The team entered the castle to meet king "Abyss" and he looks happy.
Abyss:-oh, it's you again…have you decided or not, little one?
Armel:-so when he says little one he doesn't mean you, does he?
Tika:-…I haven't decided yet.
Abyss:-that's a shame, besides that there is someone missing that's quite bothering!
Shimarai:-our master has gone missing, no one knows where to find.
Abyss:-[surprised]that's not good! And here I thought that I was close to become friends with him.
Armel:-your majesty, do you know where we could find "Samuel"?
Abyss:-I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that name.
Blake:-yup, the king never met "Samuel" before, he's a get away trouble maker going in and out, and above all that he uses ice more than anything.
Abyss:-[think]hmm, I think you mean by that pesky little getaway who always pulls pranks, that's the main trouble we have that we put aside.
Klai:-so he's not here, just running around the city doing whatever he likes, we could find him somewhere on the roofs or in the crowds but catching him might be difficult.
Kira:-that's not good, last time he returned he was all high to himself.
Shimarai:-looks like this is a job for you, little brother.
Yaguto:-I'm no longer a warrior, remember?
Shimarai:-oh C'mon, you can't just stand here and do nothing, you're not like me and besides…you're doing this to help.
Abyss:-looks like you're all quite on a hurry…[stand up]can the king join this adventure? I really want to know what kind of child is this… "Samuel" that you're speaking of.
Klai:-don't trouble yourself, he's not someone easy to catch.
Abyss:-that's the main reason I want to see just how good is this "Kaigene".
Shimarari:-alright then, let's start by putting my eyes in the sky.
"Shimarai" connects with the air and begins searching for "Samuel" as he pulls pranks and paints on statues.
Shimarai:-found him! he's just east of here painting statues, C'mon.
Abyss:-[angry]oh that damn brat, we just cleaned those statues yesterday.
The team went east from the castle, "Samuel" was waiting on the statue for gaurds and looking at the sky.
Samuel:-ah, you guys! Long time no see, I see that "Blake" have lost.
Blake:-[pissed of]oh shut up.
Kira:-still nosy as ever, you like looking for trouble and it never ends.
Samuel:-[smile]what can I say? It's a hobby of mine.
Abyss:-child, if you're looking for trouble would you mind doing it elsewhere? Can't you just grow up for once?
Samuel:-well I would…that if you catch me…I heard rumors of children wandering around that stopped a war between "North east" and "South east", and with them is a boy who mentored those children.
Shimarai:-[push "Yaguto"]C'mon, let's get it over with and head to track "Wreck"…what are you waiting for? You're the only one good at the game.
Yaguto:-…fine, I'll do it,[step forward, yell]hey "Samuel"…I'm going to catch and when I do you'll be coming with us.
Samuel:-only you volunteer? But I don't think I would be caught by a rookie!
"Yaguto" was pissed, he jumped and tried to catch "Samuel".
Yaguto:-[angry]just so you know I was trained more than you think.
Samuel:-ah, the youth! You can't catch me.
Yaguto:-you bet?
They both went around the city then into the hall ways nonstop, "Yaguto" almost got him but he used ice "Ki" block his hand.
Samuel:-that was a close call! You knew exactly how to reach me; I take it back you're no rookie…your teacher must be intelligent on doing things.
Kira:-so are we just gonna let "Yaguto" go chase him all by himself?
Shimarai:-he's much more good at these games, well technically good at catch but bad at evading.
Stella:-last time we played he was the only one getting caught every time while catching all of us in some other rounds.
Klai:-in other words an untouchable bunny is about to lose to a professional fox.
The chase continues on the roofs then near the gardens.
Samuel:-(what is that kid? He really keeps up after all that)!
Blake:-now that's bummer! "Samuel" might be irritated after that.
Shimarai:-yup…that's what they usually say when it comes to my brother.
Stella:-the more you piss him of on running the more his instinct he grows!
"Yaguto" decides to shoot fire "Ki" so "Samuel" could use ice then took the advantage of the steam.
Samuel:-yikes, he wants me to make it foggier so we can't see.
"Samuel" climbed to the roof where "Yaguto" could catch him and lose.
Yaguto:-[grab arm]…I got you, no more playing around.
Samuel:-[irritated]oh dang it, no fair.
"Yaguto" dragged "Samuel" to the team.
Abyss:-[excited]finally, now that he's captured our citizens won't have trouble cleaning.
Kira:-[smile]that was your first loss…how do you feel?
Samuel:-[look away]…I hate you, hate you all.
Klai:-"Samuel"…that was the highest record you ever made! Have you ever thought of returning for once?
Samuel:-…alright, fine…what do you want from me?
Tika:-"Samuel", do you know anyone of our classmates who can track people without knowing them.
Samuel:-[surprised]…"Tika" talked nicely without being that shy, [pardon me] ahm, okay going back to that, you should head to the "South" nation, there you'll find a certain someone who's part "Armel" but sparks a lot.
Klai:-sparks a lot?! You mean "Shanks".
Kira:-yup, "Shanks" sparks a lot.
Blake:-he doesn't play much, just like "Armel" here.
Armel:-[panic]hey, don't compare me to him.
Samuel:-he's right though, you don't show off that much and stay low, it's like you both enjoy showing yourselves.
Abyss:-would you do me a favor? I would like for your mentor to consider for something, you see me and king "Ranga" have planned…for a meeting, if he would like to join it's alright if he declines.
Klai:-will do with honor, his majesty.
The team invited "Samuel" then left "North east" and headed to the "South" nation, the city was breezing with wonderous plants and incredible arts, the houses, shops and dojos seemed peaceful than other.
Tika:-the atmosphere is similar to our home.
Samuel:-this is "south" city, cozy as ever.
Armel:-he's somewhere around here, it's one of these houses.
Blake:-wait…is that the teacher right there?
The stop nearby a teacher by the name "Ankerstein".
Armel:-it's mister "Ankerstein".
Blake:-hey teach.
Ankerstein:-[confused]good evening, students?
Tiktok:-hi mister "Ankerstein".
Ankerstein:-[confused](she finally spoke clearly), wait what are you all doing here? "Klai" and "Kira"?
Kira:-what's up "Ankystein"? are you on a vacation?
Ankerstein:-[blue]please don't tell everyone.
Tiktok:-mister "Ankerstein"…can you please tell us about "Shanks"?
Ankerstein:-[opened mind, surprised](no way, what kind of voice is this? Am I in heaven)? Ahm, you want to know about "Shanks"?! he…doesn't actually talk that much but he is at a small shelter near hear.
Mister "Ankerstein" leads the way to "Shanks".
Shimarai:-[whisper]this could be the final place we ever looked to find "Wreck", he should be the one who can spot him.
Stella:-I don't know, could be another puzzle to lead us for other members.
Yaguto:-and still, they say he sparks a lot.
Ankerstein:-yet that "Shanks" he never comes around just like "Armel".
Blake:-[I was right]told you.
Armel:-ah, forget it.
Ankerstein:-at school days they call these kind of students the "Shadow students"…they are present but they don't show it, standing somewhere where other teachers can't pick them to answer any questions, just spectating like a watcher and show effort in exams.
Kira:-woah, so that is why they are similar.
Armel:-[angry]don't include me, I changed.
Klai:-so is he still studying?
Ankerstein:-not quite, the moment everyone leaves and he's alone in the dark you might hear some popping sounds coming out.
Klai:-popping sounds?
Kira:-oh right, he is part you know what, a "Shadow student" like him really is cautious!
Armel:-that doesn't include me.
Samuel:-speaking of Shadows since when were you and "Tika" speaking loudly all of a sudden.
Blake:-yeah you're right, it's like you were both reborn.
Samuel:-[whisper]I remember when you stalked her…you were trying to listen to her ever since.
Armel:-[blush]nope, I don't remember doing that, besides that I lost interest of…never mind.
Tika:-I can hear you…he was jealous and started hating himself regretting not to speak normally.
Blake:-ouch, that's a direct hit.
Samuel:-I'm sorry bro, you changed that much just because you found someone.
Armel;-[angry]I'm fine, okay? Don't touch me with those irritating words.
Ankerstein:-we are here, just by that door.
The moment they a approached the door, he started making popping noises.
Klai:-it's just like you said!
Ankerstein:-he won't stop doing that, hope fully you all get along but…I'm gonna go now, see you later everyone.
Mister "Ankerstein" leaves and "Yaguto" went to knock on the door, "Shanks" opens the door.
Yaguto:-hi there, can we be frie--?
"Shanks" slams the door and locks it.
Yaguto:-[angry]hey, you've got a problem?
Shanks:-…as if it's "Yaguto", "Shimarai", "Stella", "Kira", "Klai", "Tika", "Blake", "Samuel", "Landy" the morph and the "Shadow" student "Armel".
Shimarai:-[shocked]no way…this "Kaigene"…knows everything.