Claude Easton (1)

The system returned back to void. Throwing the blue crystal which was purer in color and larger than the last one , it silently stayed afloat. Looking through the data fluctuations around it , it found it' s target and jumped, disappearing from it's place.


Claude gritted his teeth and walked out of the library. He felt despair for the first time .

The Dean told him something that shocked him to the core.

According to Dean , the Male Protection Association existed for a very long time. A time far away from this era .

During ancient times , Zerg females and males were almost similar in ratio.

Zerg females have a strong body and are prone to violence. They retain thier racial characterstics from ancient times to till now .The insect cicada like wings are the most sensitive parts of a female as well as the most lethal weapon.

Zerg males in ancient times were just as strong as females , but they had additional benefit . They could mobilize thier mental power.

During ancient times when zergs were in most primitive state , the males were only tools for mating . After a female mates with a male , he would absorb the male as nutrient for the unborn egg. The eggs that had absorbed thier male contributer were stronger than ordinary eggs and the female also has improved mental strength .

Now that Dean was dying , he told him that everything they had until now was a bubble built by those despicable females. The males of zerg now are useless . The weak and delicate body , soft appearance , and all day indulgence in promiscuity. They were still used as breeding tools disguised as the male privilages.

A male will be given multiple females to breed with. It became a matter of status. The more female slaves a male has , the higher the compatriots look at him . The abuse of females and all the atrocities to them .

He sneered.

Wasn't this the result of what these hypocritical females decided ! ?

The dean of Male Protection Association was dying . Before that , he gave him the information he had with him for all those years.

The female rebellion will soon conclude.

This farce lasted quite a while . But it was just thier self made play . The ratio of males had been declining and now it only is 100 females to one male .

How ridiculous.

He walked through a secret passage inside the file room and ended up in a large underground room amidst his thoughts.

Currently most of the males were imprisoned by the females . There wasn't even a resistance to all this.

Zerg females occupied all walks of life and males were decorative dolls whose only purpose was to enjoy life and wait for natural death . Until then , thier enjoyment was having sex with multiple females.

The methods changed. But the zerg system , maybe never changed from the very begining.

Today , after losing his only relative and father like existence , Claude felt life colorless.

What was the reason for his existence , he thought absently .

When the little male was thinking wildly in daze , a metallic electronic sound rang in his brain .

[ Ding~ Show Off the Wealth system bound succesfully ]

[ Hello , Host ]

The metallic sound greeted him politely . He was speechless . He first thought of his terminal that he destroyed to avoid tracking . This almost gave him fright . Was he installed with a chip unknowingly ?

The sound rang again .

[ The data analysis has been made , please prepare yourself for starting a life to become rich . ]

This time Claude didn't panic . He recalled what this sound called itself.

"Show off the wealth system "

What was this ? He was confused but also found out that this thing currently wasn't malicious to him and instead was suspected to be helping him .

Taking a deep breath , he asked , " Who are you ?....What are you ? ...." He corrected his words.

The system felt the host might be mentally retarded. Didn't he introduce himself twice already .

Little system didn't know how rich his emotions were becoming .

After a long explanation , Claude finally understood the purpose of this thing . To make him rich and then show off his wealth .

well , he was indeed a pauper now.

" Alright ! If you help me , I will agree to anything that you demand , Except for destruction of my people "

The system sighed again and thought , What a naive host. He silently erected the light curtain in front of the host.

[ Name : Claude Easton

  Age     : 17 years

  Wealth:  0 credits <+>

  Health:  4.3/10

          ■ Body    : 1.2/10

          ■ Mind     : 3.7/10

          ■ Spirit    : 2.3/10

  Talent :  ???( to be determined)

  Skills   : none.


  ◇ Draw

  ◇ Learning Space

  ◇  Warehouse  ___]

Claude watched the projection screen in front of him with his numerical and statistical data.

He wasn't a fool as his system claimed , instead he was intelligent than his peers.

That was also the reason Dean intended for him to become his heir and even at his last breath , he shouldered him with heavy responsibility to save his kind.

After tinkering with various options on the screen , Claude was able to figure out the various and amazing functions of this system .

He was amazed indeed but currently he was too tired to keep up with anything . Excessive use of his mental strength drained him of his limited energy. He wasn't even a C - Class male . How could he keep up with such highly tensed and vigilant state for such a long time.

Choosing a corner in the metal coated room underground , he fell asleep . He didn't want to think more for today.