Xia LingYun(10)

" Hey ! you finally know how to come back ", Ji YinHe jokedd with him.

"Yeah" , he answered.

The teacher was already on the podium lecturing. In half an hour , Ji YinHe couldn't sit still.

| Where were you? I didn't have your phone no.,lets exchange numbers first|

Looking at the written note in his hands , he was silent at first and then wrote a string of numbers on the back of paper.

Ji YinHe happily pocketed the little sheet of paper and then reverted back to his 'I'm listening seriously and I'm a good student' image.

Xia LingYun was absentminded. He didn't know which direction to start from.

He was just an unknown thrown away boy who should live silently in a corner few months ago. Then system showed up . He finally found his brilliance.

Then system told him , He shouldn't be living like this. He found out his parents , but he wasn't happy. He was confused.

Xia LingYun wanted to get information of his suspected father from the system . The answer system gave him stunned.

[ Ding ! This information is priced at 840 million CNY . Insufficient balance. ]

What was the concept of 840 million . It was a number he dared not imagine until he learnt business and wanted to step into that field.

He was more so confused. The system information was based on his authority and influence of that person in the world.

How influential must that person be.

This almost made him hopeless.

More so were the occaisional questions that would pop out in his mind.

Would he really find that person. Does he really want to know who his real father may be. Would that person be happy to know him. Would he become a destroying party in other people families.

His self confidence he built so hard was already shaken.

Taking a deep breath , he forced himself to concentrate on the current problems and not think much . It wasn't yet certain that Qin MuRong wasn't his father .

His purpose in coming to school today was also to collect Qin SuiYun's hair sample for DNA identification.

During the break when no one was there , he calmly slipped towards Qin SuiYun's seat and took a broken little hair from the desk Qin SuiYun was sleeping.

Collecting the sample, he walked away.

Ji YinHe was talking to his brother about his day when he saw his deskmate walking up the stairs .

His eyes lit up .

" Brother ! Let's go . Let's meet my new classmate too", he excitedly stated and pulled his brother towards Xia LingYun.

Ji YanXun was helpless and let himself be dragged away by his energetic younger brother.

"LingYun ! wait for me ", a loud shout came from downstairs and when he faced down , he saw his deskmate almost dragging his brother towards him.

He almost laughed out loud at this picture.

When Ji YinHe and Xia LingYun were talking , Ji YinHe winked at his brother.

"LingYun, Next week would be my Grandpa's birthday , Would you come please " , Making pitiful eyes at him , Ji YinHe said.

"Hmm, You can tell us your address and YinHe and I would send you the invitation ..say" , Ji YanXun also echoed.

Both brothers are a kind of .....what could he say . He finds Ji brothers easy to get along with .

After giving his address , both parties were surprised.

Ji family lived in Villa no. 3 in the same villa area he lived.

Ji family brothers were also surprised.


" Please get me the results as soon as possible"

Diconnecting the call, he inhaled and exhaled a long breath.

He sent his QinSuiYun's hair samples for matching. He was hoping , hoping he had nothing to do with them.

Looking at the white invitation with golden border in his hands , he put it aside and decided to rest for a while .


Walking out to the balcony , he exhaled a misty breath. It was winter already this year , there wasn't any snow though. Almost 1st semester was over in school and it should be over and this week also would be birthday banquet of Ji Family.

It would be hard to say he wasn't nervous. It would be his first step into high socitey. He knows Ji brother's purpose in giving him this invitation was more of giving him an oppurtunity to enter the bigger stage.

It's just when they knew his address, both brothers were quite surprised first and thier attitude was much better , more like friends than known aquaintances.

This is how this world works.

What he was little happy about was his data and a rewards he recieved.

[◇Learning space

> Etiquette( advanced)

> Business(advanced)

> Chess(intermediate)

> Calligraphy(intermediate)

> Sanda(advanced) _]

In past months , apart from going to school and his studies , he spent most of his time honing his skills. If it wasn't the distraction from that nightmare few days ago , he might have been absorbed in upgrade frenzy of his skills.

Now that he calmed down and thought about it all thoroughly , he realised.

'He's still too young'.

He doesn't know how to clean his tail when doing something, niether the cautiousness and meticulousness that should be used.

Although he knows how to do business, it's not that simple as just negotiating.

These days he was learning in system space and also kept in regular contact with Cang Sui.

Absorbing knowledge and experience like a sponge , his life was quite fulfilling .

Retrieving a Crystal transparent card with green aurora like glowing mist floating all along the card , he was amazed already.

One of the rewards to complete his advanced upgrade to sanda was this flawless card.

He already had one more card from his daily high task completion.

Since one person can only use one card , he thought about where to use the second.

'Should I use it for some beneficial exchange? '

Although he thought so , he wasn't stupid to show his abnomality openly and be dissected in some remote research lab.

A pair of eyes flashed in his mind and he forgot about it just as fast.

Entering his bedroom, he crushed the card in his hand and waited for pain to come like those cultivation novels where purifying body hurts .

Suddenly a cool sensation and then refreshing warmth interwined his whole body alternatively . Then it was all quiet.

He felt like wearing a heavy armor until today which he suddenly took off . This feeling of lightness was quite refreshing.

'But where's the pain'.

He was quite puzzled. He felt almost nothing .

[ Please do not imagine stupid things host. Flawless card removes all the flaws from human body . It does not reorganise the body . ]

Touching his nose he smiled lightly , how could he feel that the tone of his little system was quite comtemptuous .

Doing some Sanda moves , he almost lost his balance.

'tsk.New training regime.'

The reward for advanced sanda was 4 blind boxes out of which he opened just one ,which gave him a flawless card. The 3 blind box rewards from Buisness advanced are still unopened.

Today's weekend.

Thinking of how busy he would be starting next week , he decided to relax.

'system , let's open the boxes together'.

He didn't bother system's reply . Retrieved all six metallic cubic boxes from the warehouse , he first arranged them in a row then clicked them from left to right without a delay.

The floating items almost made him breathless.

[ Congratulations host for getting Rebate card ×1

Note: Bound to host and cannot be resold.]

[Congratulations host for getting Repair fluid ×5]

[Congratulations host for getting a Black card×1

Note: Bound to host and cannot be resold.]

[Congratulations host for getting a Red envelope ×1

Note: Bound to host and cannot be resold.]

[Congratulations host for getting a land deed .

Note: Bound to host and cannot be resold.]

Looking at these things , he was speechless and then happy .

Excitedly jumping to his bed , clicking all things to his warehouse , he started checking information of each item.

Running fingers through his hairs backwardly , he put his hand down and clicked the first item .

[ Rebate Card: User will get 3- 9 times the amount spent rebated. Applicable to single source usage.]

[Black Card: A prop with usage limit of 50 million CNY .

Usage : 10/10]

He already knew what repair fluid is,out of 6 , two boxes gave him repair fluid .

[ Red Envelope: An envelope with an amount 80~ 150 million CNY .

The amount would be credited directly to users system account upon opening the envelope.]

[ Land deed: A plot of Golden land in TianCheng commercial area. Host is suggested to read the relevant documents for further details.]

He was quite surprised that the system gave him so much money at once.

Opening the red envelope , which gave him 110 million to his account . He put everything in warehouse and stretched his hands towards the land deed in his hands.

Apart from this villa, he had nothing in terms of property.

The land was located in the commercial area in Tiancheng. It was 3 hours distance away from JinCheng. He could tell it was worth more than the sum of rewards he recieved till today. If he used this wisely , it could also become one of the pillars to his foundation.

When he was relaxing and feeling that this day couldn't be better , He recieved something that made his day even better.

It was his DNA report .

He wasn't Qin SuiYun's brother.

He wasn't Qin MuRong's son.

He have nothing to do with Qin family ..hehehe~

Laughing like a child who got his favorite toy , he couldn't bear to put down the report.

Looking blankly again out of the window , he thought,

' All that left is to find my own father. I'm just curious. I want to know what kind of person he would be '.

Making up reasons and excuses on his own , he finally fell asleep after a day of tossing .