Xia LingYun(4)

" Yun...Ling Yun....Can ....Can I be your g-g-girlfriend",A shy girl looked up at the boy standing in front of her.

The skin was white but is not yellow or pale , with a thin pink .Thin red lips , beautiful jawline on the face which is still tender but is in transitioning stage of a young man. Deep Black eyes and short fluffy black hairs on his smooth forehead. It's just that the indifference of his whole body exudes a natural charm then the washed white clothes speak volemes of his poverty.

Xia Lingyun was not even surprised at all.

This was his third confession when he doean't even know who the other party was.

In the past three months, with the help of daily task rewards of system with sufficient nutrition and hell like training , Xia LingYun changed from a thin pale young man to what he was now. His body was full of strength due to regular training and he already learned high society etiquette including how to communicate without left behind on which occasion, Banquet and Ball etiquette and polite greeting etiquette or be it eastern and western eating and drinking etiquette.

If he was a poor weak boy with 3 points indifference and 7 points gloom, Now he is a strong young boy with 9 points indifference and 1 point politeness. It's just this indifference was covered in politeness that gave people a feeling of gentleman.

Hiding his edge and indifference, although he wasn't like those big family hiers but his patience already turned him into half a hunter.

[Name : Xia LingYun

Age : 14 yrs 11 months.

wealth: 8890 (CNY) <+>

Health: 9/10

■ Body : 7/10

■ Mind : 6/10

■ Spirit : 3/10

Talent : ???( to be determined)

Skills : Etiquette(advanced), Chess(Basic), Business(basic).


◇ Draw

◇ Learning Space

◇ Warehouse _________]

Looking at the data on system panel , he expressed his satisfaction inwardly.

Finally pytting his eyes on the girl in front of him , he didn't have a heartbeat or blush or complacency like those hairy boys. He knows that if he was what he was 3 months ago currently , this woman would be like He Qinya , Who was currently green eyed looking at him , thinking of turning him into her spare tire.

" I don't know you" , leaving this word , he walked away . He doesn't have the habit of keeping troublesome things around himself.

The girl cried with a wow and teardrops fell like free money from her eyes. Many boys watching wanted to hold her and cherish her and girls wanted to scold , 'green tea bitch'.

One has to say that woman knows a woman best.

Walking into the class, Teacher smiled at him and he sat on his seat.

"High school entrance exam will be in almost two weeks. You should cherish this oppurtunity and work hard to have a good life ahead. Many students this semester have worked rain and sweat for thier future .Xia LingYun , You have worked hard and have most achieved this semester, Although you are Good and hard working boy, You should not slack the slightest and work hard for the upcoming exam.Teacher is optimistic about you", Head teacher gave a passionate and encouraging speech to the students.

His mid semester exam put his grades and hard work in front of teachers. Of course , Monetary encouragement from the system was indespensable.

He currently have the goal of enetering No.1 Key High School of QingQuan province.

" Your final exam results will be declared in few days. Teacher hopes to not to see any of my students again sitting in same class next semester "

He really was looking forward to his grades , afterall , system promised him 5000 CNY for his grades to be above or equal to 95 % .

If it was before, he might have no confidence, but now , he needs to say nothing. his class grades and everyday hard work says everything for his confidence.

One more thing he was truly looking forward to was his assessment mission of his etiquette of formally upgrading to advanced level.

[ Assessment Mission 2 : Go to BaiLong Pavillion.

Reward : Unknown.____]

Ah~ He forgot to say that the upgrade of his etiquette to intermediate level 50 days ago gave him A laptop and A smartphone of Galaxy technology latest model .When he first started learning Business alongside etiquette in system space, he already felt how ridiculously deficient he was in terms of his basic facilities.

The system reward finally reduced his worries for the tonological basic equipment needed for information exchange and news.

Due to his limitation of time and his need for study in daily life. His time for etiquette and buisness are divided into 5hr each and chess twice a week.

Although system gave him a limit of 4 hrs per day, he couldn't even use 1 hr completely . According to system, that is due to his limited mental strength.

Getting off the school, he went to nearby library first to borrow some books on buisness and then went back to his small house.

According to system, He needs minimum 3 skills to be advanced level to open 2nd level .

[ ◇Learning space

> Etiquette

> Business

> Chess

> Calligraphy

> Sanda _____]

Looking at the five available skills , he really was looking forward to new skills available in the 2nd level learning space.

After high school entrance examination, there would be a 2 month break before new semester of First year high school that would start in september.

He already have planned to spend his Two month holiday focusing on the skills available in system space.

The most he was looking forward to was his advanced level Sanda skill.

3 days passed by in flash and everyone was in a tense mood.

Early in the morning , Xia LingYun also was looking forward to the results his hard work would bring. In just 3 months , his life ushered in a change he never would have imagined. It would be more likely that he was reborn in these three months. Each day fulfilling.

When reaching the notice board where results of everyone were pinned, there was a commotion around.

"It's him ! right"

A student shouted and then everyone suddenly turned to him in unison. He felt all kinds of gazes. Malice, Jealousy , Awe, Envy, Hatred , admiration. Although he was trained in system space , but in real world, it was first time he was pointed out in crowd , all alone. He didn't want to admit but it wasn't a good feeling.

He walked forward and unsurprisingly found his name on the notice board .

Xia Lingyun : 97.8%

He showed nothing on his face but how could he not be happy. It was the reward of his hard work in these months. His medal of honor that he could be proud of until he gains a new one.

All teachers were happy and ecstatic at his results and congratulated him. Looking at the 10,000 CNY envelope in his hands, he doesn't know what to say. He could only smile.

When he was about to return home after the whole tiring day , he found someone waiting at the school gate .

The boy looked at him and slowly spit out " congratulations" and walked away.

He was inexplicable at this behaviour and didn't pay much attention.

Looking at the back of the person he once thought was an irrelevant ant, Jiang Li was complicated. That person doesn't even remember who he was.In these months, he found the gap between the two widening at the speed visible to the naked eye. It was hard to say there wasn't any jealousy, but he's a rational person , not a child anymore.


Taking a deep breath ,he walked away .

He only hopes that this person would not remember his hatred for him. Afterall, it's hard to say the temper of someone at the height you can't reach.

Both never looked at the gloomy boy looking from afar. Or they didn't know how someone was staring at Xia LingYun with the malice that almost turned into substance .

Thinking of something, Xia LingYun turned back to where the chilling gaze came from , finding nothing , he walked away.

Qiao Siming , who was standing watching him walk away muttered ' You said he wasn't a threat ! mother' .

' You lied again , mother . Father is a liar too.'