Xia LingYun(13)

" Boss , we planned check for talented kids in thier own areas and sponsor them in exchange for work agreement with the company . What do you think?"

" Do as you please . I 'll be busy these days so don't contact me if nothing happens. ", Xia LingYun said and disconnected the call.

Looking around at airport , he spotted assistant Bai and walked towards him with a smile. Sunglasses resting on his face and a mask.

Although he wasn't a celebrity , his looks were enough to cause people to pick up thier phone a click for is image.

He isn 't an idol and doesn't want to be too public.

His growth spurt in past two years put his height to 188cm and explosive muscle lines that couldn't be hidden . Coupled with his indifferent temperament , it would be hard not to become focus of the crowd all the time.

" You really are on time , Young master" , Assistant Bai said.

" Tsk. Don't young master me . Where's uncle ? " , he said.

Yes. The relationship with this suddenly-drooped out of nowhere-self proclaimed- uncle was something he never imagined.

He later found out the identity of the man.

Xia JunFeng , Current head of Xia family , one of the four major families in Beijing .

Two years ago ,he might not know what this represents , but the current Xia LingYun clearly knows what this means.

This person was sitting at a height where no one dares to say east when he said west.

He could create a significant loss to the country if he becomes stubborn and change the fate of multitude of people with a casual sentence.

This power and authority at such young age. A fool would not admire such person.

Getting in car , a bodygaurd picked up his luggage and the car drove towards the private villa.


" Why isn't uncle home ? " , he said dissatisfiedly to assistant Bai.

His uncle just worked too hard. He could say he's a typical workaholic.

Tomorrow is his uncle's birthday.

In two years , it was enough to see this man' s character.

Although he is gambling , he knows , it's his win . This man wouldn't let him suffer.

It is the first time he would celebrate his uncle's birthday.

He was going to give him a special and unique gift . A gift his Uncle would never imagine.


" A'Yun is getting better these days", Xia JunFeng entered the villa and said casually to the youth sitting on the sofa reading a Russian book.

" You went to work again ! uncle. ", he said dissatifiedly ," You should know your condition better . You are in your forties but you look older than it is."

" Are you trying to die and throw your hard work to me ..huh" , he gave the man a blank look and said.

Yes. This 40+ year old virgin never married and had a child, and due to his hurt body , he couldn't produce one anymore.

Both parties became silent . The atmosphere was broken by servants bringing in the diner and serving snacks and tea.


In the midnight when clock struck 12 , Xia LingYun sat up and walked out toward the adjacent room.

Xia JunFeng was sitting in the balcony with no light . He was looking at nowhere casually sipping a glass of wine when light footsteps sounded behind him.

" You didn't sleep", he said.

" Drinking in the midnight . What a good way to start your Birthday , Uncle", Xia LingYun said teasingly .

He knew, Uncle never celebrated his birthday and he couldn't find from when .

Xia JunFeng was stunned. It was quite a long time since someone remembered his birthday.

Feeling someone in front of him , LingYun was sitting down with his hands on his shriveled unconscious knees. Looking upwards at him , he said something that made him stunned.

" Happy Birthday Uncle " , He said and smiled and then said something that made Xia JunFeng suspect he was playing tricks on him.

" Uncle ! do you trust me " , LingYun said.

" of course " , he said without hesitation.

" If ....If I say that I can cure you , You can live like a normal person , you can walk again , you could even run , Would you believe me ?" , he said after some contemplation .

" You shouldn't joke about such things. I'm happy you remember my birthday ", Xia JunFeng said lightly , but his slight tremble in his hands couldn't hide his anger.

Who wouldn't be angry at such joke made on one's wounds. He would be saint.

It's not that he doesn't want to . It's just he knows he couldn't.

No matter how advanced technology is , they couldn't repair his shattered bones and burned face to the bones.

Xia LingYun could feel the mood. He felt sad . But he stubbornly looked up and said again, " I could cure you , Uncle. But you must promise me not to ask questions. You must promise me ! please" , he said pleadingly.

Xia JunFeng was defeated. He resigned himself and let the child play around.

He couldn't possibly let the child be disappointed.

LingYun pushed the wheelchair indoors and let him lie down on bed. Then he folded the trousersupto thighs.

Xia JunFeng calmed his breathing and not to lash out . He wanted to see what the child wanted to do. He doubted the claim of healing but he didn't doubt the intentions. That sincerity and pleading in youth's eyes wasn't fake.

" You should close your eyes uncle. I won't lie to you , but I couldn't tell you anything " , he said.

Placing a blindfold on Xia JunFeng's eyes , he sat back near the legs.

[ Repair Fluid ×10 ]

Retrieving 10 bottles of repair fluid , he sprinkled on the legs and burned face. Than retrieving a Flawless card , he touch Xia JunFeng's chest and crushed it.

It's not that he doean't know how this would work. It's just he tried this card once on a kitten but it didn't work. He just hopes it works this time . The repair fluid he poured was for double insurance. He doesn't want to see his uncle's disappointed eyes.

Xia JunFeng could feel a liquid dripping on his face . He couldn't feel his legs so he didn't know that it was on legs too.

He felt a hand placed on his chest and then clenched and then moved away.

He was just puzzled and then a cool sensation swept through his whole body , and then warmth. Alternating between the two sensations , he didn't know how much time had passed but he could feel it. The pain on pinching his legs , the smoothness on his face. He was excited.

He was a human . How couldn't he be excited.

Tearing of the blindfold , he looked at LingYun looking at him showing his front teeth, But what ge saw was those nervous and panicked eyes.

Huuu....He understood.

He couldn't ask.

" A'Yun! Thank you " , he said hoarsely.

his body was weak but he could feel it. it waa healthy. It waa as if his body didn't have any flaws anymore .

Xia LingYun breathed a sigh of relief.

" Uncle ! Leave the group to your subordinates . You should take care of your health at home these days" , he said domineeringly ," I don't allow you to destroy your body anymore ", he smirked.

Xia JunFeng happily agreed.


The news of Xia group head critically ill was circulating in beijing for past 5 months . No one knows why and when, what happened.

Xia LingYun was sipping coffee in the study reading documents when a middle aged man with pale white skin , thin red lips , smooth muscle lines, A perfect male God figure walked in .

" Are you showing off again ? " , he said blankly.

Looking at the young man stating enviously , Xia JunFeng laughed softly.

Patting LingYun's head , he bent down and picked some mistakes in the documents and also taught him by the way .

" Hey ! Uncle , are you planning to bring me an aunt . " , he didn't know how sour his tone was.

" Pffft...You have quite an imaginative mind" , Xia JunFend said.

He was planning to take back office and crush some restless bugs by the way.

5 months ago , he declared himself critically ill. Apart from some subordinates , no one knew.

A'Yun graduated soon after from High school and then stayed with him in capital .

He has to admit he found a treasure.

Xia LingYun was like a sponge , improving everyday at the speed visible to the naked eye.

At the age of 18 , He has a business empire almost the size of a big family in Kyoto.

Although it couldn't rival Xia group yet, It wasn't far from it.

The point was , He was just 18 .

" I'll get ready , get the folder from safe . It's those restless things' information ", he said disgustingly. Ruffling the fluffy head in his palm , he walked out.

Xia LingYun was used to such intimate behaviour. He was even sometimes felt this old man was too childish at his age.


Getting up , he opened the safe and picked up two folders.

After reading the information and sorting out relevant documents , he threw them on table and caught the third one.

A fourth folder also came along.

He didn't pay much attention .

He read one folder and opened another. What came into his view was a date. A date he left in depths of his memory and tried not to think much about it again.

It wasn't good to get his hopes dashed again and again.