*Naoya POV*
All I could do was stare at the sight in front of me in awe as this young man who apparently has no boxing experience stood over the possibly unconscious body of the number one ranked boxer in all of Japan. And he did it all in the span of about 5 seconds.
You wanna know what happened? Well let me tell you.
*About 5 seconds ago*
"ALRIGHT BEGIN!" As the referee said this Jack immediately began there assault as they let out what was possibly a battle cry.
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH" Jack roared as their leg muscles bulged before they rushed forward towards Suiryu at speeds unexpected for their weight class making a loud BOOM noise as they did so there feet slamming into the ring floor nearly shaking the ring. Even among heavyweights Jack's speed is comparable too that of a lightweight and that was obvious as he was able too quickly close the distance between him and Suiryu whose eyes widened in surprise as they were caught off guard. But what caught Suiryu off guard wasn't Jack's speed what caught him off guard was that when Jack was rushing at them they rotated their hips in a spinning motion and threw a right hook aimed at Suiryu's face and as Suiryu saw their fist getting closer too there face they were caught off guard by how flawlessly Jack pulled this technique off.
This was a skill Jack used too send many boxers too the hospital. Right before Jack rushes at their opponent they begin performing a right hook aimed at their opponents face and by the time he is done throwing the attack he uses the momentum of their charge and force of there punch too slam their fist into there opponents face with force surpassing that of a knockout blow. Very few boxers Jack has fought in their career were actually able too counter or block this techniques when he performs this technique.
As Jack's fist got closer too Suiryu's face what I saw next confused me. Even as a punch that probably could've knocked them out was inches away from their face Suiryu still seemed bored by this not even blinking as it neared their face. Instead Suiryu's pupils focused in on and were even able to follow Jack's fist which is something that shouldn't even be possible!.
You see while there are many boxers known for dodging even the fastest boxers jabs its not because their eyes are able too keep up with their opponents jabs and punches. Sure their eyes might be able too recognize the threat of the punch and see its trajectory they are not able too see the opponents fist as it travels through the air perfectly unless the punch is ridiculously slow. Now you may be asking yourself how are boxers able too see and dodge punches then?.
Well while boxers use there eyes too see there opponents fists what they really look at is there opponents body language right before they throw a punch. In fact they mostly look at their opponents shoulders and arms too try and predict there opponents move before dodging. At the end of the day boxing is a sport of choices and the winners are the ones who make the right choices.
In fact even his prime Naoya was never able too see and dodge a punch after it is thrown he always just dodged the punches right before they are thrown. There are only a small handful of boxers who are rumored too have the skill and speed capable of dodging a punch right after it was thrown.
However I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that not only was Suiryu able too focus in on and see Jack's fist as it neared their face they were able too lean there head too the side only by a couple inches as they narrowly dodged Jack's fist. They then instead of trying too make some distance between him and Jack took a step forward towards Jack raised there fist as they performed one of the most basic boxing techniques.
The Jab.
However this jab was special because right before they performed it I noticed that the jabs stance was a little off. Now if you don't know the jab is a fast but short punch in boxing where the boxer uses there arm and its reach too perform a light but fast punch and it is without a doubt the easiest and most basic boxing technique. Even those who do not practice boxing probably know it however that does not mean it cannot be practiced. Professional boxers know that the jab can be trained too the point a boxer can throw punches fast and sharp enough too crack the air and tear skin and that if they don't train there jab properly a skilled boxer would be able too easily dodge and counter jabs. So it was surprising when Suiryu's jab was still a bit sloppy in fact Jack smiled a bit when he saw the state of Suiryu's jab because even at this distance he could easily dodge and counter a jab like this.
Well it seemed that way at first.
As Suiryu winded their fist back for a moment veins seemed too cover there arms before they unleashed there jab!.
A loud bang similar too a gunshot can be heard coming from Suiryu's fist as it tore through the air like a whip as Suiryu's fist moved at speeds faster then even Naoya's eyes can see. However for a split second Naoya was able too recognize the flawless stance they entered for a moment as they unleashed two powerful jabs aimed at Jack's now terrified face.
Jack felt his body shake in fear as the world around him seemed too move in slow motion. He could hear his now racing heart beat into his head it was so loud that the pain of hearing made Jack feel an agonizing pain almost as though his skull was about too split open in crack it was almost as though someone screamed in his ears with a megaphone. Every single nerve no every single cell in Jack's body was telling him too move his head out of the way too try and dodge the incoming punches in anyway but even as his instincts kicked in his body was frozen in fear and refused too move.
"MOVE MOVE JUST MOVE!." Jack screamed in their mind as they used every ounce of strength in their body too force there frozen body too move and tilt their head too the side. However that wasn't enough as one of Suiryu's jabs grazed the side of there head and the other slamming right into there nose.
Almost instantly Jack fell face first into the ground as blood ran down the side of their head right out of the spot Suiryu's fist grazed.
And all this happened in the span of about 5 seconds.
"T-That speed that power!. I've only ever seen one other boxer comparable too it and this kid is still a novice!. It doesn't matter how skilled a boxer is it'll be nearly impossible too try and block a punch that fast this kid has so much potential!. He didn't just counter with two insane jabs he used the momentum of Jack charging at them by stepping forward and throwing the jab hitting them with the combined force of there own charge and those jabs. Its similar too what would happen if a speeding truck tried too hit a moving train only too be crushed by more force then the truck would've been hit with if it hadn't been moving." Naoya thought as multiple instructors and the gyms on site doctor ran into the ring and swarmed Jack's body as they tried too help them too there feet as Suiryu calmly stepped back unfazed by this.
"W-Whaa-What happened?. D-Did I win?." Jack mumbled somehow still conscious as they were helped too there feet and taken too the other side of the ring as the onsite doctor began too examine there injuries. The gym had an onsite doctor who was trained too handle small injuries gym members may get while sparring or training and while he may not be able too completely treat an injury like a broken arm and rib he can probably lessen the pain of such injuries enough for whoever was injured too go to a hospital and he has done this many times in the past so he has gotten used too seeing injuries and thus things like blood and broken bones barely fazed him. However as he looked at the still dazed Jack's injuries he saw something he had never seen before.
Jack's nose which had been hit by Suiryu's earlier jab was now completely purple and swollen and as blood leaked out of there nose the onsite doctor took note of how swollen their nose was. Bruises and swelling are things the doctor have seen many times before but not under these circumstances the only times he sees gym members bruise themselves are when the heavyweights hit eachother a bit too hard with a right hook or haymaker hes never seen a gym member bruise another person with just a jab. And in this situation it was a kid much younger and lighter then Jack who bruised and probably broke their nose with just a simple jab.
"Does that kid have superhuman strength or something? Even though hes very muscular for there age being able too deal this type of damage with just a simple jab should be impossible." The doctor thought as they looked at Suiryu from the corner of their eye for second before focusing there attention towards Jack as one of the instructors took off the headpiece on Jack's head and let out a surprised yell.
"What the hell its torn!." The instructor said as he and the other instructors stared at the headpiece there mouths agape. The doctor quickly took the headpiece out of the instructors hand and began too examine it and as they did so there eyes widened in shock.
"H-How is the cut this clean!?." The doctor thought as they examined the headpiece that now had a very clean cut on the side of it that nearly split the headpiece apart. It looked as though someone slashed the headpiece with a knife and the cut was located on the same spot where Suiryu's second jab had grazed.
"Wait a minute how deep was this cut?!." The doctor thought as they tossed the torn headpiece too the side as they began too examine the side of Jack's head who was still dazed. The doctor's suspicions were proven because as they examined the side of Jack's head they saw that there was a thin but slightly deep cut that leaked blood proving it too be the source of the blood that leaked out of Jack's head earlier.
"Just by grazing the side of there head that kids jab was not able too completely tear through Jack's headpiece but was able too cut skin?. I've seen boxers tear or scratch skin before and that would sometimes draw blood but I've never seen anyone completely cut skin just by grazing it before this cut looks like it was made by a blade!. If this second punch had landed there's no doubt in my mind he would've knocked Jack clean out!." The doctor thought too themself before a sudden look of realization slowly crawled on there face.
"Wait a minute looking at this cut now its obvious that Jack's headpiece took most of the damage from that second Jab. What would've happened had he not missed that second jab?! Or even worse what if he hadn't been wearing the headpiece!." The doctor thought too themself as Jack slowly began too snap out of there daze.
"W-Wait a minute why am I on the other side of the ring?. What happened god my face hurts." Jack thought too themself as they looked around trying too make sense of what happened. At first they weren't able too figure out how they had ended up on the other side of the ring but as they looked around they noticed Suiryu looking at them from a distance.
As soon as they saw Suiryu looking at them from a distance Jack's face went red with anger as they remembered what had happened a couple seconds ago. They felt a mixture of rage and embarrassment flood there body as they roared in anger pushing everyone out of their way as they began stomping towards Suiryu. The doctor and instructors immediately began grabbing Jack in an attempt too hold them back.
"Jack your injuries might not be too serious but I don't think you should continue fighting. This could end up very bad for you if you continue." The doctor pleaded with Jack who just glared at them hatefully. While the fact Suiryu was able too cut and bruise Jack is impressive Jack's injuries were not that serious but if this keeps up the doctor knows that there is a very high chance Jack may get seriously injured.
"You don't know what your talking about I could handle a kid!. Just because the kid got lucky and landed a few hits doesn't mean I'm gonna fucking lose!. Just watch!." Jack roared as he pushed his way out of the instructors and doctors clutches who could only stare at them slightly nervous as they reluctantly walked out of the ring. They've never seen Jack so angry before and didn't want too get caught up in one of Jack's rampages. All they could do was internally hope that Suiryu doesn't get too injured.
"ALRIGHT BITCH ROUND TWO!." Jack roared as they lunged at the bored looking Suiryu who only let out a small sigh as Jack began there assault.
"Dang I only got 8 punches left I gotta make these next ones count." Suiryu thought too themself raising their guard as they began too narrowly avoid and dodge Jack's flurry of jabs and punches. Unlike before Jack now knew rushing headfirst at Suiryu was dangerous and at any moment he could probably hit them with a counter attack capable of knocking them out. However Jack was clearly intending too seriously harm Suiryu as he unleashed a combo of hooks jabs and haymakers aimed at Suiryu's head.
However just like before Suiryu was able too easily weave and dodge Jack's ferocious flurry of combos. Naoya watched this scene happen in front of them there eyes wide in surprise as they watched Suiryu run around the ring for about 2 minutes avoiding and dodging Jack's punches.
"How is he able too dodge so well?. Not even pro boxers are able too keep up with Jack when he gets like this!."
"Why isn't the kid throwing any punches?. Earlier he was able too throw those crazy jabs remember?."
"Maybe he actually did just get lucky?. I fact it sort of looks like he is barely able too avoid each punch."
Naoya however completely ignored the surrounding instructors as they stared at Suiryu's movements in awe. Too the normal eye it would seem as though Suiryu was struggling too avoid Jack's ruthless combos but Naoya could clearly see that right before Jack's fist connects Suiryu not only dodges the punch they quickly side step circling around Jack after each punch.
"Not only is their striking speed incredible but their movement speed is something I've never seen before!. Not only do they dodge there opponents strike at the last second but they almost instantly circle around their opponent at frightening speeds allowing them too easily avoid there opponents guard and possibly counter attack. This speed is something even most lightweights cant achieve." Naoya thought excitedly as Suiryu continued avoiding each one of Jack's punches who seemed too start getting exhausted as there punches began too lose speed.
"Dammit I let my anger get the better of me and now I wasted too much stamina trying too hit this kid then I intended too!. And it doesn't help that this kid somehow gets behind me and out of my line of vision everytime I blink and they've had me chasing them around this entire ring for no reason!." Jack thought angrily as they tried too catch there breath clearly tired as sweat ran down there forehead. Jack hated too admit it but Suiryu probably could've landed at least 20 headshots in the span of 2 minutes with their frightening speed and evasion abilities but for some reason they weren't throwing any punches at Jack.
It was obvious that despite training too fight in matches that have lasted far longer then 2 minutes in his boxing career It was obvious too Jack that he never used such a large amount of stamina in a short amount of time until now during there rush of combos.
But for some reason Jack began smiling a little as they continued staring down a confused looking Suiryu.
"However he is still younger then me and less experienced in the ring!. He fell right for my trap!." Jack thought too themself as Suiryu took a step back in an attempt too close the distance between him but stopped as they felt their back hit the corner of the ring. Suiryu's eyes widened in surprise and possibly fear as they now realized they had accidentally cornered themselves as they were dodging Jack's earlier attacks.
"Huh smart move I guess I underestimated this guys intelligence and skill. This is my first time fighting a champion boxer so I guess I'll have too switch styles a bit." Suiryu thought too themself as Jack began closing the distance between them as they did something no one in the gym expected.
"What is he doing?!."
"Is he crazy hes gonna get himself killed acting like that!."
*Sway* *Sway*
"Kid what are you doing?!." Naoya screamed in their mind as they watched in horror as Suiryu lowered there guard completely by lowering there arms and began swaying there arms as they crouched down slightly. Looking at this strange new stance it was almost as though Suiryu had randomly started relaxing his entire body and just let it hang loose.
"D-Does he think he can beat me without even raising his guard?. Well if that's the case let me crush him before he gets the chance too raise their guard again!." Jack thought as they rushed forward at the strangely calm Suiryu as Jack threw a right hook aimed at the side of Suiryu's head but the surrounding gym members knew that this wasn't a normal right hook but it was in fact one of Jack's most iconic moves.
The fake out is a technique where the user pretends too throw a punch only too retract there fist and immediately counter attack with a punch using the other fist. This skill is used too distract and trick the users opponent but a skilled enough boxer may not be tricked by such a trick and could easily counter. However what if someone used two hands with a fake out?.
Normally boxers do not attack with two fists at the same time because attempting too attack someone with two fists at the same time in boxing not only reduces the force of each strike but in doing so it makes it very easy for a skilled boxer to counter attack. However this is different for Jack and his abnormally high strength.
Jack's signature move is a more aggressive and altered version of the fake out punch where they throw a right hook aimed at the side of their opponents head and if their opponent is quick enough too raise there guard and block their punch they quickly stop their punch and punch the side of there head with their other fist. On paper it seems as though its just a normal fake out punch but what if their opponent is able too block both sides of their head?. Well if someone blocks both sides of their heads as Jack tries too attack they simply throw two punches aimed at the side of their opponents head. The reason he does this is because if their opponent is capable of blocking both sides of their head Jack's punches still have enough force too damage there arms severely and since he throws two punches at the same time he is able too damage both arms at the same time. Its even worse when a opponent isn't able too block both sides of their head with this technique because the force of having there head get hit with two fists at the same time is usually enough too knock an opponent out regardless of weight class. Normally attempting this technique wouldn't have much of an effect because if someone distributes their power in both their arms there punches will lose a lot of power making them practically useless. However this doesn't matter too Jack because due too there incredible strength even when they distribute there strength each punch still has enough force too severely injure an opponent.
However that didn't matter too Suiryu because as Jack threw his two punches aimed at the side of Suiryu's head neared Suiryu the surrounding crowd saw something they've never seen before.
Suiryu could feel his fair fly up as he leaned his body all the way back similar too the matrix as Jack's punches flew over their head. Jack's eyes widened in surprise as they saw Suiryu's sheer flexibility but they immediately tried too take advantage of Suiryu's position that made it impossible for them too block any of Jack's punches. Jack knew this as they threw a jab downwards in an attempt too hit Suiryu's stomach but despite Suiryu's position Jack was surprised too see that even as they were leaning all the way back there movement speed didn't decrease as they immediately stepped too the side dodging Jack's punch easily before circling around Jack which got them out of the ring corner.
"It's been so long since I've used this stance. Hopefully I haven't gotten too sloppy." Suiryu thought too themselves as they stood up and began flexing their hands making their hands look almost as though they were trying too claw the air as they crouched down even lower. It was almost as though they were planning too tackle Jack but even after they changed their stance Suiryu still hadn't raised their guards and instead continued swaying their arms and body.
"W-What the hell?! That isn't any type of boxing stance I've ever seen before. In fact I've never seen any sort fighting stance like that he has absolutely no defense but instead their just relying on their flexibility and speed too avoid attacks. This shouldn't be effective but yet Jack can't hit them no matter how hard they try!. There fighting style is all about freedom!." Naoya thought in amazement as they watched Jack rush at Suiryu throwing a flurry of jabs and straight punches at Suiryu who easily weaved and dodged each of Jack's punches as they circled around them at rapid speeds not once ever raising there guard or blinking as Jack began too get more and more angry.
"This guy is untouchable right before I hit them they are somehow able too twist and turn there body in a way that makes it impossible for me too hit them!. Its almost as though this guy is made of jello!." Jack thought too themselves as Suiryu continued dodging there combos without getting hit no matter how fast Jack's punches were it was almost as though Suiryu could predict Jack's moves before they even threw there punch.
But for some reason Suiryu refused too throw any punches instead they had a focused look on there face as they focused all of there attention too Jack's chest and shoulder blades.
"Liver strike coming in two seconds. They are currently very tired now the best course of action would be too take advantage of there weakness and get rid of their vision!. But I have too do it quickly since I've only got eight punches remaining." Suiryu thought too themselves as Jack roared and twisted there waist as they threw a punch aimed at Suiryu's liver just like Suiryu expected. Suiryu calmly leaned their torso back easily dodging Jack's punch that hit nothing but air as Suiryu stepped too Jack's left side and finally raised their fists as they prepared too attack. Jack didn't have time too turn there head towards them as Suiryu threw another lightning fast jab.
"Only seven punches left." Suiryu thought too themselves.
For some reason though it seemed as though Suiryu's jab wasn't aimed at the side of Jack's head like Jack thought Suiryu would. At first it seemed as though Suiryu's jab missed until Jack felt a warm liquid began too run down their forehead as there vision sudden became blurry and red as blood ran down there face. What had happened was that when Suiryu threw their jab they purposely had their fist scratch Jack's forehead and since they weren't wearing any headgear too lessen the damage Suiryu's jab was able too make a cut deep enough too cause a large amount of blood too leak out of the large cut now on there face as blood run down their face. There own blood began too cover there eyes and blur there vision as Jack instinctively raise their hands up too their eyes in an attempt too wipe the blood out of their eyes.
However that was what Suiryu was waiting for as they threw yet another lightning fast jab aimed at the side of Jack's jaw causing there jaw too tilt too the side as though it was broken and Jack could hear a ringing noise inside his mind as he felt his consciousness waver. In the blink of a eye Suiryu appeared in front of Jack their fist lowered as they threw a uppercut aimed at Jack's face that nearly lifted them off of their feet as it connected.
"Five punches remaining." Suiryu thought as they winded their fist back before throwing a straight punch aimed at Jack's gut that caused the now almost unconscious Jack too cough out bits of blood as Suiryu's fist connected with there gut. Jack swore he heard a small snap as one of his ribs broke but he didn't have time too retaliate as Suiryu once again winded there fist back and threw another punch this time aimed at Jack's liver.
"ACK." Jack let out a loud yelp of pain for the first time in there boxing career as Suiryu's fist connected with there liver. A loud boom noise can be heard as Suiryu's attack landed causing the surrounding crowd too slightly wince but Suiryu wasn't done yet as they took a step back too put some distance between him and Jack as he threw two hooks aimed at the side of Jack's head. One right hook that caused Jack's eyes too roll up into his head and one left hook that Suiryu added in just for good measure.
"Only one punch remaining but I think I've already won so theirs nothing for me too worry about!." Suiryu thought not caring about the fact they might've knocked out Japan's best boxer and only worried about the bet he had made with Naoya before. The surrounding crowd could only watch in complete awe as they watched Jack's body start leaning back seemingly about too crumble and Jack could only watch as his vision began too disappear as he felt his consciousness slowly leave his body.
"A-Am I about to lose?. T-To a fourteen year old? Is this what being knocked unconscious feels like? This has never happened too me before." Jack thought as there vision slowly began too turn pitch black but right before they lost consciousness they looked at Suiryu's face and saw that he still seemed bored as they gazed at Jack's bruised and bloody face.
Jack doesn't know why but when he saw the bored expression on Suiryu's face that had never changed throughout the match Jack could feel a wave of anger and adrenaline flood his sore body and it gave him the strength too stomp there feet and lunged forward there fist raised above their head as they threw a hook aimed towards Suiryu's face. Jack refused too go down without getting at least one punch in.
For the first time since the match started a look of panic crawled on Suiryu's face completely caught off guard by Jack's sudden burst of power. As they saw the crazed look on Jack's face a image of a brown haired mans bloody face appeared in Suiryu's mind.
"NOT TODAY SATAN!." Suiryu roared as they leaned there head and back all the way back once again dodging Jack's punch matrix style and as Suiryu dodged their punch Jack suddenly felt a wave of fear flood his body and as he looked down too see Suiryu's face their body froze. With the blood in their eyes they weren't able too see their surroundings all that well and yet they could see the look of sheer bloodlust in Suiryu's eyes. Every cell in Jack's body was telling him that they were in danger and that they NEEDED too get the hell out of that ring but their body was frozen in fear and all they could do was watch in terror as Suiryu immediately began their counterattack.
[Olympian Style: War God Arts ARES HAMMER!]
Veins covered Suiryu's right fist as they quickly straightened their body before leaning forward rushing at Jack while throwing a punch similar too a haymaker punch aimed at Jack's face. Suiryu combined the momentum of them rushing forward too strengthen the force of their punch and right before their punch connected Jack was barely able too mutter one word.
"W-What the hell are you?."
In a act of Herculean strength the crowd watched in awe as Suiryu's fist connected with Jack's face Jack immediately lost consciousness as their body was lifted off of the ground and flew out of the ring and into the surrounding crowd who hurriedly tried too catch Jack's body as it flew. Jack's face was now completely swollen and their nose was a dark purple color and slightly caved in and multiple of Jack's teeth were completely gone. The crowd of students and instructors stared at Suiryu in awe who was now panting loudly almost as though they were exhausted. The crowd looked at this young man in front of them in a mixture of fear and awe as Suiryu continued panting loudly as they calmly wiped off the bits of Jack blood that had splattered on there face. However Naoya viewed Suiryu in a different way.
As Naoya looked at Suiryu who was now surrounded by Jack's teeth which they had knocked out with their last punch they didn't care about the screams and yells of the surrounding students and instructors. Instead they only admired the strength and beauty of Suiryu's last punch.
"T-This kid and that man are exactly the same! The talent the brutality the absolute strength this kid has despite their young age he is superhuman!. He and Kaolan Wongsawat are the same breed of men the same breed of men born too fight! I need too tell Joji about this kid!." Naoya thought as Suiryu calmly walked out of the boxing ring and began walking towards them as they calmly took off there boxing gloves.
"Like I said Mr I only needed 10 punches too knock them out. Now are you gonna keep your end of the deal and let me train here for a month?." Suiryu asked calmly as they handed Naoya the pair of boxing gloves and took their jacket out of Naoya's hands. As Suiryu began too put there jacket back on Naoya looked down at the pair of boxing gloves and their eyes widened in surprise.
"H-He tore these things apart!. I severely underestimated the power of this kids power!." Naoya thought as they looked at the leather boxing gloves in their hands which were now torn and shredded too the point it looked as though they were gloves that have been used for many years.
"Hehe young man after that performance I just have one thing too ask you." Naoya began too say as they smiled widely at Suiryu who seemed slightly anxious as Naoya spoke.
"Do you just wanna train here for a month? Or do you want a lifetime membership!?." Naoya said excitedly as they stared at Suiryu a hopeful look on their face as they waited for an answer.
"Why is he offering me a lifetime membership?. I just asked for a month's membership." Suiryu thought too themselves as they stared at Naoya confused.
*5 minutes later*
A white haired man wearing a white karate GI sat on there knees in the middle of what seemed too be a karate GI as they held a phone up too there ear. The man seemed too be in there early 40s and had three large scratch marks over their left eye which they were clearly blind in due too there white left pupil. The man had an intrigued look on their face as they listened too whoever was calling them.
"Uh huh I see are you sure he weighs that exact amount?. You just weighed and measured him 3 minutes ago? I see thank you for telling me this." The white haired man said as they ended the call. The white haired man let out a exhausted sigh as they rubbed their head in annoyance the man could already feel a migraine coming on.
"182cm and 182 pounds exactly huh there is only one explanation too this but I can't believe this is happening again." The white haired man muttered as they let out a small sigh.
"Who knew I would encounter the same breed of monster as you once again and from the sounds of things they're already quite the threat. I wonder how they would compare too "him" in a fight when he was their age....Wakatsuki that damn monster is already scary enough on there own and too think that their are even more monsters out there." The man thought too themselves as the image of a giant blond haired man popped in their mind.
"Welp lets see if I can find the time too meet this little future monster in the making someday in the future. I wonder what they'll do in the future if there really as strong as Naoya said they were." The man thought as they smiled a little at the thought.
Suiryu had no idea that their victory over Jack would attract the attention of figures known all throughout the world of martial arts.