episode 32 Kaigenes #1

At the "North east nation" headquarters "Abyss" is having a meeting with "Ranga" in a battle of "Checkers".

Abyss:-well then old friend, what do you say to play a friendly match on "Checkers"?

Ranga:-[chuckle]don't even try, I bet you haven't even got the greatest strategy against mine.

Abyss:-you bet? One day you'll regret saying that, get ready cause I've been practicing all day.

Ranga:-[makes the first move]…say…it has been years since I've been humiliating my childhood friend, but I've never been more humiliated when that brat won against me.

Abyss:-[laugh]you're able to defeat a king but you couldn't defeat a child? Are you talking about that kid who stopped us from killing each other?

Ranga:-stopped us? No…only I'm included in this, that brat had some kind of destructive "Kaigene" powers.

Abyss:-I've seen his aura before, it felt like he was angry for something…I wish I could see him.

Ranga:-are you thinking about inviting him to your army? That ain't gonna happen because I'll do it before you.

Abyss:-[angry]this circle you're making goes on and on with no end.

Ranga:-[angry]are you mocking me or this is all about giving me advice?

Abyss:-[smile]…cause I've seen his students, and checkmate[win].

Ranga:-[gasp]what? You caught me by focusing on one piece?

Abyss:-now what you are seeing is my courage, it's the courage to move forward even though I'm not winning every time…this is my first.

Ranga:-so that's why you're not giving up, you're carrying this courage for years just to win once in your life against me!

Abyss:-[sigh]I wonder where that child's at right now? Bet he's relaxing right now or maybe he's on another journey.

Ranga:-why are you all interested in him? A "Kaigene" like him he's way out of your league.

Abyss:-that's not it…what I ask for is a friend request.

Meanwhile "Armel" shows everyone that he is a "Kaigene" who makes bubbles.

Shimarai:-[surprised]wow, I've never seen a water "Ki" user who can make bubbles come out of their hands!

Armel:-that's not the only thing I can do, I can make images out of them either…they are 13 "Kaigenes" in total and I only know 5 of them, the first one I know he lives at south east in secret, no one knows anything about him yet, his name is "Blake" and I know exactly where to spot him.

Klai:- lives in secret?! Why am I not surprised…? How is it only you know their locations?

Armel:- I take a peek.

Yaguto:- you take a peek?

Armel:- no one ever told me to toss a bubble flying around the nations…since I stopped doing it cause I'm caught.

Klai:-now we know where to go so we're heading there immediately.

Armel:-okay, [smile]if you need any help I'm right here.

Kira:-actually you're coming too.

Armel:-…[gasp]wait, I got work to do and lots of school works.

Kira:-[drag "Armel"]cut the crap, you are the map and we are not going to leave you here.

Armel:-[panic]someone help me.

Since "Armel" got dragged to the team they took off heading south east.

Armel:-…it's not nice to drag people like this, especially for a child.

Kira:-ah grow up, will you? You were used to these kinds of things.

Tika:-…I'm sorry.

Shimarai:-…so uhm…do you hate "Komi"?

Armel:-I wouldn't say I hate him but, something about him I can't trust, I mean he did teach you archery and somehow it looked like murder is nothing to him.

Shimarai:-[sweat]yeah, about that…he's used to watching corpses, he said he used to go to some organization where they test out o human bodies.

Kira:-don't get it all in your thick skull, thinking about it too far might hurt.

Armel:-I doubt that…say, when did you guys first met him? He is a child but at the same time knows how to fight.

Klai:-…about 3 years ago…do you remember the 3 kids that went searching?

Armel:-I heard rumor, they shot those yellow crystals that stops "Ki".

Klai:-he is one of them.

Kira:-the true story about that is that he went searching for the miss girl from his world, turns out she was somewhere else that made him leave, and also it was his childhood friend.

Armel:-[surprised]now I see why he envied me.

Klai:-we have arrived.

The team have entered "South east" nation, the villages are like stone cities with exotic supplies and animals.

armel:-everything is much more…envious when it comes merchandise, although they didn't beat north west as it rises.

Shimarai:-so where does he live?

Armel:-didn't tell you his main location cause it's secret, the only place here to find him is to enter the battle ring.

Kira:-in other words his father used to be a wrestler till he let his son take over.

Stella:-this sounds like a father and son thing!

The team entered the stadium of might and there they see "Blake" fighting using smoke "Ki".

Kira:-that's him alright…still cranky as ever.

Armel:-yup, he comes here all day but no one talks about him.

Klai:-more like he defeated a lot of them…the only way rumors spread is when he loses.

Shimarai:-so all we got to do is defeat him then get him to talk.

Blake:-[yell]C'mon guy, can't anyone know my weakness.

Stella:-I think I have a better idea, how about I go and fight him.

Shimarai:-[gasp]wha? But you only can use metal.

Stella:-[step in the ring]hey, gladiator, how about we talk after when this is over?

Yaguto:-she's crazy!

Blake:-what's up with that? You come here to prove yourself?

"Stella" used the metal that is around her so she can get ready for battle.

Blake:-oh I see, you're no ordinary young lady, [gets smoke "ki" ready]you better get moving cause this is only a men's job.

Stella:-don't blame me when I beat you.

As "Blake" and "Stella" fight they both made the audience pretty curious.

Armel:-[surprised]how come his powers did not touch her?

Shimarai:-we are more than just "Kaigenes"…we we're trained to be on top ranks.

Kira:-that's what the boy you hate so much made…skilled, unstoppable, promoted young warriors that can even defeat the highest.

Klai:-we say so much for an expert for doing all this.

"Stella" strategized and defeated "Blake" by a surprise.

Stella:-you have lost…I saw your openings.

Blake:-ah shut it.

Everyone meets "Blake" at the preparation room.

Armel:-so um, long time no see.

Blake:-is that all you got to say? Besides that look at "Tika", she's grown much cuter than the other one.

Klai:-is there something you can do with your smoke "Ki" besides fighting?

Blake:-you're the one to talk, I haven't used my "ki" on anything else besides fighting.

Kira:-how blunt! You fight all day and you never lost a single fight.

Blake:-haven't lost till now, the whole nation will now know who I am, besides that you caught me by surprise…who's your master?

Stella:-…he is what you call…the boy who defeated king "Ranga".

Blake:-oh really? Then let me meet him.

Shimarai:-yeah, and about that…he's gone missing, no one has found him yet.

Klai:-so why did want us to meet "Blake" as the first?

Armel:-well it is a fresh start since he's stuck with battling in the ring, he can't actually track anyone that are missing.

Kira:-[shake "Armel" back and forth"]Then what's the point of spreading rumors and putting him in trouble?

Blake:-relax, the rumors were just part of a deal, besides that if you're looking for someone who can track people I can't do that, we better go look for "Samuel".

Shimarai:-great, so we should meet more people, where does he live?

Armel:-[head spin]"Samuel" lives at the "North east" nation, he is kind of like you guys but more…complicated.

Stella:-what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Blake:-well I'm joining this adventure.

Shimarai:-quitting the ring?

Blake:-not that, I'm going to find out how does your master looks like and might teach me some tricks.

The team took off with "Blake" and headed to "North east" nation.

Blake:-say, I can see some of you are quiet! Never mind that cause it's not what matters to me.

Tika:-is it okay to leave without telling?

Blake:-what do you mean? We all do that the whole time, either way it doesn't even matter to me even if I'm blamed at.

Armel:-[chuckle]they all do it…but me, I was the easiest to catch.

Blake:-ah the good old days…although "Samuel" nails his escape all the times.

Kira:-yeah, I can still remember what kind of child is he.

After arriving at the "North east" nation the atmosphere got much smoother than they expect, like the skin felt smooth as the wind touches.

Kira:-[surprised]woah, somehow my skin feels smooth.

Shimarai:-you're not wrong, something seems more…fantasized.

Yaguto:-either way aren't we gonna go searching?

"Armel" leads the team to the castle.

Shimarai:-[surprised]wait, don't tell me that he's a warrior!

Blake:-no one knows anything about him since he came here.

Stella:-alright, then let's see what kind of a "Kaigene" is he.

Armel:-I don't think we need brute force for this situation.

Shimarai:-what makes you think we would do that?

Tika:-"Armel", is there something you know?