Xia LingYun(3)

" .....the nature of magnetic field around the south pole of the given magnet....."

On the podium , Teacher was lecturing the students . The boring lecture already made sleepy students dizzy . Of course , The teacher was on affected in any way by the student's 'enthusiam' about learning and kept rambling on which directly led to some students uncontrollable yawning .

In the classroom at the window seat , last bech was sitting a thin boy with his figure down almost snoring.


Suddenly startled awake , the boy sat up straight , wiped the drool from his mouth and tried to keep his eyes wide awake without blinking.

[ Please pay attention to class Host. Disrespecting teachers is against student's etiquette leading to punishment.

Electric shock ×1]

Looking resentfully at the void, Xia LingYun wanted to hit the system. He wanted to study too, But after being tossed by the system before dawn , he was then tossed in morning exercises. He really wanted to know if the system deliberately tossed him for scolding the system's ancestors.

A bell suddenly rang and the whole classroom became alive in an instant .Teacher Li calmly collected his notes and walked out of the classroom without paying attention to the disordered classroom.

He collected his bag and walked out of the corridor. Just as he stepped out of classroom, a punk boy with rainbow hair stood in front of him.

" Boss called you to the rooftop." ,giving him a bad look, he walked out without waiting for his response.

If it was before, he might have resisted but today he doesn't want to.

He wanted to tell the truth and also see if these punks have any brains.

Walking out of corridor , he was stopped by He Qinya again.

" You better not say anything . " She said indifferently and walked away.

His gloomy emotions erupted suddenly.

" Miss He, I don't remember offending you , niether do I remember I have any relationship with you. Of course , that includes you tutoring me", He said in one breath loudly.

The whole corridor came to a stop as if someone clicked a pause button.

Her face turned dark visible to the naked eye.

' this bastard did it on purpose'.

" What does he mean?"

"huh! I already told you she's a white lotus"

" Tsk! he wants to be beaten yo!Senior from the high school has a crush on sister Qinya. Does he want to provoke seniors now"

"Coward really got the courage today".

Looking at the surrounding commotion, he really wasn't surprised. These people have nothing to do with himself .

Looking at He Qinya like this , he suddenly lost interest. This woman is a total white lotus. She took him as shield. Because of her, he pulled hatred from her admirers and now she was washing herself clean to find some more spare tires for herself.

" I hope you don't involve me in your buisness again He Qinya.I don't provoke you and you don't come to me. I have no interest in a White Lotus that blooms everywhere" , saying that ,he walked away.

One less trouble to solve , one more to go.


" Yo ! I heard you got the courage. It really looks like it" Jiang Li said in Yin and Yang strange tone.

" You should know there is nothing between me and that woman. She came to me herself to find a shield. This matter started with misunderstandings than I don't think we should continue",Xia Lingyun said indifferently looking straight into Jiang Li's eyes.

Those gloomy and indifferent eyes really brought some surprise to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li was typical school bully of no.3 middle school Class A .Well the class of scholars and of course of rich people.

Jiang Li was not a typical rich second generation smashing money everywhere but his family did have some influence in Township.

" You said so. I will solve the bitch myself but don't let me get your handle next time" Saying so he walked away with his cronies.

Looking at the 'I don't care' back of school bully , Xia Lingyun was really surprised which showed obviously on his face.

He didn 't have any intersection with school bully before but as far as he knows , this bully wasn't such an easygoing person.

Xia Lingyun didn't think in the obvious changes in his speech and demeanor.

For people of high society, polite speech and straight posture are common. But for an ordinary person with no resources and backing, such confidence only brings mystery .

For such a person, it arouses curiosity of wanting to explore everywhere.

An episode of 'You touch the woman I like and I break your bones ' ended in such a ridiculous way.

Taking advantage of no one staying at the rooftop , he took out his rewarded lunchbox from the system with 2 servings remaining. Such a nice system. Taking a healthy and satisfying ,nice lunch , his goodwill of system exploded exponentially.

After taking hours of classes again , The school closed and he finally took time to go where he works part time. He had to work multiple jobs to support himself . Now that his food is covered by the system, only residence, clothing and school fee are his concerns.

He could exclude clothing for the time being and there are still three months before high school entrance examination. His only concern now is his living environment which is definitely not healthy and would not be suitable for key high schools. Quitting all his jobs temporarily with various reasons, he walked back to his apartment with the final payment.


[ Name : Xia LingYun

Age : 14 yrs 7 months.

wealth: 986.84 (CNY)

Health: 3.4/10 (poor)

■ Body : 1.2/10

■ Mind : 3.4/10

■ Spirit : 0.1/10

Talent : ???( to be determined)

Skills : Etiquette(basic)


◇ Draw

◇ Learning Space

◇ Warehouse _________]

Looking at the surprisingly increased data of his body and spirit , and aquiring the +0.1 of spirit made him feel a sense of achievement .

'system, Didn't you say you are my guide ? Can I ask you anything?'

[ Within sufficient authority , Host can ask anything and system will give theoretically best advice and answer to host]

'I don't have any money~',he said complainingly.

Looking at the host who suddenly acted like a spoiled child, system was inexplicable but its tone was still cold and mechanical without any ups and downs.

[ The Virtual money of system and Real world are interchangable at 1:1 ratio. Host is advised to keep the money with system until Legal age since host is without gaurdian.

System will post mission and the rewards of each mission vary. Including and not just Real world currency]


[Yes Host]

'You are such a good system'.

Looking at the glowing eyes of host which are practically raining gold coins, system suddenly felt tired. It doesn't know what this feeling was or it would also say,

I really want to hit someone!!

The two way communication of one system and one host ended very 'harmoniously'and Xia LingYun went to do his homework.

He found his new enthusiasm for his study and new future of being a wealthy man drowning in Gold coins all the way.


> Daily Tasks

>Missions ___]

Clicking on missions , he found the mission posted by the system.Which was also his newfound enthusiasm in studying.

[ Mission : Junior Middle school final examination assessment score .

Reward : Based on mission completion rate .

○ 75-85% Rating B ( 800 CNY )

○ 85-95% Rating A (1000 CNY)

○ 95-100% Rating S ( 5000 CNY)_____

Knowledge is wealth. Please work hard to show off your wealth, Host ]

No matter how hard he worked in his part time jobs , he was only paid minimaly to sustain his life , now that he could earn money for doing his own job properly and even have three meals , he would be a fool not to make any achievement in life.

After completing the homework, it was already 8 o'clock.

Entering the learning space , he stayed there for 2 hours and after exiting , he was exhausted mentally .

Washing his clothes and eating his final serving of food box , he lay exhausted but contently on the bed and fell asleep.


Next morning , after completing his daily tasks,he searched left and right on the reward screen but couldn't find Repair fluid anywhere.

[ Repair fluid was Novice bonus reward to encourage the host .Please work hard and do not depend on system]

He finally knew how pitted this cunning system of his was.

Dragging his tired body to bed , he lay down exhausted and tiredly finished his breakfast.

Starting his daily life of getting tired and then sleeping tired with hell like study plan , he ushered in his final days of Middle school.