Xia LingYun(9)

"Some of the scattered shares are in hands of unknown sources , I can't investigate. You should know what this means " Qin MuRong , current head of the Qin family , Said coldly .

"Our Qin Group is targeted by someone malicious ", QinSuiYun said with a little anger in his eyes.

About Half a month ago , someone bought some scattered shares of Qin group .Although it was only 3 % , but the problem is , even Qin SuiYun is given 2% of shares on his 15th birthday this year, How could this not make him angry .

Looking at his chosen hier satisfiedly , Qin MuRong didn't show it on his face.

" Focus well on school. You should know , Campus itself is a battlefield . If you are not satisfactorily , your future would already be doomed" , stating the cruel fact of the business families , he left the study neatly.

Qin SuiYun face sank . Looking at his hypocritical father who only thought of benefits , he mocked.

He didn't knew until few months ago that his father also had an illegitimate child who was similar in age as him .

That bastard was hiding quite deeply with his lunatic mother.

He first thought of silencing the future threat in bud , but that bastard was quite slick and escaped each time. He gave up.

Since that guy already started openly scheming with him , then he might as wait for him to show up.


" He's your son , Why don't you want him ? You are so cruel ...uuuu...." , a woman's crying and wailing voice came over.

"Giving birth is your own choice ", A man's indifferent , almost cruelly cold voice came over .

"You ....uuuu....wuwuuuu....give me a chance okay....I love you ...okay.....I beg you....", the woman kept begging and almost wailing .


The scene suddenly changed .

" Hmm...his eyes ...and blood .....it.." , a older male's voice came .

"I'm your father . You will be living here in future", again a voice came in different scene.

Pain .pain.

Too much pain.

That was the only feeling this dream gave.

His eyes hurt as if plucked out of sockets.

His body felt dizzy as if his blood was drained.

"hah" , sitting up with a start , Xia LingYun was in cold sweat.

Although he doesn't feel anything , but this almost realistic dream already gave him a psychological shadow. Especially the person called 'father'.

[ Ding! Abnormal data fluctuation detected. Please calm yourself host.]

' system , I had a dream '.

Xia LingYun told his dream to the system without any scurples. He treated this system as his own now.

[ Sufficient authority. The scenes host was able to see was due to unstable time and space cracks ,host]

' What do you mean system ' ,his tone sank almost. He didn't want to think in worst possible direction . The word 'Time and space' is too much of an implication.

[ The scenes host was able to see were the scenes of original timeline without the intervention of system , host ]

He was silent for a long time.

The conversation between his mother.

The unknown father.

The pain he went through.

He didn't wanted to think anymore. It was true . It all happened once.

[ Host is currently creating his own destiny through hard work .Each time host deviates from the original destiny , space-time cracks will appear , forming a new timeline ,tearing away from the original one. As host goes higher , host will find more scenes related to possible original timeline. Please think of that timeline irrelevant and keep your mind steady ,host. ]

The system's explanation put his peices together. The system thought too simple of human nature.

His face was ugly to the extreme. He wanted to know who gave him so much pain. Who was responsible for his birth and then death.

That person called 'father' in dream made him hate this term to guts.

Looking at the time , it was currently 3:02 AM early in the morning . Xia LingYun dressed up in sports outfit and started his morning routine. He needed to vent .

That bone tearing and skull peircing pain made him aware once again .

He became slack .

He became complacent.

He became content.

3 hours later , washing up and entering system space , practicing sanda intensely for almost an hour , when he came back out , he finally was calm.

It's just those eyes with hidden madness and extreme vigilence could tell people , It's an injured wolf in fear of death . Would attack indiscriminately.

He didn't know how terrible his mentality became until he would learn his lesson .

But one thing , Maybe Xia LingYun himself was clear about himself , He was a hunter . A patient one at that.

If he was doing everything as a game , a good life , then now his goal has changed. These things in dream may not have happened , but Xia LingYun is different . For him , if he could remember , then it happened.

He's a vengeful person . Even if it won't happen in the future, under the circumstance of no system intervention , everything would have happened.

The chill in his eyes couldn't be contained.

' System , Can I exchange information with you. You said law of equivalent exchange , then there must be a price to pay . Tell me '

Looking at the smart host whose IQ jumped suddenly ,system was silent and finaly stated.

[ Each person has his own effect on this world.The price of of information depends on influence that person has on current timeline in accordance with deviated future timeline. ]

He gazed at the screen calmly and then spit out slowly .

' Mother. '

' Information about my biological mother'.

[ Data calculating...please wait host.....]

[ Data calculated .

Information detected.

Price : 3 million CNY

Information Digital Copy : 100 CNY

Information hard copy : 5 million CNY ]

'Why is the price of hard copy higher than the information itself ?'

[ Hard copy is a substatial evidence. If another person questions host about hosts information network , then follow procedures and disposal are included in the price host ]

'tsk. My clever little system '.

After this little joking tone , the atmosphere eased a little.

' Get me the information . Digital copy saved to my warehouse. '

[ Ding ! Information collected. Data tranfer complete .Please check the warehouse host]

Although he acted calmly , his trembling fingers betrayed his current mood. He never thought about his parents who abondoned him . But today he took initiative on his own .

Taking a deep breath , he opened the folder on the screen.

[ Name : Xu Jia'er

Status : Deceased.

Age : 34 ( before death )

Height: 168 cm

Image : ______

Qualification: High school Graduate.

Life experience : <+>]

Looking at the data on the screen , especially the deceased status , he didn't know what to feel.

She died only few years after throwing him away . Should he laugh and say 'deserve it'. But he couldn 't bring himself up to .

Clicking on the life experience , As he read more and more , his face sank . People could be frozen with chill exuded by him . The current Xia LingYun gave system the feeling he never had before. It made him uncomfortable.

[ Life experience : Born in Xujia Village in Xin'an county .Middle school studies in No.6 middle school in Xin'an county . Travelled to Wangcheng for high school studies along with cousin's family.

System perspective: Dazzled by city life , First boyfriend in junior high school. Indulgence as minor.

Senior high school- 2nd boyfreind , Above middle class family. Money worshipping tendencies increased. Abortion at 18 yr age. . Worked as a bartender in Cane Bar and then waitress in BluBell club .

Targeted Qin MuRong to change life.

28th october ,19XX

Room no. 2118 , BluBell club

Drugged water glass and food with aphrodisiac substance knowing the room was booked by Qin MuRong. Low lighting available .Unknowingly consumed aphrodisiac substance. Forced herself upon the person entering the room under aphrodisiac effect.

Person gone when woke up.

Qin MuRong's arrival. Had been drugged as planned before entering the room.

Morning sheets had blood. Aquisiesance of first time intercourse. Successfully concieved fetus.

Child delivery , 28th of july , 20XX .

child not accepted by Qin MuRong.

11 feb, 20XX, child abandoned.

Death , 30th november , 20XX .

Cause of death : Domestic violence .]

Looking at the data that almost his blue viens jump. He took a deep breath and analyzed it calmly. The more he read , the calmer his emotions became.

The words Qin MuRong made his face ugly.

The current head of Qin family and President of Qin group.

Looking at 1% Qin group shares in his hands , he spit out a turbid breath . ' What a fate'.

Suddenly his heart jumped and he read the information related to his birth again.

Then his heartbeat sped up .He realised, Qin MuRong may not be his father . There was someone else in the room that day .

That woman could not be a virgin.

The only explanation of blood on bed could either be she was forced or the person forced by that woman earlier might be injured.

In that case , it would be hard to check him in hotel records. That person was hiding afterall.

It's been a month since school started. He knows how to check the authenticity of the claim of Qin MuRong as his father first . He could match his and Qin SuiYun's DNA .

If ....

The gloom in his eyes couldn't be dissipated.

If....Qin MuRong is his father,.....

He laughed softly....

He would destroy the Qin family ....they won't have a chance to come to him then.

Looking at the host who was tilting his head and innocently planning someone's demise, the system repeatedly checked if he missed something. It really was confused. How could host be like what he later was in original timeline.