too see how well this teenager performs.

However they were also curious too see how there opponent would react too Suiryu's challenge.

On the right side of the ring stood an absolute monster of a man. The man was pretty young maybe in there early 20s and stood a whooping 192cm in height (6'4"). They had a completely bald head and caramel brown skin they had tattoos on the side of there heads that had a scale like appearance almost like a dragons that only made there already intimidating face even more intimidating. They were very muscular there arms nearly twice as thick Suiryu neck. There shoulders were unnaturally wide and muscular and the man was wearing a dark grey muscle shirt that exposed there large and muscular abs and biceps that were more like a bodybuilders then any boxer. They had an annoyed look on there face for some reason as they glared at Suiryu who seemed oblivious as they continued trying too properly wrap there boxing gloves on there hands. The bald headed man just narrowed there dark brown eyes as they continued glaring at Suiryu hatefully.

This man was the strongest student at the entire gym who was stronger then most of the experienced boxing instructors there despite being only 22 years old and the only exception too this was Naoya. There name was Jack Stone and was formerly an amateur boxer from America who traveled all the way too Japan just so they could be taught by Naoya.

Jack was a talented boxer who has been boxing since they were 7 years old. In there youth they quickly became known all across the states winning many titles such as the lightweight boxing champion the middleweight boxing champion and for a period of time was the heavyweight champion in there home state of Texas.

However they gave all that up when they traveled too Japan too be trained by Naoya and not only were they the only student capable of keeping up with Naoya's training regiment he quickly became a big name in Japan. At the young age of 20 he quickly became the number 1 heavyweight boxer in the country. Even for heavyweights he is considered a monster weighting 201 pounds (91 kg) of raw muscle.

Compared too Suiryu who only weighs 82 kg Jack is still more then a whole 10 kg heavier then him. If this was a professional boxing match Suiryu would be a light heavyweight while Jack would be a heavyweight a whole weight class heavier then Suiryu. Normally such a match where the combatants have such a weight and height difference wouldn't be allowed too even happen but this time was different.

You might be wondering too yourself "Why does Jack seem too hate Suiryu?." Well it all happened about 10 minutes ago.

*10 minutes ago*

*Naoya POV*

"Naoya not only did you tell me stop my training too spar with someone. The person you wanted me too spar with is this boy?. Not only is he a complete novice hes so much smaller and younger then me Naoya are you trying too say this kid is as good as me?." Jack said in a confused tone as he Naoya and Suiryu stood in a small circle. They were currently standing next too a boxing ring and the surrounding instructors and students stopped there training as they listened in on the trios conversation.

"Well this boy wanted too make a bet and he said he could beat any instructor or student in this gym so I decided too have you be the one too spar with em. I don't see a problem with this but if you don't wanna spar with them or are just too scared you can just decline and I'll find someone else too spar with them" Naoya said a mischievous grin on there face as they saw Jack's face quickly turn a deep shade of red as he said this. Naoya has been teaching Jack for a long time and he knows them well enough too know what can quickly anger them. He also knows Jack has a rather large ego and will never turn down a challenge when his skill is questioned.

Suiryu who wasn't paying any attention too the duos conversation and instead was focusing there attention too the surrounding gym equipment finally began focusing there attention too the duo when Jack suddenly took a step toward Suiryu. Suiryu took a mental note of Jack's height as he took a step forward because compared too Jack even Suiryu who was abnormally tall for there age seemed small compared too Jack. Jack frowned a little when he saw the bored look stuck on Suiryu's face Jack wasn't some sort of sadist who took pleasure in others fear but at the same time he felt a small amount of anger whenever he saw others he viewed as weaker then him look at him as though he wasn't a big deal.

This is just one of many negative trait his big ego gives him.

"So kid you came too this gym thinking you can just challenge whoever?. Let me ask you something what is your name?." Jack questioned in a fake friendly tone of voice similar too a father talking too a young child. Suiryu didn't notice this as they replied.

"My names Suiryu and are you supposed too be the guy I'm gonna spar with?. If so then this will be a very short round." Suiryu said in a bored tone of voice. Naoya raised there eyebrows in surprise as Jack just seemed confused by what Suiryu said for a second before they grinned.

"Are you scared that I'll end the match too quickly?. Don't worry I won't hit you too hard!." Jack said confidently assuming that Suiryu was scared that they would lose too quickly.

"No you misunderstand me. I'm just saying that If I take you seriously you will lose our match pretty quickly and that will be disappointing." Suiryu said without hesitation.

When Suiryu said this Naoya had too stifle a snicker by pretending they were clearing there throat as they tried not too laugh when they saw how quickly Jack's smile disappeared before being replaced by a look of complete rage. Jack's face was now red like a tomato due too anger as they let out an angered growl before speaking.

"Oh so you think beating me is going too be easy?. Well let me show you something!." Jack said before they began walking towards a nearby punching bag. Jack got in a boxing stance and took a deep breath before they winded there fist back similar too a haymaker wind up before they threw a powerful Russian Hook punch at the punching bag.


A loud BOOM sound can be heard as Jack's fist connected with the punching bag and nearly tore through the punching bag and sent it flying into the air nearly forcing the punching bag off the chain that held it together. The surrounding students and instructors stared at Jack's display of strength in awe as the punching bag flew back down and returned too its normal position.

"Even among heavyweight boxers Jack has an exceptionally strong striking power. At his best hes able too send other boxers flying with his iconic right hook. This same right hook is responsible for sending many professional boxers in the hospital but its kinda sad hes using it too try and intimidate a kid." Naoya thought too themself but before they could say anything too Jack Suiryu began walking up too the same punching bag a curious look on there face as they began examining it.

"Why is everyone staring at this guy in awe is punching a punching bag really that impressive?." Suiryu thought as they continued examining the punching bag.

"Hey what is inside of this punching bag?." Suiryu said looking at Naoya who still looked confused but curious as too what was going too happen.

"I believe the punching bag is filled sand instead of water. It weights more then if we had put water in it." Naoya said. Suiryu just nodded there head there expression never changing as they continued examining the punching bag.

"I say this is about 40 too 100 pounds....I think this is manageable." Suiryu muttered too themself and before Jack could question what he meant Suiryu entered a strange stance. They stretched out there legs similar too a karate stance and stretched out there hands but instead of making them into fists he opened his palms almost as though he was trying to grab the air.

Suiryu then placed there outstretched hands closer too the punching bag until there right hand was only an inch away from the punching bag. When there hand was close enough too the punching bag they bawled there hand into a fist and for a split second Suiryu's fist and shoulder seemed too disappear from the surrounding crowds vision as he threw a lightning fast one inch punch.


The loud bang similar too a whip cracking in the air can be heard coming from Suiryu's fist as it connected with the punching bag and just like Jack's punch the punching bag flew upwards and nearly broke the chain connected too it but unlike Jack's punch there was a clear difference.

There was a giant punch mark imprinted on the punching bag that left small scratches on the punching bag that leaked out small amounts of sand.

The gym went silent as the surrounding students and instructors as they looked at Suiryu in shock there jaws agape. Even Jack and Naoya looked at this sight in both shock and confusion as Suiryu calmly rubbed there knuckles.

"It seems as though I underestimated the durability of the bag. I intended too tear it in half but in hindsight that would've been a bad idea because they might've gotten mad at me." Suiryu thought too themself as they rubbed there fists not noticing the confused looks the surrounding people were giving him.

"H-Hey Suiryu d-do you practice martial arts or something like that?." Naoya was able too say as Suiryu just looked at them blankly. In all of Naoya's years of boxing hes only ever seen one other boxer able too leave tears on a punching bag and that was 8 years ago. If Naoya was told today that a 14 year old capable of damaging a punching bag like this would walk into his gym today he would ask whoever told him this if they were under the influence.

"....I've practiced something like that yes. I've just never practiced boxing properly before." Suiryu said but Naoya could immediately tell that Suiryu wasn't being completely honest. Its the way he spoke that tipped him off because when he spoke normally he never stuttered or hesitated and his tone of voice never changed. But just like when he asked him where he was from earlier he hesitated and he spoke as though he was unsure if what he was saying was even true. But there was no way Naoya could find out what he was hiding.

Jack however couldn't care less if Suiryu was hiding anything though as they glared at Suiryu hatefully. Jack didn't care that the fact he was looking at a teenager the way he was made him look bad all he cared about was the fact that Suiryu indirectly embarrassed him.

"Even Naoya is looking at this kid as though he is god on earth!. I've known him for years and yet not once have I been able too impress him like this kid!. Hes only been here for about 10 minutes and hes already pissing me off!." Jack thought as he clenched his fist in anger. He doesn't know why but something about this kid angered him too no ends. Maybe he was mad at them for possibly embarrassing them in front of the other gym members or maybe he was just jealous of this kids ability. Jack didn't even know what angered but he already knew what he would do next.

"Hey kid you said you wanted too spar with someone earlier right?. Well get in the fucking ring and lets go!." Jack said not even trying too hide there anger as Suiryu just stared at them slightly confused. He had no idea what he did too make this guy so eager too spar but Suiryu was glad that he did.

It certainly made it much more easier for him.

"Alright." Suiryu said not noticing the maniacal grin that began too crawl on Jack's face.

*Present Time*

"I'm so used too not using gloves that I have no idea how too wrap these things. Why can't I just use my bare fists?." Suiryu thought too themself as they failed miserably too wrap the boxing gloves on there hands. They were so absorbed in there attempts too wrap the boxing gloves they didn't notice the annoyed look on Jack's face as they watched them from the other side of the boxing ring.

"He acted all confident earlier but he doesn't even know how too put boxing gloves on!." Jack thought too himself as he put on black headgear on his bald head. It was only after failing multiple times too wrap there gloves on properly that Naoya quickly helped out Suiryu in putting his gloves on. However when Naoya offered him a headgear Suiryu promptly took it out of Naoya's hands and tossed it out of the boxing ring.

"What did you do that for?!." Naoya said in surprise but Suriyu seemed unfazed by this as he spoke.

"One of your conditions said that I'll immediately lose if I get hit in anyway right?. Well if that's the case then there is no need for the headgear because if I get hit in the head the fact I got hit wont matter because I'll have lost the bet." Suiryu said in a strangely calm tone of voice for a guy about too fight the number one boxer in Japan as they began too walk too the middle of the ring leaving behind a very confused Naoya too watch from outside the ring alongside the crowd of people watching the duo from a distance.

Almost the entire gym had come too see the fight between the champion boxer Jack and the random teenager who said they could beat Jack with near impossible requirements. Not being allowed too get hit in anyway must win via knockout and can only throw 10 punches. It doesn't matter how good someone is it is impossible too win any sort of boxing match with these requirements.

"Alright you two before we get started you must sign a waiver that states that this gym is not responsible for any injuries you may get here." A instructor who was acting as the referee for this match said as they handed the two a slip of paper and pens. Jack quickly signed the waiver as Suiryu carefully read it before they signed it. Just like the instructor said it was just a waiver that said the gym wasn't legally responsible for any injuries the two may get.

Before Suiryu could hand back the waiver the referee pointed at there jacket.

"Also young man you are going too have too take off that jacket." The referee said pointing at Suiryu causing Suiryu too look at them confused.

"Why?." Suiryu asked clearly confused.

"In the past we've had people hide and use weapons under there jackets and so we've banned people from wearing jackets during sparring matches." The referee explained.

".....But I'm not wearing a shirt underneath will it be Ok?." Suiryu asked seemingly nervous for some reason.

"It is Ok we've had gym members spar without shirts on in the past we'll hold your things for you if you want you can put them in our stor-." Naoya began too say but didn't even get too finish there sentence as Suiryu had already taken off there jacket and tossed it towards them.

"I don't know what type of people you've taught who bring hidden weapons too a sparring match but whatever. Just hold my jacket for me this long." Suiryu said still sounding nervous for some reason but when Anoya looked at Suiryu what they saw made there jaw drop.

Not only was Suiryu's figure incredibly muscular similar in appearance too a greek statue despite being only 14 what they saw nearly made them faint from shock.

Scars there were countless scars covering there torso and arms even there back was covered in what seemed like knife scars. There even seemed too be what looked like 3 small scars made from bullets imprinted on there right ribs. Suiryu looked around confused when they saw the shocked looks on everyones faces.

"Why are they acting so weird have they not seen a couple scars before?. I was only nervous because I just don't like giving my jacket too other people after I got robbed that one time." Suiryu thought as they let out a nervous cough as they slowly began too look nervous for the first time since they've been there. Meanwhile Jack was staring at them with there mouth agape.

"WHAT TYPE OF 14 YEAR OLD BODY IS THAT?!. THERE ISN'T A OUNCE OF FAT ON HIM AND THOSE SCARS LOOK LIKE SOMETHING A YAKUZA WOULD HAVE!. WHAT TYPE OF LIFE?! HAS THIS KID LIVED?! A BETTER QUESTION IS WHERE WAS HE RAISED?!." Jack screamed in there mind as they slowly felt a wave of fear flood there body. They quickly shook there head too try and regain there composure now was not the time too get nervous. He may not be the average 14 year old but all that meant was he had too be more careful around them. Besides he is a whole weight class above him so he still has the physical advantage.

As the two handed back the waiver the instructor noticed something strange about Suiryu's signature but didn't question it as they ran out of the ring not wanting too get caught in the crossfire as the two stared eachother from a distance.

"ALRIGHT YOU TWO GET IN YOUR STANCES!. YOU KNOW THE DRILL NO UNDERHANDED TACTICS AND BELOW THE BELT!." The referee yelled out causing the two too get in there boxing stances. Jack's stance was compact but powerful any boxer worth there salt would admit that it would be difficult too get past there defenses but that didn't matter too Suiryu who noticed one thing about there stance.

"There stance is too compact and wont give them any room too counter any of my attacks he is most likely an infighter and will try too close the distance between me and him. My best choice is too do hit and run tactics and keep my distance." Suiryu thought too themselves as they entered there own stance. When Naoya saw Suiryu's stance there eyes widened at what they saw.

After all of Suiryu's displays of strength what Naoya saw was just straight up disappointing.

While it wasn't the worst stance Naoya had ever seen it wasn't the best. There arms were too far apart and there defenses were too loose making it easy for any experienced boxer too bypass them and there arms were too close too there chest. While this could allow them too keep there arms close too there body making it possibly easier too block any body shots it could also delay any of the punches they try and throw. Compared too Jack's stance Suiryu's was almost beginner.

"He did tell us that he had never properly trained in boxing but I still expected more." Naoya thought as he let out a disappointed sigh. Meanwhile Jack just smiled exposing there teeth when they saw Suiryu's stance.

"So many weak points for me too exploit!. All I have too do is rush in there and hit em with everything I got I just gotta make sure not too kill them!. Your kung fu or whatever the hell you used earlier wont save you now!." Jack said grinning maniacally while Suiryu just stared at them a bored look on there face as they examined Jack's body.

"ALRIGHT BEGIN!." The referee yelled.



In the span of 5 seconds a flurry of noises and yells can be heard before a loud thud echoed throughout the gym as a body hit the ring floor.

*Drip* *Drip*

The sound of blood droplets hitting the ground can be heard as a voice echoed throughout the now silent gym full of stunned people.

"Sorry my hands slipped." Suiryu said as they stood over Jack's body who now laid face first in the middle of the gym floor as blood ran down the side of Jack's head.