Claude Easton ( 2 )

Claude slept for at least four hours before waking up again . No matter how tired he was , it was truly hard for a weak male like him to endure hardship of sleeping on cold , hard floor and the vigilance necessary for his survival.

When the ding~ sounded in his mind , his face changed. He then remembered the inexplicable system that came to him yesterday .

[ Please prepare for the daily tasks , Host ]

The system said coldly and the lught screen was once again erected in front of his eyes. This time , but with a different text .

[ Daily Task 1  : Running ( 0/1) km

Daily Task 2   : Push Ups (0/100)

Daily Task 3   : Squats    (0/100)

Daily Task 4   : Pull ups  (0/100)

Task Reward  : Food ×1

Novice Bonus : Repair Fliud ×1 ____]

" What do you mean by this ? " , he asked coldly .

What messy things were this . Who could tell me that a male could run a kilometer.

It would be miracle if he could walk thrice downstairs from 2nd floor to first floor without panting .

[ Please complete the task , Host . ]

after a while , it slowly said , this time the voice much more colder.

[ Or the punishment mechanism will be triggered for not completing daily tasks for 7 consecutive days .

Please work hard , Host . ]

Now Claude had no choice but to do as the system said . He suddenly felt he had unknowingly pitted himself instead making his life easier.

Well , It doesn't matter ....Does it ?

He picked up some food from the space button that he had previously prepared.

Just as he ate , the system notification rang suddenly .

[ Toxic substance detected .

Toxin percentage : 61.3 % ]

He threw away the food in fright.

Was his food poisoned ? ...His mood sank completely .

He didn't even know when and where and who . He underestimated his enemies.

As he was thinking wildly and asked the system , he was shocked by the answer that was presented in front of him .

[ The natural food that host consumed contains violent toxic elements that accumulate outside the mental sea of host and prevent the smooth usage of mental power ]

Now he was indeed shocked . More than ever.

He tried more than 5 servings and found that each food contains similar substance and it was naturally embedded in the food during the growth phase of plants and beasts.

'This is troublesome ' He thought .

He would stay in the underground for only a week more and then head to the outskirts of city . From where Dean's subordinates will arrange for him an identity and a starship to get out of this planet until the turmoil subsides.

He would need to save as many male zergs as he can within the limited duration until the starship sets sails in five days.

He was tight on time and had no forces in hand.

He doesn't know if other races under star alliance would be able to keep the female zergs in check if he takes shrine with them .


" No need , Just gift it to a female with high military merit this year . " , The man on the throne said coldly to the one kneeling on one knee in front of him .

This was the emperor of Zerg star , Wesner .

And also the leading female who lead the rebellion against the atrocities of males.

Not only was he strong SS+ rank female , he also was admired by almost all the female population on the zerg star .

A worm who led them to true freedom .

Wesner threw away the work irritably to his subordinates and went towards the Consort palace.

It doesn't matter how much they jump up and down . These weak males aren't worthy of standing on a high hight against females.

When the soothing agent is finally made , they would completely become the breeding tools.


He thought coldly.

He remembered how his female father was played by his male father in front of so many people , not only that . His male father allowed other males to humiliate his female father.

Those didgusting males found it fun to torture his female father and played him one by one and together.

He was just a cub and was forced to watch this disgusting show.

The worst thing was that his male father promised a male to send him to that male. He wanted to kill that worm but he wasn't able to resist.

His female father's genital cavity was destroyed and he commited suicide in despair.

He felt pain in his heart thinking of this. His female father used his own life to exchange for a chance for him to escape.

He would never let these disgusting males go . They all would pay the price.

His violence was reaching it's peak.

He entered the room where a weak looking scandily clad young boy was leaning against bedpost.

When the boy saw him entering the room , he shivered.

He hurriedly got down from bed and sat on both knees in front of him , not daring to look up .

" Welcome back ,....Master " , the boy couldn't hide the tremble in his voice.

Wesner laughed coldly . Picked up the male and threw him on bed back hand.

Jules was a S - Class male.

The higher the mental power of males , the weaker thier physique is.

He had just gone through his final transformation when he was forcibly detained by this newly proclaimed emperor female.

He wanted to know what his crime was.

He looked up in horror as the female unbottoned his clothes one by one.

" Soothe my mental power " , the female ordered coldly.

When both were naked , he watched as the female sank slowly on him . He was in so much pain . He wished he could die but he dared not .

As mental power slowly and cautiously probed into his mental sea , wesner calmed down and lifted his hips up and down without any emotion , watching the weak and stupid male below him changing his face in different colors.

Pain . Pleasure. Despair.


' Lower body beasts ' he thought coldly .

He just needs to lay some eggs to make insects believe that everything is fine and zerg race would not disappear.

Even without freedom , males could still be used.

After some time , the male below was flushed red and sweating profusely. When wesner felt the limp organ slipping out , he tightened himself and contained the liquid inside.

His mental power was soothed better . No matter how they are , mental power of high class males is still useful .

He thought.

Without looking at the male who was lying like fished out of water , he picked up his clothes , buttoned them one by one , and walked back to his own palace.