Xia LingYun(12)

Ji YinHe and Ji YanXun greeted the party and guided all five to the corner where all rich second generations were crowded.

Everyone was enthusiastic about each other while some were pushed out of the crowd.

Looking at everything , Xia LingYun picked a glass of juice and sipped lightly.

Introductions occured among each other and he also interjected a sentence or two to not be left out in cold. It wouldn't be a good thing.

" My old man wants me to work at company , I dare not be lax ", one boy said.

" Tsk. What's so good about it .My elder brother would be working. I just need to take care my dividends", another dide added lightly .

" You guys are still thinking about this and that , do you dare to think of your grades at the bottom of the class", a tomboy girl said contemptuously to the boys discussing thier future.

The atmosphere was nice and pleasant without any of the tit for tat of adults and thick masks.

There might be some , but who doesn't have one.

Suddenly a bodygaurd ran to butler's side standing beside old man and whispered some words and butler said something to the old man Ji .

While this episode happened , a commotion erupted at the entrance.

Xia LingYun wasn't able to see anything from the corner due to crowded entrance and people around. After evrything quieted down , A hoarse male voice sounded in the hall which was quite conspicious due to silence in the hall.

" Old man Ji will really live a long life ", The voice said and waved his hand to the assistant beside him .

Hearing the familiar unfamiliar cold tone , Xia LingYun was stunned.

He stayed where he was and didn't move.

When the host and guest chatted , old man went along with other's of his generation and the dance finally commenced.

Taking advantage of low crowd ,Xia LingYun looked around and finally found the man in crowd sitting in wheelchair surrounded by everyone. His ugly face makes him scarier added with his aura.

When he looked over , the man also looked over. Then he calmly turned his eyes away. He didn't know how he felt . Disappointed . Hurt.

He couldn't expect a stranger to remember him after just one meeting where he doesn't even knows other party's name.

" Would you like to dance ?" , an unfamiliar girl's voice sounded and he finally focused back.

" No , Thank you ", he smiled gently and declined politely.

When he retreated to the corner , he breathed a sigh of relief. No one should bother him here.

The banquet ended uneventfully and everyone turned to leave. As he was reaching the parking lot , A bodygaurd looking man told him that someone wanted to see him.

Following the bodygaurd , he was tense when he thought he might be targeted by someone , then he quickly calmed down.

Entering the passenger seat when he seated down , there already was someone sitting beside him.

" Little freind doesn't remember uncle anymore ..huh " , That familiar tone and voice made him almost jump in shock.

"Huh" , The self proclaimed 'uncle ' made him unable to react.

Xia JunFeng was looking at the boy who was a gentleman at the banquet and lost his IQ at the moment and was silent.

After returning that day , he investigated this young boy and found quite a lot . It said that the boy was raised by an old man and was abandoned at bus station leaving to Haicheng .

He didn't know the silly looking boy in front of him has such a miserable childhood when he couldn't eat two meals a day .

But the latest information of boy, he was only able to investigate where he lives and which school he goes.

He didn't know why he cares , but he isn't the one to shy away in making decisions.

Now that he recognised this child , then he must be under his wings. It's just in current chaotic situation , it would become a target to be destroyed instead of protection .

He would first solve those troublesome bugs and finally formally adopt this silly looking child.

He had thought about it after he recieved the investigation report.

' He would be eaten thouroughly . Such silly boy '

Xia LingYun , who firmly estabilished the image of silly boy in his soon-to- be father's mind was currently thinking why he attended a banquet and found an uncle for himself whose status was far higher than the rich families in Jincheng.

" Call uncle ", Xia JunFeng said.

" Uncle " , he said again and then looked inexplicably at someone who forcibly became relatives to himself.

'Respect the old and love the young' he recited in his mind and then decided to bring back his IQ to talk.

" I'm sorry . I didn't know your name before. " , he apologetically said.

" Xia JunFeng " , man said.

" Although I'm not your real uncle but you are a good boy and hard worker " , he said and patted his head.

" Thank you Mr. Xia , Then I would just call you Uncle Xia ",he said politely.

Xia JunFeng felt displeased and his whole atmosphere turned gloomy.

Xia LingYun didn't know what happened.

" I live in Villa No.8 , Would you like to come in ? ", he politely invited.

Xia junFeng thought for a while and then decided to see where his would-be son lives.

It's his first time to be father afterall.'Children should be under supervision' .

A self proclaimed father decided to check his son's site and finally let the driver bring him to destination without any psychological burden.

The system in Xia LingYun's mind picked up the erratic data some time ago and blankly trashed it away.


Texting his friends he would be going home with someone else , he pocketed his phone back.

Looking at the customised smartphone and high-class villa that didn't suit the investigation of his poor childhood, Xia JunFeng didn't question him.

It's not that he didn't have any doubts . It's just that he wanted the child to tell himself one day.

" Come in " , entering the fingerprints and unlocking the door , Xia LingYun invited Xia JunFeng in .

He didn't know anything about the status of the man or he wouldn't treat him so casually.

When Xia JunFeng was tucked into wheelchair carefully and was pushed into the villa into the house , he was looking around carefully .

The whole villa had a scent of lavenders and blue orchids. Although he doesn't like flowers , he doesn't find them unpleasant either.

After a while , both parties sat down in living room.

The atmosphere was broken by Xia JunFeng first.

" By now you should know that I already investigated you ".

" I know " , he said calmly , " Please ask away . What do you want to ask ?".

" Abandoned at a bus station. adopted by poor old man. No change until middle school" , Xia JunFeng stated.

" So ? " , although he knew how suspicious everything was to those who can find the truth , when this day really came , Xia LingYun was a little panicked too.

No one likes to become a research material so can only lie.

But what came next surprised him.

" I don't want you to tell me anything now. But you should know that I'm not malicious to you ." ,he said , " So you should stay in touch with me little friend . Don't let someone get your handle until you are strong enough". Xia JunFeng said.

Xia LingYun was dazed and then he felt someone patting his head.

This person whom he met only twice already had too much influence on him .

Thier each meeting would bring him some surprises like opening a pandora box .


After spending almost 3 hours with Xia LingYun and exchanging contacts , Xia JunFeng was satisfied.

He felt he made a right decision to go to Ji family today.

Meeting the boy again was an unexpected surprise. He had already thought to contact the boy again but was unable to do so.

The car drove away and what remained of was empty streets with dim streetlamps lit.


Today was surprising day for him.

Looking at the screen showing string of numbers with the title uncle , He didn't know he should laugh or cry.

This uncle came too suddenly and domineeringly, giving him no chance to think of anything .

he could only follow the man's rythm all along.

But his upwardly ticked mouth already spoke volumes of his good mood.