The Night Watcher.

*2 months later*



"That monster is back at it again he might break more equipment again."

"He has too have already torn hundreds of dollars worth of punching bags by now."

"Not only that he is able too easily keep up with Naoya's training regiment!. Even Jack struggled too keep up with Naoya's training!."

Suiryu could be seen throwing a flurry of lightning fast jabs at a punching bag a look of deep concentration on his face as Naoya watched them from a distance while barking orders at them. Each time Suiryu threw a jab at the punching bag a loud bang can be heard coming from the punching bag as more and more fist imprints and cuts appeared on the punching bag with each jab.

It has been two months since Suiryu started training at the boxing gym taking full advantage of of the lifetime membership Naoya forced upon them. At first Suiryu was worried that Jack would try and press charges against them after they sent them too the hospital but surprisingly Jack didn't and even refused Suiryu's offer too try and help them with their medical bills. In fact Suiryu could still remember Jack's words when he told him "One day we'll have a rematch where I will win."

Suiryu didn't really care about Jack's promise and did not care about Jack's current status even though Jack hasn't been too the boxing gym in the last two months. Instead he focused his attention on his boxing lessons and even though he has only been going too the gym for the last two months he has already proven themselves too be the strongest student there. Even the instructors who were mostly comprised of former pro boxers refused too spar with Suiryu out of fear for there own lives. In fact the only person in the entire gym willing too even practice techniques with Suiryu was Naoya who started giving him the same training as he gave Jack.

Just like Naoya expected Suiryu was able too quickly master and get the hang of any techniques he showed them. Even though Suiryu was able too get the hang of the boxing skills however he still struggled with the timing of the techniques but that didn't matter too much as each one of Suiryu's punches had incredible speed that could possibly rival that of professional boxer Keith Liddel and their record breaking jab of 45 miles per hour.

Or at least that's what Naoya thought Suiryu's punching speed was whenever he tried too measure Suiryu's speed and strength it never really worked out.

Here is one example of this.

*1 month ago*

"Hey Suiryu look at this we just installed a new punching machine!. It can measure our strength maybe you should try it out!." One of the boxing instructors said too Suiryu who was busy doing pull ups with a pull up bar at the corner of the gym. A small crowd of students and instructors had formed around what looked like a red punching machine that can be found at arcades which had a small display screen over it. Instead this one was made up of metal not plastic It sort of looked like an armored version of a punching machine.

"Hm?." Suiryu stopped their training as they began walking towards the punching machine a curious look on their face as one of the students prepared too punch the punching machine. The student swung their fist back before throwing a haymaker punch at the punching bag.


A loud banging noise can be heard coming from the machine machine as the students fist connected with the punching machine. A mechanical whirring sound can be heard coming fro the machine as numbers began too appear on the display screen above it.

"290 force"

These words glowed brightly on the display screen above the punching machine as the student punched the machine. The surrounding crowd looked at this number in awe as the student who punched the machine looked up at the number proudly. He was one of the students who were in the heavyweight class so it made sense for him too deal so much force but he still felt proud of his accomplishment.

"Hey this thing is actually pretty cool!. When was this thing brought here? I wasn't here yesterday too see it."

"Well Naoya did order it and set it up here yesterday so that's probably why you haven't seen it until now. This is actually pretty cool we should've gotten something like this a long time ago!."

"Yeah it is really cool apparently this is a newer model of punching machines specifically made for professional boxers. Its durability was reinforced with metal so its almost impossible too break this one unlike the punching machines at arcades. We can hit this thing as hard as we want without having too worry about breaking it."

"I wanna try it."

As Suiryu said this the crowd stopped talking as they turned too face Suiryu who had a curious look on their face as he examined the punching machine. Even though the students and instructors had nothing against Suiryu they for some reason felt nervousness flood their bodies as he showed their interest in the punching machine. However they quickly got over their nervousness as they stepped out of Suiryu's way as they approached the punching machine.

"I don't know how durable this thing is so the safest option for me would be too hit it with my fastest and strongest jab I could muster. That way I won't possibly damage this machine while at the same time doing my maximum damage." Suiryu thought too himself as he entered a boxing stance. Suiryu's boxing had clearly improved based on their stance which had clearly improved by leaps now much more compact similar too an infighter type of boxer.

"Now may be a good time too test out this new jab I've been practicing. It might allow me too hit the punching machine with more force." Suiryu thought as he stuck out his right middle knuckle and calmly took a step towards the punching machine and took a deep breath before he threw a jab aimed at the punching machine. The jab was so fast the surrounding crowd only saw a blur of his fist as it connected with the punching but for some reason the crowd didn't hear anything even though Suiryu's fist seemed too connect. Even stranger the punching machine didn't seem too respond as no numbers appeared on the screen above it.

"What happened did Suiryu's punch miss?."

"Maybe the machine is broken?."

The crowd began too talk among themselves as Suiryu began rubbing there middle knuckle. As he examined there knuckle they noticed it was slightly red and had a small scratch on it but it wasn't enough too draw blood.

"I underestimated the durability of this punching machine but my theory seemed too have worked." Suiryu thought smirking too themselves as one of the students began examining the punching machine and let out a loud gasp of surprise at what they saw.

"Guys its not that he didn't hit the machine look what he did too it!." The student yelled out in shock as they pointed at the punching machine. As the crowd focused their attention too the punching machine there eyes widened in amazement as they saw a small hole in the middle of the punching machine that was the size of a golf ball. It was almost as though someone had shot a bullet at the machine.

"H-How is this possible?. Even if this kid had the strength too tear through the punching machine how were they able too not only make a hole clean through the machine but were able too make a hole that small?. Did they use their knuckle too do so?." One of the instructors thought in shock as some of the students looked towards Suiryu as though he was some sort of monster.

This is something that shouldn't be possible for the average boxer because unlike normal punching machines that could possibly get easily broken by a skilled enough boxer this type of punching machine was different. Not only was its core made up of metal that held up its foundation that prevented it from shaking or tilting over the part where the boxer punches was even more durable. While it was covered by the bare minimum amount of leather casing that prevented boxers from hurting their hands whenever they punched it underneath it was a titanium plate that made it almost impossible for even the toughest boxers too even dent.

And yet Suiryu was able too not only easily tear a hole into this titanium plate they did it with a jab no less. Their is no doubt in the crowds mind that if Suiryu had thrown the type of punch he used too knock out Jack a month ago on this punching machine he would most likely split the punching machine in half.

The crowd didn't know whether or not they were in the presence of god given talent or sheer demonic muscle power.

*Present day*


Suiryu threw one last punch at the punching bag nearly tearing it in half as suddenly a loud beeping can be heard coming from his right pocket. Suiryu reached into their pocket and pulled out a small cracked phone that seemed too have a sort of alarm going off. Suiryu let out a sad sigh as they turned off their timer and wiped away the small amount of sweat on their forehead before turning too face Naoya.

"I'm sorry Mr Naoya but I have too leave earlier then usual. I won't be able too visit the gym for a week or two It seems as though we have some work related issues." Suiryu said clearly sad about leaving as they stuffed their phone into their pocket.

"If you don't mind me asking how come you never brought up work until now? were you on some type of break for the last 2 months?. Also aren't you a bit too young too be working? Are your parents not around or something?." Naoya asked curiously. He was very sad too see Suiryu leave and was even more sad too learn that Suiryu would spend a whole week not at the gym. He was also slightly worried Suiryu's skills would lessen if he was gone for such a long time

"Well its not really that I was on a break It just takes a while for me too get some work in my profession so I had a bit of free time. Also if you must know I live with my uncle but he travels a lot for work so I decided to get a part time job." Suiryu said as he was about too leave.

"Hold on Suiryu before you leave let me show you something." Naoya said causing Suiryu too stop in their tracks as they turned too face Naoya who had a grin on his face for some reason.

"I've been wanting too teach you this for a while now but I needed too teach you the basics of infighting and out-boxing styles of boxing first before I could. This is a boxing stance called the hitman style its a outboxing style of boxing that has become very popular recently. Try and copy my movements." Naoya said as he entered a boxing stance Suiryu had never seen before. Naoya raised their left fist up too there face while their right fist. They began hopping lightly before throwing 3 lightning fast punches with their right fist.

"When you use this style punches jabs like these are referred too as flicker punches or "the flash" when you reach a certain level of skill with this stance. This stance allows the user too throw fast and powerful jabs that don't lose strength regardless of the users positioning. You should try using this stance real quick and see if you like it or not." Naoya said.

Suiryu didn't know why but something about this stance really interested him so he copied Naoya's stance too the best of their abilities. He then threw three right jabs in the air as though he was shadow boxing and even though Suiryu wasn't able too perfectly copy Naoya's movements Suiryu's movements and technique was still very impressive.

However that didn't matter too Suiryu who just looked at their fist a blank look on his face as he examined his fist.

"This boxing stance feels a lot more comfortable too use then normal boxing not as cramped as the other styles. However it doesn't have as much defense as other boxing styles which could be a problem in the future but maybe that's because I haven't mastered it yet." Suiryu thought too himself as Naoya stared at them with stars in their eyes. Yet again Suiryu was able too get a general understanding of a technique just by viewing it. Naoya also expected that Suiryu would probably master this style of boxing just like hes done with all the other skills he has taught them in the past.

"Suiryu after your done with work you should come back so we could start practicing this stance I believe it would be in your best interest too learn this style of boxing as soon as you could. Because even with your physical ability that lets you throw incredibly fast jabs their is still another boxer out their that completely outclasses you." Naoya said causing Suiryu's eyes too light up as they looked at Naoya a curious look on his usually bored looking face.

"Who are they?. This boxer who apparently completely outclasses me?." Suiryu asked a curious look on their face that unsettled Naoya for a split second. Naoya didn't know why but when Suiryu asked him this question Suiryu said in a tone similar too someone who thought they were questioning their skill.

"Well if you must know even with all of your talent their is still a boxer in the world who completely outclasses you in every aspect in speed strength and skill. He is a user of the hitman boxing style and the reason it is nicknamed the hitman style and its jabs are nicknamed the "flash" is because of his punching speed."

"That man is currently the heavyweight boxing champion of the world and their name is Kaolan Wongsawat!. The monster of a man who beat me eight years and became the heavyweight champion in four different boxing organizations in only four years. This man is considered the greatest boxer in history surpassing even the likes of Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali!." Naoya said a look of excitement in their eyes as he remembered their last encounter with the man named Kaolan Wongsawat.

"That man is a honest too god monster who I would never want too face again. However at the same time I'm curious too see if Suiryu could possibly reach the same level of strength as Kaolan!. That is if he decides too continue boxing though." Naoya thought hoping too himself that one day he will see either Jack or Suiryu face off against the monster Kaolan and win.

As Naoya was thinking too himself Suiryu just stared at them as though Naoya had just slapped their mother in front of them before they turned around and quickly left the gym almost running as they left behind Naoya who didn't even get the chance too continue telling them about the boxer named Kaolan. As Suiryu walked out of the gym they still had an annoyed look on their face but he calmly took a deep breath in an attempt too calm himself down.

"I need too learn too get a better control of my emotions. Had I continued listening too Naoya's rant I'm sure he would've noticed the blood." Suiryu thought too himself as he examined his palms which were now covered in blood. Suiryu had accidentally clenched their fists so hard due too anger his fingers tore through flesh and caused a large amount of blood too start running down their hands. However this didn't bother Suiryu too much as he had worse injuries in the past what bothered him was the fact he got so angry.

"I shouldn't have taken what Naoya said earlier too personally. Outclassing me in strength skill and speed? He may be a better boxer then me but that won't matter much in a real if only Naoya knew who he was saying all that stuff too." Suiryu thought as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He began scrolling through his contacts and saw that an unsaved number had just texted him. He began reading the texts which read:

???: What is the code?.

"Seriously this guy is so childish. Secret codes? How old does he think he is 7? These codes are useless since I know for a fact hes probably already watching me." Suiryu muttered under their breath as they quickly replied.

Me: There is no code and will never be a code

As soon as Suiryu replied Suiryu instantly got another notification as the unknown number responded.

???: What is my favorite fruit?

Me: Carrots.

???: What is better dogs or cats?.

Me: Parrots.

???: How many people current live in the inside?.

Me: What's the inside?.

???: Those answers are correct head too Showa Kinen park in 5 minutes I have another job for you. Make sure you destroy your phone after reading this test and throw away the remains you will be supplied with another phone one week from now if you survive."

As Suiryu read these texts he let out a sad sigh. "I really liked this phone I changed the background in everything". Suiryu thought too himself as he promptly snapped their phone in the palm of their hands and threw their phone in a nearby trashcan. They completely ignored the strange surrounding people gave him as he did so before he began running across the streets of Tokyo. If he didn't get too the location in 5 minutes bad things would happen.

*4 minutes later*

Suiryu walked through Showa Kinen park enjoying the beautiful scenery around him as he went deeper and deeper into the park as he looked at the surrounding trees and a small flock of birds sitting on the trees branches.

"Apparently this park is the biggest park in Tokyo Mom would've liked too visit this place the nature the birds the scenery itself is beautiful and nice too be around. I should visit here during winter time maybe it will look even nicer." Suiryu thought too himself as he continued walking deeper and deeper into the park he was no longer near the normal paths and trails and other places others visiting the park would be at instead he was near the middle of the park that seemed too go on for miles. Minus Suiryu their wasn't a single person as far as he could see all he could see was countless trees.

However Suiryu didn't only rely on their sight.

"OI WHEN ARE YOU GONNA STOP TRAILING ME AND SHOW YOURSELF?!. ARE YOU TRYING TOO GET ME IN TROUBLE BY WAITING FOR THE FIVE MINUTES TOO BE OVER?!. THEIR NO ONE ELSE AROUND SO STOP BEING EXTRA!." Suiryu yelled as he pointed at a large tree multiple meters away from him. As he did so Suiryu heard a small crunch as a figure walked out from behind the tree.

"Your way too calm even when you know someone is following you what if I had been some sort of enemy trailing you?. Also is that any way too talk too your employer?." The figure said there voice deep and masculine as they walked out from behind the tree revealing their figure. The person was a small young man being 173cm 5'8" in height who had a lean but muscular body who had short blond hair that was combed into a bob haircut and yellow colored eyes. They had a tired gaze but a confident smile on their face and wore a black suit and tie which Suiryu noted was strange too wear in the middle of a park.

"Misasa you are not my employer YOUR boss is my employer. Your just the guy who delivers messages too me from your boss." Suiryu said causing the young man named Misasa too let out a loud HAH as they entered a small fit of laughter. The man named Misasa couldn't have been much olden then Suiryu they probably weren't even in their 20s and yet they showed no fear as they laughed in Suiryu's face who glared at them clearly annoyed for some reason.

"You know Suiryu your such a bore that its somehow funny too see. But whatever I'm not here too tell you how boring you are I'm sure your just itching too find out what type of job I got for you this time. You better prepare yourself because this one is especially interesting!." Misasa said as he reached into his suit pocket and pulled out multiple pictures and tossed them Suiryu who caught them curiously.

As Suiryu looked at the pictures their eyes widened in surprise for a moment before he quickly regained his composure as he saw that the pictures showed the image of multiple corpses some seemed too have been mauled by a beast while other corpses were missing their heads completely.

"Misasa what is up with these pictures?." Suiryu said as he tossed Misasa back the pictures.

"Those were pictures were pictures the police took when they found the corpses of several Yakuza members and leaders and those corpses are the corpses of said Yakuza. The police were unable too find out who was responsible for these deaths but apparently the cause of their deaths were blunt force trauma I'm sure you know where this is going." Misasa said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and cigar. Before Misasa could even light the cigarette Misasa felt a presence next too them as Suiryu closed the distance between him and Misasa at rapid speeds and took the cigarette out of Misasa's hands.

"Hey what the hell man give that back!." Misasa yelled angrily as they reached for their stolen cigar as Suiryu calmly put the cigar in their pocket.

"No smoking in this park if you do you'll probably drop it on the ground after your done with it and a bird or other small animal might try and eat it and could probably choke it on it. If you wanna smoke do it somewhere near a trashcan." Suiryu said calmly causing Misasa too let out an annoyed sigh. He has already gotten used too Suiryu and his behavior but it still annoyed him sometimes.

"You know what whatever you say man. Have you figured out what these pictures mean yet or do you want too spell things out for you?." Misasa said causing Suiryu too nod his head.

"You said the cause of death for those corpses were blunt force trauma right?. Well if that's the case they were probably killed by someone who used their bare hands too do so based on how those corpses looked like it wasn't a blunt weapon used too kill them." Suiryu said causing Misasa too give Suiryu a thumbs up.

"That is exactly what we thought too and this isn't the first time a bunch of Yakuza got torn apart Their is a bunch of stories going around about a guy going around killing criminals mostly Yakuza and serial killers. We usually don't care about things like this but some of the people getting killed recently are associates of our boss and its starting too affect business. Usually we would handle something like this ourselves but recently their have been some major events happening in the matches lately. That's why were trusting you too find out what this guy looks like and if possible get rid of them." Misasa said causing Suiryu too tilt his head in confusion.

"Matches? what types of matches are you talking about?. Also Misasa have you gotten word from the boss about what I asked him about last week?." Suiryu asked causing a small smile too crawl on Misasa's face.

"Its funny how you've been working for us for so long and you know so little about what our boss does for work then again technically your just a common mercenary working for us and not an official employee. And secondly if you really wanna start be given some more high paying jobs the boss wanted me too tell you you have yet too prove your worth sure you may be useful but so are hundreds of other mercenaries just like you. You have too stand out more if you wanna be given the higher paying jobs." Misasa said calmly causing Suiryu too stare at them confused.

"I've done so much for them this year and yet their not willing too send me on higher paying jobs. That cheap bastard is willing too have me break a brand new phone every couple of months because of "secrecy reasons" and can afford too send me a new one. But doesn't want too pay me more." Suiryu muttered under his breath causing Misasa too let out a small chuckle as he heard them. Misasa knew how mad Suiryu could get when he felt as though his skill was questioned.

"Suiryu you know that no one doubts your strength but the boss is doing this because he doesn't want too send you on a mission that may be too dangerous for you. And who knows maybe dealing with this mystery killer could be just the thing that has the boss start sending you on more higher paying jobs. That is if you survive of course!." Misasa said saying that last part in a joking manner as they began walking away and like some sort of ninja disappeared from Suiryu's vision in the blink of a eye.

"I'll never know how someone can just disappear like that. Who does he think he is batman?." Suiryu thought as he let out a exhausted sigh. He looked at his fist examining the many scars covering their palm and fingers before bawling their hands into a fist as he felt anger slowly fill his body as he remembered Misasa's words.

"He doesn't want too send you on a mission that may be too dangerous for you."

"Who the hell does he think he is?. There is nothing I can't handle I'm the strongest in all of Japan no I'm the strongest man in the world and no one can change that!." Suiryu thought as he walked up too a nearby tree and without hesitation threw a roundhouse kick at said tree.

[Olympian Style: War God Arts ATHENA'S JAVELIN]

As Suiryu's kick connected the trees trunk it tore clean through the tree trunk like a hot knife through butter causing countless splinters and chunks of wood too fly through the air. Suiryu calmly stepped too the side as the tree fell over shaking the earth beneath Suiryu as it fell over.

As Suiryu looked down at their leg he saw that there was a large tear in their pants after kicking the tree that exposed there leg which was mostly uninjured minus a small scratch on there leg. As Suiryu noticed the scratch they felt annoyed.

"Even if I am the strongest I must become stronger!. It doesn't matter what I do I must become the strongest otherwise whats even the point of living?." Suiryu though too himself as he raised his fist preparing too punch another tree but stopped as he noticed multiple birds flying away from the tree as he walked up to it.

"I'm sorry mom I might've messed up the homes of some birds." Suiryu thought too himself as he immediately calmed himself down as he began walking out of the park. He had work too do and he couldn't afford too waste time.

*2 weeks later*

It was in the middle of the night in the streets of Tokyo and multiple police cars and ambulances surrounded an alleyway as multiple police officers seemed too be asking multiple young men questions while other officers handcuffed and forced other men into there cars. While all this happened several unconscious and bruised men were carried into the back of ambulances on a stretcher and as all this happened another cop car drove up too the scene.

The man was a short elderly man who had short grey hair and brown eyes and wore a long grey trench coat tucked in with a shirt and tie. He looked like one of the detectives from the TV shows in the 90s.

"What type of people go around causing trouble at this time don't they have nothing better too do?." The older officer said yawning loudly as he walked into the scene clearly unfazed by all that was happening around him.

"From the looks of things there was a fight so why was i called here?." The old officer thought too himself as one of the nearby officers ran up too him.

"What happened here and how many people were involved and how many are injured?." The old officer said in a bored tone clearly used too situations like these.

"Hello detective Kido we got word today that there was an arms deal happening here by an unknown source between two yakuza groups but something seemed too have gone wrong. By the time we got here out of the 30 yakuza we found here 20 had too sent too the hospital due too there severe injuries and the other 10 have already been interrogated and taken into custody." The officer said too the older officer named Kido who let out an exhausted sigh as they heard this.

"Well all that sounds good and all but what does that have too do with me?. I'm a detective from the sounds of things you already know what happened so there is nothing for me too investigate." Kido said clearly annoyed at the fact they were called too a crime scene that seems too have already solved.

"Well sir the thing is all of the yakuza members weren't beaten by eachother when we interrogated the yakuza members they all said they were beaten by one man. And the reason a detective was called was because we found something strange we wanted too look at." The officer said causing Kido too look at them clearly confused as he began too follow the officer.

"One man was able too send 20 yakuza members too the hospital? I think I've only heard of one man capable of doing something like this." Kido thought too himself as he followed the officer too a giant green trashbin and saw something that sent shivers down there spine.

The side of the trashbin was stained red with blood and had several giant dents the size of a human on them almost as though it had been hit by a train and a few feet next too the trashbin there was a chain that had too blood stained weights on the ends of each. A serious look crawled on Kido's face as he walked up too the chain and crouched down as he began examining it.

"The yakuza members said that whoever there attacker was they used those chains too attack them. I think there some sort of ball and chain thing or mace." The officer said noticing Kido's interest in the chains.

"These things are called manriki-gusari a chain weapon that originated in Japan that were apparently used by ninja. The wielder of these weapons caused us quite a lot of problems a year ago." Kido said calmly causing the officer too look at Kido as though they were crazy.

"Detective Kido what are you talking about?. Are you saying this isn't the first time some guy used those manriki things too attack yakuza members?." The officer asked clearly confused at the situation.

"Hhhmm based on how none of the yakuza members were killed whoever attacked them it probably wasn't the unknown killer going around killing criminals. I believe it was a couple years ago when we've started hearing rumors about a man from the inside." Kido said causing the officers eyes too widen in surprise.

"The inside?! The region of Japan that is apparently a lawless hellhole?. I thought that place was a mere myth is it actually true?." The officer exclaimed shocked as Kido let out a small scoff.

"Oh its real alright and even worse then the rumors say even the yakuza and toughest of criminals void that place. Some of the most heinous and dangerous criminals originate from the hellhole but their is one in particular that not only gave us plenty of trouble a few years ago but our detectives have apparently heard that he is quite famous in the criminal underworld. A year ago I was personally in charge of handling this mans cases." Kido explained.

"At first we only heard rumors of a enforcer for the yakuza who went around the inside doing all sorts of crimes all while wielding a manriki-gusari and it only got worse as they began performing crimes outside of the inside in the streets of Tokyo. They mostly robbed and destroyed many large yakuza groups single handedly and any officer who tried too stop them was beat too an inch of there life. They once became known all over Japan as the man responsible for sending an entire kick boxing gym too the hospital even there leader who was the middleweight kickboxing champion at the time. The police later learned the gym was involved in some illegal activities afterwards but we've also learned he participated in the gang war between the Hanayama group and another gang a couple years ago. In the criminal underworld he is nicknamed the night watcher as they only attack at night and he has been off the radar for a whole year until now." Kogi said as the officer just stared at Kogi as though he had told them the secret of the universe.

"H-How come I've never heard of this so called night watcher? What type of monster does one have too be to not only take out entire Yakuza groups by themselves but send many police officers too the hospital all with some sort of ninja weapons?." The officer thought too himself in shock.


"DAMMIT HOW COULD THE DEAL GO WRONG?!." An elderly looking man man wearing a suit roared in anger as they flipped over a table. The other men wearing suits flinched a little as they watched this happen in the distance but no one wanted too be the one too try and stop this man in the middle of there tantrum.

The mans name was Bishnu Humeji and they were the head of the Doragon group a yakuza gang known throughout Tokyo for its violence. And its head Bishnu was currently entering a fit of rage as they have just recently heard news that the members they sent too handle an arms deal were all arrested and currently in custody.

"How could this have happened?! We made sure that it would've been impossible for the police too find out about our deal and captured all of my men?!. We were we betrayed did someone rat us out and tell the police about our deal?. Not only are some of my men getting killed every damn week but now I have too deal with this!." The man named Bishnu muttered too himself so lost in thought they didn't even notice or hear the other men in the room yell in pain and shock as a figure hopped out of the vents in the roof above them like some sort of ninja and they didn't have the time too try and react as the figure began running around the room tossing and slamming the men around like they were ragdolls. Bishnu only snapped out of there stunned state as one of the men were thrown into the wall next too them with enough force the wall cracked as the mans unconscious body fell too the ground like a broken mannequin.

"What the hell?!." Bishnu yelled out as they turned around and his eyes widened in shock as he saw that all 20 of there bodyguards were layed out on the floor unconscious and in the center of the room stood an armored figure. The figure was tall maybe 6 feet tall and wore a dark grey motorcycle helmet over there head and had a black cloak covering most of there torso and neck except for there shoulders and abs that were covered by a metallic chest piece and shoulder pads that were spiky in appearance. They wore black gloves around there hands and there legs were covered by a grey armor similar too a knights armor.

"W-Who the hell is this guy?." Bishnu screamed in there mind as he instinctively reached too there side too grab the pistol attached too there holster. But in the blink of a eye Bishnu heard a chain fly through the air as a ball and chain flew through the air like a whip and tore Bishnu's pistol into countless pieces.

"W-Who the hell are you?. D-Do you not know who your messing with?." Bishnu muttered fear flooding his body as the armored figure calmly spun a chain that had a weight at the end of it like a nunchuck. The armored figure calmly stopped spinning there chain as they wrapped it around their waist before speaking.

"Oh I know exactly who you are your men told me all about the so called "might of the doragon gang". But that didn't save them as I beat them too an inch of there life." The armored figure said there voice clearly male as Bishnu looked around nervously trying too find a exit. Bishnu highly doubted he could go for the door without running into the armored man and even if he could jump out of the nearby window without getting hit by the mans chain they wouldn't survive the fall as they were on the fifth floor of there base.

"W-What are you talking about?." Bishnu asked in an attempt too stall the armored man who let out a small chuckle.

"Wow some leader you are you don't even notice when 30 of your guys are taken into custody and 20 are sent too the hospital?. Now I feel like I wasted my time trying too get your attention." The armored man said sarcastically causing Bishnu's eyes too widen in realization.

"Y-You had something too do with my men being captured earlier today?. Do you work for the cops?." Bishnu asked fearfully. Usually he would be furious and try too kill this man but instead he only felt fear flood his body just by being in this mans presence was enough too make Bishnu feel terror flood his body as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up he only felt like this when he was face too face with an enemy wielding a gun.

"No I'm not with the cops you don't have anything too worry about and its not like I came here too declare war on you guys. While I highly doubt you guys can beat me I am not in the mood too fight an entire Yakuza at the moment instead I come offering a deal." The armored man said calmly causing a confused look too crawl on Bishnu's face.

"A-A deal?." Bishnu muttered clearly confused.

"Well unless you are blind its quite obvious I am quite the capable fighter not only did I send 20 of your guys too the hospital but I pretty much man handled all of your guards. I can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy and I'm sure you don't want too deal with me after all you must be exhausted dealing with this mysterious killer going around killing your men right?." The armored man said causing Bishnu's eyes too widen in surprise.

"Y-You know about that?." Bishnu questioned caught off guard by how much information the armored man had.

"Why of course several other yakuza groups have been wiped out by this mysterious killer going around and based on my information they could probably slaughter everyone in your gang. However this could all be avoided if you accept my offer." The armored man said causing Bishnu too slowly calm down as they stared at the man curiously.

"O-Offer? What type of offer are you talking about?." Bishnu said as they slowly began too calm themselves down. At first he was just trying too stall this armored man too buy some time but something about this man intrigued them.

"Hire me as a bodyguard for about a week or two and I'll do everything in my power too hunt down this mysterious killer of yours after all I'm probably the only guy in the world willing too help you out. Of course my price will not be cheap and I will not work as a permanent member for your gang in fact after I stop this mysterious killer you'll never see me again. But in return you'll get guaranteed protection from both this killer AND law enforcement." The armored man exclaimed confidently causing Bishnu too stare at the man in disbelief.

"Who does this guy think he is making all of these crazy promises?!. Not only does he have all of this information on us he is very confident in there ability. Are they some sort of famous mercenary or something? I don't recognize them." Bishnu thought too himself as they swore they heard the armored man let out a small chuckle as they saw the look on Bishnu's face.

"I-If you don't mind me asking who exactly are you?." Bishnu asked nervously.

"Huh I'm disappointed too see you aren't able too recognize me. I know its been a while since I last worked but I swore I had a pretty big influence in the criminal underworld. Even if you wipe out a couple yakuza's by yourself its still not enough too get recognized what type of ridiculous standards are these?." The armored man said sarcastically causing Bishnu too look at them confused for a moment before a look of realization appeared on his face.

"An armored man who wields chains with incredible skill. A mercenary who has never lost a fight in hand too hand combat and a former enforcer for the yakuza I-It cant be!." Bishnu thought too himself as the armored man let out a loud HAH.

"HAH do you want me too spell everything out for you old man?. I am none other then the legendary mercenary for hire the night watcher and I am the only one capable of stopping this crazy killer from wiping you all out." The armored man named the night watcher said confidently as Bishnu just stared at them in confusion.

"T-that was a cool intro and all but....." Bishnu began too say clearly nervous.

"But I still don't know who you are."

"OH COME ON!." The armored man named the night watcher exclaimed.


"M-Mercy please show me mercy!." A blood covered yakuza yelled in fear as they tried too crawl out of a warehouse that was filled with the corpses of several other yakuza in an attempt too get away from a figure who began walking towards the bloody man.

"There is no mercy for criminal scum like you. Justice does not show mercy too criminals like you." The figure said as they walked out of the warehouses shadows exposing themselves. The figure was tall exactly 191cm (6'3") in height. They were extremely muscular and wore a full suit of black bulletproof armor over a black bodysuit and had a circular glass visor like helmet over there head.

"I will now execute justice!."

As the man said this they immediately rushed forward towards the crawling man who screamed in terror as they were dragged into the warehouse.

1 day from now the corpses of 15 yakuza members would be found mangled in a warehouse near the coast of Kyoto.