Kaizel Emel Asteria(4)

When he went back to his room , this was what he saw. A list of reminders and notifications floated in front of his eyes.[ Ding ! Host completed hidden mission to show off his wealth .Reward: 1000 Gold.]

[Ding ! Host upgraded business skill to Intermediate .Reward: Draw chance ×3 ]

Looking at the system notifications , Kai almost slipped of his bed.

Why didn't he know anything ? When did he show off ? And why is the reward for his business skill arriving now?.

[ Host should ponder on these things himself. The business skill was upgraded when host showed off his business ability ]

He was silent .

This system was playing him , wasn't it. He wouldn't know beforehand how to increase his skill .

He was excited about the 1000 gold coins , but more about the draw chance . He wanted to know what he would get.

Using the three chances together, a series of notifications rang in his ears.

[Ding! Host recieved a Scaled beast luxury carriage×1]

[ Ding! Host recieved Black rock building gravel formula,Gaurdian shield card×1]

[Ding! Host recieved Enhancement card ×3]

He was stunned.

Scaled beast was a horse beast with shimmering colored scales all over its body. They run fast and are a high strength species. They are found in deep forest area and hard to tame.

It was a surprise to have a carriage run by these scaled beasts.

According to system , the carriage would be parked in the back of the castle . He could only go personally to retrieve it.

The gravel fromula was not only surprising but also made his mind run fast.

He never knew , the black rock mountains found anywhere in Azure were such treasure. If it was before , he wouldn't understand . But now he knows the prospects of such a thing.

Grounding the Black rock into fine powder, mixing it with small stones and water, a smooth path could be laid. oh well ! He was getting excited.

What made his face serious was the last thing the system gave him. Enhancement card.

The ability of a person is fixed when it is awakened unless a double awakening happens. A treasure that could advance the fixed ability is definitely something to be sought after. If he showed up in front of royal family with such treasure, they might slaughter him to get this.

And the system gave him three of such things. He didn't know what to say about this system anymore.

He decided to call Hans to see him first. There are only 10 days left before the banquet .

The invitations have already been sent two weeks ago . Since it would be a banquet in haste , only nobles from Asteria Duchy recieved the invitation.


" At least his excellency has our well being in his heart " , a young man said.

" Yes ! In the state where the castle itself is not working well , he still thought about us. " , another male said while wiping his new sword.

These were the discussions going through not only servants but also knights in the castle. After Kai's antic of buying things for them in front of his entourage , they were already changing how they view thier Lord slowly.


" Here " , he handed a parchment to Hans.

Hans was puzzled and looked at it for a while . At first he was just looking , then he became serious. What he thought was what Hans could also think of . Much more in depth at that .

Both discussed about the use of building gravel and finally decided to use it in knights training ground and laying paths in whole duchy first.

Giving another 1000 gold coins to Hans , he finally got serious.

There was no other person in the office. He walked upto to Hans and said seriously , " What I will give you next is something that could not be obtained in centuries. You must never say a word about it Hans. Niether you must ever mention it. " , he exhaled. " I do not wish you in harms way ."

Hans became serious. He knew the matter must be of grave importance to Kai or he wouldn't warn himself such.

Suddenly there was a crystal black card with shimmering silver lines all along the card in Kai's hands.

" take it. Crush it in your hands lightly" ,Kai said.

Hans did as he said . Suddenly his head hurt . His mind became hot as lava. When it slowly cooled down , he wanted to hug Kai and dance. He could feel it . His ability is far more stronger now than it used to be. It became unforgettable. He would never forget anything he sees once.

His mind felt as if a layer of fog has been cleared.Not only could he remember everything he sees once, he could also remember bits and pieces , each memory since he was concious,clear as day.

At first he felt that he should just obey , but now he panicked.

" Kai ! Why didn't you tell me before. You should have kept this treasure for yourslef. " , he said

" We need a pillar of this Dukedom Kai , What if ...? " , he didn't finish.

Both of them knew what he wanted to say , but kept quiet.

" Don't worry , I have a measure. I already kept one for myself ", Kai said.

He didn't lie. The other one he kept in case he finds a talent . What a waste to leave it in his warehouse then.

" Let's go see our new carriage" , Tugging at Hans' sleeve , he walked out without waiting .

Hans followed suit.


' huh!!!'

That was what Kai and Hans' face was saying right now in capital letters.

Both of them stared at the exquisite carriage standing in front of them. Even Kai himself was dumbfounded.

An luxurious and large carriage with the symbol of Asteria On right side and entrance at the left side .The carriage was white and the golden lining at the doors to windows were quite conspicious against white background.

In front of the carriage were four Scaled beasts , each 3 metres in hieght .

The shimmering white scales of the White beasts starting from hoofs to thier knees of each limb gave off shimmering glow. All the four beasts were white in color , the white long hairs rested on thier long necks starting from the head. The full volumetric fluffy and smooth tail at the end of thier backs swayed with each movement.

The scales also extend from the lower jaws of the beasts to thier eyes.The pure black eyes are a complete contrast to this white background of these beasts.

Kai couldn't help but stare at them longingly . He wanted to pet them . He was a child in the end.

Hans wasn't much better. The visual impact this carriage gave him was far stronger than the royal carriage he saw once in the capital .

Ah Men !

The thrill of a beautiful ride that no man can ignore.

Finally opening the door , both entered the carriage. No matter how much luxury they had seen , The red leather seats inside on both sides sitting oppositely , a table attatched to the window on the right side in the middle of both seats.

They both could only say

' Beautiful'.

The details were so finely made that they couldn't pick out any fault in it.


" Don't start buildings pathways in the duchy yet ", Kai said back in the office.

" After the banquet , We will close the gates of Asteria. I don't mind tearing my face with them . You know they won't let us go that easily ", he said again.

Yes. Kai was already planning to close Asteria to Azure on the grounds of plague. No matter how much Azure wants , the can't possibly forcefully enter the duchy. Even though they want to , he won't be able to . He smirked inwardly.

The Gaurdian shield card . He asked the system what this was and the resukt surprised him .A shield that encloses anything that is withing his territory. That was the explanation he recieved.

An advanced version of Gaurdian shield , he was excited thinking about it.

" Hans , I want that crown " , He looked up .

Hans understood . Kai was planning to do something the 5 generations of Asteria never dared to .

Become enemies with Azure.

His blood was boiling . No one would like to be under the rule of someone who washed the blood of thier people.

This treaty was unfair and a chain from the very begining.