Claude Easton (3)

The episode at the palace had nothing to do with Claude . No matter how shrewd he felt he was , compared to the people who were beaten by society , he was still pampered by Dean all his life. He never knew his parents .

Claude was more like a carefully cultivated rose with thorns , no matter how much thorny it is , if it is beautiful , it still would be plucked. His vigilance was the mild common sense his adoptive father aka dean of Male Protection Association had fixed into his brain from the very young age.

A person who never ever had gone to outside world apart from the small villa , how could he make decisions and judge the situation.


Claude was now lying on floor , sprawled with his arms and legs spread. He tried hard to get up but he couldn't . The poor little male looked so bullied .

The system kept encouraging him to do the task honestly. Claude was really feeling aggrieved. Where had he ever encountered such hardships. Now he still hadn't completed a single task displayed on the screen.

[ Please get up host . The repair fluid rewarded by the system can recover all the fatigue and injuries recieved to hosts body ]

The ' salesman ' system started counting advantages of it's products to lure the little lamb.

In half a day , Claude finally finished his Daily task , of which the running task could be done through treadmill as system made an exception , that is what the system said.

[ Daily Task 1  : Running ( 1/1) km

Daily Task 2   : Push Ups (100/100)

Daily Task 3   : Squats    (100/100)

Daily Task 4   : Pull ups  (100/100)

Task Reward  : Food ×1

Novice Bonus : Repair Fliud ×1 ____]

[ Food box × 1 : Obtained ]

[ Repair fluid × 1 : Obtained ]

He was happy . Gulping down the repair fluid in one go , he opened the food box.

The metallic black box contained three servings. Obviously meant for three meals a day.

After taking the first bite of the meals , his eyes widened. The whole insect was refreshed. This is clearly a delicacy that even nobles could not enjoy. Devouring the food eagerly , he felt it was worth it. There was no more reluctance to work a little hard.

humm. Of course you have to work hard to eat .

He thought silently.

In the background , the system kept looking at the blinking probability data . It then silently closed it back . It was a good thing that host would not need him to waste his energy on punishments.


A week passed by in a flash . During this week , Claude's physique was changing visible to the naked eye.

His muscles weren't as tender as they were at the begining .

The face also shed it's baby fat . He would go through his final awakening stage sooner or later.

Now he thinks it's better to be stronger.

The system didn't arrange for any classes for him during first week.

It already has it's plans.

The host is too He needs to first get down from high horse and get to know reality.

So now , the poor Claude had to make a choice.

[ Mission 1 : Rescue 10 male zergs .

Time Limit : 10 days .

Reward : 10 Draw chances .

Note : Positioning system will be turned on with the acceptence of mission . Host can accurately locate the nearby male zergs needed for rescue.

Penalty : Daily task × 3 ]

He was in a dilemma. If he stays , the starship would leave and he would never have a chance to leave this planet again . The current suffocating bunker was no longer safe. Sooner or later someone would notice the activity.

But he still thought of how his adoptive father Dean cared about the same kind , He felt overwhelmed and accepted the task.

Before that , he needed to prepare himself thoroughly . The system as a guide and instructor , of course the preparation went smoothly and comprehensively .


Since he didn't have his terminal with him , he couldn't contact anybody . Claude accepted the fact that he would be stuck on this planet and would have to lead a life of refuge until he could make a comeback .

Dressed in black clothes and fully covering himself up with only his eyes showing , Claude silently walked in the night towards a clubs direction . The little cub had never been to such places.

When he slowly and stealthily crept up to second floor's window , he jumped inside and tried to make the least sound.

Just as he entered and recieved the signal from the system that he currently was safe , he heard some suspicious voices. he slowly walked towards the door and tried to listen more .

It sounded like someone was breathing heavily . The door was open so he didn't need to open it or check as it suddenly opened a gap due to him leaning in to listen .

But when he looked inside what was happening , his stomach churned and he desperately held his bile that came up in his oesophagus.

Three Strong females were naked and had sneers on thier faces. A male in the middle was whipped and bound into suspicious posture with thin hemp ropes. The whole body was covered in blood and had various whip marks and toothmarks.

As the male was facing the door with his face looking up to cieling posture , he could clearly see his genitals hung down red blood seeping on it as if it would never be used again . The female nearby applied a thick paste on it and laughed at the male again.

Claude ran out of the window and kept running until he squatted near a dark alley . He kept vomiting . The system kept quiet and watched his host burning with rage and hostility .

According to data , the host was like living in a fairytale where he wasn't a sleeping beauty but the prince and everyone else was waiting for him to save him .

He could never get his commision done if he had this mentality . The system was just throwing him back to reality .


Claude went back to the bunker he lived in for a week . There was a bathroom inside . The door that lead to outside could only be opened from inside . Once opened , if from outside it is forcefully tried to open , it will release a pisonous substance continuously .

He had plans to go out and go away from this planet . Now he was confused.

What should he do ?

What he saw today was clearly the blind spot of his knowledge.

He was taught physiology class , but it clearly told a different story than the brutality he saw today .

The system told him that this was the least dangerous place and that's why it was designated as his first target.

He felt a bone chilling coldness. Does this means the other 9 targets were far worse than this ?

The system was silent and no one answered him .

After bathing for a while , he unconsiously recalled the brutal and disgusting scene and retched again for an hour.

When he was tired and couldn't keep up , he lay exhausted and curled up like insecure beast in a corner.

The system wasn't the least bothered about breaking the three views of his host . It was a ruthless machine and only the endgoal matters .

It made another plan comprehensively and decided it was soon time for the second step to rectify the delusional disorder of greenhouse prince male.