Kaizel Emel Asteria(5)

A carriage entered the gate of the castle , after entering , it parked on a side. Servants hurriedly brought down the goods placed in the carriage.

The whole Aster Castle ushered in a festive atmosphere. No one would doubt that his excellency won't be awaken his bloodline. It has to be said that failing to awaken bloodline will cripple a person for a lifetime. Thier vitality will be reduced to half . This is price that must be paid.

Currently the castle was completely repaired and it was much better than before.

The halls are decorated and curtains and sheets in whole castle were changed.

Taking advantage of the atmosphere, the spider silk made uniforms were distributed to administrators and knights in the castle. He finally retired the old butler three days ago . Giving him a compensation of 120 gold.

The annual salary of Butler in Aster castle was 110 Gold currently.

Taking the opportunity, Hans was promoted to be new Butler of castle. Unless he finds someone new, Hans will be working as both Butler and his personal aide.

He knew how tiring this work was , but he can only wrong him .

When everything was prepared , the only thing that he had to wait for the arrival of night .


" Ugh....hu hu...huu" , Kai was currently curled up and his breathing became heavier and heavier each passing second.

He felt as if someone was pulling something from within him . He knew awakening was a painful process, but no one ever taught him it was this painful.

When it was almost dawn , Black runes lit up on his face starting from jaws to below his eyes. His golden eyes , coupled with black hairs and mysterious black runes made him look more like a devil than something holy.

When he woke up at dawn , served by the servants into a white suit coupled with white shirt . The linings on suit were fine golden and a yellow diamond , just like the color of his eyes , fixed his tie in place.

The Gold cufflinks on his shirt and coat and knee length white leather boots made him look like a young adult already .

Black hairs of waist length draped loosely at his back .If he stood anywhere still , people might think of him as a carefully carved doll by Gods.

When he was dressed up completely ,he sat in his bedroom bored.

At noon , he was taking reports from Hans and was ready to welcome his first batch of guests arriving at Aster castle after 3 long years and for the first time after the demise of previous Duke and Duchess.

He was playing with a small fruit knife in his hands repeatedly when Hans told him that it was time for his appearance in front of the guests. He swung the small fruitknife back to the fruit basket accurately.

Draping a white fur cloak on his back , he walked downstairs with his head held high .

When the door of bedroom was closed. The curtain by the window fell by lower half , cut in a smooth slanted line from left to right downwardly .

Sword of Void . That was his ability. He could send a sword slash that would disappear and reappear at the target within a certain range . Durning that fraction of time , the slash would be hidden in the void and travel through it to the target.

Such ability that could not be defended against unless his opponent could also sense the void.

He feels that from the moment he met this system , his days were getting better and better.


The grandoise hall of the castle has become quite noisy as the gathering of nobles who were waiting for today's protagonist started to talk to each other ,grouping among thier peers chatting about various things from urgent matter to cheap gossips.

The announcer at the gate of the hall kept announcing the arrival of other nobles who just arrived , only few gaining attention among them since some of the guests are already immersed in the talk of politics , economy or the flood in the south.

The hottest topic of the night is still the awakening of young Duke who would officially debut into high society today.

The various rumors of a rundown Duchy lord , a puppet lord flying around the nobles.

" The young brat is still too naive"

" Yes, The broken duchy that could have a chance to survive is already rundown with empty treasury"

" Can't you see from this banquet how empty the treasury is or not ...Shh. Don't talk nonsense"

The ladies also kept chattering around .

" Oh~ It won't take us long to look at the young duke now ....


Following her sight , everyone gazes drifted towards the entrance of the hall .Among the noise of the crowd , they could hear announcer's firm voice ,

" Announcing the arrival of Duke Kaizel Emel Asteria "




Footsteps rang through the hall like a sweet lullaby .Hitting the hearts of stupified nobles with each step , hard.

The hall quited down as the people were enchantedby the devilish angel in front of them .The combination of white and intricate gold pattern along every edge of the suit symbolize elegance and purity itself of the young boy who has yet to become a man , already showing his excellence.

The nobles started to murmur in confusion , some were even more uncomfortable. The news they recieved wasn't like this.

'Where's the puppet duke you said? What about the dazzling confident gait ? What about that terryfing aura of his ? '

They felt the new Duke might have been fishing for them all along , giving them false impression to catch all the restless mice in one go .

Perhaps Kai himself hasn 't noticed the change in himself , much less the nobles who hasn't seen him since years .

These nobles' mind was a mess right now. They guessed the young Duke might have done this to warn them ,to tell them that thier every move was under them .

Such a terryfying lord , they shuddered.

Kai walked towards the highest seat in the hall walking on the red carpet. As he sat down , he gestured the party to begin.

When everyone was dancing and drinking and chatting happily , Kai was observing them too.

No matter how much he hates , these nobles were a part of Asteria . He was thinking which one of these would become traitors if need be one day .He would place spies in each family until he could control the information flow in wgole duchy , Information and wealth would be his first step towards his goal .

After a long while he stood up from his high chair and walked to the very front , raising his nectar glass , toasting to everyone , he announced happily, " Today , as we all gather , I know you have been waiting to hear the news . Yes. I have awakened my bloodline with the blessing of our ancestors. The second announcement is what is important today.From today onwards, The gates of Asteria will be closed until we are ready . You might have your doubts. But this is an order. "

Saying so , he happily walked back without paying any mind to thier reaction .

Everyone at first were arguining causing a loud commotion but when they looked back at the young boy on high chair , they collectively flinched. As if they had accepted the one sided imprisonment .


" What a fulfilling day " he remarked as he hopped on his bed happily .

His first step was complete. The noble families under Asteria duchy are not too many but are not too less either. He couldn't risk finding a traitor and a spy for azure when he was going to do something big . That would ruin his plan .

He already told Hans to post a recruitment notice all over the duchy to tell them , within a month , they must report with thier abilities registered.

Thinking of what he was going to do next , his eyes glowed.


While Kai slept peacefully , he didn't know . The old emperor he was wary of was still thinking of sending someone to visit him soon .